It was a Thursday afternoon. There was no class in the afternoon. I went back to my bedroom and had nothing to do. I simply took out the books I borrowed from the library and read them. I didn't know how long I read them. I felt a little tired. I got up and prepared to go back to bed and lay down for a while. When I was about to go to bed, the door of the room was pushed open. I thought it was my roommate who came back, but I didn't pay attention to it, I didn't know who was coming until I heard the voice!

Looking back, it turned out to be Ma Qiang. I was so busy that I got close to him.

Ma Qiang took the lead and said, "Suluo, are we brothers?"

I was stunned by his question and quickly replied, "brother Qiang, as long as you take me as a brother, we will always be brothers. What's the matter? Did I do something wrong to upset you? "

After saying this sentence, I immediately recalled in my mind what happened during this period of time, and I murmured in my heart that I had not provoked Ma Qiang at this stage. What's wrong with him today.

In my heart repeatedly tangled, Ma Qiang said: "Suluo, don't be nervous! You are very good. Don't worry about it. Are we all brothers? My brother just cares about you to see if you have been bullied recently

On weekdays, Ma Qiang always talks to me in a commanding tone. How can he speak so gently today? Ah, I don't need to think about it. He must have something to ask me to do.

"Thank you for your concern. If you don't take care of me, I won't be so secure!" I replied

Hearing my answer, Ma Qiang's face could not help but emerge a smug smile.

Then, he felt his gaffe and coughed gently to cover up. His hand unconsciously took out his trouser pocket. It seemed that he wanted to smoke. After some groping, he found that there was no smoke in his pocket.

So he said to me slowly, "well, Arlo! I'm out of cigarettes! "

Before I heard him say that there was no smoke, I would immediately run out and buy it back for him, but this time I did not. For his order, this is the first time that I did not immediately implement. Sitting next to him, I slowly lowered my head and chose silence!

Ma Qiang looked at me like this, puzzled and asked, "Arlo, what's the matter with you?"

I lowered my head and stuttered a little, and said pitifully, "that, that, brother Qiang, I, I have no money!"

Ma Qiang heard what I said, and laughed disapprovingly. His tone was obviously a little angry. He said to me, "if you don't have money, you won't ask your parents for it! Are you a pig? Do you want me to teach you this little thing? "

The word "parents" in my heart is originally a sad word. When I heard what he said, I bit my lips in pain and replied with a little pain: "my parents left me when I was very young. It was a kind-hearted person who claimed to be a friend of my father who adopted me. My uncle gave me a fixed monthly living expenses! I have saved all the money before

As soon as I finished my words, Ma Qiang, who was slightly joking, suddenly sank down. There was no one else in the bedroom, just the two of us. Suddenly, he also recovered his solemnity and did not continue to force me.

Both of us were silent. Ma Qiang seemed to be thinking about something. After a short silence, Ma Qiang approached me, put his arm around my shoulder, and suddenly said to me seriously: "Suluo, I didn't expect your life experience to be so desolate. It's not easy to see you alone. Coupled with your performance during this period of time, I feel you I'm a reliable person. I work hard and have no nonsense. I'm happy. My brothers and I are very satisfied with you. From today on, you Suluo is my brother of Ma Qiang! "

After listening to his words, my heart thumping, suddenly touched. For the first time in my life, it's really the first time that someone treats me as a brother. From now on, I'm no longer a passer-by in the crowd. I've never experienced the feeling of being looked at in the eye. It turns out that this is the feeling of having friends. It's really a wonderful feeling in my heart I am very grateful to Ma Qiang for his words.

It's just that some words are not as simple as they seem to say on the surface. The feeling in my heart has not dissipated. The tone of Ma Qiang's speech changed instantly. It seems that he has other things to do with me!

He changed his tone and said in a rough voice, "sulo, you look like a sick body. Fighting is definitely not suitable for you. However, for you, brother, I have come up with a way to pay individually." I don't need to tell you that people like us spend money too fast. A month's living expenses, and my girlfriend to open a room to see a movie, have a meal almost No. Therefore, if we want to make our campus life more natural and unrestrained, we must make some quick money! "

After listening to his speech, I also felt very reasonable, so I asked weakly, "well, brother Qiang, how should we make money?"

Ma Qiang grinned and said: "go, brother, go with me to make money." With that, he immediately stood up, put on his coat, and walked to the door. I followed you Ma Qiang out.

