I got out of bed, ready to go out of the infirmary. Just as I was about to open the door, I ran into my sister angel. She looked at me pale and said, "you are all so hurt. Where are you going?"

I replied softly, "I'm all right. I'm going back to my bedroom."

Since my elder sister Liu has been in the quiet for four years, I have to walk in the quiet direction of the University, and I have to walk in the direction of Liu Bo Yang.

However, I really don't want to live with fear every day. I know that Liu Boyang loves face and has a small stomach. Even if I explain the reason to him clearly, he can't let me go. He hit me, just as a warning to others, playing like a monkey with me. At the same time, he can warn other people not to try Zhang Qian's idea.

However, I have made up my mind to stay in this school, so I can't wait to die. Even if there is a little chance, I also want to find a way to live, even if the hope is so difficult and slim.

Maybe that's the only way to get out of his hand. Slowly, my heart hard up, made a decision, now that I have made a decision, then I will start to practice, and then I will return to the bedroom.

The last bedroom on the third floor of the men's dormitory, as soon as I entered it, I was choked by the smoke in the room and coughed unconsciously. Accompanied by the sound of my cough, it was a full of angry yelling: "who let you in, go out!" It was a big man who spoke with a clear dislike in his voice.

I brazen, continue to stand in place, my eyes, tightly staring at a few people sitting in the middle of the bedroom, three of them are fighting the landlord, some are watching the fun, some are playing with mobile phones.

Everyone heard the big man's yelling and yelling, and they knew that I was coming in, but few of them paid attention to it. They were still doing their own things and didn't even want to look at me.

I tried to calm myself, brewing for a long time, I just summoned up the courage to the middle of the full of ruffian gas of the students, solemnly said: "brother Qiang, I want to mix with you!"

This strong brother is also our class. His full name is Ma Qiang. He is a real northeast man. He fights fiercely and has enough righteousness. With his own strength, he has developed his own circle in more than two months since he came to the school. He is the only role in our class who can compete with Liu Boyang.

Different from Liu Boyang, Ma Qiang's circle is basically outsiders. Because the local people are rich and have a natural sense of superiority, they look down on foreigners. So I, an outsider, want to stay in school until graduation, so I have to join Ma Qiang's circle, which is my only hope.

It's just that hope is not easy to achieve, especially for people like me who are born with bad luck.

After hearing what I said, all the people present showed a look of astonishment. The originally noisy bedroom suddenly quieted down, but in a moment, the whole room burst out with piercing laughter, and the laughter rose higher and higher, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world. Even Ma Qiang could not help laughing. He put down his cards and looked at me playfully.

In the laughter, there were many sarcasm: "classmate Suluo, are you sure you didn't go to the wrong place?"

"A dog who is bullied by others every day wants to be adopted by brother Qiang without looking at his weight."

"You really don't know yourself. Don't you know that brother Qiang never plays with trash?"

All kinds of ridicule came like a wave, but I was still standing there, whatever they said, I had made up my mind to put all my eggs in one basket. Even if the hope is small, I will hold this pillar. My eyes, very firmly staring at that can give me hope, Ma Qiang.

Ma Qiang looked at me for a long time, and then said in a voice: "Su Luo, right? Now the whole school knows that you have offended Liu Boyang. If you come here today, do you take this place as a haven and let me be your unjust chief to wipe your ass for you!"

Ma Qiang saw through my mind as soon as he said. I was nervous, but I was more flustered. I stammered and quibbled: "no, no, I just don't want to be bullied again in the future."

See me this cowardly like, those people can't help but urge me, let me know quickly to get out.

However, Ma Qiang seemed to be very interested in me. Instead of driving me away, he just gave me a smile and said, "you can mix with me, but you have to tell me what you have. My brothers can say that I never play with rubbish!"

I didn't want to think about it. I immediately replied anxiously, "I can do anything!"

As soon as I said this, a fat man next to me couldn't help cursing: "you're a fart. You're such a loser. What's the use of being like a girl?"

He said, Ma Qiang immediately said: "we a group of masters, all day to make the bedroom stink, not just lack of a lady to take care of it?"

