I stay in the same place again, do not know what to do, always gentle and gentle Lin Shihan, unexpectedly will beat me so domineering, I am completely confused, in the clouds, my butt seems to stick to the ground, so sitting in a daze.

Before leaving, Han Boyang looked at me maliciously and gave a gloomy smile. I knew that in the future, I would not be secure again.

Until they completely disappeared in my sight, I suddenly shivered, a heartache, because I know, save Lin Shihan I offended Ma Qiang again, because did not listen to Han Boyang's warning, I contacted Lin Shihan again, but saw Lin Shihan leave safely, I suddenly felt relaxed, perhaps, for me, she was safe That's the most important thing. Everything else doesn't matter.

I slowly stood up, patted the dust on my body, and then left with a bitter smile.

Tragic bad luck always came to me one after another. Just as I was walking out of the back mountain, I was blocked. Looking up, it was ma Qiang!

Seeing my appearance, Ma Qiang looked at me in the eyes, just like the wolf hidden in the night, fierce and terrible, as if I was his prey. He was staring at me, and his voice was very angry. He said darkly, "Suluo, I've let you go. You still can't get along with me. Where do you want me to face?"

I lowered my head and kept silent. I really didn't know how to explain to him at this moment.

My silence made Ma Qiang's anger even more vigorous. He kicked me a few meters, waved his hand, and said: "fight me! Fight to death

All of a sudden, his cronies swarmed in, like raindrops of fists and feet splashed on my weak and thin body. I didn't even feel the pain, so I fell into a coma.

When I opened my eyes again and looked at the surrounding environment, I always felt so familiar. A familiar voice sounded in my ear: "I said this classmate, who did you offend in school? Why are you injured every day? I can't see it anymore. No, I'll have to talk to the school about it! "

I just reflected that this is not the Infirmary of the school. At this time, the angel sister is wiping the wound for me. The constant environment, the same people, familiar and desolate.

I moved my eyes powerless, looked at the angel sister, said weakly: "my affairs do not need you to manage, all things are my own, no one is strange!"

After that, I closed my eyes with grief, and the world in front of me fell into darkness. There was a kind of unspeakable feeling in my heart, which made me sad and depressed.

I really don't want to poke these things to the school leaders. I know very well that even if I report Ma Qiang, he will be punished at most, but in the future, I will be tortured more miserable by him. Therefore, I can only keep silent and continue to live a gloomy life. Maybe after a long time, he will feel tired of torturing a person for a long time and let me go.

Angel sister listened to my answer, but did not ask. Maybe, she also knew that even if she asked, I would not say why.

Time ticking away, angel sister's voice is still around my ears, at the moment, she has changed a topic, maybe she is pacifying my inner pain! However, I didn't listen to every word she said. I didn't know what she said. I hung on the drip silently, and I fell asleep again unconsciously

I don't know how long later, the angel sister woke me up again, told me that the drip had been finished, said thanks to the angel sister, and then left the infirmary.

At this time, the scene, like a movie, is constantly replayed in front of my eyes. I am still a person, still returning from the infirmary to the bedroom. I don't know how many times such a scene will appear. Once I return to the bedroom, I go to bed directly and sleep with my head covered!

In the next few days, Ma Qiang didn't bother me, nor did Han Boyang. I was physically and mentally exhausted. In these days of peace, I finally got a stable rest, and my injuries healed. The whole person felt special spirit

seeing that there was less than a week to start the winter vacation, although it was the winter vacation, the weather in the South was like spring all the year round In the cold weather in the north, when I think of my leaving uncle Yang for half a year, I don't know how he's been at home alone and whether Miaomiao has gone home. All this can only be discussed with Uncle Yang when I go home!

Today is the last PE class of our semester. The huge playground is full of young and energetic students. It is very lively. Our political department is having a basketball match with the finance department next door. It's just a friendly match. Both sides are playing like a raging fire. All the players on the court are so smart and handsome. I can only sit in the corner and watch the excitement and feel sorry alone. Everything has nothing to do with me.

