Along the way, I stumbled, kept slipping and climbing, I gritted my teeth, dragged the heavy and muddy body, step by step, trying to move forward.

Back to school, a few sporadic people on the road saw me, scared and walked around unconsciously.

I bowed my head and shivered back to my bedroom. Due to the change of temperature, the snow water kept dropping from my head.

In the next few days, I was trapped in endless self isolation. I wrapped myself up in every moment and place, ignoring anyone and anything. Don't care about anyone's eyes, this moment, my world is really clean, everything has nothing to do with me.

Ma Qiang and they did not appear in my life, everything seems to have returned to the origin.

Soon, we ushered in the arrival of the new year, the new year's Day party held by the school came as scheduled, the school exudes the new year's breath everywhere, lively, bright lights on the playground stage, everyone's face is filled with a brilliant smile, only I, as if unrelated to the world, still lonely living in their own closed space.

Sitting in the most remote and dark corner, looking at the lively stage in the distance, I feel that it is so close and so far. Their singing and laughing make me lonely. It seems that I am an isolated person, and the whole world stands on the opposite side of me, clearly dividing the boundary.

After the happy New Year's day, the atmosphere of the school fell into a tense state. Many students began to get busy and prepare for the coming final exam. However, I continued to close myself and walk on the lonely track in silence.

On the eve of the exam, the counselor called the whole class to have a meeting in the classroom. The counselor, who was always joking with the students, became serious this time. The class that played and played all day became silent. Everyone was silent. Even I had no sense of existence!

Seeing that the students were quiet, the counselor began to speak and said to the whole class sternly, "there was a theft incident in our political department today. It is unprecedented in our school, and the plot is very serious."

All of a sudden, the whole class broke out a heated discussion, the quiet classroom instantly boiling up, we are discussing, who dare to steal the test paper answer!

All of a sudden, the counselor slapped the table angrily and yelled, "all be quiet for me!"

The class immediately shut up, and then, the counselor went on: "this final exam, many teachers have given you a key point, but only senior mathematics teacher did not, it is not the senior mathematics teacher is not good to everyone, on the contrary, senior mathematics teacher is a respected old professor, he has always been strict and responsible, every topic in the exam is carefully selected by him, not difficult, every question It's all what he said in class. It's to see if you listen carefully in class. It's very kind of you. You don't pay attention to the lectures, and even do such a thing when the exam is about to take place. The teacher of senior mathematics is very angry. This matter has been reported to the school. The school leaders ask that it be investigated strictly. Who did it, stand up by yourself! "

At this moment, the whole classroom fell into a terrible silence, all of us were looking at each other, only I, still head down, immersed in their own thoughts, for these, I have never cared.

Just, let me tremble for it is, suddenly burst out of the quiet classroom counselor like a river east lion roar like roar: "Suluo!"

I almost didn't jump up. I didn't expect that the counselor would call me at this time. I raised my head like a conditioned reflex. Suddenly, I touched the firebreathing eyes of the counselor. She glared at me angrily and said fiercely, "stand up!"

I don't know why this time called me, but I dare not listen to the counselor, immediately weak stand up.

Then, the counselor continued to say to me fiercely: "Suluo, I received a report. Someone said that they saw you sneaking into the senior mathematics teacher's office. Did you do this?"

In a flash, the class once again exploded, all kinds of comments spread all over the classroom, some said that I knew it was I who did it at a glance, others said that I worked alone all day, even if I did, no one would know!


At the moment, I feel very helpless, how could I have never imagined that, near the exam, there will be a disaster, let me be shot for no reason, I think I am even more unjust than Dou E!

I really didn't do it, and I really couldn't think of who made me carry this black pot. For a moment, my mind was very confused! My heart raw pain, I opened my mouth hard, just to start to defend myself, the accident happened again.

Seeing that I wanted to speak, the counselor interrupted me instantly, and then immediately criticized me loudly: "Suluo, I didn't think it was really you. Now you are so bold. You talk about you, your study is not good, your appearance is not surprising, you have no friends, and your moral character is still so bad. You can only be a prison seedling in the future."

