When I was in deep thought, my hand couldn't help patting her on the shoulder. She was scared by my sudden action and screamed: "ah!"

Turning around, he asked, "who are you? We know each other? " Her voice is still so gentle.

This time, I realized why he didn't recognize me. I quickly took off the hat on my head, let out my original face, and said, "it's me, solo!"

Shen Yue looked at it for a few seconds, then recognized that it was me, and immediately replied, "so coincidentally, are you also studying here?"

I replied, "well, I go to school here too!"


Later, I learned that Shen Yue was in the normal university not far away from us. She appeared here because she worked here. After careful calculation, I should have not seen her for several years. However, her appearance, speech and behavior still remain unchanged. She is still the Shen Yue I first knew!

In retrospect, she was still the only one who didn't dislike me in my whole high school period. She was also my first friend!

Her family conditions are very difficult, her father died of illness when she was a child, and her mother alone pulled her up by picking up waste. She is not beautiful, but her beauty is very ordinary, probably because she does not dress up!

When I went to school, I was always alone. Maybe it was because she looked at me pitifully that I made friends with me. Gradually, for a long time, I felt that I had exceeded the scope of friends. I had to admit that I liked her, but I didn't dare to break the relationship. I was afraid that after I said it, she would leave me.

In the second semester of the third year of junior high school, she did not know why she left school. I also went to ask her neighbors, but no one knew where their mother and daughter had gone, which became my biggest regret in junior high school.

There are so many coincidences in the world that I met her here. I am both happy and moved. In my present situation, I really don't want to involve her. I'd better bury this love in my heart deeply!

After chatting for a while, I found that Shen Yue has changed. There is always some sadness in her eyes. I really want to know what she has gone through these years and why she left without saying goodbye. Maybe, she will tell me in the future!

She said she had to leave first. Before leaving, we left each other's mobile phone numbers to facilitate future contact.

Along the way, I repeatedly thought that after all kinds of things happened, I had lost trust in Ma Qiang. I really would not believe that Ma Qiang let go of Lin Shihan so freely and easily. Obviously, I felt as if I had been fooled by him again. With his character, I would never believe what he said.

However, even if I knew what he was like and what I was like, I knew that I had no strength to compete with him. What should I do? On this day, I was entangled.

After thinking about it all afternoon, I went back to my bedroom that night, and I made a bold decision. I wanted to be the shadow of Lin Shihan, and I wanted to guard by her side in silence.

Although I know that I do this is a mantis, but I really can't rest assured of Lin Shihan. I know Ma Qiang's behavior. He hates being threatened. Although Han Boyang warned him that day, no one knows whether he will stab a knife in secret.

The next day after school, I sneaked to the next campus. Although I was in a university, my university was divided into two campuses. Lin Shihan's campus was the school's key training campus, and the place I stayed in was the paradise of mixed students. I could do what I wanted without causing human life.

This is the first time that I have been to this school for such a long time. The campus is very big. I can't tell the southeast and northwest clearly when I walk here.

At this time, I am still in the deep atmosphere of University, which is full of my dream, which is my dream. Miaomiao's running away from home has changed the trajectory of my life.

Although I knew that she was studying here, I didn't know where she was. I secretly inquired about her from my classmates. She was quite famous here. I inquired about her and knew her. Soon I heard about her class place. So, I sneaked into the corridor outside the classroom and watched Lin Shihan inside, After confirming that she was in this class, I went out, found a place to hide, waiting for her to finish class.

Although I know that my guardian is not qualified and has no strength at all, I still don't want to give up. I have to defend this belief in my heart hard and spare no harm to Lin Shihan.

For the next two nights, I followed Lin Shihan silently and hid in the dark to guard her. She didn't live in a bedroom, but lived in a villa not far from the commercial street. I heard that it seemed to be her brother's house. Every night, after she came home, I silently sent her home. Until I entered the house, I could go back to school peacefully.

These days, I have been very quiet, Lin Shihan's life is also as usual, slowly, my hanging heart can finally put down, it seems that this time, Ma Qiang really said his word, no more trouble for me, no more trouble for Lin Shihan!This evening is the last time I send Lin Shihan home. Since things have settled down, my life should be back on track. For the last time, I watched Lin Shihan safely return to his residence. I said "goodbye" in my heart Then he turned and left!

However, just after I took two steps, I heard a sonorous and powerful voice behind me: "stop!"

