I didn't expect that Ma Qiang would be so insidious to do such a thing in my name. After a while, all kinds of tastes came into my mind and made me mixed with feelings.

It turns out that Lin Shihan hit me so angrily, it must be because she thought that I asked her out, and that I and Ma Qiang colluded. I was angry, angry, despicable and shameless. I almost didn't hurt Lin Shihan when I did such a sinister and obscene thing. I even implicated me. Lin Shihan had such a big misunderstanding about me. But I was also moved, moved Lin Shihan heard that it was my name to look for her, actually came out to wait for me.

Finally, she was angry with me, but she couldn't even think of the anger in my eyes.

Ma Qiang saw that I was really angry. He laughed at me and said: "ha ha, waste, how unhappy? Do you really want to hit me? Come on, I'm right in front of you. Do you want to try it? "

Look at his appearance, how cheap to have how cheap, if only he is in front of me, I really want to go up regardless of everything with Ma Qiang, but in fact, I know what I look like, I'm vulnerable, Ma Qiang as long as one hand can put me down, not to mention his side with so many diehards. Most importantly, if I risked my life to confront Ma Qiang, I would not be the only one to suffer, and Lin Shihan would also be implicated.

I gradually calmed down and turned to think about it. Lin Shihan is innocent. I don't want to hurt her because of my reasons. Even though Han Boyang protects me, it's easy to hide a gun and hard to defend a hidden arrow. Ma Qiang, such a despicable person, may do something extraordinary behind his back. If I kneel down, Ma Qiang will really do it You can stop harassing her, so I kneel.

My fist, slowly loosened, my knee, thump, heavy hit on the concrete floor, I like a bereaved dog in front of all people, kneeling at the feet of Ma Qiang, my dignity, at this moment, completely disappeared in the eyes of the public, I do not dare to see anyone on the basketball court, only bow down, with my sad and sad voice Yin, called out: "brother Qiang, I know I'm wrong, please do good, let me go!"

As time goes by, the bell reminds me of it. But the people on the basketball court didn't leave with the bell. When all the people's eyes saw me kneeling in front of Ma Qiang to beg for mercy, people nearby could not help but gather around and talk about me in succession.

Satire, sigh, disdain, all kinds of voices come in one after another, echoing in my ears.

I don't care about the voice coming from my side. At this time, Ma Qiang is the only one in my eyes. I slowly raise my head and look at Ma Qiang praying. I hope that my cowardice, my pity and my humbleness can make Ma Qiang vent his anger, let him let me go and let Lin Shihan go.

However, the more humble you are, the more arrogant and bullying you will be. When he sees me make a fool of himself in front of so many people, he is not willing to accept it. On the contrary, he is more aggressive. His face shows an evil smile. Under the attention of all people, Ma Qiang puts forward more excessive demands on me. He looks down at me and yells at me domineering: "Suluo As long as you get through my crotch, everything will be written off

After a while, the whole audience caused a great uproar, and the crowd was full of discussion, saying that Ma Qiang was really deceiving people, and some people were really too busy to watch the fun. They were actually excited to shout, drill, drill! All kinds of voices rang out again in the crowd, and Ma Qiang's diehards, too, roared with one voice: "drill! Drill! Drill

At the beginning, he said that as long as I knelt down, I completely let me go. I did not hesitate to kneel down. I put down my self-esteem and knelt down to him in public. However, he seemed to be teasing me and asked me to drill through his crotch. He was clearly playing me. I was really angry and angry. I had red eyes and yelled angrily: "Ma Qiang, you t Don't go too far! "

Ma Qiang slightly grinned down the corner of his mouth, slowly bent down and said to me softly: "yes, I am so excessive. Since you can kneel for Lin Shihan, you should also be able to do more for her, right? If you want me to let her go, do as I say With that, he quickly stood up, straightened his chest, squatted in a horse stance, pointed to his crotch, and hooked my fingers.

