After hearing Xie Yu's words, Luo Ziyi became more angry. She didn't know what happened to Luo Ziyi today. She yelled at Xie Yu: "no way. I just want to be with Ye Zixuan. No one can stop me. If you have seed, you can kill me!"

Luo Ziyi, who has always been gentle, has become more and more powerful. It may be that Luo's mother's departure has caused her psychological pressure. At the moment, Luo Ziyi's heart is pressing a fire, and there is no place to release it. Xie Yu has just given her this opportunity. Now luoziyi is not afraid of death, nor is she afraid of Xie Yu's threat and Xie Yu's behind the scenes. In order to defend our love, she will not hesitate to die. She just wants to be with me and never be separated.

But Xie Yu was obviously going to tear us apart. Seeing that Luo Ziyi was so stubborn, she directly focused her eyes on me and said, "Ye Zixuan, you are an understanding person. You should know my means. If I want to break up you, you can't be together. You should not want to make things unhappy. At that time, it's not only you who are injured And your favorite rozie

Threats, the threat of red fruits. What I hate most is the threat from others. However, I have to face the threats of Xie Yu again and again and remain indifferent. I really don't know what the person behind the scenes means and what she wants to do in this way. Why do you want to do this to me? Do you have to force me to give up? I hate my incompetence, but now I can't act rashly, and I'm afraid that I will involve my beloved Luo Ziyi.

However, Luo Ziyi heard Xie Yu's threat and was afraid that I would yield. She took my hand and said defiantly, "Zixuan, we don't need to be afraid of them. We don't stay in this city. We go to other places. The world is so big. There will always be places for us."

She spoke very seriously. It seemed to her that as long as she was with me, she would be willing to go anywhere, even the ends of the earth and the wild mountains and mountains. Seeing such an infatuated Luo Ziyi, my heart was more moved and distressed. I pursed my lips and was about to open my mouth. But at this time, Xie Yu suddenly snapped: "to tell you the truth, no matter where you go, we have a way to find you, and you know our power. Luo Ziyi or that sentence, ye Zixuan, he is not yours after all, let go of it quickly! "

Even though Luo Ziyi's attitude was tough, Xie Yu's words also made Luo Ziyi speechless, and the situation fell into embarrassment. And I, as her strong backing, did not have the ability to make decisions for her. I frowned and glared at Xie Yu. For a long time, I gritted my teeth and angrily said, "do you really want to do so much?"

My voice, full of anger, a burst of anger spontaneously, look at me like this, but Xie Yu does not care about me at all, or has never cared about me. In her eyes, even if I am strong, I am always a little mole ant. She looks at me with a little smile and disdains to say: "you are wrong, I do not want to do this, I am tired, but there is no way I have to listen to the orders

I couldn't restrain the emotion in my heart any more. I opened my voice and directly roared at her: "who is the man in your mouth? If she has the ability to find me in front of her face, hiding behind her back is no skill

After listening to my words, Xie Yu's face immediately became grim. Her eyes were full of fierce light. She stared at me and said in a cold voice, "if you talk nonsense again, I can't guarantee that Luo Ziyi will go out here for a while."

When Xie Yu finished this sentence, the men who passed the suit immediately walked forward two steps behind her, staring at Luo Ziyi with covetous eyes. My whole popularity was about to explode, but I couldn't break out, so I could only bear it. Once she was forced into a hurry, Xie Yu, a cruel whore, could do anything. I absolutely can't let Luo Ziyi have any danger But I couldn't give in like this. I held back my anger and yelled at Xie Yu: "you will regret it!"

Immediately, I did not wait for Xie Yu to reply, then directly pulled Luo Ziyi and left the bath center together. Outside, Luo Ziyi choked and said to me, "Zixuan, do we really want to separate?"

Luo Ziyi's voice is full of reluctant to give up, now she's only left me, if I leave her, her world will be completely gray. But also so helpless, she also understood, this time I met the enemy is very strong, I looked at Luo Ziyi deeply, heart sad said: "don't worry, I won't let you leave me, I think after tomorrow, Xie Yu will certainly try to deal with me, so, we should be prepared to face together!"

Luo Ziyi looked at me and asked, "but Zixuan, why did she do this? Who is the person behind the scenes in her mouth? "

After that, Luo Ziyi looked at me with confused eyes. Maybe, she might think that I really hid something from her. Indeed, if Xie Yu's Whore suddenly said something like that, everyone would doubt that Luo Ziyi didn't blame me. It's good. But how can I explain this? She's at a loss. I'm more confused than her. I really can't figure out whether it was the people behind the scenes who deliberately played me to say that, or that the woman behind the scenes said all the truth.

If this is true, then who is this person and she? In my life, there are not many women who have met with me, and that woman knows me so well. Who would like me as a useless waste?Miaomiao, impossible. She bullied me and hated me since she was a child. She hated me when she left. She didn't like me at all.

