In order to express my apology and sincerity, I bought a lot of things to make amends for Luo's mother. I also bought a lot of tonics for Luo's mother, hoping that she would be in good health. Although I know that these things can't repair their injured hearts or make up for my fault, all I can do is just this.

When I bought something good, Luo Ziyi and I took a taxi and went straight to her house. I also made up my mind that no matter what I did, I would not give up Luo Ziyi. Now I am afraid of mother Luo and hope to see mother Luo. I feel entangled in my heart, but I still have to face it personally. No matter what, as long as I am with Luo Ziyi, then, Luo Ziyi Mom, I can't avoid it.

The car accelerated on the road, not long after, the car entered luoziyi's residential area. When I came here, my heart was even more worried. When the car stopped in front of the dilapidated residential building of luoziyi's house, she and I got out of the car, carried the things we bought back, and got off the car in a hurry. Then, I entered the old residential building with Luo Ziyi Tao, walking up the dark floor.

At one breath, I came to the floor where Luo Ziyi lived. My face was not right. Luo Ziyi was also a little panting, and her face was slightly red. She frowned slightly and looked at one of the worn-out doors on the sixth floor. Her eyes were full of expectation. But I was extremely heavy in my heart. Excitement and despair coexisted. But I tried to bury my emotions, suppress all kinds of pain, and knock gently The next door.

But what surprised me was that the door of Luo Ziyi's house seemed to be broken. After a few taps, the broken door opened by itself. What made my heart tremble even more was that when the door opened, I saw that this once warm little house with less than 50 square meters was already empty, leaving two shabby furniture and withering miserably.

Just for a moment, the thing in my hand clattered and fell to the ground. A cruel reality was put in front of me. Mother Luo actually left, but she still abandoned Luo Ziyi and left by herself. So warm and happy a home, suddenly become so withered, this is like a record of the loudest slap in the face, bang once directly I fan Meng.

All of a sudden, a thousand emotions, loss and sadness sprang up in my heart. Melancholy, guilt, remorse, etc. At this moment, my eyes are a little hazy, for mother Luo's guilt, originally so deep, if I didn't disturb Luo Ziyi's life at the beginning, maybe I can be calm, but I have already disturbed Luo Ziyi, and let me fall in love with me, let mother Luo regard me as her son-in-law.

However, Xie Yu's sudden appearance made me and Luo Ziyi almost couldn't get together, but in the end, Luo Ziyi still understood my personality. I also decided to have a good talk with mother Luo. No matter what she asked, I would accept it completely. But how can I think that, just chatting with Luo Ziyi for a while, and adding up, it didn't take long. Luo's mother left without even saying hello.

These days, I have been immersed in their own world, did not take the initiative to contact Luo Ziyi, I really did not think, only a few days time no see, Luo mother so out of my world. Luo Ziyi and I stood in the same place for a long time. All of a sudden, Luo Ziyi moved, took out her mobile phone and dialed Luo's mother's phone number. But the prompt that came over was actually a vacant number, a vacant number?

All of a sudden, I was ok, but Luo Ziyi, who was beside me, was instantly cold to the extreme. The whole person was numb again. After a few seconds, Luo Ziyi burst into tears and sobbed: "Mom, where did she go? When I left for a few hours, my family turned into this kind of situation. Why, why..."

Luo Ziyi's voice, helpless, helpless, but more is really puzzled, she did not understand why, Luo's mother would leave her alone, I slowly turned my head, looked at the helpless Luo Ziyi, and asked with concern: "did you get through the phone?"

Luo Ziyi didn't reply. Her eyes were constantly scanning the room with unspeakable sadness in her eyes. I looked at Luo Ziyi and comforted her and said, "Ziyi, my aunt may have gone out for a walk. Maybe she will come back soon."

Looking at the empty room, I know that Luo's mother must have left or been kidnapped. Of course, this may never happen. Mother Luo has no money and no value to be threatened. If it was because of me, Xie Yu might have done so long ago. Therefore, mother Luo left 100% of the time, but it is impossible to know where she went.

Looking at Luo Ziyi's miserable appearance, my heart is actually the same as her. I tried my best to stop the deep pain in my heart. Then, I turned around and went to the opposite door of Luo Ziyi's house and knocked on the door of the neighbor's house opposite.

