Sure enough, after a few rounds, with the audience shouting and yelling, the climax came to an end. The monitor was finally kicked to the ground by the monkey's heavy leg, and the monkey's weak body pressed the monitor to the ground. The monkey won, and the scene was boiling again.

Liu Boyang is really good at martial arts. Even a little horse can beat the monitor who has been practicing martial arts since he was young. It can't be said that the monitor is weak. He is not weak. He can only blame the monkey for being too strong. A student can't deal with it.

Seeing my back fall, a mountain in my heart also collapsed, I know, I'm finished, no one can save me, I offended a person I can't afford to offend, the gods come, but I can't save me.

I was afraid of Liu Boyang from the bottom of my heart, and I was even more afraid of him beating me. But when I saw the monitor lying on the ground unconvinced and wanted to continue to resist, I still took a big step forward and summoned up courage and called out: "enough!"

Although I am a small person, but my words also played a role. Liu Boyang saw that the victory and defeat had been scored at this time, so he told the monkey to stop. I really can't bear to see the monitor being beaten innocently for me.

Liu Bo Yang said to me quickly, one of them won the watch, and then he said to me, how about the other one

In their opinion, the monkey won't lose the game at all. They only bet on how long the monitor can last. This is an insult to the monitor. The monitor is a bloody man. He is afraid of nothing. After being let go by the monkey, he still wants to go on with his brothers. I saw this and stopped him. I didn't want him because I was insulted again.

I am really grateful to the monitor, he helped me enough, I don't want to let the innocent him fall more miserable end, I only have red eyes to say to him: "monitor, really thank you, now you don't have to worry, you go back!"

The monitor was about to retort to me when Liu Boyang, who was opposite to him, suddenly roared: "it's a man. You have to take it up and put it down. If you say it, you have to do it."

Indeed, in front of so many people, the monitor promised Liu Boyang that he would quit if he lost. Now, even if he was angry in his heart, he could only bear it. After being reminded by Liu Boyang, he only slapped the dust on his body, and then threw a sympathetic look at me without any words.

I also wanted to say a few words of thanks to the monitor, but at this time, Luan Yu suddenly got close to me, put a hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear: "come with me!"

Like a homeless child, I was easily taken away by Liu Boyang. One side of the monitor, dare to anger but dare not speak.

After a long journey, Liu Boyang stopped and said to me in a loud voice, "waste, you are really kind of you. Didn't I warn you last time? Do you forget to stay away from Zhang Qian? "

as soon as I heard it, I quickly explained," I didn't forget what you said. "

Liu Boyang saw that I didn't admit it. He was completely angry. Regardless of his gentlemanly demeanor, he grabbed my hair and said: "you don't admit it. My people saw you crying in the library yesterday. Besides, she didn't come to class today. Tell me what you did to her!"

I am really aggrieved, in the heart anxious very, the mouth also can only repeat: "I really did not do anything, I saw her already cried!" Before I finished speaking, Liu Boyang slapped me without saying a word!

I feel that the whole person is a little confused, the ears are buzzing, and Liu Boyang gritted his teeth: "hum, dare to play with me carefully, I advise you to be honest, if I investigate out, your consequences will be even worse."

I want to tell Liu Boyang what happened in the library that day, but I have promised Zhang Qian to keep her secret. Even if I told him, he would not believe what I said, so I made up my mind to keep the secret for Zhang Qian!

I fell into silence, thinking of a word that could be accepted by Liu Boyang.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Liu Boyang was even more angry. He grabbed my hair and even slapped me two times. My tears were beaten out by him. The grievance in his heart mixed with the burning pain on his face. My tears could not stop.

After that, Liu Boyang asked me again: tell me, what did you two do in the library? It's said that you are still holding each other. It's very close. What's the relationship between you? Don't say I'll let you take care of yourself in the next life

I don't know why things have come to such a step, why there are always so many nosy people. Even in the library last night, Zhang Qian and I kept a long distance. Now it was reported that we were holding each other, and my heart was full of helplessness.

