I didn't care about other people's opinions, but I left. It was a face for Jiang Li. All the people were watching me, and all the voices were ringing again. But I turned a deaf ear and sped up the pace of leaving. I didn't want to discipline my brothers and hurt their face in front of so many people. Similarly, it was also a loss of my own demeanor and I wanted to collect people Heart, we must know how to treat our own people.

However, this incident is also a wake-up call for me. We must be cautious in employing people. If there is a loophole in the current student force, people will not unite. Sometimes their loyalty is not as strong as their inner desire. Therefore, this time I come back, my goal is to mix the society. So, I must make a rule to select brothers To be more strict, what I need now is a brother who can accompany me to mount daoshan, rather than a brother who will only use my reputation as a bully.

As soon as I returned, there was a whirlwind in the school. Almost all the people in the school heard that I was back. Therefore, not long after I went back to my bedroom, my bedroom was full of people. Many of my former brothers came to say hello to me. I politely had a fight with all my brothers.

After that, Jiang Li came back in dismay and apologized to me as soon as he came. This attitude was quite sincere. In front of so many people, I didn't say much. I only warned him to keep a low profile.

After chatting with these brothers for a while, about half an hour later, I asked the brothers who came to say hello to me to go back first. When the crowd dispersed, I simply sorted out my things. After finishing, I immediately took out my mobile phone and called Shen Muchen. For me, Shen Muchen is always my most trusted brother.

Therefore, whether it is the influence of the school or I want to step into the society, I have to discuss with Shen Muchen. In terms of social experience, Shen Muchen knows much more than I do. After all, his reputation is not built on his face, but on himself.

But after I made several phone calls, Shen Muchen didn't answer, which made me a little puzzled. According to reason, my phone call Shen Muchen couldn't be answered, and he was still a person who couldn't leave his mobile phone. Vaguely, I felt that something had happened to Shen Muchen, so I immediately went out of the dormitory and prepared to go to the normal university next door to look for him.

When I met the fat girl in the front of the school, it seemed that I met the fat girl in the front of the school, but I didn't think of me when I was walking in front of the school It's cheap, and the boss is the school grass of this school. What a happy thing it is. You should go to him and let him be responsible for you. In this way, no one will harass you in school! "

After hearing this, Qiqi replied shyly: "this matter or you come!"

At this time, I had already walked to their side, immediately, the two primary school girls were shocked, especially Qiqi, blushed. I looked at her and said politely: "beauty, can you lend me your bike to ride, I will return it to you in a moment!"

When I went to the normal university, it took a lot of time to walk. It happened that these two were acquaintances. I licked my face and borrowed a bicycle map for convenience. This Qiqi girl was also good at talking and agreed to me directly.

I whispered, "thank you."

She took the bike from her hand, and then I rode on my bike and went straight to normal university.

After a while, my bike drove into the campus of Normal University. At the beginning, I came here almost every day for Shen Yue. But since then, I have never driven here again. Time has changed. Now everything has changed. Shen Yue has become a passer-by on my blacklist. She is no longer the girl who makes me excited I can't stir the ripples in my heart.

I didn't recall with emotion here. There was a passer-by in front of me. I went up to ask him about Shen Muchen's bedroom. However, before I asked, passers-by's comments came, saying that Shen Muchen had a conflict with people on the basketball court today, and many people went to see it.

As soon as I heard the news, I quickly pedaled the car and rushed to the basketball court. Far away, I have seen the huge basketball court, already a sea of people, unexpectedly, the normal university students, also like to join the fun.

Because the pedestrians were too crowded, I couldn't ride too fast. When I heard my voice, the people in front of me unconsciously made way for me. Through this road, I ran all the way, and finally got to the place where the accident happened, the basketball court.

At the moment, I can see the confrontation between the two sides. One group is headed by Shen Muchen, and the crab's face is decorated with some color. On the other side, it is my old acquaintance, song Qingfeng. But at the moment, beside him is not Shen Yue, but a woman dressed in flowery clothes.

