Time passed unconsciously. In the next two days, I kept on taking exams. Although I didn't listen to the lectures in class, the questions on the test paper were not difficult for me. I still had no pressure on the ranking of grades.

After the examination, we started the winter vacation. Since we had promised uncle yang to go home after the exam, we had to break our promise. Moreover, I haven't been home for a long time. Miaomiao didn't know whether he had gone back. He just took this opportunity to accompany him.

I opened my mobile phone and ordered a train ticket on the Internet. It was the train at 10 pm. In order to save money, I wanted to buy a hard seat, but it was sold out. But I was eager to go home, I bought a sleeper. It's OK. The journey home is not near, and I can have a good sleep!

After cleaning up the bedroom, I took a look at the time. It was still early for the train to leave. I called Shen Yue and asked her not to come to me. I told her that I had gone home on holiday. I went to find her when I came back. After a short chat with her, I hung up the phone.

When you feel idle, the time will pass very slowly. I pray in my heart that the time will pass quickly. Only when I go home can I completely relax, and only there is the only one worthy of my concern.

Especially boring I, lying in bed listening to songs, gradually sleepy hit, my eyelids lost strength, slowly closed up, I fell asleep unconsciously!

I don't know how long I have been sleeping, but I was awakened by the ringing of the phone. I touched the phone and opened my eyes slightly. Only then did I find that uncle Yang had called me. I just got up in spirits!

Quickly pressed the answer button, the phone came to Yang uncle's greetings: "come back, Arlo!"

I rubbed my sleepy eyes and said weakly, "not yet, uncle. The train at 10 p.m. is expected to be home in the afternoon the day after tomorrow."

Hearing my answer, uncle Yang didn't say anything. He only told me to pay attention to safety on the train and take good care of my luggage and belongings. Then he hung up the phone.

I looked at the time on the mobile phone, only to find that it was more than six o'clock. I stretched out, got out of bed and cleaned up. After everything was ready, I took my things and left for the railway station. Although it was still a little early, but in case of emergency, I should go early!

Looking back from school, the huge school has lost its former youth because of the holiday, and the commercial street has lost its usual lights. I intercepted a taxi on the road and drove to the direction of the railway station.

Maybe it's because of the students' holiday. The road is very congested. Originally, it took more than 40 minutes to walk for nearly two hours. I was glad to know that uncle Yang called in time. Otherwise, I started when I was about to arrive, otherwise I would miss the train.

I walked very bumpy all the way. When I came to the railway station, I looked at the time. It was more than an hour before the departure. Although it was evening, the railway station was still overcrowded. I came to the automatic ticket collection window and took out my ID card to get the ticket. After that, I went to the waiting room. After some difficulties, I found a seat and sat down to wait for the arrival of the train.

Time passed, I waited for the train finally arrived, along the ticket to find their own seat, my bed in the lower bunk, sleeping in my upper bunk is about 30 years old woman, she with the child, it should be to visit relatives.

The upper shop opposite me was a young man. It looked like twenty-five or six were lying on his bunk with a notebook computer, clacking on the keyboard, and reading words: "it's over, how can this stock fall again?"

In the lower berth next to me sat a young girl, about 21 or 12 years old. She looked down at the magazine in silence. She was not attracted by the people who got on the bus.

passed in front of her, and only felt the faint smell of perfume coming into her nose. It didn't make people feel inconsistent. Instead, she felt that she was very comfortable, like a faint fragrance of flowers. When she heard it, the style of the paper concluded that the perfume was definitely expensive, and the woman beside her was a casual dress, but she had a kind of indistinct temperament.

I was lying on the sleeper, staring at the bed board on top of me in a daze, when the young man opposite put down the computer and accosted me: "Hey, little brother.

I turned my head and asked, "yes?"

He said, "where did you go?"

I ha ha smile, tactfully said: "school holiday, go home!"

As soon as he heard this, he immediately laughed: "your school holiday is late enough."

I gave him a smile and didn't go on talking.

