When I said this, several people were stunned, and everyone showed an incredible look to me. If I hadn't been completely transformed, they would have thought that I was crazy. As soon as the voice dropped, the whole box became extremely silent and the voice stopped.

After a short silence, Shen Muchen first opened his mouth and said, "Arlo, what do you say?"

I can see that Shen Muchen understood what I said, but he was just confirming it again. After all, this matter is really very important. We school bastards are totally different from the underworld. We are in the school is a small fight, simple to say, is the contest between students, after graduation, everyone went to the East and West, from then on each side of the world. But mixing black that is equal to set their own future, once set foot on this road, there is no turning back, can be said to be mixed with life.

It's just that I have made a choice about this road. Besides, my father is a person on the road. I feel that I will always set foot on this road. However, Shen Muchen and I are different. They go to regular universities and are students of key universities. After graduation, their future is bright. Therefore, they can not choose this road. The reason why I said this is that, Because they were brothers. If you want to hear their opinions, you can also talk about your own direction.

At this time, the crab also asked a little puzzled: "Arlo, what is the road you said?"

I slowly stood up, glanced at the crowd, and finally fell on Shen Muchen's body. I looked at him very seriously and positively said: "I said I would go that way, black!"

My words just finished, let me more surprised is, Shen Muchen after hearing my affirmation, did not hesitate to reply: "count me a bar!"

Then, the crab's voice also rang up, said: "good idea, I also want to sign up!"

Crab's disposition is good, does not stick to the small section, he dares to fight, is not afraid of the matter, is not afraid of bleeding sacrifice. However, I know how rough the road is. My father also told me that some things can't come in a hurry. Therefore, I didn't let Shen Muchen join them. I just told them what I meant. I planned to integrate some of my own forces in the school, which is a very reliable and elite force, and then slowly develop to expand the influence to the society.

Shen Muchen also agreed with my idea. He also felt that this matter could not be urgent. He had to step by step. Since we are students, we should start from the school first. Although we all know that the power of the school is not stable, it is still a group of brothers. One in a million can always find many brothers who are loyal and not afraid of death and go to the society with me.

However, as for Shen Muchen, I still don't want them to step into the society ahead of time like me. They study in key universities and can't give up if they give up. Even if they are in school, it's not idle. Now, Shen Muchen also faces a big problem, that is, the real overlord of Normal University, Wanlong!

We have made a thorough peace with Liang Zi of Wanlong. Since we can't coexist peacefully, we have to destroy him. Therefore, I intend to help Shen Muchen dominate the normal university. Shen Muchen has no objection to this decision.

On hearing of this decision, crab is even more in favor of it. He couldn't stand Wan Long's cowardice. In addition, he still suffered losses on the basketball court today. If he hadn't been weak, he would have killed that son of a bitch. Now, with my help, it's much easier to deal with Wan long.

When it comes to dealing with Wanlong, Shen Muchen mentioned another person, song Qingfeng. Shen Muchen still attaches great importance to this role, saying that he can't be underestimated. This time, he caused the incident. Although he is insignificant in school, he knows a lot of people. Xiao Hu is only one of them, because some of his family's industries are related to Wanjia So I got to know each other, so this talent dare not be afraid of Shen Muchen. What happened today is actually what he was trying to find fault with.

Speaking of song Qingfeng, I just smile and don't say much, but I know that this guy must still remember my hatred. After all, my father beat him in public that year, which made him lose face. He must hate me. Therefore, I have just started to hate him, but these are nothing to me. My main enemy now is Xie Yu And the people behind her.

In the past, I always felt that the people in the society were terrible. I didn't dare to provoke them, let alone talk about them directly. However, since I came back from plastic surgery and made up my mind, this feeling has disappeared. They are all human beings like me. They dare to do what I dare not. What he can do is as long as he is more ruthless than he is.

