After I thought over and over, I finally told grandma Chen what she said to Luo Ziyi. But after hearing my words, Luo Ziyi cried more vigorously. I didn't coax her, let her cry in my arms and only let her cry all out of her heart, she would be better. These days, the innocent girl suffered too much, and crying is the best way to solve the problem for her now.

After a short time, I took a deep breath, and then I said to Luo Ziyi in my arms, comforting: "Ziyi, let's leave here first, and here will only make you more sad!"

Said, I dry tears for Luo Ziyi, and sad Luo Ziyi red eyes, looked at me, did not speak, gently nodded, indicating that I understand. Then, with my help, we were ready to leave her home, where she lived. When I left, I glanced at the room without vitality again, then took Luo Ziyi's hand, went straight out of the door, went down the stairs and walked out of the old residential building.

Outside, the sky has sunk, as if it was going to rain. At this time, the sky and Luo Ziyi fully cared for it. The gray light was covered in the earth, and the night was about to come to the land. We walked silently on the street for a long time. When we were about to get out of this slum area, Luo Ziyi said to me: "Zixuan, mom and she will not say goodbye And don't know when I will come back. Now, I have no family in this world... "Br >

LUO Ziyi wants to continue to speak. I immediately interrupted her words, stroked her hair and said with concern:" Ziyi, in this world, you and I, even if people around the world don't want you, I will never leave Yours, I swear, I will take good care of you, not let you suffer a little grievance. Believe me! "

Luo Ziyi showed a happy smile and said, "thank you, Zixuan, I know!"

I looked at her lovely appearance, and I was also very relieved. I said to her solemnly: "since I decided to be with you, I will treat you wholeheartedly. Our love can't be obstructed by anyone. So, it is getting dark. We will go to the city for a meal first, and then I will take you to see someone. I hope she can understand us and no longer need to eat in the city "It's blocking us!"

I used to be not firm enough. Although I knew love, I dare not love. Now, I am firm and ready to stay with Luo Ziyi for my whole life. I will never fall in love with other women easily. I have nothing to do with other women. I only want to belong to the happy life of both of us. I think that person should not stop me and lozie again!

I think that Xie Yu is so annoying that she despises me because I see a character who likes the last one. So I believe that as long as I take Luo Ziyi, I will explain everything to her, make sure that I can feel her sincerely. In this way, she, or her behind the scenes, should understand me!

This time, I am full of determination, I want to completely remove obstacles, from then on, I do not want to live a life of fear, and then go through the life and death of love, please her, I just want to find my own quiet life. Of course, I told Luo Ziyi the idea, and she immediately understood what I meant, so she also wanted me to solve the problem quickly.

I also assured her that as long as the problem was solved, she turned to help her find mom Luo. She immediately led her, and she immediately showed a smile that had not been seen for a long time. I was happy to see her. At least, I felt that today my real man had been responsible for love, which was also a performance of responsibility for Luo Ziyi. With this expectation, I and lozie drove like the city center.

Tonight, I was romantic, and Luo Ziyi had a western meal with Luo Ziyi. On the table, I kept talking jokes and amusing her. I had more than 40 minutes of dinner. In this time, I told her a lot of embarrassing things before, only one purpose was to make her happy.

After dinner, we didn't stop, and went to Xie Yu directly. No accident. I saw her in the bathroom center. It was still in the last room. However, there were several men in uniform suits around Xie Yu, who kept by her silently. But I didn't care about the others. They explained my intention to Xieyu, saying that I had realized, Also realized my own mistakes, I will stick to love, never fail Luo Ziyi, and ensure that I will stay with luoziyi for a lifetime and live together forever.

When I say these words, my heart, my special firmness, my attitude, and my sincerity. Seeing my performance like this, Xie Yu can not help but show a charming smile. She no longer despises me and disdains me. Instead, she nods with joy and says, "well, it's a bit of a conscious appearance. However, if you can be together, I can't be the Lord. I have to ask!"

