I don't know how long I was in a coma. But when I woke up, it was already dark, and the pain from my body went to the bottom of my heart. I just lay on the ground quietly, and my tears flowed out. I felt so oppressed and helpless. I cried for a long time in such a big classroom. I felt that the most miserable person in the world was me, Feel like a child abandoned by the world.

When the security master was patrolling, he found me lying on the ground. The kind-hearted security master carried me to the school infirmary on his back. Fortunately, there were staff on duty in the infirmary today, and the one on duty was a beautiful angel sister.

Angel sister is cleaning my wound for me, I stare at the ceiling, and the angel sister saw me at this time, immediately said: "classmate, who did you offend in school? How did you suffer such a serious injury? You will be killed if you go on like this. No, I must tell the school about it!"

My eyes powerless to look at the angel sister, weak said: "no, all things are my own, no wonder!"

After that, I closed my eyes painfully, and the world in front of me was in a dark place. The thick dark clouds still covered me. It was very depressing and depressing. However, I didn't want to poke these into the school leaders. I knew very well that even if I denounced the traitors and had Han Boyang's relationship, the school leaders would not do anything to him. At most, it was critical education I will be tortured by him more miserable, so I can only silence, away from them, continue to live their own dark days.

Time ticking away, angel sister's voice is still around my ears, but I can't hear what she said, so quietly hanging bit by bit.

A few hours later, after hanging the drip, I settled the account and said thanks to the angel sister. Then I left the school medical room and walked towards the dormitory silently. It was midnight now. The door of the dormitory was locked. I tried to knock on the door of the bedroom, but instead of looking at the white eyes and a burst of abuse, I was used to people's views on me Don't care. I turned around and ran into the bedroom and went to bed with my head covered.

for a period of time after that, Lin Shihan didn't stay with Han Boyang because he saved him. Even so, Han Boyang still pursued her.

However, the only gratifying thing is that Lin Shihan has never appeared in my field of vision, and Han Boyang has never bothered me again. Although my life is lonely, it can be regarded as peaceful. With the gradual dilution of emotion over time, I am full of yearning for my future life.

Originally, everything is in a good direction, but God seems to have arranged something, so that you can't get rid of some fatalism.

It was two days before Christmas. The students were all excited to prepare for the Christmas party. The atmosphere of the school was jubilant and lively. When this kind of joy happened, I would be more lonely. Those dancing and singing programs would never be my share. I was just hiding in the library, wandering in the ocean of knowledge.

All the students in the school are preparing for the Christmas party. I am reading in silence in the huge library. When I am fascinated by a book named "one hundred years of solitude", a sobbing sob came into my mind. At first, I didn't care much, but as the cry became louder and louder, I had unconsciously looked for the source of the sound.

The sound came from a corner on the second floor of the library. I walked in and found a girl crying on the table. I looked at her figure and felt familiar, but I couldn't remember it. As I got closer and closer, she seemed to notice that someone was coming. She looked up at me. I was staring at her, and I was stunned, This is why I was beaten twice by Zhang Qian! What's wrong with her?

When I saw her, I turned around and was about to leave. As soon as I took two steps, her haggard voice came from behind: "solo, can you talk to me?"

I am especially afraid to be known by Liu Boyang. At this time, I just want to leave here, but I hesitated to hear Zhang Qian's voice. I am constantly entangled in my heart. What should I do.

After some entanglement, I really can't bear to watch a girl cry, or don't think so much. At most, I was beaten severely. I could bear it. Then, I made up my mind to turn around and come to Zhang Qian and sit with her.

From childhood to adulthood, I didn't have a woman's fate, let alone have a female friend. Looking at her, I really didn't know how to coax her not to cry. Since she asked me to chat with her, I simply stopped talking and waited for her to come.

As time passed by, Zhang Qian's condition eased a lot. She slowly opened her mouth to me and said, "Suluo, I always think you are a good man. Do you know, some things I hold in my heart are very uncomfortable. I just want to find someone to talk to. I hope you don't say it after I finish!"