After sorting out the things, I also went to bed and lay down. Thinking about getting home soon, I couldn't help feeling a little excited. I had a lot of sleep before, but now I'm not sleepy at all. I lie in bed idle and have nothing to do, so I take out my mobile phone and read the novel!

After watching for about an hour or so, I heard a gurgling sound in my stomach. At this time, I remembered that I was so excited to patronize home that I even forgot to eat dinner. Fortunately, I bought something to eat before. I opened my backpack, took out the food and ate it.After simply filling my stomach, I looked at my cell phone for a while. After lying down for a long time, my brain felt dizzy, and my body felt weak. So I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The leisurely time on the train passed quickly. There was no accident on the way home. I was unconscious. Time passed quickly. My train had been on the road for more than 20 hours. When I arrived in H City, it was already more than 7 p.m. the next day.

H city is a developing city in the north. In recent years, high-rise buildings have sprung up, and clean and spacious roads have made the city's traffic less crowded. The green and beautiful streets, the lush trees on both sides of the road, and colorful flowers decorate the city with extraordinary beauty. Although the night has fallen, the bright and dazzling lights have made the city more beautiful The city shines more beautiful, I stand in this city is so small!

The girl who got off the same way with me was also very cold. She felt very chilly when she was close to me. She was at the forefront of fashion in her dress and dress up. She was so single in the crowd.

I didn't call to tell Yang Shu to pick me up. I didn't want to trouble him. Yang's family lives in the South District of H city. It's not too far from the railway station, so I'd better go back by myself.

After I got out of the railway station, I went south while the girl went north. I was about to go home. However, I was surprised to find that there were two sneaky people. One was fat and big, the other was short-sighted and short-sighted. Judging from their looks, they didn't look like good people. My feeling has been telling me that these two people seem to be following the woman Children.

My heart constantly reminds me, tell me not to meddle, never mind. However, I can not control myself, I also quietly follow up.

Looking at the girl's appearance, she seems to be going home by herself. Maybe her home is not far away. I didn't take a bus. I followed the girl until I found out that my feeling was right. This person has been following her all the time.

They don't dare to act rashly when there are many people, but what if the girl goes to the place where there is no one. I really can't just be indifferent. I'm going to do something. I'm going to save her.

I suddenly rushed forward, I ran to the girl, gently patted her on the shoulder, to the next girl gently said: "be careful, you are being followed!"

When the girl heard me, her face showed a trace of disdain, and her voice said coldly, "I've seen so many people like you. If you want to chat up, you can't change something new."

After listening to her words, I felt particularly embarrassed. If it was me, I would be the same if others said that to me.

I thought her words were finished, but her next words made me even more embarrassed. She opened her voice and raised her voice, and continued to say to me: "ha ha, I am really being followed and bullied. Aren't you the one who has been following me? It's good to say that I was followed by others. Ridiculous

I didn't expect the girl to speak so sharp, the way of speaking and the appearance formed a contrast, it seems that I was completely regarded as a bad person. I said to her seriously: "really, I didn't cheat you. Just when you just got out of the station, I noticed that there were two people sneaking along with you. I just caught up with you and told you specifically. If you don't believe it, you can look back and see that they are dressed in black

I thought I said so sincerely that the girl would believe it, but I found that I was too naive. The girl still didn't believe me. She also pointed at me and cried out: "I warn you, if you keep pestering me, I'll call people!"

Her voice attracted a lot of comments from people around her. I thought that it was so difficult to be a good person. Her kind advice was really sarcastic. So I quickly replied, "OK, I don't want to pester you, just do it yourself." If people don't believe me, why do I still depend on them.

I turned around and left like this, I inadvertently and those two people brush past, so for a moment, I saw the corner of the mouth of the thin man to me leakage a touch of evil smile. My heart immediately felt uneasy.

Don't guess, he must have heard the girl abusing me. It seems that the girl has not found himself in danger. If this goes on, the villains will be more unscrupulous. No, I can't watch them do what they want. Even if she looks at me coldly, I will save her.

After leaving a few meters, I went back, and they had lost their direction in the crowd. I walk in the street, constantly looking for, until that moment, I found that fat back, turning in the street intersection, I followed up

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