When I approached the girl in white, I saw a familiar and strange face. I didn't know whether it was fate or coincidence, or Ma Qiang's conspiracy. I fell into confusion and entanglement.

However, what I never expected was that fate would make such a joke with me again. In a remote strange city, on a rugged and quiet road, I met her again. She was always a person I could only see from afar. The last accidental encounter was a hero saving beauty, and this time, I met her again I'm a rogue who's going to blackmail her.

How did I expect, in this so big city, strange street, I met her "Lin Shihan!"

I bravely continue to move forward, full of dramatic encounter, let my mind immediately disordered, the idea of extortion has long disappeared, a blank in the brain, so dull has been going forward. When Lin Shihan looked up at me, my body trembled like an electric shock, and I suddenly woke up. I lowered my head and hurried past her to the other end of the alley.

although I covered my head with a hat, her clear eyes touched me. I don't know whether she can recognize me because of her voice, but now I can't worry about it More, there is only one thought in my mind, that is, I run away recklessly, run hard, run hard, run to the end of the road, turn the corner, enter the busy street, I just stop. I just stopped, found a chair and sat down, gasping heavily.

After a long time, I gradually recovered. Suddenly, I found that Ma Qiang and his men did not come with me. I immediately realized that things were wrong, and quickly turned around to return to the original road

as expected, Ma Qiang and several of his subordinates were encircling Lin Shihan with malice, and look at their posture It's not like robbing money at all, it's like robbing lust. It's true that if you meet a goddess like Lin Shihan who doesn't eat fireworks, who can't be moved? Ma Qiang is a lecherous person, especially in such a remote alley. He will never miss such a good opportunity.

Not far away, I saw Ma Qiang move. He even touched the goddess in my heart. Suddenly, I felt uncomfortable. I really wanted to rush to stop Ma Qiang, but I was afraid of him. Even if I really used to be beaten, he would not listen to me. I don't want to be beaten in front of Lin Shihan I don't want her to know that I'm with this bunch of jerks.

However, I didn't want to watch her being bullied by Ma Qiang in front of me. When I was at a loss, there was a shaking sound from the phone in my pocket. Suddenly, my brain suddenly appeared. I immediately found a piece of police car music on the Internet. I put the alarm ring to the maximum and let it play repeatedly. Then I put the phone on the ground and hid it 。

Now that it's like this, I don't care if they believe me, so I immediately yelled at Ma Qiang with my throat: "brother Qiang, the police are coming, run!"

Hearing my cry, Ma Qiang and they were stunned at first. After a few seconds, they scattered away. My plan was taken for granted by them. I was secretly happy in my heart. These bastard students who often do bad things must be very sensitive to the police. I have to move out of the police to scare them away. As soon as several of them ran away, Lin Shihan also fled in the opposite direction to them and went to the place where there were many people.

This is the second time I have saved her. Perhaps, this time can be understood as my atonement for the mistake I just made. I think with Lin Shihan's intelligence, I can definitely guess that it is me.

At this moment, my nervous heart relaxed. After staring at the place where Lin Shihan left for a long time, I lowered my head and walked to the school in silence.

Our school came to the school altogether, there were two gates, a small door, I was afraid of meeting Ma Qiang at the door, so I resolutely chose to go back through the small door. Things are often so cruel. When I was about to arrive at the dormitory building, six people suddenly appeared at the door of the dormitory. It was not necessary to think that it was ma Qiang and they. When I approached, I found that Ma Qiang was staring at me with his eyes As if you could kill me with your eyes.

As a result, I seem to have guessed, I understand that the disaster can not be avoided. For a moment, Ma Qiang was still a little flustered. At the moment, Ma Qiang directly roared at me and said, "where are the police?"

I replied in panic: "just, just left! Brother Johnson

According to the situation, Ma Qiang has seen through that I am cheating him. I don't believe my poor acting skills, let alone him. Ma Qiang was more angry when he heard my reply. He raised his leg and kicked me fiercely. I was kicked back again and again by this sudden kick, and finally rolled to the ground.

