The bedroom was a bit shady, coupled with Liu Boyang's cold voice, I couldn't help but shiver. A chill swept through my whole body. I was silent and didn't want to make any explanation. Even if I explained again, Liu Boyang would not let me go.

When he talked to me and saw that I ignored him, he gave me a kick, which was very heavy and directly knocked me to the ground.

I was kicked down by this sudden kick. I didn't expect him to start first when he came up. I slowly wanted to open my mouth and said, "brother Yang, you'd better let me go, or brother Qiang..."

Before I finished, Liu Boyang kicked me several times one after another. He said, "waste, how do you know that you have forced me to use Ma Qiang now? Don't think that if you move out of Ma Qiang, I will be afraid. When will it be his turn to intervene in my affairs? At ordinary times, our well water doesn't offend the river. I believe Ma Qiang won't fight against me because of you

My tense teeth trembled, my eyes, staring at Liu Boyang, wanted to continue to refute him, but found that he had no confidence.

Liu Boyang's Wang Baqi is very strong, which directly shocked me. I really didn't think that it was useless for me to take out the name of Ma Qiang. He is my only hope, but it seems that this hope is becoming more and more dim.

Liu Boyang picked up the stool on the ground and smashed it at my head. I was scared to be a ball. I held my head with both hands. My legs were shaking. My heart was completely dead. The world was still so cold and cruel. God didn't give me any mercy. I was always too naive. Liu Boyang was right. Who would ask for trouble for a waste? In the end, everything I'm still the only one to bear.

I closed my eyes in despair and waited for Liu Boyang's thunder strike. However, at the moment when the stool was less than one millimeter away from my head, the bedroom door, clanging, was kicked open. At the same time, a lazy and impatient voice echoed in the crowded room: "it's not appropriate to hit me with the door closed!"

This sound, to me, is like the sound of nature, I seem to grasp a straw, immediately open my eyes and look out the door.

Standing in front of the door is the cool day, still wearing vest, slippers, hair messy, Ma Qiang!

At this time, Ma Qiang, like the God of heaven, glittered with gold. The dazzling light illuminated my dark heart. I finally knew that mixing was also a kind of realm.

All the people in the room stopped their movements. Even the arrogant Liu Boyang put down his things and gave up his eyes to the dazzling Ma Qiang. Ma Qiang was used to such scenes. He could not help but smile, blowing the bangs in front of his eyes, and walked in with his hands in his pocket. He was like a thousand troops, The inherent momentum shocked all the people in the room, and made Liu Boyang's dogleg give him a way.

Soon, Ma Qiang got to my position and looked at me lying on the ground trembling. He said to Liu Boyang casually, "Boyang, you don't give me face. It's just that I received my little brother. You're going to hit him with such a cruel hand. It's not easy to give me face."

Liu Boyang was speechless. His face turned red. He looked very shameless in front of his younger brother. He stopped for a few seconds and slowly said, "Ma Qiang, what do you mean? I and Suluo's gratitude and resentment are not one day or two days. You don't know. Are you trying to make trouble with me?"

Listening to Liu Boyang's voice, it was full of the smell of gunpowder. I was full of pitiful eyes and staring at Ma Qiang, who was standing next to me, breaking in alone. I hope he can protect me.

Ma Qiang's expression is still calm. He grinned his mouth and said: "I don't have as much heart as you. I just see that Suluo is honest and can make friends. Besides, he offended you? What's wrong with you? Is it because of Zhang Qian, I said Liu Boyang, are you not confident in yourself, or do you think highly of Su Luo? Do you think Zhang Qian is blind and will take a fancy to this cowardly and cowardly Suluo. If you want to be strong in grade, at least you have to find a tough role to clean up. Bullying Su Luo is no skill! "

Hearing this, Liu Boyang's face turned red and white, as if he had been stabbed by Ma Qiang. But I suddenly seem to understand something, the original, the matter is not so simple on the surface.

In the freshman year, Liu Boyang and Ma Qiang were not on the right track and looked at each other badly. However, no one claimed to be the boss after such a long stalemate. What Ma Qiang just said was that Liu Boyang used my new freshman Li Liwei to frighten all the clamorous students, use violent force to crush Ma Qiang, and then dominate freshmen.

