Now I have changed a lot, especially in the way I deal with the enemy, I have my own measurement, no longer hesitant, no longer indecisive. Therefore, whether it was Jiang Li who betrayed me or WAN long in front of me, my actions were not blind and planned.

For Jiang Li, in addition to being ambitious, he was not too bad hearted. What's more, he showed his sharpness under my wings. Without me, he was nothing. What's more, he was a poor man who was led to the road of gangster by me. Today, I let him go, which is to let him return to normal life. I don't think he has the ability to threaten me later.

However, Wan Long is different. He is ruthless and cruel. I can only wait for him to abolish me. Since I have decided to do so, I have already done a good job of consciousness. Wanlong can be regarded as a door for me to enter the society. It is also a way to let people know that ye Zixuan does things for people, whether in my school or in Normal University It is the other schools around the border, I want to establish their own unique dignity.

Of course, I also know that taking Wan Long means that I am going to face the enemy of Wanjia. From this moment on, I am really on the road that I can't turn back, and my hands are still covered with blood. With Wanlong losing too much blood, his energy is exhausted and his coma is on the spot, the storm is really over.

Immediately, I asked Chen Haoran to take someone to send Wan long home. Shen Muchen and I found a place to talk with each other. However, Shen Muchen was a little worried and asked me to be more careful in the future. Of course, I will pay attention to this. When I talk to him, the more important thing is to tell me about Xie Yu. In recent days, he has asked people to inquire for me carefully Next bath center boss, finally, from the grapevine to know some stories.

It turns out that the reason why the boss of the bath center is able to take a foothold in this area is not how powerful he is, but because there is someone behind him. It is said that he is a woman, and is definitely not an ordinary person. Therefore, the nominal boss is just a guy who has paid money to become a shareholder, not much The ability, really powerful is the woman behind him, this just happened to tell me, that woman is Xie Yu mouth behind the scenes.

However, Shen Muchen's news is only limited to hearing about it. As for who the woman is, he still can't find out. He only knows that she is not simple, because Shen Muchen told me that there are no less than 100 people in the boss's other entertainment places, and they are all powerful people who are more powerful than ordinary gangsters. In this case, then It's not difficult to dig out the true face of this woman. She is so powerful that she may know other powerful people. It is even more difficult for me to defeat her. I believe that she will be trampled on by her in my score.

Since I have the determination to defeat her, I can't wait to die. I have to take action. Now I sit with the beautiful man and discuss the countermeasures. If I use the power of my school to deal with the woman, it is obviously impossible. Since I want to go that way, I need to develop external forces and have my own field, so that I can get experience Financial resources, get their own territory.

When I talk about the elite plan in the school, Shen Muchen agrees with this very much. Jiang Li's rebellion is a living example. Therefore, we must clear our eyes and select the talents who are absolutely loyal and have considerable strength. Moreover, Shen Muchen also mentioned that if we want to go that way, we can't do without rules. The so-called "no rules can't be square without rules" If we are strong enough, if we want to have another example like Chiang Li, we must make a dead rule and let such rebellion bear serious consequences.

Therefore, I have to upgrade my student party to a model social organization and formulate rules so that those who join my team will have worries behind them and dare not rebel at will.

Shen Muchen and I almost hit it off with this idea, and through Jiang Li's affair, I paid more attention to the selection of elites. Now, I have to raise my requirements again. Even I need to understand my family background clearly. Anyway, this time, I will check all aspects and definitely be able to select a group of elites.

Speaking of this, Shen Muchen also gave me an important message, that is, about the venue. He said that there are people watching the venue in almost all the entertainment places around here. I can't start now, but there is only a small bar, which is not supervised by anyone. It mainly earns money from students in nearby schools. However, the boss does not seem to have much ability, and there will always be some The troublemakers, but there is no way to solve it, mainly because their family profits are not very good, powerful people do not care about their family, the boss himself is reluctant to pay for people, can only barely live.

What Shen Muchen means is to let me take the bar as my stronghold and go there to see the venue. It doesn't matter how much I earn. The most important thing is to let my student corps have a foothold and gradually grow in the future.

