My ruthless roommates were not in the bedroom. At the moment, in front of me, in addition to the arrogant Liu Boyang, and his several younger brothers, all their facial expressions were still full of ridicule.

In an instant, my leg is soft, completely soft, soft can not take a step at all, as if I have forgotten to run away. The more I fear anything, it will come. The miserable fate always chases me.

I shook my lips, opened my mouth and tried to explain, but Liu Boyang didn't give me a chance to explain at all. He stood up and rushed to me, grabbed me and threw it to the ground. Then, he directly waved his hand and said faintly, "fight!"

Soon, countless fists and feet fell on me like raindrops. I felt the bones in my body were scattered. I bared my teeth in pain and shivered all the time. I cried out to them for mercy, but the more I begged for mercy, the harder they fought.

At the end of the day, my voice was hoarse and I couldn't make any sound. My body was numb. I didn't know what was the pain. There was a buzzing sound around my ears. My consciousness gradually became blurred, and my heart was full of fear and pain. I don't know how long it took for these people to stop. Before leaving, Liu Boyang did not forget to threaten me: "I really can't see that you, a waste, dare to ignore my warning and ignore my words. Well, since you are so ambitious, I'll play with you to see how hard you are. I'll beat you once when I see you!" With that, he waved his arrogant hand and left with his group of followers.

Lying on the ground, I was shaking all over the body, tears unconsciously flowed out, hazy my eyes, I wanted to get up, but I had no strength at all, I could only lie on the ground limply, panting hard, slowly recovering strength.

After about ten minutes, several roommates came back, but none of them helped me up. They all bypassed me when they entered the door, and then they did their own things. Everything was so coincidental, the same time, the same place, the same disregard for me, as if everything had just happened.

I am completely cold, my body is very painful, how I hope someone can help me to the hospital, but I do not know why everyone hates me, far away from me, in this strange city, I have no relatives, no friends, even a person to help me, this time, I understand that loneliness is so terrible.

I lay on the ground so limp, lying for nearly half an hour, only to recover some strength, relying on this strength, I endured the pain to climb up from the ground, and then limped back to his bed.

For the next few days, I have been hiding in my bedroom to recuperate. In this pheasant university, skipping classes for a few days is nothing at all. As long as there is no big problem, the teacher will not take care of you.

A week later, my injuries have healed. I went to class as usual. No one asked me what I did these days. All day, Zhang Qian didn't ask me the question of that day. In the following period of time, my life was very quiet.

Such a quiet and peaceful life continued in the middle of October. I didn't go to work again. I still lived a very full life every day. Liu Boyang never bothered me again and never saw Lin Shihan again. However, things will come when you change your mind.

At noon that day, I was coming out of the library and walking alone on a path. From a distance, I saw a group of people surrounded by a person. When I got closer, I found that a similar scene had happened again. It was Lin Shihan who was entangled. The group of people who entangled her happened to be a bunch of bastards headed by long haired men. They even found the school. My heart In an instant, he mentioned it in his voice and subconsciously hid behind a nearby tree.

I vaguely heard that Huang Mao asked Lin Shihan to pay for the loss. He said that his elder brother almost lost his life last time. These animals even counted all my accounts to Lin Shihan. Obviously, they came prepared. I don't know if I was born a hero. I can catch up with Yingxiong's bloody story every time he saves the United States. However, I have learned twice Due to the serious consequences of meddling in business, I really dare not be rash again. I can't afford the price any more. After several tangles, I still choose to hide behind the tree and watch quietly.

I thought, no matter how lawless those gangsters are, they dare not mess around in school. After taking this reassurance, I am more determined not to be strong. When I see the helpless and pitiful eyes of Lin Shihan, my determination is shaken again. In the face of Lin Shihan, I really have no immunity. Even if I calm down again, once I touch her pathetic eyes, I will easily be in a trance.