Ma Qiang and I came to the door of the bedroom. He stopped. After a few minutes, about five or six people came out of the bedroom. When they came to Ma Qiang's side, they called out with one voice: "brother Qiang!"A closer look, this group of people I have met, are ma Qiang's roommates, and then, Ma Qiang simply said: "go!" Then, a group of us walked towards the school!

On the way, people didn't speak, and I didn't dare to ask more questions. I followed them in such a muddle headed way. Although I didn't know how they were going to take me to make money, I always felt that it was not a good thing. However, when I thought of Ma Qiang's saying that I should be a brother, there was a surge of blood in my body. For this rare brotherhood, I'm ready to go for it, too.

A group of seven of us, through the campus, out of the gate, a mile away from the school gate, there are several relatively prosperous commercial streets, students from several nearby universities, like to come here to shop. We walked around one of the commercial streets for a few times and then came to a relatively remote bar.

The bars here are open 24 hours a day. For the bar, I'm not a stranger. This is my second time here. I don't know what they brought me here. We found a card table and made it. I got close to Ma Qiang and asked in a low voice, "brother Qiang, how can you bring me here to make money?"

When Ma Qiang heard what I asked him, he replied, "of course, I want to drink in the bar. I don't worry about making money. We'll drink first."

I was speechless when I heard his answer, and I didn't ask too much about other things, so as not to make him unhappy.

When we sat down, a brother named Huzi went to the bar to get two dozen beers. After driving them together, Ma Qiang picked up the wine and said to us, "brothers, it's our destiny to be together. Come on, do it!"

Although I don't know how to drink, but with the atmosphere created by Ma Qiang. I also picked up the glass to drink, my heart in the boiling blood, finally someone recognized me!

After three rounds of drinking, we didn't drink much. We didn't know whether the wine was boring or I was too good to drink. I didn't feel drunk. My whole consciousness and action were very clear.

As soon as we walked out of the bar shoulder by shoulder, it was already dark. After we had walked a long distance and came to a remote alley, Ma Qiang said to me, "Suluo, if you want my brothers to really identify with you, it depends on your performance. They say that wine is very courageous and you can take this opportunity."

I didn't understand his meaning, so I asked in question, "brother Qiang, why don't I understand that?"

Ma Qiang saw my doubts and explained to me, "Arlo, I didn't mean to take you to make money. Now it has started. Just wait here and wait for a rabbit! If someone does something to you, we'll come out and help you. "

After a short period of understanding, Ma Qiang said that he was waiting for a rabbit. I realized that his so-called way of making money was extortion. I didn't think about it, but I refused. I can't do this kind of blackmail. I haven't done any bad things since I was so big. How could I do such illegal things.

However, hearing my refusal, Ma Qiang's attitude immediately became stronger and said to me: "my brother who is optimistic about Ma Qiang must be tough. This little thing can't be done. It's a total waste. I ma Qiang won't play with waste. If you want to avoid being trampled on, you must be tough."

What he said seemed to inspire my fighting spirit, but in fact he was threatening me. If I didn't do so, I would be out of his protection, and I would be trampled by Liu Boyang at will.

Thinking of this, my heart was boiling cold in an instant, but I dare not disobey Ma Qiang's command. Maybe, if I want to be a brother with a fierce man, I must dare to act boldly. Moreover, Ma Qiang certainly doesn't expect me to do blackmail. He also inspires me to take the first step. Moreover, we are looking for some girls and middle school students It's not dangerous.

Think about it, I still tangled for a long time, the last bite of teeth, I actually agreed to come down.

Just then, at the end of the path where we were crouching, there was a girl in a white down jacket. It seemed that she was about seventeen or eighteen years old. She walked towards us with light steps. I hide in the roadside, excited palms straight sweating, feet are a little soft.

Suddenly, Ma Qiang patted me on the shoulder and said meaningfully, "come on!" Then he pushed me to the middle of the path.

I clenched my fist, bit my teeth and tried to calm myself down. Then, I put the hat of my coat on my head and strode towards the girl in white with my hands in my pockets.

Ma Qiang and they hid not far away, and did not follow me out. Imperceptibly so a moment, cowardly incomparable I also realized the feeling of young frivolity.

When I was not far away from her, maybe it was alcohol that paralyzed my brain. I even yelled at her opposite: "the girl in white down jacket, stop for me!"

However, when I approached the girl in a white down jacket and saw her face, the blood in my body was instantly extinguished, and I stood in the same place, as if I were numb

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