In this world, I think there are only three important people, my father, uncle Yang, and Luo Ziyi. My father has his own power, and self-report is no problem. Now I don't care about Xie Yumu's influence. My determination is to kill her and let her know that I am not a bullying lamb.

Since I want to change, I will become complete. I am not ye Zixuan at the beginning, and I am not the weak and incompetent Su Luo. Now, I can't be timid in my work any more. If I decide, I must deal with it decisively.So, in the next day to time, I and Shen Muchen! After discussing how to integrate the school forces, select elite brothers, and how I should go in the future, I entrusted Shen Muchen to help me to investigate the boss of the bath center. I know that Xie Yu is not the only one to deal with, but the whole force related to her. Therefore, I need to understand the power of the boss of the bath center before I can have a deal Their general plan.

Shen Muchen also did not hesitate, directly agreed to my request, help me to find out the bottom of their business, also talked about the matter, should say also said, the meal also finished, I and Shen Muchen they simply said goodbye, on their own back to school.

I went back to my university quickly by bike. At this moment, it was in the afternoon. The freshmen in military training uniform could be seen everywhere in the campus. They were standing in the hot sun, standing in the military posture, walking military steps, sweating like rain. The scene was called grand.

I inquired about the military training ground of the literature department, and then I went straight to their military training playground on my bicycle. At this time, the playground, team by team, followed by their respective instructors, received strict training. Although the standing and walking of these freshmen were not very standard, they were wearing uniform camouflage clothes and following the neat order, but they were quite imposing. Look I have some blood rolling, feeling like standing in the barracks quickly.

Then, I put my eyes on one of the girls' teams, and then I went to Qiqi directly. Qiqi was found by me so quickly because she was outstanding among the freshmen. The other freshmen were tanned and shiny. Her skin did not change at all. It was strange that Qiqi was very conspicuous.

Originally, I was going to say hello to her and return my bike. But seeing that they were practicing, I didn't want to disturb them, so I sat in a cool place and waited for them. In the process of waiting, I called Luo Ziyi, chatted for a while, and promised her that if she had time in the evening, I would go to have dinner together.

At this time, she had just had lunch and was preparing to work. Although I met yesterday, she still told me to eat well and pay attention to safety. If I didn't have time, I didn't have to go every day. After that, Luo Ziyi told me in a hurry that she had come to work again, and then she hung up the phone directly.

After chatting with Luo Ziyi, I put away my mobile phone and glanced at Qiqi's military training place. Only then did I find that they were resting and sitting in the shade of the tree to enjoy the cool. But I didn't see Qiqi's figure. I immediately stood up and swept the whole playground keenly. Finally, I saw Qiqi running around the playground.

All the military training teams here have entered the stage of rest. On the whole runway, only Qiqi is running there alone. The sweat keeps falling from her face. Her military training clothes are soaked with sweat. It looks like a Keren. Seeing this, I can't help frowning. Then, I stepped forward and walked to the fat man with Qiqi.

I looked at a sad fat man, pointed directly to Qiqi on the track and asked, "what's wrong with her?"

As soon as the fat woman saw that it was me, her eyes lit up immediately. With resentment, she told me about the process of things. It turned out that when their girls were doing sit ups, the instructor pretended to correct Qiqi's actions, in order to take advantage of Qiqi. As a result, Qiqi directly scolded her for the instructor's behavior and let the instructor lose face in front of the students. So, the instructor said she didn't pay attention to discipline, contradicted the instructor, let Qiqi run around the playground for ten times.

When she said this, the fat woman's face was red. She said that Qiqi would never talk casually. It was the instructor's salty pig's hand touching her. When the fat woman finished, a boy with a sense of justice stood up and said a word. He said that he saw that the instructor really molested Qiqi, but the freshmen did not dare to tell the truth in front of the instructor, Because if you tell the truth, you are liable to be punished.

When I inquired about the process here, many freshmen recognized me. Now they regard me as the leader of the school as a life-saving straw. They let me complain for them. Every student said with indignation that the instructor was wrong.

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