I don't know how long after that, the ring of the mobile phone broke the peace in the air again. This time, uncle Yang called me. My heart couldn't help but thump. I felt nervous and hesitated for a long time. Finally, I pressed the connect button.

Immediately, uncle Yang's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Arlo, where are you now?"

Hearing uncle Yang's anxious voice, I swallowed my mouth and tried to control my heartache and pain. I said firmly, "I'm at school. What's the matter?"

Uncle Yang sighed slightly and comforted me and said, "Arlo, don't lie to me. Your teacher called me and said there was something wrong with you. You ran out of school in anger. She couldn't contact you. She was very anxious."

As soon as the words fell, uncle Yang said again, "Arlo, with what I know about you, you have a good temper. You will be patient when you encounter anything, and you have been submissive since childhood. This time, you are so angry. You must have been wronged. Tell Uncle, what happened to you at school?"

Uncle Yang's meticulous care, let me feel a strong warmth, the grievances in the heart thoroughly sent out, to the other end of the phone Yang uncle burst into tears!

I cry so, Yang Shuzhen was really scared, and kept comforting me, but the more he was like this, the more sad I cried, just like in front of my father, I had to cry to tell everything, all heartache and pain.

After crying for a long time, I was able to relieve my grief. Uncle Yang on the other end of the phone might feel my sadness and despair. He sighed heavily and said to himself, "Arlo, you must have suffered a lot in school. It's all my uncle's bad. I only care about my work, I don't have time to take care of you, and let you leave home to study so far away In fact, I can see that you have no heart to miss books for a long time. Otherwise, with your learning ability, you will not be admitted to such a school. If your uncle is wrong, I won't force you. If you don't miss it, go home, child! "

Uncle Yang's words touched my heart again. I felt Lin shuna's love as full as his father. I could no longer pretend to be strong. He opened his mouth and asked weakly, "is that ok?"

Uncle Yang said forcefully: "yes!"

Simple two words, let the indecisive I, the heart more firm, I read uncle Yang's understanding and tolerance, perhaps, he would like me to grow up happy, not bullied, rather than just for that bullshit paper diploma, think of this, my tears can not stop flowing down, the heart is full of moving.

After a short silence, uncle Yang's voice of concern came again: "Arlo, do you need me to pick you up?"

I quickly wiped away the tears on my face and sobbed and replied, "no, uncle! I'll go by myself. You can wait for me at home with peace of mind. "

Uncle Yang told me again: "call me when you get home!"

I firmly replied, "OK!"

Pause for a few seconds, I unconsciously called a sentence: "uncle!"

Uncle Yang said softly: "what's the matter?"

I said from the bottom of my heart: "thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, my tense nerves were completely relaxed. Uncle Yang's words made me clear my direction and made me no longer hesitating. Finally, I made up my mind to leave the haunting place of this nightmare.

A deep breath, and then, I will turn, toward the direction of the school, this moment, my spine finally straightened, all over the body seems to be strong, special spirit.

I walked on the way back to school, walking along, behind me suddenly came a familiar voice: "solo!"

My body suddenly trembled, and the whole person was in place immediately.

Her voice to me with magic, clear and clear, but gentle and soft, such as the spring stream, heard this voice makes my firm belief shake again, I slowly turned around, looked at the "Shen Yue!" standing not far away

At this time, she still looks so lovely, but at the moment, I don't know how to face her, I really don't want her to see me so embarrassed. I turn around in panic, head down slowly toward Shen Yue.

I came to Shen Yue. Shen Yue looked down at me and said curiously, "Suluo, what's wrong with you? Don't you dare to look up at me?"

She asked, I really don't know how to answer well, a little stuttering said: "no, really nothing!"

So, I was full of shyness and raised my head. However, I did not dare to touch her eyes, but looked to other directions.

Shen Yue stood in front of me and did not speak. She seemed to be staring at me all the time. After staring at me for a long time, she said, "Suluo, how did your eyes swell? You cried. What happened to you?"

What she asked me really didn't know what to do. I thought about how to answer her in my mind. Suddenly, there was a flash of light. I trembled and explained to Shen Yue, "that, I, I really just cried. I miss my dad!"

