I really didn't expect that a soldier would do such a dirty thing. To be honest, I feel very bad. In my heart, I am in awe of the soldiers, because my father used to be a soldier, but I never thought that such a national organization as the army was actually mixed with black sheep. What's more, this group of freshmen told me that these factions Most of the instructors who came over were recruits. Their discipline was relatively poor, and accidents happened from time to time.

However, this is a normal phenomenon, but the instructor who punished Qiqi didn't regret doing something wrong, and deliberately made trouble for people, so that a little girl ran ten laps, which was really a bit excessive. I can't see it any more. Qiqi is also a person who has helped me. So, when she came back here after another run, and the whole person was exhausted, I suddenly ran onto the track and helped her.

Qiqi recognized me at a glance, and her eyes changed when she looked at me. She asked in doubt, "how did you come?"

I laughed and said, "of course, I've come to return the bike to you. I put it over there for you."

With that, I pointed to the bike that was parked on the side.

After Qiqi looked at it, she said softly, she would leave my hand and keep running.

See, I care to say: "don't run, you can't hold down, go to rest!"

I pulled her aside by force and let her sit down.

Of course, my behavior immediately attracted the instructor's attention. He quickly stood up and walked towards me. He yelled at me as he walked: "where's the rabbit? Don't you know this is the training ground? Who asked you to come here? Get out of the way!"

Listening to the tone, I know that he is a hot tempered man, and he really has the temperament that a soldier should have. But when I think of his actions to female students, I am not angry at all. I can offend any student in the school. Teachers and school leaders can offend me, but the instructors in front of me should not offend as far as possible, because they are soldiers and deserve respect Therefore, I try to be calm tone, to the instructor said: "she is a little girl, weak constitution, run a few laps on it!"

I said these words is to give the instructor a step down, but also can let go of Qiqi. After all, Qiqi was not wrong in this matter. It was for his own face that the instructor deliberately took Qiqi out to vent his anger. But I didn't expect that the drillmaster didn't speak at all. After listening to my words, he was even more angry. He rushed to me and grabbed my clothes. He yelled: "who are you? Is there any part of your speech? It's military training. As a soldier, you should have military discipline. What I say is an order. She must carry out it unconditionally!"

After a few hard steps, he gave me a jerk.

The drillmaster's temper is not generally explosive. Originally, I just wanted to solve the problem peacefully. However, this iron faced instructor made such a fuss. The incident here has attracted the attention of many people. Even the people in other military training teams have focused their attention on this side.

And Qiqi see things getting bigger and bigger, scared face is white, she quickly came to me, advised me to say: "my business you still don't care, I can do, I can stick to it!"

Her voice was firm, but her voice was obviously weak. I really didn't want to see the instructor playing tricks on people, so I took her to one side and let her continue to rest.

I hit him in the face in public, which made the instructor more angry. He pointed at me and scolded: "you get out of here quickly. I can take it as if nothing happened!"

His voice was very loud and his tone was very severe, as if he would kill me on the spot if I didn't go away. He looked at the drillmaster and was angry. The freshmen who were talking about me immediately closed their mouths and did not dare to speak again. They just looked at me silently.

In the eyes of the public, I not only did not roll away, but strode to the instructor's front, eyes straight at him, silent around, leisurely floating my deep and frivolous voice: "then what if I don't roll?"

My tone seems light and light, but my words are full of endless domineering. Ye Zixuan's provocation of iron faced instructors spread quickly in the school. Within a few minutes, the whole playground seemed to know about me and the instructor, and many people showed their admiration for me.

Iron faced instructor see me like this, can't help but stupefied for a moment, he can't believe what I said, perhaps, he has never met the students who challenge him. After a short period of stupidity, the iron faced instructor suddenly widened his eyes and burst out endless anger. He roared at me and said, "you're looking for death!"

With that, he directly swung his fist and hit me. The soldiers were all well-trained. The instructor was very strong and showed no mercy to me.

