To tell you the truth, this scene is really moving and exhilarating. As the only heroine on the scene, Lin Shihan has been stunned. Han Boyang, the hero on the scene, has also achieved his goal. A confident smile appears on his handsome face. He walks slowly to the long bangs and looks down at him. Then he takes out his wallet and throws several hundred yuan bills to the long haired man On, and with threatening words: "this is the medical expenses for you, take the money and get out of here. Next time I see you coming to school, I won't have this good luck. Get out of here!"

The long haired man just wanted to refute something. However, it may be because there is too much noise here, and a lot of boys in basketball clothes come over and say to Han Boyang one after another: "Han Shao, what's going on, do you need help?" This group of people's arrival, let a kind of invisible strength spread out, see, the long hair man picked up the money on the ground, with the injured men ran away in gray.

At this time, Han Boyang was the real hero, that is, he beat away the bad guys, and he walked up to Lin Shihan and said something quietly. I didn't hear clearly, but I clearly saw that Lin Shihan cast a disappointed glance at my side and left with Han Boyang. Anan and the team of basketball team people are very knowledgeable, have scattered, their faces are hung with victory smile.

Han Boyang's hero saving the United States this time is very perfect. Compared with bringing a large group of people to fight and run gangsters, the practice of highlighting his own charm as a king and letting the thugs around him show his courage can really make women feel more convinced. Especially with the participation of the last group of basketball students, it makes the rescue action come to a perfect end, as if everything is according to the script Go the same way.

Compared with Han Boyang, I am a worthless waste who can only hide behind the tree and dare not come out. I must be disappointed. Thinking of this, I can only smile helplessly. After the crowd has dispersed, I just leave here. Wandering in this huge campus is like getting lost. I don't know where I should go. I just wander around the campus, feeling my heart It was as empty as if something had been lost.

I don't know how long I wandered around. I suddenly found the long haired men. They didn't leave school. Instead, they looked furtive. I couldn't help but have more heart and quietly followed them.

Sure enough, these people did not go to the school gate, but came to a remote corner of the school. Judging from their appearance, they seemed to be waiting for someone. After waiting for about ten minutes, someone really came.

Seeing the figure of this man, I was shocked. I didn't expect that it was him, the glasses man with Han Boyang, who combed his hair in the middle, just like the traitors. They seemed to know each other. After a few simple conversations there, the glasses man took out a dozen hundred yuan bills in his arms and handed them to the gangsters. Suddenly, I understood everything 。

Although I'm not far away from them, I still can't hear their conversation clearly. But seeing their current scene, I can roughly guess the cause and effect. It turns out that everything has been planned.

No wonder these gangsters dare to act wildly in the school. No wonder that the scene of the hero saving the beauty just now can be performed perfectly. It's no wonder that this seemingly stout villain will be so vulnerable. Unexpectedly, all this is a play. I finally know Han Boyang's ulterior motives. He is really talented in directing and has good acting skills Fu, I'm really embarrassed by his ingenuity.

Suddenly, I recalled what happened in the restaurant that day. This gang of thugs beat Lin Shihan in public in broad daylight. If my guess is right, this is also a good play directed by Han Boyang. But in the middle of the day, I, an uninvited guest, beat his plan. He has not yet appeared, but I am the bear first No wonder that gang beat me so hard.

After such a consideration, I can't help but feel flustered for Lin Shihan. Although Han Boyang is handsome, has background and ability, and matches Lin Shihan well, but his city is so deep, if Lin Shihan really follows him, she will suffer a lot.

My heart is in ceaseless tangle repeatedly, how should I do? Do you want to tell Lin Shihan about this? After I told her whether I would believe what I said, whether I thought it was the wording that I didn't save her. I was in a difficult choice.

When I was lost in the original place, a breeze was blowing. I couldn't help sneezing and making a sound. I looked at them. At this time, they were on guard. The eyes of the long haired man looked at me along the sound. I realized that I had exposed myself. My heart was startled. I turned around and ran away at the speed of 100 meters.