After that, she went out directly, listening to what she said, as if she had called. Xieyu's performance has inspired my heart. Unexpectedly, Xie Yu, like I expected, was moved by my sincerity. Looking at this, she seems to help me to tell her people where to say something good. Now, I have changed her with sincerity and put it in front of her with facts. I believe that she or the person behind her will not be able to stick with mandarin ducks again this time.Thinking of this, I couldn't help holding Luo Ziyi's hand tightly, and gave her a reassuring look. Maybe Luo Ziyi also felt that the obstruction between us immediately disappeared, and the light of happiness was in my eyes.

In this way, the two of us waited in this room for about ten minutes with full expectation, and finally expected Xie Yu to come back. But to my surprise, her expression at this time was completely different from that when she just went out. She felt back to the past and became very ruthless. She looked at me coldly and said firmly: "Ye Zixuan, she let me turn Tell you, you can't be with rozie

After waiting for such a long time, my head exploded when I heard the news. I felt like I was blown up by a bomb. I didn't have any psychological preparation. Suddenly, I got such a tyrannical and unreasonable answer. I was in a flash of anger. I felt very subdued and angry. My eyes showed fierce Light, staring at Xie Yu tightly, bit his teeth and said, "why?"

Xie Yu snorted, and then warned me solemnly and seriously, "because she said, no matter how you behave, you can't be with any woman. Even if you have a woman in the future, it can only be her!"

When she said this sentence, I was really surprised. I couldn't think of getting such an answer. To be honest, I hated Xie Yu very much before, but after she said those words to me that day, I became entangled, and I began to reflect on myself. I take all the blame on myself, even if she hurt me and the woman I love. I forgave her, too, as if it were a test of love.

Therefore, today, I forget the past and take luoziyi to show her my sincerity. I hope I can get through her pass and be safe with luoziyi. However, I have laid down my dignity and begged her, but she still stops me and luoziyi in such a tyrannical way, which makes me worry more. What does she mean by being able to say such incredible things?

But after listening to her, I immediately confirmed one thing. The mysterious person behind her must be a woman, and she is also a psychopathic woman. Therefore, this talent keeps stopping my love. The original person behind the scenes actually likes me and wants to monopolize me. But when did I offend such a woman?

I thought to myself, the woman who said this was either sick or had low IQ, otherwise she could not have said such a thing. What's more, she said so in front of Luo Ziyi. Hearing this news, Luo Ziyi was suddenly dumb. She turned her head and looked at me inexplicably. Eyes full of complicated look, as if I did something sorry for her.

I hold back for a long time of anger suddenly broke out, yelled at Xie Yu: "Xie Yu, I have been everywhere tolerant, you don't deceive too much, do you mean this?"

By this time, I couldn't think of the second reason. Suddenly, I felt that Xie Yu was deliberately making trouble for me. The person behind the bullshit would not say such a thing at all. However, Xie Yu's look is extremely serious, completely can't see a bit of joking. She lit a cigarette for herself, took a deep breath, and then solemnly said to me, "why do I have to deliberately aim at you? I don't have this leisure. I'll convey what the person says. If you don't believe it, it's all true. You can't be with Luo Ziyi! "

At this moment, Xie Yu again exuded her natural qualities like a queen that night. Her attitude was extremely arrogant and her tone was unquestionable indifference, which made me very unhappy. The flame in my heart rises slowly, but I also know clearly that if I really fight her, the road in the future will be more difficult for me. Luo Ziyi and I may not be able to meet any danger. Therefore, I can only endure this tone for a while, and then, gnashing his teeth, she asked: "who is she in your mouth?"

Hearing my question, Xie Yu didn't think about it, and said without hesitation: "no comment!"

This time, has always been gentle and peaceful Luo Ziyi also angry, she sternly said to Xie Yu: "who is that person in the end ah, why do you want to do this to us, what is she to do?"

No idea, this sentence of hers has made Luo Ziyi who has never been angry into this way. How can I say that I want to give her a compliment. However, in the face of Luo Ziyi's no sense of threat, Xie Yu was even more dismissive. She looked at Luo Ziyi lightly and said, "little girl, I advise you to put down Ye Zixuan. He doesn't belong to you, or you will be injured in the end."

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