At this time, my body has been paralyzed, I want to get up, but can not move, the whole body does not have a trace of strength, piercing pain in the body running, I fell into a half dream and half awake.

At night, there was a breeze blowing, I lay on the ground quietly, time passed slowly, I was like a dead dog, lying in the bedroom door for a long time, during the period, there were many students back to the bedroom, but no one was willing to help me up, everyone looked at me in the eyes, mostly a joke, did not receive a poor look.

I don't know how long I lay down. I forgot the time. Finally, the porter helped me to my bedroom. He said he wanted to send me to the hospital to see me hurt like this, but I refused his offer.

I went back to my bedroom and looked at the time. It was almost ten o'clock. I was myself in the bedroom. I didn't know where those roommates had gone. I reluctantly climbed onto the bed and lay on the bed looking at the ceiling. My tears couldn't control the downward flow. The more tears I shed, the more I felt the more I felt oppressed and bent!

Looking back on this more than a month, I have endured all the pain. I have served Ma Qiang carefully and flattered him everywhere. I dare not make any mistakes. I only ask him to protect me. To this day, I finally hear a word that makes my blood boil. Finally, he is willing to treat me as a brother.

Because of this sentence, he regarded me as a brother, in order to be able to be righteous for a time, in order to be looked up to by them, I even promised to do such things as blackmail.

But in the end, the feeling of being looked at squarely, the excitement of finally having a brother and a friend were all my wishful thinking. After all, Ma Qiang just regarded me as a slave who came and went when he was called. He made a little mistake. He was so cruel to me and had no feelings.

Why, why should God be so unfair, I just want to raise my head to be a person, I just want to have a few brothers and friends, why even these become luxury?

In the end, I'm still lonely and single, not to be seen, still be despised and ridiculed, who is not happy will come to beat me a few times.

In the days to come, no matter how careful I was, Ma Qiang would not let me go, even if Liu Boyang didn't ask me for trouble.

In this turbulent school for me, I lost my last dependence and the umbrella of Ma Qiang. I don't know what will happen in the future. I am the only one to bear everything.

Why! Why from the beginning to now, every time I get beaten is related to Lin Shihan. She may be my natural nemesis!

Tears flowed out from the corner of my eyes and fell on the pillow drop by drop. My heart was particularly helpless and aggrieved. I didn't know who to tell these bitter words. I lay on the bed, wiping the tears from the corners of my eyes,

I just lay on the bed quietly, a person fell into meditation, I didn't know what I was thinking, so I didn't sleep all night.

The next day, I asked for sick leave, I had a cold, burning very seriously, coupled with the body has not recovered, the head is particularly painful, the whole person is confused, even if it is covered with a thick quilt, my body is still shaking, I want to sleep like this, never wake up, so worldly everything has nothing to do with me!

However, I want to sleep, but I can't sleep. I just feel my body is really uncomfortable. I try my best to control myself. I don't want to make noise to my roommate. I just insist on biting my teeth alone.

Sleepiness gradually hit me. At the moment when I was about to close my eyes and sleep in the past, the door of my bedroom was kicked open. Then, my bed was suddenly shaken violently, followed by a loud noise: "Hello! Get up! Get up

I remember, but the physical pain made me lose strength, can only shrink in the quilt motionless, looking forward to them quickly leave.

After shaking for a while, seeing that I still didn't move, the man directly lifted my quilt, punched me in the stomach, and yelled, "don't be shameless. I'll count dozens of them. Roll down quickly!"

This hard whole body strength of a punch, the head of chaos I completely woke up, in exchange for the pain of abdominal tear, helpless, had to reluctantly climb up.

I opened my eyes weakly. There were about four or five people in the bedroom. I saw Ma Qiang sitting in my bedroom. I bit my teeth and endured the pain. I slowly climbed down from the bed.

However, I was sick, and my legs and feet were weak. When I got off the bed ladder, I didn't step on it. I rolled down and fell on the ground. Immediately, a burst of laughter broke out in the bedroom.

In everyone's laughter, I tried my best to get up from the ground and stood up trembling.

As soon as he got up, Ma Qiang flashed to me and pulled the corner of his mouth. His voice was very gentle. He said, "Suluo, I found out that the beautiful woman named Lin Shihan came from our next campus. Coincidentally, she came from the same city as you!"

