Now that I've made up my mind, it's time to start. So, after drinking almost as much as my brothers, I called the waiter and asked her to call their boss. Maybe I forgot to read the almanac when I went out today. However, today, their boss was not here today. After a long journey, it seemed that I would be able to come back in three or four days Asked for a boss's phone number, and then ready to leave.

When we got out of the box and went to the bar hall, a clear and familiar female voice suddenly came over: "Qiqi, look, your flower protector is here! Looking at the source of the voice, I found that the person calling out was actually a fat woman with Qiqi, and the person sitting opposite her was Qiqi who was fighting against injustice. I really didn't expect to meet her here, which made me feel helpless.

After Qiqi saw me, she was stunned for a moment. Then, she immediately got up and walked towards me. In front of me, Qiqi said straight to the point: "Ye Zixuan, thank you for the last thing!"

Her tone is very sincere, however, her voice is always weak, and her delicate body seems to be sick. However, I don't know why she would come to the bar. I looked at her and gave a slight smile. She replied politely: "Hey, nothing. Other people will do the same to me, but I happened to be ahead of them, and also Yes, didn't you lend me your bike? We're even

After listening to my words, Qiqi also embarrassed smile, said softly: "well, that's OK!"

Seeing that she was so shy, I couldn't go on talking, as if I was deliberately chatting up. Therefore, as a classmate, I asked her with concern: "you a girl, how did you come to the bar in the evening?"

Qiqi was embarrassed to reply: "the mood is a little bad, come out to relax, this does not happen to stroll here, come in and sit down!"

I looked at the time and felt it was very late. The gentleman said to her, "let's go back to school together. It's quite chaotic here. You two girls are not safe at all!"

As soon as I finished speaking, before Qiqi had time to speak, the fat man suddenly came up to me and said, "OK, OK!"

The fat woman seemed to regard me as an idol, and her eyes were shining all the time. Now when she heard that she could walk with me, her face was full of joy. Although Qiqi was a little embarrassed, she agreed to see the fat woman. She could not say anything. With the acquiescence of Qiqi, we all went out of the bar together.

However, accidents always come and you are caught off guard. As soon as we walked out of the bar, two vans suddenly appeared outside, blocking our progress.

As a matter of fact, as soon as the car stopped, the door was opened quickly, and a group of big men with strong backs jumped out of the car. Each of them had a bright machete in their hands, which was on the road. The people standing in the front of this group of people looked different from others. Yes, they were bald, although they could not grow out Strange, but special momentum, a look is a practitioner, strong body, sharp eyes, let people see can not help shaking.

After all these uninvited guests came down, they suddenly squeezed out a young man who was well-dressed. He was obviously a different type among the big men. As soon as he came up to the leader, he pointed to me and said to the bald man, "brother Guang, he abandoned master long!"

From the moment I saw the two vans, I had a premonition that something was wrong. Now when I heard the boy's words, I immediately understood that it was the Wan family who came to visit.

These days, although I have been busy in the selection of candidates, but also left one more heart, that is, I am afraid that thousands of families will find me revenge. I came out here tonight, but I also took more precautions, so I specially took Chen Haoran and several of them. Unexpectedly, they still came. At this time, I'm not afraid of them, but Kiki and they are by my side. I'm afraid it's not good for them.

When I was thinking about how to deal with it, Chen Haoran suddenly opened his mouth and said to me: "brother Xuan, if I remember correctly, the person who took the lead is called byyguang. He has a little reputation on the road. In addition to his name, he is ruthless in fighting because he is bald. All the people on the road call him yidaoguang

After listening to Chen Haoran's words, my heart was tangled again. Chen Haoran is a local, and he knows more or less about the road. Since he said this, it is enough to show that this bald head is really extraordinary. I regret not bringing them here. I have the ability to escape, but they can't. what should I do?

However, the man in front of him has to go through a lot to develop his momentum. It can be seen that such a person must have a life on his hands. I am sure I can defeat him against such a cruel character. However, it is useless to deal with him if the light can deal with him. He has more than 20 men with machetes, all of whom have experienced many battles. We should be tough with them, It's just the slaughter.