I am patient with him, because they are the people who defend the country. I respect them and do not want to argue with them, because I know that my main purpose now is to stabilize and develop my own power, and then to kill Xie Yu's backers. Therefore, I don't want to have another incident, let alone offend a soldier.But this iron faced instructor was a little too aggressive for a girl. He was merciless to me, and directly hurt the killer. Seeing that he was so stubborn, I didn't want to be polite to him again. When he came with iron fist, my body turned slightly and avoided his fierce attack.

Immediately, I immediately put out a hand, grabbed his wrist and pulled it to my side. Then, my body with the momentum of a mountain fall, ran into the instructor's body, a simple iron mountain by, he bumped back again and again, but for his thick foundation, I'm afraid he would have fallen to the ground.

Just like this simple fight, the iron faced instructor felt my strength and didn't dare to underestimate me any more. He looked at me in a bit of a panic. Gradually, his face became more and more distorted, and the fire in his eyes would come out.

In fact, I didn't want to make a big deal of it. I just gave him a slight blow to let him understand the reason why he should retreat in the face of difficulties. Therefore, I looked at him calmly and said to him in a consultative tone: "drillmaster, all these are misunderstandings. Let's just let it go, OK?"

In my opinion, the instructor is concerned about face, is a person who knows how to retreat in the face of difficulties. After all, in front of so many students, it is not a glorious thing to win me. If you lose, you will lose your face. To my surprise, the instructor is still very backbone. He didn't flinch, on the contrary, it also increased his fighting spirit.

Perhaps, the soldiers have a spirit of never admit defeat, so after listening to my words, he directly pursed his lower lip and said to me with disdain: "no wonder you are such a crazy bastard. There are two brushes. Since you want to save the beauty of heroes, I will play with you and let you know the truth of being a man!"

After that, he took off his camouflage clothes, revealing his strong muscles. In the sun, his dark skin was illuminated, making him look very strong. The freshmen saw this scene, all came to the essence, and many freshmen who were resting on the playground couldn't help but rush towards this side, even some other instructors who were resting Come on.

At first, only me, Qiqi and the drillmaster were on the scene. In a moment, the scene was full of people. Many freshmen who had just gathered around, when they saw the impending war situation, they all talked about it one after another:

"this guy is so powerful, he dares to confront the drillmaster!"

"It looks like he's not a freshman of our time. He doesn't wear camouflage clothes."

"It seems that the goods are going to be shriveled. It is said that the drillmaster is also very powerful. Can he eat his body?"

"Shit, you don't even know him? He is the boss of our school, ye Zixuan. I saw him this morning. It was a terrible fight

"It turns out that he is the legendary boss who just returned to school today. As soon as he came back, he beat up Hewen, and gave Jiang Li elder brother a blow. That's what he called" big fan. "

"The boss is really the boss. As soon as he comes back, he confronts with the drillmaster. I only say one word for this boss, Fu!"

The voices of the people around me slowly floated into my ears. I didn't care at all about the praise and praise. I had no choice but that the battle was on the line and had to be launched. Since he was determined to fight, I would go on. So, under the gaze of all the people, I gently hooked my finger at him and said provocatively:“ If you don't accept it, come here! "

To tell you the truth, in the past three months of training with my father, he did not teach me any Kung Fu. He only gave me some guidance on the side. The most important thing was to exercise my body and mind, so that I would not panic when I was in trouble. I should always keep a calm and calm heart. Gradually, I became more introverted in my character, and I became stronger and more decisive Deal with anything.

Therefore, in the past three months, my body has been suffocating. Although in my spare time, I will have a discussion with my father, but I can't let go of how to fight with him. Today, this ignorant instructor gave me this opportunity to oil my rusty fists and feet. By the way, I can see how my kung fu has reached At this moment, I show all my anger.

But this iron faced instructor saw me so frivolous to challenge him, and he immediately became furious. He did not hesitate any longer. He directly ran to me with an irresistible momentum, and the battle was imminent

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