I'm not a fool. I know the consequences of letting go. From the very beginning, I predicted my own fate. I couldn't escape. I didn't want to escape at the moment when I dared to resist them. After all, if I escaped intact, this group of local ruffians would find Lin Shihan for revenge by any means, so I would harm her I was waiting. After confirming that Lin Shihan had safely returned to the campus, I slowly moved the glass from the long haired man's neck. While I was moving, I said leisurely to the pack of jackals: "I'm sorry, I just don't want to see so many men bullying a girl. You are so angry in your heart, just sprinkle it on me. I'm willing to bear all this!" With that, I gently closed my eyes, as if dying soldiers that full of ambition.

Obviously, this group of people will not be moved by my ambition. With the glass fragments in my hand falling on the ground, they ran to me frantically. Soon, the fist and foot hit me like raindrops. I was knocked down in an instant, and my body was numb. It seems that I have forgotten what is the pain. No matter how they trample, I still say Silent, although lying on the ground beaten, but I did not feel shame, on the contrary, I am proud of it.

Gradually, my eyes more blurred, the consciousness of the brain is not awake, I deeply fell into a coma here!

When I woke up, I found myself lying in a small clinic. My head was wrapped tightly with gauze, and it didn't matter if I moved my limbs. I was hanging drip by myself. What I heard was the sound of the second hand ticking on the clinic clock. I suddenly felt that the empty heart was so desolate. What I saw in my mind was the magnificent scene before coma , but after the noise, leaving only a lonely, and my injured body.

I touched my head, which was still painfully wrapped in gauze, and gently closed my eyes. After a while, my colleague in the restaurant came, and he helped me pay for the medical expenses. After I finished the drip, he helped me back to the restaurant without saying a word.

The boss met me at the door in person, and praised me by the way. He said that I was righteous and courageous. After a lot of praise, he got down to the subject in a low voice. He said that I had offended the local ruffians in this area. When the police came, they did not know how to deal with them. When those people ran, they said that they would see me and beat me once. The boss was afraid to take me in. He also prepared a month's salary plus 500 yuan of medical expenses, which was the compensation for me.

It's time to come. Although I'm ready, although this job is not easy, it's worth it for the goddess in my mind!

I took the first salary from the boss, but it was heavy for me. I said thank you to the boss, and I left the restaurant with my sick body.

God also accompanied my mood under the light rain, tonight quiet strange, I walk alone in the rain, heart desolate, I forced to endure the pain of the body, facing the drizzle, slowly toward the direction of the school.

The road is not long, but I walked for a long time, a person walking in the silent night, the rain wet my clothes, unconsciously, a figure appeared in the rainy night, standing behind me with an umbrella.

At this time, although she changed her dress, I still recognized her at a glance, and I didn't know if she was afraid of being entangled by a gangster. She wore a baseball cap under the cover of a black sportswear. Even so, she couldn't hide her beauty. Lin Shihan was still so charming that people couldn't help looking at her. Only this time, I didn't want to appreciate her beauty Want to escape quickly.

So, I pretended to be indifferent, pretended not to see her, did not want her to see me so embarrassed appearance, lowered his head to continue to walk forward, straight away.

After a few steps away from her, Lin Shihan finally opened her mouth. She gently asked, "Suluo, your grades are so good. Although I don't know what causes you to enter this university, it's fate to meet here after all. Thank you for helping me out at noon."

I turned my head unconsciously and found that her lovely eyes were staring at me. My eyes were clear and bright. I didn't dare to look at her more. I looked down at the wet ground and said two words: "nothing!" I didn't want to have too much intersection with her, so I turned and left.

After a long silence, she said to me as she left: "is the wound on your head because of me?"

At the moment, her voice changed a little bit sad, as if to cry.

I still did not stop, indifferently replied: "it has nothing to do with you, the ground is slippery when I work, I fell accidentally!"

Lin Shihan gently Oh, continued: "why do you want to save me? Are you not afraid of danger? " This time, her voice has been a little hoarse.

I still did not dare to stop, so I continued to reply coldly: "ha ha, I don't know it's you, but the boss said that there was a disturbance in the store, and I hope someone will manage it. I'll come out and it's nothing to do with you! Even if it's anyone, I'll help. "

Lin Shihan seemed very disappointed after listening to it, and then he gently gave it a second.

I really don't want to entangle any more. I quicken the pace of walking. Every step I take is very hard.

Now Lin Shihan, like me, ran over and stood in front of me. He took out a bundle of 100 yuan notes from his pocket, handed it to me, and said to me, "Suluo, thank you anyway. This is 10000 yuan. I just took it out. Even if I compensate you for the medical expenses, it's not much. I can only do this. If you are too few, I will call my father Dad's transferring it to you. "I was shocked by her sudden expression. I thought, my part-time job doesn't prove that I'm short of money. Uncle Yang will give me enough money every month, but I don't move and save it. I just want to make money to support myself, but I still take her money. I want to get rid of the relationship with her, so let her think I am a person who is open to money!