I have the ability to protect myself, but it's not good for my brothers who are very important to me to have an accident. Before the establishment of the organization, several important backbones were damaged. That would be a bad start. After that, even if I had a life to live, I'm afraid I would not have the dignity to make a comeback. Therefore, revenge can be revenged, but people can't be planted here.After thinking about it, I didn't care. When these big men were about to get close to them, I directly yelled: "run!"

At once, my brothers and I ran with all our strength like flying.

The elite is worthy of being an elite. Even running is a good hand, and the speed is very fast. However, after running a few steps, I suddenly find that Qiqi and her two are still standing in the same place, as if they were fixed, motionless.

Seeing byg close to them step by step, my heart was in a mess, and my brain turned quickly. I still felt that I couldn't leave them. Although I only met them by chance, and even my friends were not counted as friends, but they also went with me on my advice. If I was targeted by byg and operated on them, I would be a sinner for ages In this urgent situation, I could not die of conscience and ran back.

Chen Haoran saw that I suddenly ran back, and quickly called out: "brother Xuan, don't worry about them. They have nothing to do with us. They will be OK. You should run quickly."

I didn't listen to Chen Haoran's words, ran straight to Qiqi and their face, and then pulled Qiqi with one hand and the fat woman with the other, and ran away.

Qiqi's body is not so weak. After being led by me for a few steps, she was panting, a little bit unable to keep up with the rhythm, but she still tried to follow me, and kept running.

On the other side of the fat woman was fat, running is more difficult, tired is unable to run, while running shouting: "I can't, I can't!"

In the time of life and time race, I really didn't care much about them. I didn't pay attention to their status and continued to run with them. However, after running a few steps, a van suddenly appeared at the intersection in front of us, which blocked our way. After the door opened, a group of people rushed down from the car again.

This time, we are completely surrounded. It seems that they are prepared to act, and have blocked my retreat. I can't help but sigh: "ginger, it's still old and spicy!"

When I stopped, BAE Yongguang had brought people slowly to my side. His pace was not urgent or slow. He didn't care about my escape. He said jokingly: "run, why don't you run?"

Chen Haoran, who had already stopped in front of me, was also a little nervous. He turned back and said anxiously to me, "brother Xuan, what should we do?"

Then, I let go of Kiki and their hands and said in a deep voice, "I'll see the opportunity later!"

It seems that today's robbery can't be avoided, so the loss can only be minimized. For the sake of justice, I sacrifice myself. As long as my brother is not involved, I can do whatever I want.

Soon, Pei Yongguang stood in front of me and looked at me with banter on his face. His stature and height were not close to each other, but they were strong and powerful. In front of me, he had a bit of irresistible majesty. His eyes were full of irony, as if I were a monkey in the desert and a baboon in his eyes!

After looking at me for a long time, he said with some hoarse voice, "are you the Ye Zixuan who hurt our young master?"

In the face of his question, I didn't have the slightest fear in my heart. Instead, I straightened my chest and answered forcefully: "yes, it's me!"

After hearing this, byg gave a contemptuous smile and said, "it's nothing special. I really don't understand who gave you the courage to deal with our young master!"

With that, he snorted unconsciously, but at the same time, his eyes gradually showed a fierce light. Inadvertently, his whole person exuded a strong murderous spirit. That kind of feeling can only be possessed by killing people.

Seeing him like this, I also knew that it was useless for me to say anything at this time. I abandoned Wanlong. Since they came to visit, they could not let me go. I didn't want to beg for mercy, but I didn't want to involve other people. So I said to Pei Yongguang calmly: "brother Guang, right? I heard that you are No. 1 person on the road. I know that today you are looking for me I did it all by myself. I'd like to stay and let you handle it. But I beg you to let go of my brothers, because this matter has nothing to do with them, OK? "

The first half of the sentence I said is sonorous and forceful, although it is carried here, but the momentum can not be lost to them, and the second half of my sentence is in the tone of supplication, I really do not want to implicate them.

After listening to what I said, there was a flicker of a different look in his eyes, as if with a tinge of appreciation. Maybe, because he is a person on the road, he likes me as a person who speaks righteousness. After all, he should be the first to mix meanings. He should also be a righteous character. He did not refuse my request and nodded to me, He said, "well, yes, my order is that you should be alone and have nothing to do with other people, so they are free now."

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