The past has become the past, the future has not happened, I have to face the present. Now I, no matter how I change, like before, I like quiet, like a stable life, just like last night, cook delicious food for the people I like, happy and sad with her. That's what I want to pursue.

But now, the environment around me has changed. My fate is doomed to be unable to have that kind of ease. My mentality has changed. I don't expect to go back to the past. At the same time, I also understand a truth. If I want to be stable, I have to make myself strong. My coming back this time represents that my life will be completely changed from now on.

With an ordinary heart, I bowed my head and calmly entered the gate of the campus. As I wrapped myself tightly, I stepped into the campus. After a few steps, I was stopped by the security guard at the door and asked me, "no entry without permission!"

I thought to myself, when the school became so strict, I had to get permission to enter the door. I took off my glasses and turned to the people behind me and said, "my name is Ye Zixuan."

After hearing this, the security guard didn't stop me. He nodded to me directly and said, "it's Ye Shao. Please come in quickly."

With that, he gave me a gesture of invitation. I didn't pay any attention to him, so I went directly. All the way, my steps were not urgent and my face was not arrogant and rash. My eyes only focused on the road under my feet, without straying. I have no heart to enjoy the campus scenery, also have no time to watch the crowd, as if anything in the school has nothing to do with me. Just as I turned into a shady path, a scream suddenly pierced the tranquility of the afternoon and reached my ears.

Then, a bicycle hit me from the side, the speed of the bicycle was not fast, I didn't have anything to do, but the girl on the bike was unstable, and directly connected with people to take the car, and fell down. I was quick in the eye and quick in my hand, and rushed to the past with a dart. At the moment when the girl fell to the ground, I put my arms around her, so that she would not fall to the ground, which may save people's hearts, without considering Fruit, inadvertently, my only arm her hand, unexpectedly accidentally touched her chest, my palm, immediately spread a soft feeling.

However, my heart was not on this, did not notice anything, just instinctively wanted to save people, so, after holding her, I fixed my eyes on the little girl in camouflage clothes, this girl, a head of elegant long hair, good facial features, skin white and tender, looks very lovely, I looked at her, concerned and asked: "that, girl, are you ok?"

At this time, the girl was shocked and didn't feel strange. She just shook her head in a daze. At this time, another bicycle came rushing towards this place. A fat girl wearing the same military training uniform as her was pedaling on the bicycle and shouting to the girl: "Qiqi, you didn't fall down!"

However, when the fat girl stopped the car in front of me and saw my hand on the chest of the girl named Qiqi, she was silly on the spot. After half a second's stupidity, the fat girl suddenly glared at me and scolded: "nm, you're a pervert. Where are your hands? Don't you release Qiqi quickly!"

At this time, I realized that my hand inadvertently did a dirty thing, although my heart is very strong, but encounter this scene, also can not avoid embarrassment, I quickly righted Qiqi, let go of hand, and a face of apology said: "sorry, sorry, really sorry!"

The girl named Qiqi didn't say anything. She just glanced at me with a blush on her face and went to pick up her bicycle to escape from the place. However, the fat man didn't give up and scolded me: "in broad daylight, you should learn from other people's underworld and wear sunglasses. You're not a good man at first sight. Don't say you didn't mean to be a rascal!"

I shrunken mouth, did not answer, and Qiqi this client, by the fat man said, more shy, she rushed to the fat woman: "well, well, people are not intentional, let's go!"

The fat girl gave me a look and was about to leave, but at this time, a group of boys in military training uniform came together again. These freshmen were tall and straight, and they looked like they knew each other. One of the relatively handsome boys was the first to come together and said to the girl attentively: "Qiqi, what's the matter? Who bullied you? ”

his expression was a little cheap. He was just like the Savior. He was arrogant and arrogant. Qiqi didn't pay attention to him, but the fat woman was choking up her anger. She pointed to me and said to the little cheap boy, "Wenge, it's the lecher who touched Qiqi's chest!"

As soon as this remark was made, the freshmen immediately exclaimed, saying that I, a pervert, dare to belittle the Department of politics and law in broad daylight. The boy who became Wen Ge suddenly became angry. He quickly jumped up to me and pointed at me and said, "grandma, where are you from? Do you really think you are a underworld Do you dare to molest girls in school? Are you impatient? "

He was very angry. When he spoke, the spitting stars almost sprayed on my face. I moved my feet gently, bypassed him, and chose to leave. When Wenge's boy saw me like this, he was even more angry. He quickly turned around, grabbed my shoulder, and roared: "who TM let you go? I'm talking to you. Didn't you hear me?"When his hand touched my shoulder, I grabbed his hand with a backhand, and then turned around and glared at him. Originally, the boy looked at me and wanted to get angry. However, before he got angry, I held his hand and suddenly exerted a strong force. Wenge couldn't carry it. He cried and asked me to let go. He took it Those freshmen who came to me quickly surrounded me.

Today, I just came to school, I don't want to make trouble, but I'm too lazy to explain. I just said to Wenge: "I just did what I should do. If you pester me, don't blame me for letting you pay the price!"

Finish saying, I then let go of howling Wen elder brother, turn around, continue to leave.

However, just before I took two steps, Wenge's voice came again: "brothers, go ahead, kill him for me, I'll be responsible for any accident!"

At the moment of his voice falling down, I turned my head warily, and found that those big freshmen, when they came, were seven people in total. When they heard Wenge's words, they rushed towards me without hesitation.