The first time I heard the teacher scold me, my eyes turned red instantly. I never thought that the instructor would scold the students like this, and didn't even give me the opportunity to explain, so I recognized that I did it.When I met the instructor, I never thought that I would lose my interest in the class In the future, we should not kill people and set fire to society! Hum! You can wait for the punishment from the school

My tears, can no longer contain, along the corner of my eyes flow out, repressed in my heart grievances, finally broke out completely, I regardless of everything, left the seat, went to the instructor on the platform.

Seeing me close, the instructor's eyes could not help but flash a trace of fear, she trembled, pointed at me and said: "sulo, what do you want to do? I'm telling you, don't mess around

I stood in front of the counselor, suppressed in the heart of the anger completely broke out, in front of the whole class, facing the counselor loudly roared: "ha ha, you even don't give me the opportunity to explain, so you think it's me. You humiliate me indiscriminately. You are a teacher and an example for us to learn from. For those students who have left their hometown, they are equivalent to our parents. You should be responsible for us and care about us, but have you done it? Have you ever really paid attention to me? Teacher, I'm really disappointed with you

After wiping the tears on my face, I roared to the counselor again: "you said I was ignorant. When I was reading secretly in the library, where were you? You said I often played truant. When I had a high fever and almost died, where were you? Where were you when I was bullied? Have you ever really paid attention to me? If not, why do you say that to me, why? "

Teacher, do you know? I often bow my head because I'm afraid to see others' jeering eyes. I'm afraid that others will deliberately pick fault and bully me. However, it doesn't affect my listening. I listen, I remember. I'm not ignorant. My character is no problem. I didn't steal the answer. I don't need to answer. Math is my strong point all the time, you know?

If you don't even investigate, you will listen to others' one-sided words and doubt me. You can also ask me about the situation alone. Why do you ask me directly in front of the hostages of the whole class and scold me again? I am also a human being. I have dignity. I tell you, you are a teacher. You are not qualified at all! "

With that, I ignored the dumbfounded counselor and rushed out of the classroom and the garbage school!

Run, have been running, how I hope, I can run to paradise, where there is no oppression, no bullying, do not need to see the face of others, can live freely!

Who insulted me, who hit me, I can bear, but why even my most respected teacher are so red fruit humiliated me, wronged me, I really don't want to stay here!

On the way to escape, I kept thinking in my mind, who in the end is, still don't let me go, I have bullied my people are counted again!

Lin Feng, no, he won't do such trifles. Ma Qiang, no, it can't be him. He's already gone home. Liu Boyang, it's not right. I haven't seen him for a long time. Is it Han Boyang? I can't help but think of his strange smile at me in the back mountain that day. Only he would play me in applause without using force.

I think that time can make people forget everything, but I found that I was wrong. Han Boyang is indeed a scheming whore. He is not as fierce as Ma Qiang or as strong as Liu Boyang. However, he is more insidious than any of them. I really regret that I offended him.

Running out of school, running out of such a big business street, I still run, run to my legs soft, no longer run, I just stop, panting.

At this time, I found that my mobile phone was ringing all the time. I took it out and saw that it was the counselor calling. I didn't want to hear her voice, so I let it continue to ring. Then, I walked slowly on the street.

I don't know why, but now the mood is a little more relaxed, there is a kind of heroic free and easy feeling, perhaps, because I have been oppressed too many times, no matter who hit me and scolded me, I never resisted, always ended with patience, and this time, in front of the whole class, I refuted the teacher, said the words suppressed in my heart for a long time, yelled out my grievances, willful Run out of school, this feeling, very happy.

However, after happy, the rest is confused, helpless.

The city is so big, but there is no place for me to live in. I am very confused and lost my direction. I don't know where to go. I'm totally desperate for that garbage school. However, I dare not go home. I don't want uncle yang to see me in such a mess. I'm afraid he will be disappointed with me!

What should I do? What should I do?


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