I don't know if she will believe me, but for the sake of face, I don't want her to know my miserable school experience!

Shen Yue looked at me with a trace of apology in her tone, and said weakly, "I'm sorry, Suluo! I don't know. I thought you were bulliedI once mentioned my father to her, and she knew something about it. Seeing her apologetic expression, I secretly congratulated her. Fortunately, she believed it, or I would be really hard to handle. Therefore, I did not wait for her to speak, and quickly changed the topic

I asked Shen Yue: "where are you going?"

When Shen Yue finished the class, she said, "I'm going to work."! Come up and say hello to you

Listen to her so said, I quickly said: "then I will not delay you, hurry to busy, have time to chat again!"

At present, I really want to let her leave me quickly, I have a hard heart, with her appearance, has begun to shake.

Shen Yue raised her hand and looked at the time. She looked nervous on her face and said to me, "well, Suluo, I'm in a hurry to leave. I'll go to your school tomorrow to play with you."

As soon as the words fell, she ran away quickly, leaving me standing in a daze. I chewed her words repeatedly and said in my heart: "what, she wants to come to school to play with me. No, you can't let her come. When she comes, I will know my miserable story in school."

On second thought, I really don't want to go. Although I have been humiliated here, Shen Yue's sudden appearance gives me the confidence to stay. For her, I decided to stay!

After that, on the way back to school, I called Uncle Yang and told him that I would not go back today, and I would go back to school after the final exam tomorrow. In order to finish what he promised, uncle Yang didn't say anything more. He just told me everything was up to me.

After returning to school, I went directly to the direction of the dormitory. During this period, the passers-by still looked at me with different eyes. I didn't think so.

Looking from the door, the bedroom was empty, but when I opened the bedroom door, I found the counselor sitting in my bedroom.

When I saw her, I was about to turn around and leave. When I took the first step, the counselor stopped me in a softer voice than usual: "solo, can we talk?"

I stood in place, hesitated for a moment, do not know how to do well, is calm and she chat, or decisively leave, I fell into a dilemma.

See I stand at the door did not respond, counselor said: "today is the teacher is wrong, should not come up to scold you, can you forgive the teacher?"

In fact, I am a soft hearted person, and I also know the truth that I will never be three again. Since I have promised uncle yang to finish the four years of college, I should have a good relationship with the one in front of me, so as not to give me trouble in the future. Finally, I decided to have a chat with her.

I bravely went into the bedroom, moved a chair on the ground, and reached the opposite side of the counselor, and said weakly, "let's talk about it!"

The counselor saw my attitude and understood what I meant. She knew that I had forgiven her, but she didn't say it in her mouth. Then she opened her mouth and said to me, "Hello, thank you for forgiving the teacher. When you ran out, I called you and you didn't answer it. You scared me to death. What can you do in case of anything? If you have any problems in school, you can tell the teacher and I will help you solve them! "

Looking at the way she spoke, I felt very concerned about me, and the way she spoke was also very sincere. I replied, "thank you, teacher, I know!"

In the following time, we talked about a lot of interesting things. Slowly, I found that the counselor was not so unreasonable as she thought. She said that she lost her temper because she didn't want the students in her class to be criticized or even expelled from school. However, what's worse is that I have become the number one suspect in full dress, This is reduced to "cannon fodder!"

This day is the day I laugh the most since I came here. Although the morning was very sad, it was not as bad as I thought.

Maybe Ma Qiang is right. On weekdays, I am arrogant and indifferent to the affairs of the world. I don't know the name of the counselor at the end of a semester. After such a chat, I know.

The Counselor's name is Zhang Jia. She is only 28 years old. Because I am ten years older, she told me to call her "sister" in private She didn't leave until the bell rang after school. Before leaving, she told me that the exam question was not difficult. I should take a good test tomorrow. Don't lose the exam because of today's unhappiness.

After she left, I changed my clothes and washed my face full of tears. After that, I went to the canteen for dinner. As my roommates came home early, I was alone in the dormitory. I had nothing to do. I reviewed the key points of this semester again to prepare for tomorrow's exam

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