Soon, Ma Qiang quickly rushed to me again, squatted down and pulled my collar. He roared: "Suluo, you are really a kind of man. I really treat you as a brother. Today, I specially bring you out to play together. You are good. You are cheap. You are good. You don't appreciate me. You dare to play with me. What, do you like that beauty? Want heroes to save beauty? You really like Liu Boyang said, toads want to eat swan meat

Ma Qiang is a man of Northeast China. He is very hot tempered. He cares about face. His dignity is beyond doubt. Even if his brothers play jokes with him, he doesn't dare to make too much jokes. However, I don't listen to his instructions and cheat him. He certainly won't let me off this time. Suddenly, he feels that Ma Qiang, who is angry, is almost better than Liu Bo Yang is still terrible.When I fell on the ground, I was scared. His aura made me dare not even gasp. I uttered a trembling voice and choked with thought: "brother Qiang, I really see that there is..."

before I finish speaking, Ma Qiang directly bumps me to the ground, beating and saying: "there's your mother, you think I'm stupid. I've been looking for a long time and I haven't even seen the shadow of the police car! What's the matter with TM? "

As soon as the words fell, he quickly stood up and gave me a foot, and then a foot. In his eyes, I was just like a sandbag. I kept kicking and kicking hard. I was helpless, scared and painful. My hands held my head tightly, and the whole person shrank into a ball. The horse in the rage didn't give me an opportunity to explain.

The more I struggled on the ground, Ma Qiang played harder and harder, kicking and scolding. He said that I didn't know what was good or bad, and that his good deeds had been ruined by my rubbish when he finally met a girl who was excited.

I curled up on the ground and cried with all my strength, "don't fight, don't fight."

But Ma Qiang kept kicking me as if he didn't hear it. Finally, a group of brothers next to him stopped him and said, "brother Qiang, don't fight first. If you fight down, something will happen."

Finally, Ma Qiang was stopped by his brothers and stopped beating me. Only then did I get a temporary understanding of it.

at this time, one of the teenagers with a board inch head suddenly said: "brother Qiang, don't you realize that things are wrong? As a matter of course, everyone knows that Su Luo, even if he doesn't dare to blackmail and flinch, he doesn't dare to cheat you! "

Ma Qiang turned his head suspiciously and looked at him with some displeasure in his heart. He said, "what? Do you think the police are here

After hearing his brother's voice, he said, "even though the police don't dare to tell a lie, why don't you tell the police why he didn't want to tell the police. Brother Qiang, you think, he just saw that girl, the whole person is obviously wrong, and later he dare to cheat you, which proves that the boy knows the beauty? "

Hearing this, I am more and more afraid, if they know that I know Lin Shihan, then they will pester Lin Shihan endlessly. However, on second thought, Han Boyang also likes Lin Shihan, but the way to chase her is a gentleman on the surface and a villain behind her. A wolf and a tiger have a hobby for a prey at the same time. I don't know who is strong in Ma Qiang and Han Boyang. However, I know that if they really want to fight, it will be me who gets hurt in the end.

Ma Qiang seemed to be awakened on the spot. He stopped for a moment, pondered over it for a moment, then looked at me lying on the ground and asked me, "do you know that girl?"

I shook my head in a daze and didn't dare to admit that I didn't want to let him know that Lin Shihan and I knew each other a long time ago. I wanted to keep this matter in my heart.

When Ma Qiang heard what I said, he obviously didn't believe it. He kicked me hard and cried out: "tell me the truth, or I'll make you unable to get up for a month today."

This time I was more sure that Ma Qiang wanted to fight Lin Shihan's idea, so even if I was afraid of pain and I was cowardly, I would keep this matter in my heart. So, I endured the pain, shook my head, and said in a trembling voice, "Dongge, I really didn't cheat you, that person I really don't know!"

At the moment, he didn't have the patience to tell me the truth

The brothers behind him hesitated for a moment, but they didn't dare to disobey Ma Qiang's orders. In an instant, countless fists and feet swept over me. My weak body couldn't stand the ravages of all of them. The bones all over my body were broken, and even made a creak. My eyes were dark and the ground was dark, and there was no sound in pain.

After beating me until I rolled my eyes, they stopped. Then, Ma Qiang's warning came suddenly: "Suluo, from today on, you get out of my circle, and you'd better not cheat me. If I know that you and that beauty know each other, I will make you die very ugly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took all the people and went away in anger. On the spot, he left me like a dead dog, lying on the ground constantly twitching

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