Indeed, Ma Qiang has caught my weakness. I'm a rotten man. I'm not willing to let Lin Shihan get involved because of me. Although I don't know if she will forgive me, as long as she can live a good life, I can bow down for her, throw down dignity and be a complete coward, so I bite my teeth In a burst of noise, he bent down, put his hands on the cold ground, and lowered his cheap head to the cruel world.

People's eyes are staring at me kneeling on the ground one after another. My back is so painful. Now I am like a walking corpse. My heart is dead. My brain is in a blank state. My hands are firmly on the ground. The banter in my ears is louder and louder. As if I abandoned everything, one hand began to move forward, and then again and again In the direction of Ma Qiang's crotch.My knee seems to be as heavy as a kilogram, and it's so hard not to climb. My tears unconsciously flow down my face and drip on the ground. I don't know how far the road is. I don't know where the end is. I don't dare to look up and climb so hard, until Ma Qiang suddenly patted my butt and said with a laugh, "OK, waste!"

My action just stopped, ignored everyone's eyes, stood up and raised my head, tears have wet my eyes, I looked at Ma Qiang in front of me vaguely, cried out in pain: "is it ok now?"

Ma Qiang showed a proud smile on the corner of his mouth, reached out his hand and touched my head. He laughed and said, "yes, it's really a obedient dog. In this case, Ma Qiang also keeps his word. Today, I announced in front of so many people that our business will be cancelled from now on! I will do what I promise you, but at the same time, you should pay attention to your mouth and know what to say and what not to say

As soon as he finished speaking, he swept over me with his best friend and left. The onlookers pointed at me, but with Ma Qiang's departure, they all left one after another.

Kneeling on the ground for too long, the knee is too painful, my feet are a little unstable, straight shivering, I like this, dragging shivering legs, toward the basketball court.

At this time, I have been walking out of the cafeteria at a low speed, that is to say, my head has been flailing on the way out of the cafeteria.

When I came to the canteen, I made a simple meal. I found a remote corner and ate it silently. There were many people in the dining hall. However, most of the people were discussing my kneeling for Ma Qiang. All of a sudden, I felt that I had become the focus of the school. I laughed, but I was laughing bitterly in my heart.

I buried myself in the meal and did not dare to look up at anyone. The bitterness in my heart was borne by myself in silence, and tears fell down again unconsciously. This meal was the most difficult meal for me to swallow.

After dinner, I wanted to go, but I didn't dare to go. My fragile heart couldn't stand the public opinion on me. As long as I didn't hold on for a moment, I would be crushed to death by the public opinion. After a while, all the people in the canteen were almost gone. Then I got up, buttoned up the hat on my coat and left alone. I had no purpose to shake on the campus road Leisurely, I dare not return to the classroom, dare not return to the bedroom, I am afraid to see those who mock me, I just want to go to the place where no one knows me, and have a good quiet.

My brain fell into a blank state, until a burst of swearing sounds in my ear, I just regained consciousness. I only heard someone scold me, "you're blind, don't crash into my car if you want to die! Silly X

I was hit back to reality by a burst of swearing. It turned out that when I was unconscious, I had left the school and ran to the road of the commercial street. This just happened. Looking at the fierce looking driver, I ran away directly.

Regardless of the direction of the gallop, so that I came to the previous work place, this place I regardless of the rescue of Lin Shihan, but also here I broke into Han Boyang's plot, looking at everything here is so familiar, as if all things just happened.

At this time, the mood eased a lot, I did not enter, just quietly looked at the door for a while and then left. After looking at the time, it was almost two o'clock. Anyway, there was no class in the afternoon, and I continued to walk on the busy street.

Just outside a cafe not far away from me, a familiar figure came out and passed me by. Is the world so small that I always meet people who are very important to me in the same city.

I never thought that I would meet her in this strange city far away from my hometown. When I saw her again, she was still so gentle and charming. She felt like water, especially in need of protection. Although after a long time, she was still the original model. How could I expect that I would meet her again "Shen Yue!"

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