I put the money in my pocket and said to her coldly, "well, this time we don't owe each other."

I left, and Lin Shihan asked me a lot of questions, but I pretended not to hear. She was left standing alone in the rain with an umbrella.

I wanted to go back to school. When I passed a bar next to the school, I dragged myself into the bar which was strange to me. The flashing lights, the surging music, the dancing crowd, and the frantic agitation, I drowned in the crowd. I had never drunk wine. This was the first time for me, I sat by the bar and drank alone, One cup after another, I heard that alcohol can anesthetize nerves and make people in pain happy. But why did I drink so much? I only felt dizzy and nauseous, and the trouble in my heart was not eliminated at all!

The people on the dance floor are more and more happy. So many enchanting beauties are twisting around an arrogant childe, dancing wildly, looking at others, and then looking at themselves, as if they are not in this world. Why can others live so confident, but I want to live so oppressed? The future is so long, how should I go? Do I want to live like this all my life? Thinking of this, I picked up the glass in my hand, drank it down, and then went back to school.

The next day, I walked into the classroom as usual. Maybe I had drunk too much last night and didn't have a good rest. When I walked to the door, someone suddenly ran out of the classroom with his head down and ran into me. An angry female voice sounded: "Hey, you are blind, don't you have eyes!"

For a while, I was stunned. It was obvious that she didn't look at her walking, but she still opened her mouth to blame me. It made me feel helpless.

I can't help but look up at each other excitedly. At the moment, the girl is constantly patting her clothes and muttering with disgust: "what a bad luck! Meet a blind man

As soon as she said this, I was speechless. It was not bad for me, but it was all on me. I felt that I was more unjust than Dou E, and I was too lazy to argue with her.

gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind, she looked at me. But I didn't care. I was staring at her with a beautiful face, big eyes, raised lips and tall head. She was a standard beauty embryo, dressed very fashionable and had a heart stirring perfume.

In my daze, she suddenly pushed me aside, said a "roll" word, and then ran away in a hurry.

Later, I learned that she and I in the same class, called Zhang Qian, is a student union cadre, her personality is aggressive, like to dress up, family conditions are also very superior, many boys are salivating at her, get along for a long time, I have a light good impression of her.

On the following Friday evening, the school was over, and there were all kinds of luxury cars at the school gate. Many beautiful girls dressed in fashionable clothes got into these luxury cars. All the people in the cars were rich people, either their service objects or their Godfathers.

On that day, I happened to pass by the school gate. This was a natural phenomenon. I was used to it. I never saw it. But suddenly, an incredible scene was caught by me. I saw Zhang Qian, who was in my class, also got into an old man's luxury car. Then, my step stopped, and suddenly there were ripples in my heart.

At this moment, I noticed that today's Zhang Qianbi is wearing wild clothes every day. She is very sexy, wrapped in black stockings and dressed in heavy make-up to meet her guests. For the so-called money, for brand bags and clothing, for material needs, she did not hesitate to sell her soul.

Although she is shrewd in character, after a period of observation, she is still easy to get close to others. I can't bear to see such a girl go down on her own, and I'm determined to stop it. My steps toward the direction of the car in the past, in the moment that the car started, I ran to the front of the car in time.

The old man in the car immediately stopped the car. He glared at me and scolded me angrily. However, I completely ignored his existence and went directly to the co driver's seat and whispered: "I have something to talk to you about!" With that, I turned to the side of the road and waited for her to come down.

Zhang Qian looked at me, then turned to look at the old man driving, and also said a few words to him, and then got off the car.

When she came to me, she didn't look at me with a straight eye. She just said impatiently, "what do you want me to do? If you have something to do, please tell me what you have to do, and I still have something to do!" She was still angry with me.

She stood so close in front of me, I suddenly became nervous, before the courage seems to be out of half, the mind suddenly forget what should be said. I was at a loss and realized that I was impulsive, but I still wanted to say something, but I didn't know where to start.See me wriggle appearance, she scornfully glared at me, more impatient said: "in the end there is nothing, nothing I left!" Then she turned and walked back to the car.

Seeing that she really left, I had no time to think about it, and immediately blurted out, "wait a minute!"

I swallowed my saliva, walked a few steps forward, came to her and said bravely, "Zhang Qian, don't do this again. With your family conditions, it's not difficult to find a better boyfriend. There's no need to go wrong for money and hurt myself. Money is important, but there are some things money can't buy back. You are young now and you can squander your youth. But when you get older, you will regret what you have done now, sell your body for money, and give your youth to old men. Look back, don't make mistakes again and again

However, I did not expect that, I summoned up the courage of persuasion, in return for the other party's cruel slap, and her towering anger: "sulo, I said you're a fuckin 'psycho, that's my father!"

With that, she turned around and left. I stood in the same place and was deeply embarrassed

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