For the sake of Zhang Qian, I can only choose to shut up. But Liu Boyang thinks that I'm not afraid of boiling water. He even mistakenly thinks that Zhang Qian and I are really in trouble. He slapped me in the face one after another, and my poor baby was beaten on the head. Not far away, the monitor's voice came. It seemed that he was worried that I followed him. He yelled loudly "Liu Boyang, you are still not a man, Su Luo is so weak, do you need to have such a cruel hand?"The monitor in the distance ran over quickly and was about to come to Liu Boyang. But he was immediately stopped by his subordinates. The monitor at the moment didn't care about the agreement with Liu Boyang, so he rushed to save me. Liu Boyang's subordinates also bluffed at the side, saying that the monitor didn't keep his promise and so on.

Liu Boyang was angry and red in his eyes. He threw me away. I lost my center of gravity and fell to the ground. Liu Boyang walked to the direction of the monitor and said: "Chu long, don't give me too much trouble if you don't know the reason. Remember the agreement just now. If you have more problems, don't blame me for not being affectionate!" With that, he rushed to me again, grabbed my hair and asked me to explain.

However, I really can not explain, I do not know how to explain, no matter how, I can not pass on the secret of others, I can only put all the pain and tears into my stomach, silently bear all this.

My silence, in Liu Boyang's opinion, seems to be an admission, which has touched his bottom line. He seems to like Zhang Qian very much. So, looking at me like this, he is completely furious. He glared at me and said: "OK, OK, you are very backbone. I'll see how hard your bones are today." With that, he turned around and looked at the people behind him and ordered, "brothers, go up together and loosen his bones!"

In a flash, the brothers behind him surrounded me. Seeing these big men with big arms and round waists, I couldn't help shaking. How could I, such a weak trash, bear their ravages,. I can't do anything to struggle, can only shed tears of despair, this time, no one can save me, that is, the monitor, can only look at me in silence, others, at most, just cast a look of sympathy for me.

My blurred eyes were completely closed and I was waiting for the storm to come. Without hesitation, the group of people directly put me on the ground and started kicking around. The onlookers gathered around turned their heads and couldn't bear to see the cruel pictures. After a few minutes of fighting, Liu Boyang called out to stop, and his men retreated one after another.

I lay on the ground, tears streaming, body pain I gritted my teeth, Liu Boyang came to me, suddenly lifted me from the ground, gently said to me: "Suluo, I'll ask you again for the last time, what's the matter with you and Zhang Qian?"

Since some secrets have been promised to be kept, I can only tell a lie once, opening my mouth and whispering, "yes, that's what you think. I like Zhang Qian. I forced a kiss on her, and she cried as a result."

After hearing this, Liu Boyang was furious, and his fists hit me again and again. I was beaten by him and was about to faint. But he didn't mean to stop. The monitor couldn't look down. He rushed to my side regardless of the obstruction. He threw Liu Boyang in a rage to the side. At this time, Liu Boyang recovered from the violent state and only listened The monitor said, "you're enough. If you fight on, you'll kill Suluo. I hope you don't make a big fuss. There are so many witnesses here. It's not good for you to make trouble."

By the way, Liu Boyang is full of threats.

Liu Boyang slowly stood up from the ground, looked at me who was dying on the ground, and said to the monitor, "OK, I'll let him go this time, but from today on, as long as I see him once, I'll hit him once."

Lying on the ground, although I am dying, but Liu Boyang's every word I deeply into my ears, now I do not know that I am afraid, I really do not believe that Liu Boyang will kill me in broad daylight.

With these words, Liu Boyang left with his men. Only me lying on the ground and the brothers brought by the monitor himself were left on the field. My eyes were really closed and my body completely lost consciousness.

A pungent smell of alcohol spread into my nose, my eyes slowly opened, carefully looked around no one, I slightly moved the body, a sharp pain suddenly hit, stimulate my body without a nerve, my brain completely awake, this time I found myself lying in the medical room of the school, looking at the clock hanging on the wall It's 4:30 in the afternoon. I remember that the time when things happened was about 12:00. After that, I didn't remember at all. Then when I woke up, I was here. I think it must be the monitor who sent it to me.

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