When the monitor heard the words of four eyes, he just laughed indifferently and said: "hum, don't take Liu Boyang to press me. Even if he is in front of me, I won't let you take him away!" The monitor's overbearing words aroused the resonance of other students in the class who couldn't see it. Some unfair voices sounded in succession:

"we don't cause trouble, but it doesn't mean we are afraid of things!"

"Liu Boyang of your family is really kind. Can you only bully the weak?"


I have been to school for so long, finally, someone is willing to help me speak, which can be regarded as the feeling of classmates. So my heart is full of gratitude to the whole class, especially to the monitor, who would rather offend Liu Boyang for me, so I am full of respect for him.

That four eyes, in the shame of my classmates, completely lost face, the whole popularity will blow up, I saw him stomp his foot, said to me: "Suluo, you wait for me! You can hide in the classroom all your life and don't come out! " With that, he turned and walked away with the people.

Four eyes left, the classroom instantly boiling, students praise the monitor of all kinds of praise, and I this waste, can only in the boiling sound, lonely sit down.

However, the monitor was not proud of being praised. He just walked to me with a serious face and said, "Suluo, follow me after class."

I looked at the monitor with grateful eyes and said, "thank you!"

Monitor very free and easy to say a sentence, nothing to return to the seat.

Under this, the monitor's body sends out the light to be more dazzling, some flower crazy all showed the worship look, I also really appreciate him, but I very much hope, the monitor can always so protect me.

After class, I carefully followed the monitor and his several brothers, what they did I was watching.

In fact, I also know in my heart that the danger along the way is unavoidable. Sure enough, when we passed the playground, we could see from a distance that there were about ten or so playing basketball on the basketball court in front of us. After seeing us, they put down their basketball and walked towards us. The person who took the lead in the crowd was obviously Liu Boyang. The four eyes who came to the class in the morning to look for me were also behind him. The four eyes with provocation whistled to me and also to me Hook your fingers. It's like teasing a dog. I stopped and looked at the monitor with pitiful eyes. It seemed that the monitor had expected something wrong for a long time. However, his face became dignified. He only said two words to me: "go!" With a few of his brothers, toward the group of wolves covetously to meet the past, looking at the squad leader to meet them, I immediately followed up.

Liu Boyang came in person this time. Although he didn't bring many people with him, his momentum was still unstoppable. Seeing him getting closer and closer, I could not help shaking my body.

Soon we two groups of people met, they all immediately lined up in a row to block our way, Liu Boyang took the lead to walk out, but he ignored me directly, looked at the monitor indifferently, and said faintly, "Chulong, listen to my subordinates say that you are going to lead for Suluo, right?"

To tell you the truth, Liu Boyang's voice is not very loud, but it is full of deterrence. I feel chilly when I listen to it. The monitor's face is also very ugly. Liu Boyang is different from four eyes. His majesty is beyond doubt. Although Chulong is good at mixing, he mainly relies on the martial arts club behind him. Liu Boyang has his own influence in the school. The eldest of every grade gives him a little thin face. This is incomparable to Chulong. After all, the well water was not flooded before.

In the face of Liu Boyang, the monitor hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said, "I just want to ask for an invitation for him. I know Su Luo. He is the most timid person in the class. How can he dare to offend you? Even if he offends you, it must be unintentional. I hope you can look at my face and let him go?"

The monitor's tone is very sincere. It can be seen that he is also afraid of Liu Boyang. At this moment, the younger brother behind Liu Boyang handed him a cigarette, lit it and took a few puffs. Then he said carelessly, "what kind of gratitude and resentment do you have with him? I just want to know whether you want to stand out for him or not."

Liu Boyang's words are very sharp, not euphemistic, there is no room for discussion. At this time, the four eyes next to him stood up and said: "Chu long was in the classroom just now. You are very drag. Now how do you recognize the advice and begin to beg for mercy?"

Four eyes said that, the monitor's face a little bit can't hang, at this time surrounded by a lot of people who came back to see the fun after dinner, the monitor was a bit difficult to get off. After a few seconds of silence, the monitor summoned up the courage to shout out: "yes!" A simple word expressed his determination.