After a while, an old man with white hair opened the door for me. This is a kind old man. Usually I go in and out with Mu Shihan. She always teases us when she sees it. We all call her granny Chen. As soon as I saw that it was granny Chen who opened the door, I immediately asked, "grandma, do you know where Aunt Luo has gone? Why did her house seem to have been stolen? "

Granny Chen narrowed her old eyes, looked at me carefully, and immediately recognized me. Then, she glanced at Luo Ziyi behind me, and then said, "Oh, Ziyi's mother left this morning. It seems that she was in a hurry. She didn't even want to return the deposit for the house, so she left!"Hearing the rent, I immediately looked at Luo Ziyi who was still in that house. Why did the word rent make me sad? Before, I thought this place was dilapidated, but at least it was Luo Ziyi's home. No matter how hard she was, she had a place to settle down. But I didn't think that this kind of place was still rented. How difficult was her life Difficult?

"Granny Chen, didn't Aunt Luo explain anything when she left?" I asked again

Granny Chen looked at Luo Ziyi behind me again, and then looked at me again. Her eyes suddenly showed concern and thought for a moment. Then she said to me slowly: "when she left, she told you not to look for her. She told me that you must take good care of Ziyi, and also said, Auntie yuan Thank you

I looked at grandma Chen blankly and asked again, "grandma, what else did you say? Auntie, didn't she tell you why she left suddenly without saying goodbye

Grandma Chen sighed and said, "no more. But recently, there are always a group of people in uniform in their family. I don't know what to talk about. "

If you wear a uniform dress, who will it be? Absolutely not Xie Yu, because Luo Ziyi and I have made up today. According to grandma Chen, we always come recently, so this matter has absolutely nothing to do with Xie Yu. So, who else can she be? Or, it's another group of people who come to find mother Luo. But mother Luo is an ordinary housewife, and she can't offend anyone. The more I think about it, the more confused my head is. Forget it, I'd better ask Ziyi later. I think so.

When grandma Chen finished, she ignored me and closed the door.

And I, is Leng in situ, looking at the closed door, Leng Leng daze, this moment, my brain seems to open, but the heart, but more pain, the original, Luo mother is not want to go, is a group of nameless people forced away, listen to grandma Chen's description, Luo mother left very flustered, but why she did not take Luo Ziyi, but let me take a picture Take care of her, but in such a thought, mother Luo's departure has nothing to do with me.

The more I thought about it, the more confused I felt in my heart. I immediately returned to Luo Ziyi's side. I thought she should know something about it. I took her hand and asked, "Ziyi, did anyone come to my house before? Tell me, maybe you can find aunt!"

At this time, Luo Ziyi said sadly: "there have been people, but I have seen them for the first time. The leader is an old grandfather, but I don't know why. They have to take their mother by force, but their mother forced them to die. They may be afraid of what happened to their mother, so they don't dare to act rashly. However, this group of people come home every day, just before I go out Just leave here. "

Who in the end is to embarrass mother Luo. They depend on each other for their lives, not for wealth, but for peace and tranquility. But why do these days go on and on? Who did harm to them? They moved away from this warm and happy home. In this world, luoziyi is a relative of Luoma, and her departure will hurt Luo Ziyi a lot.

But since mother Luo left and asked me to take care of luoziyi, I couldn't let her down. At this time, I took luoziyi into my arms and comforted her and said, "Ziyi, everything will be OK. I will try my best to help you find your aunt back. Trust me."

Luo Ziyi looked at me affectionately and was silent. I also felt bad for Luo's mother's leaving. I also miss this middle-aged woman who looks like my mother from my heart. She left, as if I had lost my maternal love. It can be said that now Luo Ziyi's feeling is what I feel.

I put the sad Luo Ziyi to sit on the sofa, and I was in this small nest around a circle, standing in this cottage, my eyes are covered with a layer of fog, once a scene, unconsciously appeared in my mind, those laughter, those warm and happy paintings, all touched my heart, let my heart more sad.

At the beginning, it was because of my unintentional contact with Luo Ziyi that I was lucky to come to this home and got happiness from this warm little home. It was because of Luo's mother that I and Luo Ziyi came together in a fake way. I like the loving mother Luo. It is precisely because of this kind of love that I find the so-called maternal love. It is the good of mother Luo that she teaches her such a clever daughter. I can't help loving her and loving her.

The more I thought about it, the more melancholy I felt in my heart. I couldn't help but feel angry. Who in the end wanted to treat Fu Luo's mother? If it wasn't for them, Luo Ziyi would not be so sad. For Luo Ziyi, I would certainly find her. If I knew who was going to take mother Luo, I would have them give it back a hundred times.

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