I quickly stopped and looked back, only to find that in the dark night, under the street lamp, a man with a big body was staring at me fiercely. His face was ferocious, especially in such a cold day, he was barehanded, and his complicated scars were extraordinarily penetrating under the illumination of street lamps!

I look at him stupidly, the heart can not help but produce a sense of fear, I even don't know how to do, just stand in situ, waiting for his next command!

The fierce man quickly walked forward a few steps, came to me, swept me up and down a few eyes, and then said to me fiercely: "are you Suluo?"

Listening to the tone of his voice, I was more afraid, my mind kept thinking about where he was guilty of this man, but I can't think of where I offended him. His appearance is not a student, but a gangster. Suddenly, I thought of a man named Ma Qiang. Did he find a gangster to deal with Lin Shihan in order to avoid suspicion?

Thinking of this, my lips moved gently, and said with a little trembling, "well, I am."

My voice just fell, the fierce man's slap on me, his strength is extraordinary big, weak I was directly slapped on the ground by his slap, the corners of my mouth were exuded blood, I weak lying on the ground, eyes full of fear, I want to cry, but see his vicious face but can not cry out.

Then, the ferocious man bent down and grabbed my collar. He immediately lifted me up and said: "it's the first time I've seen such a trash like you. I heard that you cheated Shihan out of the house to please your boss. She was a girl and let your boss bully me. Hum! If Shi Hannian had not been having a fight with your classmates, I would have abandoned you. However, I really didn't expect that you would still be a thief and sneak around at my door. You are so tired of living! "

After that, he gave me a foot in my stomach. I fell to the ground again, and my body was in a state of turmoil. A stream of acid water was ejected from my throat.

I was lying on my stomach, coughing and vomiting all over my mouth. I felt that my intestines were going to vomit out. I felt so bad. I felt so bad. I didn't know what was going on, so I was beaten like this.

At first, I thought he was a man of Ma Qiang, but after listening to him, it was obvious that he was not. I was really confused. I tried my best to prop up my injured body and asked him, "who are you?"

The ferocious man stood in front of me like a mountain, with extraordinary momentum. He despised me and roared: "brother of Shihan, Lin Feng!"

In this city, you can't know the name of the mayor, but no one doesn't know Lin Feng. Lin Feng's nickname is a madman. At the age of 17, because his girlfriend was XX, the son of the leader of the chiki society, the largest gang in the city, he was angry and killed 13 members of their family and many leaders with a mountain knife. This was caused at that time No small sensation, since then the name of the madman in this city spread.

All of a sudden, the fog in my mind was pulled away. I finally knew why han Boyang only pursued Lin Shihan so hard, and didn't dare to use strong force against her. It turns out that her background is so deep.

Although Ma Qiang is a character in the school, he must have been frightened by Lin Feng's cruel role. He must have investigated Lin Shihan for all his crimes. Moreover, he played with me afterwards and made me kneel down to drill my crotch. He did not dare to treat Fu Lin Shihan, but only took me out of anger.

I finally understood that the reason why Ma Qiang stopped looking for his first love was not because I drilled his crotch and he promised to let go of his first love, but because he was afraid of Lin Shihan's brother Lin Feng.

Thinking of these, I felt extremely wronged. Ma Qiang, a villain, planted all the immoral things he did to Lin Shihan on my head. I was unwilling. I wanted to explain to Lin Feng, but I suddenly remembered the last sentence that Ma Qiang warned me. He told me to take good care of my mouth and know what to say and what not to say.

This time, I understand the meaning of this sentence completely!

Seeing me silent, Lin Feng thought I acquiesced. His anger was more fierce. He raised his legs and stepped on his palms with shoes bigger than my face and crushed them hard. The pain of ten fingers made me sweat straight. I couldn't help loosening my clenched lips and making a scream like a pig!

Hearing the voice of my scream, Lin Feng's face leaked a smile, and then threatened me and said, "waste, if it wasn't for Shihan who begged me not to make things big, otherwise I would have abandoned you. But, from now on, you should dare to make a poem Han's idea, I will want you to live like death

With that, he moved his big foot away and yelled at me, "go away!"

A word, deafening, let me panic, I bear the pain of the body, try to get up, try to escape.On the way, there was a blizzard in the sky without any sign. It seemed that the sky was fighting against injustice for me. I looked up and cried and roared

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