On second thought, it seems that Ma Qiang didn't help me out of his heart, but that he saw Liu Boyang's plot and didn't want his plot to succeed, so he helped me.

It turned out that I was nothing but cannon fodder, a victim of a secret fight between the two sides. Other flies stay in their own position, people will not shoot it. But I in their eyes than flies also hate it, do not want to take me such a person? Do you have to keep hitting me?

At this moment, I felt dejected again. I didn't want to care how they fought. I just asked them to let me go. However, Liu Boyang seemed to have recognized me. He clubbed in place for a long time, and finally burst out a sentence: "if I have to deal with him and make trouble with him!"Although I hate Liu Boyang, I don't have the strength to fight against him, and I dare not show my hatred for him. Liu Boyang is beside me. I dare not look at him directly with glasses. I can only keep silent and stare at Ma Qiang pitifully with my eyes.

Ma Qiang saw that Liu Boyang wanted to tear his face with him, and his power of tiger and wolf also came out. He lit a cigarette slowly in front of Liu Boyang's face, took a leisurely breath, and then replied very domineering, "then I promise you can't get out of this bedroom today!"

The situation of the war is imminent.

The atmosphere of the dormitory was extremely cold and suffocating. Everyone was ready to fight. Only I lay on the ground shaking, holding my breath and watching everything in the room nervously.

In this confrontation, although Ma Qiang is alone, everyone knows that he dare not care about the situation of so many people on the field. He must be prepared to fight against Liu Boyang. There must be his people outside the door. Maybe these people are ready for the fight. So Liu Boyang did not dare to act rashly. He just stared at Ma Qiang, who was arrogant and arrogant. After holding back for a long time, he held out two words: "you can do it!"

Then, he turned to stare at me, gnashing his teeth and said, "Suluo, listen to me. If you let me know what you're doing to Zhang Qian again, I promise, even the king of heaven will not protect you!" With that, he waved his hand and left angrily with his people.

With the disappearance of Liu Boyang's back, my nervous tension was completely relaxed, but I know that in this war without gunpowder smoke, Ma Qiang is still slightly better. I have made a good choice.

The crowded dormitory, with Liu Boyang's departure, is now empty. I got up from the ground and immediately got close to Wang Yadong's eyes, and said hypocritical: "it's still a strong brother!"

Although this sentence I said is very hypocritical, but I still sincerely thank Ma Qiang in my heart, it is his appearance that saved me in trouble.

Ma Qiang gave me a smile and took a deep breath of cigarette. Then he threw away the cigarette end and played with the cheap lighter in his hand. He said softly, "there is no smoke."

I immediately understood his intention. I ran out and bought two bags of soft China to Ma Qiang. From then on, my tragic life started from Ma Qiang!

Perhaps, my life has been off the right track since I rescued the beauty of Lin Shihan and meddled with Zhang Qian. In order to get rid of them completely, I joined Ma Qiang's circle. Even if I found out that he was using me, only under his protection could I not be arbitrarily trampled by Liu Boyang 。

However, I regard Ma Qiang as my elder brother, but he has never treated me as a brother. For him, I am just a nanny. They never take me with me when they eat and sing. But only when they wash clothes and buy things will they call me. In order to promise uncle Yang's promise, he can graduate smoothly. No matter how hard it is, I have to swallow my guts and dare not offend anyone. Although Ma Qiang is domineering, he can at least protect me from being bullied by anyone. I will be satisfied with this life.

However, looking at me bowing and bowing to Ma Qiang, the monitor's attitude towards me was also cold eyed. In addition, my classmates who had already looked down on me, now they even look down on me. They all think that I'm a mangy dog, and I can't leave without sticking to a person. But let me feel particularly surprised is Zhang Qian, since that night, he has never appeared in the school, as if disappeared out of thin air.

In order to be able to safely spend four years of college time, all the pain I suffer, all the tears I wipe myself, I don't care what others think of me, just do what I want to do.

Under the protection of Ma Qiang, Liu Boyang never bothered me again. Everyday life is quite comfortable. No matter when Ma Qiang calls me, I will go there without saying a word. Ma Qiang is very satisfied with my performance at any time!

After half a month, although my life is comfortable, my private money is at the bottom. Ma Qiang, they always ask me to buy things. I always take money for my track, until one afternoon Ma Qiang suddenly finds me

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