I know, although I am sensitive, in time to escape, but I dare not look back to see if they have come after, for fear that they find me, my heart is shaking, all the way back to the bedroom.

Back in the dormitory, my heart has been pounding and beating, feeling very insecure. For me, a helpless, powerless waste, what I fear most is to cause trouble, especially to the resourceful second generation ancestor. I can't fight them at all. In order to keep the dull campus life, although I have been exposed, they should not know me Who was it, and they didn't catch it. For this reason, I chose to calm things down and let this matter rot in my stomach. I dare not report it. I just hope that those people will not find me and do not come to me for trouble.In the afternoon, I went to the classroom with uneasy heart and had a good afternoon's class. At night, when school was over, all the students left the classroom one after another. In the classroom, only I was quietly sorting out today's learning content. After finishing, I walked out of the classroom.

Just at the moment I left the classroom, a group of basketball club members headed by the traitors slowly came to my direction. Seeing the traitors around Han Boyang, I felt uneasy. It seemed that I was still found.

The traitor was under Han Boyang's command. He was also famous in school every day. Seeing me just out of the classroom, the traitor accelerated his pace and came to my side. Without saying a word, he took my collar and pulled me back to the classroom and threw it to the nearest chair. The people he brought immediately surrounded me. There was no space for escape. I became the focus of the crowd.

I stood in the crowd and did not dare to move. It was like being pointed at my head with a gun, as if I would shoot when I moved. However, after waiting for a long time, the traitors did not beat me. He just opened his duck's throat and asked me, "your name is solo?"

I pursed my mouth and nodded my head gently.

The traitor looked at me nodding, and suddenly put a headset into my ear. I don't know why he did it. I was scared into a cold sweat. Soon, there was a very magnetic voice in the unexplained earphone: "Suluo, do you know why I'm looking for you?" The tone was magical, like a policeman interrogating a prisoner.

Although there is only a simple sentence, I can also hear that he is the good director Han Boyang who is very deep in the city. With his mind, it is easy to guess. I already know that he and those gangsters are in collusion. He did not come to me in person, but let the exposed traitor come. He still hid himself behind his back and talked to me by phone It is enough to show his wisdom.

In front of him, I have no escape, I dare not lie, can only guilty of the reply: "en!"

Han Boyang gave a contemptuous smile and said, "very good, you are smart. Last time I was in a restaurant, you broke my good things. I didn't bother you. I was afraid of exposing myself. I didn't expect you to find out about it. I'm not afraid to tell you that the gang really has something to do with me. I just asked them to play a play with me. There's no other meaning. But I don't want this to be known by others. I think you should know how to do it? "

In the face of the threat of red fruits, I was really afraid, so I quietly replied: "I will not say it out!"

Han Boyang saw that I was so obedient, so he didn't have any more wordy words. At last, he said coldly: "I don't want to let the second person know about this matter except you, especially Shihan. If I find out that you're spreading, I don't guarantee what will happen to you." The reason why he said this to me was that if anyone else knew about it, it must be me. Han Boyang was indeed an unpredictable man with a heart.

Just when I thought he had finished speaking, a few seconds later, another sentence came from the earphone: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, don't appear around the poetry culvert in the future, otherwise, you know the consequences!"

With that, he hung up. There was a continuous beep in the earphone, and every beep pierced my heart.

The traitor pulled off the earphone in time, then stood up, patted my face with a smile, and jokingly said, "waste, remember, be obedient!"

With the fall of his voice, he and his brothers burst into laughter. Looking at their arrogant attitude, my heart was filled with reluctance. I thought it was over. At this time, the traitor said, "Oh, by the way, I just remembered another thing. Brother Yang also told me that he didn't believe it, or you had to do it Leave some heart in your body! "

After listening to the traitor's words, my heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Looking at these strong backed basketball team people, my body kept shaking and praying for them. Unfortunately, they only listened to Han Boyang's words, and my prayer seemed superfluous.

As soon as the traitor's voice fell, these big men began to fight. I was surrounded by them and beat me constantly. I didn't even feel the pain, so I began to faint. I don't know how long they beat me or when they left.

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