However, the leader of this group of people is not song Qingfeng, but a tall, powerful, tough boy. This person is not a good stubbornness. After all, Shen Muchen is now a junior, and he can be said to be a dignified figure in the school. More importantly, looking at the situation, Shen Muchen seems to be like this time It's flat.But I don't care who the other party is. I just pedaled my car all the way and quickly rushed into the space where they were facing each other. Originally, the battle situation of the two groups of people was on the verge of breaking out, and they were about to fight. However, with the continuous ringing of my shouts and bicycle bells, all the people turned their eyes to me, the uninvited guest, and even some people couldn't help saying something I'm not afraid of death. I dare to ride my car here. I'm not going to die.

I ignored everything and rode into the battlefield. In the open space between the two gangs of them, I stopped the car with a very domineering posture. Then, I stepped on the ground and left one foot on the pedal of my bicycle. Then I slowly took off my sunglasses. My eyes looked at Shen Muchen in the middle of the crowd, gave a slight smile, and then domineering "Sorry, Muchen, I seem to be late!"

My sudden break in made all the people on the scene did not respond. Shen Muchen didn't recognize me. When I took off my sunglasses and revealed this handsome face, Shen Muchen reacted. His originally stunned face suddenly showed a charming smile and walked towards me with a smile.

I set up the car and walked towards Shen Muchen. As soon as we met, we beat each other's chest. Immediately, Shen Muchen just opened a mouth to say: "you talk about you, come back how also don't inform me in advance, I good for you to receive wind ah!"

I smile slightly, return a way: "our brother is not polite, just I called you several times, no one answered, I simply found it, did not expect you to bring so many brothers to meet me, it is a great honor to ah!"

Shen Muchen heard my joke and laughed bitterly. However, when our brothers exchanged greetings, the other party's people couldn't stand it. A male with a male duck's voice directly yelled at me: "who's not afraid of death? If you don't see elder brother long in this way, don't go away quickly, or you'll be cleaned up together in a moment!"

Longge? In the normal university, Shen Muchen can eat shriveled people, also with a dragon name, in front of this is the legend, the real boss of Normal University, Wanlong?

No wonder there are so many people around the basketball court today. It turns out that they not only come to see Shen Muchen, but also come to see Wan long. The name of Wan Long is also a legend. Although he and Bai Qiuyan are not in the same school, they are second only to Bai Qiuyan. Wanlong is famous in all the universities around here, just like Bai Qiuyan.

Thinking of this, I asked Shen Muchen what was going on and why he was in conflict with Wanlong. Shen Muchen told me that it was because of a small matter. At first, crab played basketball here and had some friction with song Qingfeng. Originally, when I was in the bar last time, crabs saw song Qingfeng's bad temper and beat him as soon as he got angry. As a result, song Qingfeng moved Wanlong, the overlord. Later, Wan Long taught crab a lesson and Shen Muchen came to rescue him. That's exactly what happened.

Of course, the surface is really a small thing, but I also know the reason. Song Qingfeng knew the relationship between crab and me. Fighting crab was also revenge for that time, and WAN long used it to suppress Shen Muchen. In retrospect, Shen Muchen disobeyed Wan Long's words because of me. Last time, he didn't help Bai Qiuyan according to Wan Long's request, In fact, it has proved that Shen Muchen is not in the hands of Wanlong. Therefore, Wanlong does not allow Shen Muchen's power to grow.

However, the source of this matter is song Wenming. This boy insulted me and attacked me with Shen Yue when I was in the lowest ebb. At that time, I was nearly forced to death by them. I felt disgusted when I saw the man who thought he was a snake. So, I directly said to Shen Muchen, "how do you plan to solve this matter?"

In the face of my question, Shen Muchen said: "of course, I mean peaceful settlement. Wanlong is not easy to offend, and has great influence in the school. Moreover, Wanjia has some power in this city, so we should deal with him for fear that he will bring in the family force. In that case, it will be enough for our student party to drink a pot of wine!"

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