As soon as I heard Shen Muchen's words, my heart was filled with joy. It was a good opportunity for me to get a foothold. It was my first step into society. After all, it was not convenient to do anything in school. The school, which was busy teaching and educating people, could not be my stronghold. However small the bar was, I didn't care how much income it had It's a place to settle down and give me a chance to develop myself. Anyway, for me now, the site is the most important thing.When I was happy, I did not forget to thank Shen Muchen. For this good brother, it was very difficult to express my feelings with thanks. I know that he has put a lot of effort into my affairs. Therefore, I will not spare no effort to help him. I told him that this time, he only cleans up the remaining party in school. If there is any other trouble or trouble, I will solve it, Don't worry about it.

Shen Muchen said that he would deal with these things as soon as possible, and then he came out to help me, be my right arm, give advice to me, and Wanlong was abandoned. His team had no leader, and he knew my relationship with him. Knowing my means, he would not dare to make unnecessary resistance. However, it was only a matter of time before he conquered the normal university.

A conversation with Shen Muchen made me more confident in the future. We all have ambition and passion. I believe that in time, our dream will succeed. Chatting and chatting, it was almost midnight. Then, Shen Muchen and I went back to school respectively.

The next day, when I woke up, I immediately heard that Jiang Li and he Wen had left the school and disappeared. I had no sympathy for Jiang Li's departure. I thought that he had dealt with him mercifully. All this was his own fruit. No wonder others. From his betrayal, I knew that people's hearts were unpredictable!

After Jiang Li left, I quickly removed the rest of his party. Most of his diehards were on the top of the wall and were vulnerable to attack. However, my next focus was still to attract strength. After Jiang Li left, I handed over the power of sophomore to Xiao Tianyi, who was second only to Jiang Li, but had been suppressed by Jiang Li. This man is a man who bears humiliation and has never had one So now I give him a chance, a platform to show his talents.

Xiao Tianyi got my respect. He was grateful to me and vowed to be loyal to me. Jiang Li was a lesson in the past. Therefore, he didn't dare to be careful about me. He himself was not the kind of person who had a mind. He seemed to have a mind set, but in fact, he was simple and honest. I was completely at ease with him.

After settling down, in the next two days, I was trying my best to screen people. Although the process was very troublesome, I still worked hard to be busy. Finally, I screened out those people in my mind. The number was as many as 200, while the number in my heart was 50. After observation, I screened out another 50 of these people as my secret Armed, can only let me deploy the pro guard.

The rest of them were not eliminated, but as my vanguard, they fought with me on the battlefield. The 50 people were sent to Zhang Lei's army for training. Zhang Lei didn't refuse my request, but agreed directly. Most of these 50 people were bastards. The school diploma was useless for them. After my brainwashing, they all issued Swear, swear to be true to me.

The next thing to be solved is the place where we settled down, the name of the organization and the problem of discipline, which is the name of the organization. After these three issues have been solved, our flag can be put up. That night, I took Chen Haoran, Xiao Tianyi and several elite backbones to the small bar mentioned by Shen Muchen.

This bar is really a bit biased. Starting from our school, we walk about 30 minutes. When we enter the bar, we find that the bar is not as small as we expected. Everything is OK. The decoration is a little monotonous and the atmosphere is very good. For the low-cost student party, it is very popular.

We made a random turn in it, then ordered a box, ordered some wine, and talked while drinking. It's true that the drinks here are not very expensive. No wonder no one cares. But to be honest, it's quite suitable for the camp in my mind. I like this atmosphere.

Chen Haoran and several of them also think it's good here. It's not far from the school. If you have something to run over, you'll be quick. The most important thing is that these brothers believe in my personal ability. They think that this place is a stepping stone for me. They believe that with me, we can create a land of our own.

In fact, their thoughts and expectations for us are also the future I want. As soon as I think of becoming a overlord in the future, my blood can't help but tumble and have a good drink with my brothers. Then, I immediately made up my mind that I would take this place in any case.

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