In the next few days, I put aside everything and closed my heart. I was reflecting and thinking all the time. I didn't do anything every day when I did this. I was drinking to drown my worries. I was constantly introspective. I wanted to recognize my heart. But I couldn't think of why.

I was so upset that I gave up my hatred of Xie Yu, or I didn't blame her, because I knew that she did not really hurt me. What she said before was just to stimulate hatred in my heart, and their real purpose was to stop me from making girlfriends. In fact, I was confused and confused in love, which I had already forgotten My original intention, with the expansion of my power, my people have indeed changed.

But after thinking about it for a few days, I still can't figure out whether it's my sympathy overflowing and reluctant to hurt any woman, or that I'm just an amorous slag man. I don't understand, I really don't understand. These things, like a tumor, grow slowly in my heart. I want to explode. I feel that I'm back at the time when I'm being slaughtered. Even Shen Muchen's brothers enlighten me are useless. I just immerse myself in my own world, and I'm dying of pain.

I live in a muddle every day, often drunk like mud, one day is drinking, sleeping, can't learn, brothers I don't care, my life began a short period of self indulgence, such a day has continued.

Until the sixth day, I was awakened by a phone call in my sleep. During this time, Shen Muchen called me several times to dissuade me and call me to get normal. There are still many things to do in the future. I didn't think about it. I thought it was Shen Muchen, so I picked it up directly and said lazily to the phone, "I'm sleeping. I'll hang up if I'm ok!"

Only listen to the phone that came is a female voice, a person listened to the intoxicated voice, she is not others, is to misunderstand my Luo Ziyi, heard me this sentence, she directly disdained to say: "OK, sleep, goodbye!"

When I heard that the person calling was Luo Ziyi, I immediately woke up in the drunken dream, and all the negative state of my body disappeared. When she was about to hang up, I stopped and said, "wait a minute, Ziyi, I'm ok!"

Luo Ziyi's attitude is still indifferent, slowly said: "Ye Zixuan, let's talk about it, the address will be sent to you!"

After that, Luo Ziyi hung up the phone without waiting for me to reply. I still had a lot to say, but she didn't give me this chance at all. After so many days, she came to see me. Could it be said that Ziyi had already forgiven me and was ready to make up with me? Thinking of this, I was in turmoil and did not think of any harm at all.

Later, Luo Ziyi sent me the address and asked me to go to the coffee shop outside school at 2:30 p.m., where she would wait for me. I looked at the time, it was already one o'clock, I did not say a word, quickly got up.

I've been living in my bedroom for several days. I don't comb my hair and wash my face. My beard has grown very long. I feel decadent. At this time, I'm like an old man who is running 60 years old. I've lost all the youthful vitality that young people should have. But after a lot of cleaning up, I'm handsome again. I want to show my best side to Luo Ziyi.

After washing, I set out. Since it was Luo Zi who agreed with me, I was embarrassed to let her wait for me. Although I was not a gentleman, I also wanted to show a gentleman's appearance and go to the appointed place to wait for her in advance.

After many days, I finally left my dormitory where I have lived for a long time. Today's sun is particularly dazzling, and the air is particularly hot. Standing in the sun, I enjoy the sunbathing comfortably. Although it is very hot, for me who has not been exposed to the sun for a long time, I am really comfortable and enjoy it.

Luo Ziyi's location is not far away, but it's not too close to walk. It's about 15 minutes away from the school. I didn't take a taxi, but trotted all the way. When I arrived, I found that there were not many people in the coffee shop. I saw Luo Ziyi's figure all of a sudden. Unexpectedly, she came earlier than me. She was in the innermost corner, leaning against the window, she could clearly see the passers-by on the road. Then, I went to Luo Ziyi.

When I came to her side, I took the lead and said, "I'm sorry, Ziyi, I've kept you waiting for a long time."

I said, I said sorry look, but Luo Ziyi's expression is still so indifferent, looked at the watch, said: "don't apologize to me, you arrived 20 minutes earlier than the appointed time!"

When she said this, the atmosphere was very embarrassed. At this time, the waiter came over and said, "Hello, sir, what can I do for you?"

Without thinking about it, I said, "a latte, no sugar, thank you."

After the waiter left, I said again, "Ziyi, I hope you don't misunderstand me. I didn't expect that Shen Yue would shamelessly do that. You know my character, you should believe me!"

I don't know what Luo Ziyi thought in the end, and I don't know what she asked me to do, but I still went back to the topic of that day to clarify myself for what happened that day. Even if we can't be together in the end, I don't want to think I'm a hypocrite in her heart.Hearing my explanation, Luo Ziyi said with disapproval: "Ye Zixuan, I know your character. I was impulsive and reckless that day. I didn't listen to your explanation. OK, I believe you!"

When Luo Ziyi's mouth said these words, the dark cloud in my heart instantly dispersed, which means that she has forgiven me. We can still make up as before, but this is just my self comfort. Unexpectedly, Luo Ziyi's next words make me even worse.

