With Jiang Li's voice, the lively and noisy scene immediately fell into a very wonderful atmosphere. Just half a minute ago, he Wen, who was supported by Jiang Li, was extremely arrogant. He looked like Laozi was the best in the world. He kept imagining that Lao Tzu was beaten into a dog. But only for a short moment, when he saw his cousin and saw me, he was so silent and frightened that he even stammered. Then he suddenly felt something wrong. He may not have understood what Jiang Li said, so he ran to him and asked, "brother, what's the matter with you?"

His tone, also did not have before the rampant taste, some are just curious. Jiang Li, who had been frightened for a long time, saw he wen come over and immediately came back to his mind. After that, he drew his mouth directly on his face and scolded, "are you blind and don't even know brother Xuan?"

Jiang Li's attitude was extremely tense and his tone was full of awe for me. The person who can make Jiang Li, who is the most powerful person in the school, to yell for elder brother in a low voice, except ye Zixuan in the school, may not be able to find a second person.

This time. Almost all the audience responded, especially the brothers who came with Jiang Li immediately recognized me. They all ran to me and called brother Xuan respectfully.

Immediately, the whole scene was boiling. Everyone's eyes were widened, and the voices of astonishment came and went. Everyone was talking about me, a legendary figure. He Wen, who was provocative, was scared to be stupid. The guy who pretended to be a fox and a tiger was scared blue. He looked at me dully, and his eyes were dull, which was in sharp contrast to the previous attitude towards me.

In the crowd, the fat woman who caused the incident was immediately stunned. She hid in the side and didn't dare to show her face. She only looked at me quietly to see if I would take any action against her. I didn't pay attention to these unknown people. Even Qiqi, who was accidentally eaten tofu, was shocked and looked at me strangely.

I have never been looked upon by others, and become the meeting point of the whole audience. It happened in a few minutes. However, at the moment, I am not in a good mood. I am not because of this little friction. What I care about is that the students in this school have not changed much, especially the freshmen in the new school, who are so bullying and feel better than before At that time, we were still rampant and did not put anyone in the eye.

Needless to say, the most important reason must lie in Jiang Li. Now, under the guise of working for me, he has already made many people in the school obey his orders. When I was away, he, as the leader, directly brought the school atmosphere into chaos. His cousin, obviously, is a typical representative, relying on Jiang Li's support and studying Xi Li was domineering and arbitrary.

Therefore, when I saw this situation, I was unavoidably uncomfortable. At the beginning, I still expected to change the style of the school and stop bullying. However, some things must be changed when the students of the school are updated. Like Jiang Li, who was once a weak person, I can understand his heart, so I always promoted him and trusted him. Unexpectedly, I arrived Head, he enjoyed power, but was seduced by this kind of thing, using a little power in his hand, pretending to be a tiger.

Maybe, he had this kind of sign at the beginning. Every time I did something big, he just looked up and puffed up because he occupied my scenery. At that time, I didn't care too much. I thought it was normal for him to enjoy the feeling of elation. But now, I find that Jiang Li is obviously ambitious and everyone is floating. Once you have power, the whole person will change.

With a deep disappointment, I went to Jiang Li, a hand gently patted him on the shoulder, said unhappily: "Jiang Li, my original intention is to let students continue to bully the weak?"

After listening to my words, Jiang Li's face instantly became very ugly. After holding back for a long time, he said, "I'm sorry, brother Xuan, it's all my fault. I'm sorry for your entrustment."

Although Jiang Li apologized, his tone was obviously unconvinced to me. It is estimated that in front of so many people, his face was damaged. When I was away, Jiang Li's popularity overshadowed all the people. Now that I come back, his light is covered by me. It's hard to avoid feeling bad.

I understand him. Everyone will inevitably make some mistakes. I don't want to blame him any more. I look around at the crowd and scan the freshmen in camouflage clothes. From them, I also feel the daring and brave temperament. If these people are well cultivated, they are actually good seedlings. I really don't want them to step into My legacy.

Then, I turned to He Wen and said in a flat tone: "little brother, I set the rules you should know, but I don't blame you for these, but you rely on your cousin's Fox, this is your wrong!"