Originally, I just want to low-key school, do not want to cause trouble, but since the matter has come to this, then, I do not need to be polite, so, directly turned around, rushed in, directly one punch and one foot easily knocked down the first freshman, and then, I continued to attack, clean action, leaving no room for, in an instant, these several grow more than me If you want to be a big freshman, you will be killed by me.

This time, Wenge, who was watching the drama not far away, was so stupid. He was ready to wait for his brother to take me down and then start a good teacher with me. But when he saw that I had killed several brothers brought by him with one person's power, and he was not damaged, he was already numb.

Don't mention him. The freshmen who heard the news and came to see the excitement were all dumbfounded. They all looked at me as if they were watching aliens. Even the fat lady who made a fuss was stunned. At this moment, she did not dare to say more than half a sentence.

I slowly walked to Wenge in front of him and said to him coldly: "can I go this time?"

After that, I walked away without waiting for him to reply. But I didn't expect that Wenge would not give up and dare to yell at me: "stop, you have a kind of don't go!"

When I heard this, I stopped and was about to turn around. Suddenly, Qiqi rushed to Wenge's face and said to me, "he Wen, you're enough. It's none of his business. It's my own bike. I fell down accidentally. He helped me!"

However, he Wen has been completely angry. He doesn't care whether I did it on purpose or not. In short, now that he is flat, he can't swallow this tone. He directly said to Qiqi, "don't worry about this matter, it's none of your business!"

Then, he yelled at me in his voice: "you are a new son of a bitch. Do you know who I am? In this school, you dare to beat me. If you don't leave, I will make you die very ugly!"

With that, he took out his mobile phone, dialed it, and then called to the other end of the phone: "cousin, come on, someone called me, it's better to bring more people, this person can do some Kung Fu!"

Put away the mobile phone, he Wen's morale is more prosperous, full of provocation, people around can't help saying, this goods will be abandoned, he actually dare to move he Wen in this school, it seems that he may not know, he Wen's cousin is Jiang Li, this can have a good play to watch.

As soon as the name of Jiang Li was mentioned, the freshmen who were watching for a moment suddenly exclaimed, as if the name was the myth of the school. Among the freshmen, it was like thunder, and many people could not help talking about it. They said that Jiang Li was a big red man beside the old Da Ye Zixuan. When ye Zixuan was not in the school, Jiang Li was in the school But one hand covers the sky! No one in school is afraid of him.

When he Wenyi heard someone say his cousin, he was even more proud than praising himself. His nostrils were all up to the sky, and his face was full of sermons. When I heard the name of Jiang Li, I couldn't help being stunned. Unexpectedly, the changing situation is really impermanent. Last time I went back to school, Jiang Li was beaten into a dog at the gate of the school. Today, he has changed and become a famous person in the school. It seems that during my absence, Jiang Li has made a lot of efforts.

However, even if the heavenly king and Laozi came, I didn't want to delay here, let alone his little Jiang Li. So, I said to He Wen: "I don't have time to play with you now, goodbye!"

With that, I turned and left.

They are really not tired. After walking a few steps, he wen suddenly ran to me with some of his defeated generals and blocked my way. A dog who had been beaten and had no memory actually dared to say to me: "why, now do you know what to do? Wasn't that arrogant? If you want to go, it's not so easy, unless you kneel down and knock my head for me. If you shout, I'll let you go! Otherwise, hum

As soon as he Wen's words came out, his brothers immediately agreed with him and said, "yes, yes, yes, we'll spare you if we call grandfather!"

Their attitude is not to mention how much to beat, even those new students watching the crowd, also do not mind the big thing to join in the excitement, one after another called out: "really not men, hit people dare not bear!"They all look indignant, it's ridiculous. Once upon a time, I was forced to look like this. Now, different from the past, I'm no longer the slain solo who wanted me to be afraid of. At present, I haven't seen it yet. Just as I was feeling indignant, a very domineering voice suddenly floated from the distance: "it's the one who doesn't have long eyes, dare to dare TM bullies my cousin! "

This voice is very powerful. I can hear it immediately. It is Jiang Li's voice. As expected, people have changed, and even their tone of voice has changed. Today, he is full of deterrence. With only one voice, the crowd can't help but tremble and make way for him in a hurry. Soon, I saw that Jiang Li was followed by his brothers of about thirty or forty, each with steel pipes in their hands, and came towards me in a fierce manner.

It may be that Jiang Li's popularity in the school is too high. Therefore, when he appeared, there were a lot of people in the rear, many of whom were freshmen and sophomores when I was in school.

In a moment, my surroundings were full of people. The number of people attracted by Jiang Li had already exceeded the number of people who had been watching before. The freshmen who had been watching before were very excited and kept shouting, brother Li is really coming. Now there is really a good play to watch.

When he saw Jiang Li coming, he wen immediately welcomed him, pointed to me, and said arrogantly, "cousin, it's this stupid x who hit me!"

Jiang Li's face became stiff as soon as he heard it. He carried the steel pipe and rushed to me without saying a word. He yelled at me as he walked: "it's the blind man who dares to move my brother, isn't it..."

Waiting for him to finish speaking, my soft voice directly rang in the noisy crowd: "when did the school become so chaotic again?"

After that, I took off my sunglasses, raised my head slightly, and looked at Jiang Li with sharp eyes.

Originally, Jiang Li was full of momentum all over his body, but when he approached and saw my face clearly, the whole person was immediately stunned, like a ball of venting gas. All the momentum dissipated in an instant. He widened his eyes and stared at me for a long time, and finally stammered out a sentence: "Xuan, Xuan, Xuan, Xuan, Xuan, Xuan, brother Xuan!"

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