"Ye Zixuan, I believe you, but it doesn't mean that we can still be together. My mother's wish is to let me find a boy who is stable and can give me happiness. However, although I am happy with you, people like you are doomed to be extraordinary. Therefore, I can't disobey my mother's idea, and we still break up Come on!

You treat my mother money, I will find a way to return you, you are good to me, I also deeply remember in my heart, thank you in my world, gave me happy, happy, also wish you, in the future will find a better girl than me

Luo Ziyi's words are so resolute, but her expression has completely betrayed her. Her eyes are full of tears, and her expression is helpless. The more she is, the more painful my heart will be. Did not expect a Xie Yu's appearance, thoroughly disrupted my life, let my love everywhere blocked.

Suddenly, a deep sense of fear on the fierce attack on my heart, I thought I had time, time to let me know myself, time to let me understand the direction of love, time to let me solve Xie Yu, I naive thought that Luo Ziyi would consider for me, would give me this time, but I did not stand in her angle to think, did not think of her body And then there was a mother Luo. This is my biggest failure.

I can also see that Luo Ziyi always has me in her heart. At the beginning, she did not alienate me because of my identity, nor refused me because I couldn't put Fang Qing in my heart. She did all this because of mother Luo, and mother Luo didn't want her daughter to live in fear all day long. Luo Ziyi is a filial girl, and I understand her practice 。

I think that I am a strong man now, but when I hear Luo Ziyi's words of parting her love with pain, I feel sad, my heart is like a knife, and tears flow out on my face. I directly stare at Luo Ziyi, some lost said: "Ziyi, I love you, my life really can't do without you, can you not leave me?"

This time, Luo Ziyi is a thorough cry, in the face of a person who likes and deeply loves her, yes, girls can not control, she sobbed a whole, choked said: "Zixuan, I don't want, I don't want to, but mom, I can't disobey her words!"

I knew that Xie Yu must have threatened with mother Luo, otherwise mother Luo would not have such prejudice against me. I looked at Luo Ziyi and said softly, "Ziyi, I have only one word to tell you. As long as you believe me and love me, I will solve all the obstacles in our love one by one."

Luo Ziyi said: "but, mother, she, I don't want to make her sad!"

I always thought Luo Ziyi would stand on my side no matter what happened, but I ignored a person, mother Luo. On the road of love between me and Luo Ziyi, the person who arranged us was mother Luo, and the person who broke us up was mother Luo. If I had to be with Luo Ziyi, then how should I face the person who looks similar to my mother and let her Treat me as before.

I looked at Luo Ziyi affectionately and said solemnly, "believe me!"

I've never had a sense of crisis, and I'm calm about everything, but when I thought that rozie was really going to leave my life, I finally knew that I couldn't live without her, I couldn't lose her. I love her, but also want to use my life to guard her, want to and her life-long inseparable, I can't let her leave my side, absolutely not.

Luo Ziyi didn't speak, just nodded gently. I got up and did it by her side and wiped the tears on her face. Out of reaction, Luo Ziyi was directly lying in my arms, sobbing and sobbing, and what I can do now is to accompany her silently by her side.

As long as you want to be with Luo Ziyi, you have to solve Xie Yu's trouble. But our actions are all in vain. So what can I do? Starting with Shen Yue, this idea has been decisively eliminated by me. She is a small minion beside Xie Yu and can't get on the stage. What can I do? Go and ask her. It's absolutely impossible. I can't do it.

Come on, I don't want to. Let's take a look. In the following time, I told Luo Ziyi what happened that day, including Xie Yu's appearance. I confessed to Luo Ziyi about everything.

After listening to my explanation, Luo Ziyi was silent for a while, but in the end, she still understood me and thoroughly understood my people and my heart. It was because I had a kind heart that luoziyi would take a fancy to me. Of course, in the process of chatting, Luo Ziyi still kept blaming me, saying that I should not carry anything by myself, and told her that she would undertake with me. I was moved by her saying so.

Perhaps for Fang Qing, I still love her, I will not leave her, it is enough, after so many days, through this time, we chatted a lot, two people exposed everything to each other, in the future, no matter who has anything to say, together face to face.At this moment, I finally know that true love needs mutual understanding and frank treatment. After telling Luo Ziyi everything, I feel relaxed and my heart becomes firm. Therefore, in order to express my sincerity, I also promised Luo Ziyi that I would never hide from her and endure all difficulties.

From this moment on, there was no estrangement between us, and we were as good as before. What we had to face next was not Xie Yu's obstruction, but mother Luo. Only with the approval of mother Luo, no matter what happened in the future, could not stop the love between me and Luo Ziyi. At the moment, I immediately decided to go to mother Luo to confess and let her agree that I was with Ziyi Together.

So, after finishing the chat with Luo Ziyi, we went out of the cafe together and went to Luo Ziyi's home.

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