Until Zhang Qian got on the car, the car completely disappeared out of my sight, I suddenly realized what a stupid thing I had done. However, Zhang Qian's slap made me feel happy, but I didn't know why, but my heart was relieved. The whole person was relaxed a lot. In any case, what I said was not bad words. Since all of them had been said, they could not be retrieved.

However, such a small episode, how I would not have thought that it has become a weathervane to change the trajectory of my life. That night, I just came back from a walk outside. When I got back to my bedroom, I found that the other three roommates were busy with each other. At the moment I took off my shoes and prepared to go to bed, the door was kicked open, and the other roommates were driven out. I was the only one in the big bedroom.

The person who takes the lead is Liu Boyang. He is the monitor of the next class. He is a man who likes to show off. From the appearance, he looks gentle, wearing a pair of gold glasses, like a scholar, in front of the teacher, showing the appearance of a good student. In fact, he is a bully in school. He is also a bully in school.

I don't understand why they blocked me up in my bedroom, and my heart was full of doubts. But Liu Boyang took the initiative to find me tonight. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. A very bad premonition came quietly. I didn't even have time to understand how to offend this big brother. He stepped up to me and slapped me with all his strength "You don't look in the mirror to see what you look like, you want to eat swan meat?"

This slap made my ears vibrate and hum, and people were completely confused. I felt very scared in my heart. I felt very innocent. I covered my face and looked at Liu Boyang with red eyes and said, "what's wrong with me? Why did you hit me? "

As soon as the words fell, Liu Boyang immediately slapped me and said angrily, "you have the face to ask me what's wrong with you. After school today, did you go to tell Zhang Qian about it?"

My head was dizzy. Originally, tears were whirling around in my eyes. All of them were fanned out by him. My heart was even more scared. I didn't dare to have any hesitation. I quickly explained to him: "I didn't! I really don't, please believe me

After hearing my explanation, Liu Boyang was more angry. He grabbed my collar and directly lifted me from the bed and threw me to the ground. He yelled: "I hate you hypocritical people most. I dare not to do it, but it makes me sick."

As soon as the words were finished, a lackey behind him echoed: "hum, Suluo, tell you, I saw your confession with Zhang Qian at the school gate today. As a result, the confession was unsuccessful, and Zhang Qian slapped him. Do you dare to say that you are not wishful thinking?"

Hearing this, I immediately yelled, "I'm not, I'm just..." halfway through, I don't know how to explain it.

Seeing that I stopped talking, Liu Boyang grabbed my collar and slapped me. He said angrily, "it's just what, you can tell me!"

I bit my lips, Leng is unable to open mouth, I said those words to Zhang Qian, is a joke, said they will not believe. Even if they believe it, they will think it is my trick to get close to Zhang Qian. It's really miserable. For a moment, I chose silence.

Liu Boyang has lost patience with me. He directly punched me in the stomach and swore: "if you don't speak, I'll take it as your admission?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his fists and feet hit me like raindrops, which made me spit out acid water. Like a dead dog, I collapsed on the ground. I didn't say anything, and I didn't dare to fight back.

That day, the momentum of saving Lin Shihan was gone. I, who was originally weak, had to let him beat him and beat him for a while. The flatterer who reported the news said, "brother Yang, forget it, this boy is a coward. It seems that he is going to die after a few blows. Don't make a monkey out of it!"

Liu Boyang stopped beating me. He leaned down and pulled me up. He yelled: "usually you always peek at Zhang Qian in the distance. I've been annoyed by you for a long time. I didn't expect that you would dare to go and confess to her. Don't you know that she is the woman I like? Today, this is just a small lesson for you. If you dare to approach Zhang Qian again, I will let you die miserably. " With that, he stood up, straightened his clothes, and then left with the group.

I lay on the ground, tears unconsciously flow down, I remember, but, moved for a moment, the pain spread all over the body, I lay on the ground, panting. After they left, my so-called roommate didn't come in. When they saw me lying on the ground, none of them came to help me get up. They all spared me and returned to my position, so I was ignored.

After a short period of relaxation, I gradually stood up, but the pain of the body still made me shiver. I tried to endure the pain and went to bed. I recalled that once, my classmates disliked me again. At most, I just scolded me. I was also a relatively honest person, and they would not deliberately hit me.