At this time, my head is heavy and my feet are light, my head is burning hot, my whole body is aching and weak, and I feel dizzy and hard to get to the extreme. Therefore, when I see Ma Qiang, I don't feel afraid at all. Instead, I have a sense of relief of taking death as home.Now I am a little afraid of what he will do to me next. I really don't believe that he will boldly kill me. Maybe this moment is the most masculine time in my life.

Even though I don't have a clear mind. However, in Ma Qiang's words, I heard a name that was familiar to me. Hearing the three words "Lin Shihan", my heart immediately trembled. What I worried about finally happened.

Ma Qiang actually inquired about Lin Shihan. Moreover, after listening to his meaning, he must know that Lin Shihan and I knew each other. That's why he mobilized people to come to me.

Up to now, I don't care about my situation at all. It doesn't matter whether he hits me or kills me. Although I want to stay away from Lin Shihan and not contact her, I still don't want anyone to disturb her in my heart. Therefore, I dare not respond to Ma Qiang's words, but choose to be silent and watch his next move quietly Make.

However, Ma Qiang didn't get angry at this time. Instead, he patted me on the shoulder with a smile and said softly, "yes, Suluo, you really have the seed. You really dare to cheat me!"

Looking at Ma Qiang's manner of speaking, I really can't guess what medicine he sold in his gourd. He knew I cheated him with his temper. He should hit me without saying a word. But looking at his funny expression, I didn't want to hit me. My head was already confused, and now I'm more confused. I can only keep silent.

What makes me feel even more strange is that Ma Qiang is still not angry. He grinned again and showed a very brilliant smile. He coaxed me and said, "in fact, you look pathetic. I won't beat you. In this way, you help me to ask Lin Shihan out and say that I want to make a simple friend with her. If you do, I will let go of your past and continue How about treating you as a brother? "

I'm a little moved to hear this. Not only can I please Ma Qiang, but also I can continue to be a brother without being beaten. This is a great good thing for me. Although my thoughts were vague, my heart was very clear. I knew that Ma Qiang would not really regard me as a brother. I also knew that he had a bad heart for Lin Shihan. Therefore, I almost did not hesitate to shake my head and refused him

seeing me shaking my head, Ma Qiang's face immediately changed and he put away his joking attitude. His eyes were full of anger and seized my collar Don't believe me again

My whole body is weak and my head is getting dizzy. However, in the face of Ma Qiang's threat, I don't know where the courage comes from. I grinned and showed the most damned smile in the world.

Seeing my poor attitude, Ma Qiang was angry. He loosened my collar and quickly gave me a foot.

I am not afraid of him at all. Now I especially hope that he can kill me, so that I can be free, and the smile on my face is deeper.

My feeble legs couldn't hold up my heavy body. Ma Qiang's foot kicked me out directly. I fell down on the ground. In my confusion, I heard an anxious voice: "brother Qiang, stop it, this boy is burning so badly! I'm afraid you're fighting... " He didn't finish listening to what he said. After that, I lost consciousness completely!


I don't know how long it took me to wake up, only to find that I was lying in the medical room of the school. There was no one around the hospital bed. The whole room only had the sound of the clock ticking on the wall. I opened my eyes and listened to this sound quietly. My heart was desolate and bleak.

I don't know how long after, the door of the infirmary was pushed open, and the angel sister who changed my dressing came in, breaking the silence here. She saw me wake up, the corner of her mouth can not help but floating a happy smile, but in a flash, she frowned again, scolded me: "how did you burn so badly that you were sent here, what did you do last night? Do you know if it's later, something will happen! "

A blank head, like a fool, my eyes are still open, a blink does not blink, staring at the ceiling, no sound.

Angel sister looked at me carefully for a while, suddenly, her eyebrows wrinkled deeper, nervous said: "don't you want to live?"

I am still silent, do not want to make any answer.

Angel sister looked at me like this, more nervous, she said quickly: "I am going to call your head teacher, let him inform your parents come over!" She turned and walked out the door.

I suddenly regained consciousness, immediately stopped her, said: "do not!" Because I was too weak, I coughed a few times when I spoke.

Angel sister stopped, slowly turned around, surprised to ask me: "you are young, how can you have such an idea?"

I sipped my dry lips and explained in a hoarse voice, "it's not what you think. I usually have a cold, and I'll be fine after sleeping. I didn't expect this to be so serious."

Angel sister saw my persistence, and it was not easy to say anything. She just comforted me a few words, and then she turned away. Her words made my eyes thoroughly flow out

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