I answered slightly: "good!"

After about 20 minutes, Zhang Qian told me about her unhappiness.

It turned out that she was crying because her father's company was in trouble and needed a large sum of money to turn around. So Wang Tao, his father's business partner, came to him. Wang Tao said that as long as Zhang Qian was betrothed to his son, he would provide a large sum of money to help Zhang Qian's father tide over the crisis. Later, she learned that Wang Tao's son was actually a fool, but Zhang Qian's father was In order to benefit, he agreed to his conditions regardless of his children's kinship. Zhang Qian and his father had a quarrel after learning about it. She said that she had to promise if she didn't agree. That night, Zhang Qian ran away from home. After her father found out, she had frozen her bank card and began to send people to look for her.After listening to the story she told me, I also felt that she was very pitiful. The commercial marriage was nothing. The main purpose was to marry such a beautiful girl to a fool. I couldn't accept it. I wanted to help him, but I had no right to help him. I fell into silence.

Looking at the pathetic Zhang Qian, I guess she must have not eaten yet. I took out the money in my pocket, about 200 or so. Then I put the money in front of her and said to her, "I only have so much. You can use it. I can only help you with this."

Looking at the money on the table, she opened her mouth and wanted to say no. later, she swallowed the words and gently said to me, "thank you!"

After looking at the time, it was already late. I said goodbye to Zhang Qian and left the library. A cool breeze blew by. I couldn't help shivering. I walked aimlessly in every corner of the campus.

Zhang Qian is still a passer-by to me. I don't want to have too much intersection with her. At the moment when I came out of the library, my heart was full of uneasiness. I felt that danger would come to me anytime and anywhere.

The next day I went to class as usual. As soon as I entered the classroom, my eyes looked like Zhang Qian's position. Her seat was empty. I didn't know where she went last night and what she was doing now. I thought of her unconsciously in my heart. Did I really like her? I didn't listen to anything in the morning class. My brain didn't know what was thinking. It was a mess.

However, at the end of the third class, I was surprised and flustered by the sudden attack. A familiar figure appeared at the door of the classroom. I remember that he was a follower of Liu Boyang, who called four eyes. His face was full of conspiracy and kept sneering.

He stood at the door of the classroom. He kicked the door twice with his feet. He yelled at the door with his voice: "solo, get out of here! "

this manner and tone are very arrogant, and they don't pay attention to all the people in my class. Seeing him specially appear at the door of my class, I immediately guessed the reason. I was scared by his momentum. My heart was full of fear, and my body was trembling slightly.

I lingered in the classroom, did not dare to move, four eyes impatient, directly with people ran into the classroom to catch me, I was more flustered, stood up, ready to take the initiative to go, lest be beaten more seriously.

But just as I was preparing to die, the monitor of my class suddenly stood up and put it in front of me, and said unhappily, "four eyes, it's not good for you to arrest people in my class so blatantly, isn't it a little bit that you don't pay attention to me?"

At the moment, the image of the monitor in my eyes was several times as tall, and my sad heart finally felt a trace of warmth. For the first time since I came to this school, it was really the first time that someone helped me out. Although I know that the monitor did this just to protect the class, not just for me, the arrogance of four eyes brushed him After all, he is the head of the class and a member of the Taekwondo Club. He has his own circle. People speak of righteousness. He is also very open in school. He is just a dog of Liu Boyang, so he can't take him seriously.

However, even so, four eyes or a face of arrogance, he said with a smile of embarrassment to the monitor: "brother long, it was Yang Ge who asked me to come and take Suluo away. It has nothing to do with you? "

obviously, four eyes are very respectful to the monitor, but he didn't pay attention to the monitor. When he called" brother long ", he was a bit sulky, which made the monitor unhappy. He said with a little anger:" it's not my business to catch him, but if you come to my class to make trouble, it has something to do with me. You are not welcome here, please go out! "

I hope you can take me away with a big face, but I don't dare to see him. I hope you can take me away! ”

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