Most of the time, looking at other people, groups together, talking and laughing, I am particularly envious, looking at them, my heart is so lonely, I am also eager to have friends, have a few brothers, play together, make trouble together, together with youth and sweat.But, since I was born, fate has made a big joke with me. I don't know why, I am destined to be isolated by the world and rejected by others. Even if I hide in this corner licking the wound alone, I can not escape the bad luck.

I don't know where to fly to basketball, directly hit my nose, a stream of heat from my nose outflow, I use my hand to wipe unexpectedly bleeding, then hurriedly from the pocket out of the paper towel wipe, blocked the nose, I look around, actually saw the horse strong.

Before others arrive, the basketball in his hand comes first, and Ma Qiang, not far away, is on the court, and I stare at him. He immediately tick my fingers at me, indicating that I will send the basketball to him, and look at him as if he is playing a dog.

But, his command I dare not not to do, I picked up basketball, quickly ran to him, obediently handed the ball to him.

However, Ma Qiang didn't answer it. He just looked at me very playfully, licked his lower lip and jokingly said, "sulo, I have a question to understand. Who gives you the courage to dare to fight me? Before beaten will cry for mercy, now beaten all silent, have you bone? "

I skimmed slightly, with a hint of irony in the tone: "ha ha, please, what is the use of beg for mercy, do you let me go?"

Hearing this, Ma Qiang laughed. He reached out and patted my face with his hand. He said, "OK! I have a chance. I have learned to install X. But, sulo, do you know why I was going to take you? "

For Ma Qiang, I really don't want to say more to him now. I keep silent and listen to him next.

Ma Qiang stopped laughing and said: "it is one aspect that you can use you to fight Liu Boyang. The main reason is that I think you are not satisfied, very disobedient. You TM is really in a bad position to beat yourself all day long and keep the fireworks out of the way. But I will tame you like this. As a matter of fact, I have succeeded. You have been trained to be a dog. However, you will make accidents. You dare to disobey me and challenge my bottom line! "

He said that, and he thumbed up to me, but his words were full of satire and ridicule.

Although I don't care about this at all, I really didn't think that he promised to protect me at first, just to play with me, for what he called me not to look at me, I really can't understand, why, why, why I am so annoying in other people's eyes, why all people want to do this to me?

My heart is full of resentment, but I can't take Ma Qiang how, but can only be in the heart of silence angry, and he did not play me like before, just a shot from my hand basketball, clapped up, show the pattern of shooting, have to say that his action is really handsome, he took the ball to the midfield, and then flew to the basket with the ball, quickly When he got to the basket, a reversal, a strong bounce, a meter eight tall he jumped in a perfect position, and then, Ma Qiang came to a basket that made girls ecstatic.

All the people here were stunned. His dead party farted around him. Ma Qiang smiled proudly and turned back to me, looked at the dull me and said jokingly: "sullo, I know that your body is weak and can not be beaten. If you are honest, I am really lazy to hit you now. I feel very hard. But let you go like this, and I can't swallow it. So, you kneel down to recognize a mistake, I will be responsible for you! I can still cover you! What do you think? "

I have such a worthless dignity in his eyes? What did he think of me, when he wanted to see jokes, he played me monkey, and when dogs teased me, didn't he always look at me as a man?

Although I am cowardly and timid, I am still a man, I have dignity, I also have the bottom line of being a person. I want me to kneel down, or kneel down in the presence of so many people. It is impossible, absolutely not. I refuse him decisively, and I say with great perseverance: "sorry, I can't do your request!"

Today, I finally for dignity men once, the voice just fell, I looked at Ma Qiang, waiting for his storm!

However, what makes me wonder is that it is all so. Ma Qiang actually doesn't beat me. He just comes to my ear and whispers, "sulo, I know, you are so hard-natured to protect Lin Shihan, but I can tell you clearly that Lin Shihan is going to leave the back mountain because I have asked her in your name, so she can be cheated easily Come out! To be honest, she is a special thing. Although I am afraid of hanboyang for three points, I believe he will not be protected in 24 hours! "

Ma Qiang's words are full of conspiracy. I finally know why Lin Shihan hit me. I can't speak in the same place

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