Lin Shihan, it's impossible. I know her well. He can't have such a great influence, and she has no feelings for me.

Zhang Qian, it's impossible. We haven't had contact with each other for a long time. Other women also have contact. But it's all one-sided relationship. It's not like at all. Who else would it be? Did she not really like me when she said such words, but deliberately said those words to make me difficult and deliberately split me and Luo Ziyi?

After thinking about it, I still can't think of a reason. I looked at Luo Ziyi blankly and said innocently, "I really don't know. Do you think, in addition to you, who else will like me as a waste?"

In the end, I still couldn't guess who was behind Xie Yu. Besides, that person even knew about the things before and after my plastic surgery. So, I was more confused. However, I felt that no one would like me except Luo Ziyi, a fool. Therefore, I feel that behind this incident, someone must have deliberately tried to punish me, but I still can't figure out who. Before I know this, I dare not take any rash actions against Xie Yu, because my current student force can't compete with Xie Yu, a force with social relations.

However, in order not to let Luo Ziyi get hurt, I had to separate from her, but a relative beside her was useless. If she was separated from me, she would be more lonely. Instead of enduring loneliness, she would be together with me, so I could feel at ease. And Luo Ziyi see me so tangled, she did not continue to ask after the curtain, alone sad up. Seeing Luo Ziyi so sad, my heart also bursts of pain, but more still angry, the anger of the people behind the scenes, the anger of Xie Yu, I silently swear, I will try my best to find out the people behind the scene, in order to vent my anger.

Looking at Luo Ziyi in front of me, I feel entangled again. I can't let her go back to live. After all, it's not safe to be alone in the old house. Secondly, she will think about mother Luo and think about it. I still intend to let her go back to school, so that we are close to each other. There are people around me who can help me pay attention to her safety. I also know that she is still worried about it Yu Huai. So, I'm going to let her live at school for a few days, and then I'm buying her a house and looking for someone who can take care of her and protect her.

Then, I told Luo Ziyi what I thought. She didn't agree, but she gave in to me. After that, I sent her back to school and watched Luo Ziyi enter the dormitory. Then I turned around and left. On the way, I called my little sister-in-law and asked her to come back to school for a few days. I took some sisters to help me protect Luo Ziyi secretly. If there is anything, I will tell her immediately Sue me, little sister did not hesitate to agree, I also turned to my bedroom to go.

Walking in the university campus, looking at the dark day, I feel more and more worried. Why do I feel my own mistakes, but Xie Yu is still trying to stop me. Now, as if everything has not changed, I'm back to the original point, even more than I used to be. Although I have become the king of the school, it's useless. I'm still so small. I can't live out of myself and even have a good talk Field love, has become a luxury, this feeling, really depressed, uncomfortable.

However, I must not be discouraged, but it is not easy to deal with Xie Yu? The only way, there is only one way, that is to have the social power in that respect, to compete with her underworld forces, but I also understand that it is a road of no return. In school, no matter how I mix up, it's a small fight. But when it comes to society, it's risky. It's a road of no return. At that time, I'll follow my father's footsteps.

I know that my father doesn't want me to go that way. He just wants me to study hard and have some future success. This is also a wish to fulfill his wish. He doesn't want my son to be like him. However, if I don't resist and don't solve the things behind the scenes, I will never fall in love and let them control me?

Ah, tangled, really tangled. The next few days, I helped Luo Ziyi rent a house with two bedrooms and one living room near the school. Of course, it didn't matter. The important thing was that I brought her a surprise, which can be said to be a shock. In order to protect her safety, I found her a bodyguard. This bodyguard has a lot of origins and ranks third on the list of killers Killer, code named "other shore flower".

She was a junior sister who trained with me at that time. Her name was Liu Qianxue. We went out of the same school together. She was a lively character for a few months, but she looked like a character of two dimensions. She was extremely lovely. People who were confused by her appearance did not know how to die. Of course, I can find her because she killed a government official in a certain country in Europe, and she is being hunted all over Europe. Therefore, she has come to me for refuge. As a reward, she helped me protect rozii.

Before, I was still worried that they would not get along, but the two women got together in less than 10 minutes. They were like old friends that had not been seen for many years, without any doubt or conflict. I didn't directly tell Luo Ziyi about her identity. I lied to her that she was a distant cousin of mine, who also went to school here. She was allowed to live here for a while, and I was relieved to have a senior sister here. As long as Luo Ziyi was ok, I could do what I should do.Unconsciously, it was the end of the term. In the days after that, while facing the final examination of the school, I was thinking about my future road and how to solve Xie Yu's complex. Finally, after the final exam, I saw that my brothers were all carrying bags on their back and set foot on the way home. My heart was also touched. At the moment, I made a decision to go home and find my father !

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