And now, far away from my home, away from my only rely on Uncle Yang, a person in this strange city, my life everywhere careful, on guard. I endured all kinds of ridicule and abuse, which I tried to ignore, but in the end, I was not only publicly abused, but also inexplicably beaten.This is the second time that I have been beaten in a strange place. I can only swallow my pain in silence. The pain of my body makes me cry out. However, my cry did not bring sympathy from anyone. Instead, I got the collective cry and curse of my roommates: "don't make any noise. Let's not let people sleep!"

I lay in bed, covered my head with a quilt and tried not to make any noise. Two days of rest, I have been lying in bed, only hungry and toilet time to get out of bed, after two days of rest, my body is much better.

On Monday, I walked to the classroom as usual. The morning class was boring. I was lying in the classroom and sleeping until noon. When I woke up, there was no one in the class. I also got up and walked to the canteen.

Just out of the teaching building, I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I was scared. I knew it was Zhang Qian calling me. I remember the lesson that day. I dare not look back. I can only pretend not to hear it and move on.

Did not expect that she actually endless, directly ran to my body, blocking my way forward, impatiently said: "you deaf, did not hear me call you again?"

I still lowered my head and did not dare to see her. I whispered: "that day, I was abrupt, my fault, I apologize to you again, I'm sorry!"

With that, I stepped aside and tried to avoid her and escape the scene.

But I just walked two steps, Zhang Qian stopped me again: "wait a minute!"

streams of people busily coming and going to see the crowds. I don't know if there is any Liu Boyang's eyeliner in the crowd. I'm afraid of being confused again. I'm afraid of being misunderstood again, but what's more, Zhang Qian seems to be deliberately trying to put her lips in my ear, and whispered to me, "solo, I see, you're not the kind of girl to play with, I'm also a little girl. I know what you said yesterday is also true, but I want to ask you, why did you suddenly say that to me? Did someone tell you something? "

, I'm afraid Liu Boyang's Eyeliner finds me. I'm worried. "No, really I just misunderstood!" With that, I ran away quickly. I don't know what the mood of Zhang Qian behind me is at this time, and I don't know whether Liu Boyang's people have seen this scene. My heart is full of fear. I try my best to run all the way and dare not stop. I just stop when I run to the canteen, and I find a place that is the least noticeable.

After dinner, I went to the classroom. Along the way, my heart was full of uneasiness. I was afraid of being beaten. I was really afraid. I felt dangerous at any time. The canteen was not too far away from the classroom building, but I walked for a long time and finally returned to my classroom.

In the afternoon, Zhang Qian didn't know where to go and didn't come to class. I had a leisurely afternoon and left all the things at noon behind me. But bad luck is slowly approaching me.

Fate and I played a big joke, or a school night, or my bedroom, a door, I saw Liu Bo sitting at my desk, his legs on the table, is leisurely smoking, see me coming, he immediately Yin and Yang strange airway: "back to the bedroom is not far, how can you walk so slow?"

My ruthless roommates were not in the bedroom. At the moment, in front of me, in addition to the arrogant Liu Boyang, and his several younger brothers, all their facial expressions were still full of ridicule.

In an instant, my leg is soft, completely soft, soft can not take a step at all, as if I have forgotten to run away. The more I fear anything, it will come. The miserable fate always chases me.

I shook my lips, opened my mouth and tried to explain, but Liu Boyang didn't give me a chance to explain at all. He stood up and rushed to me, grabbed me and threw it to the ground. Then, he directly waved his hand and said faintly, "fight!"

Soon, countless fists and feet fell on me like raindrops. I felt the bones in my body were scattered. I bared my teeth in pain and shivered all the time. I cried out to them for mercy, but the more I begged for mercy, the harder they fought.

At the end of the day, my voice was hoarse and I couldn't make any sound. My body was numb. I didn't know what was the pain. There was a buzzing sound around my ears. My consciousness gradually became blurred, and my heart was full of fear and pain. I don't know how long it took for these people to stop. Before leaving, Liu Boyang did not forget to threaten me: "I really can't see that you, a waste, dare to ignore my warning and ignore my words. Well, since you are so ambitious, I'll play with you to see how hard you are. I'll beat you once when I see you!" With that, he waved his arrogant hand and left with his group of followers.

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