As soon as Ma Qiang said this, those people immediately flattered and said that brother Qiang was wise. Ma Qiang smirked, then looked at me again and said softly, "we often have a lot of dirty socks and dirty clothes in our bedroom. How can we do it?"I did not hesitate to reply: "I give everybody wash!"

Ma Qiang laughed and said, "we don't smoke. What should we do?"

I immediately agreed: "I help to buy it!"

"We don't have money?" Ma Qiang said

I gritted my teeth and said, "I have!"

Although I'm not rich, I have saved a lot of pocket money from Uncle Yang for so many years, which is enough to spend a while.

The people in the room laughed at me for being so sensible. Even Ma Qiang praised me and said, "good, promising, Suluo. You can mix with me in the future."

I hung the heart immediately put down a sigh of relief, excited to say: "thank you, brother Qiang!"

Ma Qiang waves his hand in a domineering way and says slowly, "OK, go out!" After saying that, Ma Qiang never paid attention to me any more, still sitting there playing cards.

That is to say, people have already made an order to leave, I am also embarrassed to stay here, so I slowly withdrew from their bedroom.

After I came out, I didn't choose to go back to my bedroom. I didn't want to see those ruthless roommates walking out of the dormitory building. I found a quiet corner to do it. I looked up at the stars and recalled the recent incidents. I didn't dare to smile. Because I was too busy, I hurt myself. What am I doing!

Strange city, lonely himself, no friends, no relatives, I don't know who to tell, the tears can only let it flow at will, my dream of the university is full of laughter, and the arrival of reality, I broke my fantasy, is really made to make people, once I, especially hate the bastards, more hate those dogleg son of the fox Because they are hooligans and don't do their job. I didn't expect that now I would beg for mercy in front of a group of mixed students. Think of these, the heart can not help but pan bursts of bitterness!

Thinking of thinking, a burst of heartache in my heart, tears flow out unconsciously, I wipe off the tears on my face with my sleeve, deeply breathe out, stand up and walk towards the bedroom.

In the next few days, my life returned to the normal track. However, I never saw Zhang Qian again in the class. I heard that her classmates who had a good relationship with her said that Zhang Qian had applied for quitting school, and she did not know where she had gone.

Liu Boyang seems to be missing these days. He hasn't appeared in school for several days. Although Liu Boyang hasn't appeared recently, I don't believe Liu Boyang will give up.

Although Ma Qiang covered me in the school, he didn't treat me as his own, but he took me as a tool. When I was hungry, he asked me to buy rice, when I was thirsty, I would buy him cigarettes and help him wash clothes in his bedroom. I waited on Ma Qiang so hard and had to say that his name had a deterrent effect, Liu Boyang's subordinates did not trouble me,

life is really peaceful, can not be calm, just occasionally hear some people's comments, about my affairs, they are using timid, pitiful, cowardly to describe, of course, I will not go to Italy.

I'm still a little worried. Although I've worked hard for Ma Qiang, I don't know whether this boy is reliable or not, and I don't know whether Ma Qiang will really help me if Liu Boyang comes to me again. Even if he comes out for me, whether his power can compete with Liu Boyang, everything is unknown. My safety is still not guaranteed, After a careful thought in my heart, that deep sense of fear again enveloped me.

My mouth seems to be open. I just finished talking about Liu Boyang in the morning, and he appeared in the afternoon. As soon as I came out of my bedroom, I saw Liu Boyang coming towards me fiercely. This time, he brought many more people than last time. This battle directly scared me into a cold sweat. It seems that it is directed at me, but I can't run. I quickly take out my mobile phone to Ma Qiang I sent a message for help. After sending it, I prayed silently in my heart. I hope he will come to save me!

I didn't walk out of a few steps, I was carried back by Liu Boyang like a chicken, he blocked me in the corner of the bedroom, his people stood full of the whole bedroom, I stood in the corner, tightly clutching the corner of my clothes, motionless.

Liu Boyang looked at me so scared that he couldn't help but smile contemptuously. He came to me slowly, lit a cigarette and took a gentle puff. The smoke in his mouth was all sprayed on my face. He said in a strange way: "OK, Suluo, it seems that your life is very peaceful in these days when I am not here! I heard he went to Ma Qiang's bedroom. Why, would he cover you up

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