Her beauty attracted me. I would not allow anyone to defile my goddess. My heart kept swinging. When I was hesitating, Lin Shihan, who was confronting a gangster, suddenly glanced at me hiding behind the tree. In the moment of four eyes, my resolute heart was completely shaken. Even if I was cowardly and thick, I could not hide it. So, I slowly moved away I'm ready to walk towards them. At this time, a majestic voice came, "let her go!" I think the real hero is here!

I know that the hero is Han Boyang. He is very handsome like his name. I'm a little jealous of the handsome man. I've heard of him in school. Of course, I'm very impressed with him for a reason. The reason why I pay attention to her is that he and Lin Shihan are having an affair recently. Many people in the school think highly of them They are made for each other.I didn't expect that at such a critical juncture, this guy would suddenly appear. Compared with my hero to save the beauty, his appearance was particularly domineering. Before people arrived, the majestic word "let her go" was already ringing in the deep path. Even the furtive bystander, I was startled and quickly shrank back to the back of the tree.

Looking up, three boys with short sleeves and coats on their shoulders are roaring along. The legendary Han Boyang takes the lead. It is not clear whether these students, who are a bit like the ancient Confucians, have too much deterrent power, so that they dare not speak up.

As soon as Han Boyang approached, he saw that the gangsters did not intend to let go of Lin Shihan. He threw his cigarette end to the ground and trampled it out. Then he yelled again: "I said I'll release her immediately. Do you hear me?"

This is simply domineering, frightening those gangsters as if they lost their confidence. They are also heroes to save the United States. His every move is so domineering and charming. I think of me in the restaurant. I feel extremely ridiculous.

Although, he brought two people here, but his aura is so strong, one wearing gold glasses, the other is a strong man with dark skin. The three of them look like they have just finished playing basketball, and their sweat is reflected by the sun. Especially the dark skinned guy still holds a basketball in his hand and looks disdainful on his face Combined with this picture, they are virtually added the halo of the protagonist. Although there are only three people, all of them are students, they are so powerful that they can't help bluffing the four hunks, including the long haired man.

The gangsters looked very uncomfortable. However, when they reacted and found out that the other party was just a few students, everyone didn't think so. The yellow hair that hit me with a bottle of wine came out and yelled at Han Boyang: "who do you think you are? I advise you not to meddle in your own business, or you will clean up together! "

similar lines, but it can frighten me, but it can't scare Han Boyang. How to say that Han Boyang is also a second generation ancestor, and he's also quite a jerk. What's more, in front of the woman he likes, facing the threat of yellow hair, he just raises his head slightly and says gently:" get out! "

a simple word seems to be an ultimatum to the gangsters. It can be said that the courage of a man is reflected in him incisively and vividly. Not to mention Lin Shihan, the bystander, I was convinced by his courage!

However, the gangsters didn't care what he said. They immediately yelled to Han Boyang and said, "with your dolls, what can you do to us? Do you know who our elder brother is mixing with?"

But at this time, Han Boyang had no patience, he showed a helpless smile, and then he said to the dark man with basketball beside him: "Anan, can you deal with them?"

The dark skinned man named Anan grinned and casually replied, "no problem!"

With that, he threw the basketball and the coat on his shoulder to the boy with eyes, and walked carelessly towards the gangster.

I haven't seen this man named Anan, but I've heard that he is famous in school. He fights fiercely. It's said that when he was just a freshman, he was beaten by a man because of his bad temper. Later, the man found more than ten people to surround him. As a result, he knocked over all the people with his own strength, and beat the leader into a disability. Later, he went to school as usual. Now, what happened I realized that his backstage was Han Boyang, but I didn't want to think more. I just focused on the front and watched the good play.

As expected, his name is worthy of reputation. He looks like he has practiced. His body is strong but flexible. His hand is very fast. All of a sudden, the gangsters are unprepared. After a while, the four gangsters are lying down. One of them hit the ground with his head, slowly bleeding. I watched with blood boiling, as if it was me who hit them.

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