I know that the monitor was forced to do so. In fact, if it wasn't for the monitor who was beside me, I would have begged for mercy. It was the monitor who came forward and gave me courage and confidence, which made me not so afraid. However, I couldn't bear to see the monitor in such a dilemma. After all, I know that although the monitor's strength is not as good as Liu Boyang, he dare not How about the monitor? I don't want to let the monitor get involved because of me.So, I gently patted the monitor, grateful: "monitor, you don't have to do this, my business, with you, you don't need to offend him for me, really!"

Obviously, Chulong is a man of righteousness. If he says everything, he will not regret it. Even if he knows that the situation is not easy to deal with, he still says to me with kindness: "it's OK!"

At this moment, I was really moved, grateful to meet such a person, feeling that God did not completely leave me, the world still has true feelings.

However, Liu Boyang's brothers were angry because they didn't know the class leader very well. They all stood up and surrounded us fiercely!

But looking at Liu Boyang, he was still calm. He didn't get angry. He signaled his brothers to withdraw. He laughed a few times. Then he said to the monitor, "well, Chu long, you really have a seed. I don't want to bully the less with more. You know, I don't dare to treat you in school. I think you are a man. I'll give you a chance. I heard that you are the number one person in the martial arts club. How about a duel between you and my brother? If you win, I'll let solo go this time, and I'll take it as if nothing happened. If you lose, get out of the way and mind your own business! "

This obviously gave the monitor a step down. The monitor could only follow this step. After a few seconds of hesitation, he replied calmly: "OK! I agreed to your request "

looking at the look of the squad leader, it seems that I am full of confidence in my own combat effectiveness, which also gives me a little hope.

Liu Boyang saw the monitor's sense of interest, and his face also showed a smile that seemed to have if not. He looked at the monitor and said, "monkey, you go up!"

"OK, brother Yang!" Only listen to a rough voice from the crowd, at this time out of a small man, slowly walked to the monitor in front of the people around them have made room for them to learn.

The monkey stood in front of the monitor and said with disdain: "it's too late for you to admit defeat now, and then don't regret it!"

The monitor said with disapproval: "there's so much nonsense, let's start now!"

The monkey quickly took off his coat and threw it on the ground. Then, he stepped forward a few steps and challenged the monitor: "come on!"

Seeing the monkey on the field, my heart completely calmed down. The monitor's huge body was enough for a monkey to drink. Because of his short stature, his movements were very agile. He was really like a monkey, just like his name. As for the monitor, I don't know much about it, and I haven't seen him fight. I just heard that he practiced martial arts since he was a child. After he went to university, he joined the martial arts club. I don't know about the specific strength. Maybe it's because of the monitor's huge size, the monkey's morale is not enough.

However, in the face of the monkey's provocation, the monitor didn't care. He walked forward directly, took off his clothes and was ready to go dry.

With the increasing number of passers-by, these two people who are somewhat well-known in the school are particularly concerned about here. The discussion among the crowd is one after another, and one after another guesses who will win. However, most of them are optimistic about the monitor. Although I can't help him, I can only support him with my eyes and cheer for him in my heart.

Finally, in the public's intense gaze, the single competition officially began. The crowd was boiling, and the monkey was not as weak as I thought. Although the squad leader had the advantage of his figure, he still didn't dare to slack off in the battle.

my palms were sweating and excited. I didn't dare to blink at the two people in the fight. Let alone, the squad leader's explosive power was really strong. At the beginning, he took the advantage People are boiling with blood.

This time, I can see the monitor's power. He has not practiced Kung Fu for many years. His leg Kung Fu is very good. He kicked the monkey's body with great accuracy. I thought the monkey would be defeated if it went on like this. But to my great disappointment, the monkey's weak body is like iron man. It's too strong. It's totally iron Body, by the monitor so many feet, but nothing.

What's more, the monkey not only has a strong body, but also has a very sensitive movement. Taking advantage of the monitor's overworked and tired spare time, he gave the monitor a few heavy blows with quick speed. Almost all of them hit the sensitive parts of his body. Seeing the monitor's painful twisted face, my heart sank. It seems that people can't be judged by their appearance If we go on like this, the outcome is obvious.

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