When I said this, the onlookers couldn't help but agree. They kept saying that he Wen was wrong, especially freshmen. It seemed that many people had been bullied by him and criticized him one after another. People are like this. When they don't know my identity, they obviously turn to He Wen, because they dare not offend him. Now when they know my identity, the direction of public opinion immediately changes.

Hearing these accusations, he Wen's face turned very ugly, but he didn't dare to look at me or say anything. He only looked at his cousin Jiang Li, hoping that Jiang Li could make decisions for him. However, Jiang Li knew what I was like. Even if he had the ambition to replace me, he did not dare to fight against me openly. However, he still hoped that I could give him face. So he stood up and defended He Wen and said, "brother Xuan, you can see that my cousin has just come to school for a short time. He doesn't know what to do. I hope you can let him go without being a villain."I can tell from Jiang Li's tone that he was pleading for he Wen on the surface, but in fact he asked me to give him a face. Originally, I didn't intend to do anything to He Wen, but seeing that he didn't repent and asked Jiang Li to come and help him revenge, which made me a little upset. So, I grabbed He Wen and said coldly to Jiang Li, "you are all grown-up, don't you know?" ?”

Finish saying, I pull He Wen's hand, force a throw, throw him to throw directly fall to the ground, be in a mess.

He wen couldn't bear to be pushed by me. He looked at Jiang Li with red eyes and called out wrongly, "cousin!"

In his voice, he Wen is still thinking about Jiang Li's decision. It can be seen that Jiang Li must have made some big remarks in front of his cousin to make his cousin dare to be so rampant in school. Even in front of me, he wen didn't give up and asked Jiang Li.

The other people on the scene, hearing he Wen's cry for help, also turned their eyes to Jiang Li. At this time, his face was hard to see the extreme. His domineering momentum, in front of me, how dare not burst out, really dare not speak out.

It seems that all the people who follow Jiang Li are his cronies. In the past, I was in school, and I had to deal with a lot of things by Jiang Li. Therefore, this guy has cultivated a lot of trusted brothers. No wonder he has the ambition to dominate. However, he only has this heart, but he does not have the courage.

But the eyes of the onlookers were full of expectation. They were looking forward to watching the good play and seeing how Jiang Li, a man of great prestige at school, should make decisions for his cousin.

At this moment, the scene fell into embarrassment. Just when Jiang Li was at a loss, suddenly a group of people crowded into the crowd. The leader was Chen Haoran, and the group of muscular men who fought with him from south to North were still following him. They all looked iron and mighty.

As soon as they approached, the crowd again made way for them. Soon, Chen Haoran saw me in the crowd. He immediately got close to me and said respectfully to me: "brother Xuan, you are back!"

Chen Haoran's tone is full of respect. I can see that in the heart of the former single champion, I am already an unshakable boss. I nodded at him, which was a response to him. In this school, Chen Haoran is a real man of the times. If Bai Qiuyan didn't suppress him, he would have been the boss of the school 。 Today, although he is not the boss, but his deterrent force is still beyond doubt, whether new or old students, almost do not know him.

At the moment, even Chen Haoran, the one-off champion, is respectful to me. Obviously, my eldest brother's words are beyond doubt. This voice of brother Xuan is equivalent to giving everyone a clear indication to tell them that my position in the school is unshakable.

After greeting me, Ding Wudi glanced around again. He seemed to find something. He immediately said to Jiang Li, "Jiang Li, are you making trouble for he wen again? How many times have I told you to keep a low profile

Chen Haoran's tone is full of blame. It can be seen that Chen Haoran has not once reprimanded Jiang Li. It seems that during my absence, Jiang Li was too arrogant and domineering, which made Chen Haoran say him separately. However, obviously, these are useless. There was little interaction between Jiang Li and Chen Haoran, and he would certainly not listen to Chen Hao However, even now Chen Haoran said that he was not happy, but because of my presence, he did not refute.

Seeing more and more people watching, the voice of discussion is also growing. My original intention is not to make things too big. After a short silence, I said to Chen Haoran: "nothing big, a little misunderstanding. Let's all go. I'll go back to my bedroom first!"

With that, I put on my sunglasses and left.

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