The street at the corner is a one-way street. Compared with the main street, the street lamp in the lane gives off a dark yellow light, which lights up the dark lane.

There are people walking in the street, the girl is walking in the front, the two people are walking in the back, but they accelerate the pace of moving, it seems that they are ready to do bad things! I followed them quietly, afraid to make a sound, for fear that they would find me back.

When the girl was about to pass a lane in front of her, all of a sudden, they started to rush to the girl's side. One hand covered her mouth and tried to drag her to a deserted alley. The girl was delayed for a few seconds, and then began to struggle. After all, the two fists were no match for four hands, so the girl was pulled in.

In order to prevent her from crying out, the big man sealed her mouth with tape that he didn't know where to get, and limited the girl's movement with his hands. The girl was still struggling.

In the narrow alley, only a faint light came in. Through the light, she saw the girl crying and tears streaming out of the corner of her eyes. She did not know what the two villains were going to do next, whether they were robbing money or not?

I hid quietly at the entrance of the Hutong, watching their every move. The thief snatched the girl's backpack and put all the cash in it into his pocket. The cash was more than 1000.

At this time, the fat man whispered: "brother, can we do something else?"

Through the dim light, I vaguely saw this big man, the corner of his mouth emerged a touch of indecent smile.

Only listen to the short people said: "don't worry, this time almost no one will pass by here, we have more time!"

After looking at the girl on the ground, she continued: "you can only blame yourself, do not listen to other people's advice, let us succeed, ha ha!"

Hearing this, the girl's emotion is more excited, resistance is also more excited.

At this time, the big man is holding down the girl's hands and feet, the small man moved, with his hands in tearing the girl's clothes, these two animals actually want to girl XX, hiding in the side I really don't know what to do, I go up is not their opponent, but let me watch them in front of me, so I can't bear it.

At this moment, the girl's clothes were mercilessly torn by them, and they were about to be naked. The two beasts were blinded by desire, ready to make the final invasion.

The little man made a funny voice and said, "little beauty, the more you struggle, the more I like it!"

Lying on the ground, the girl's face has been full of tears, struggle is meaningless resistance, but in order to keep their innocence, she still did not give up.

I really can't watch this kind of scene. I want to save her. I can't watch an innocent girl being destroyed like this. Even if she sneered at me before, it doesn't matter. I've long been indifferent to other people's views on me. I tell myself in my heart that as long as I do something worthy of my conscience, it's OK.

I found a brick nearby, quickly picked it up, holding the stone, I quietly close to them, at this time they were completely lost in desire, did not notice my approach.

I walked step by step, lying on the ground of the girl accidentally saw my arrival, I put a sign to her, indicating that she should not be excited.

These two animals are back to me, just gave me a good chance to start. When I was about to get close to them, I accelerated my speed and exhausted all my strength. Facing the small man, I was just a few bricks in a row. I just heard the scream of "ah" from the little man, and I fell to the ground directly.

The little man who fell on the ground covered his bleeding head with his hand. He lay on the ground and kept rolling in pain. He said in a weak voice, "who, in the end, is TM attacking Laozi behind his back?" As soon as the voice dropped, he lost consciousness and passed out.

The big man was stunned by the sudden attack. When he found out, he noticed that the little man had fallen into a pool of blood. I didn't give him time to breathe. I went up to the big man and was a brick. To my surprise, my brick was broken in half, but the big man was safe and sound.

The big man let go of the girl's hand and quickly attacked me. How could I be his opponent? If I was caught by him, I didn't know what would happen to me. The big man said to me, "boy, you not only disturb the good things of Laozi, but also hurt my brother. You are dead!"

When his hand was about to catch me, I used my own agile skills to dodge me. Later, he tried to block me with his physical advantages. We two dodged back and forth like an eagle catching a chicken. I only knew that he could not catch me. Slowly, he chased me farther and farther away, and I was far away from the girl's position.

It's no way to go on like this. I yelled to the big man, "your brother's life and death are unknown. Is it appropriate for you to chase me like this?" I thought he would go to save people first, but I found that I was wrong.The big man's reply made me marvel. He said to me without caring: "anyway, it's not me who fell on the ground. I'm dead! I only know that you disturb my good things, I want revenge

I feel very speechless. In the process of dodging, I looked at the girl. She was sitting in the same place, completely lost the consciousness of escaping, and just could struggle. How could it be so now.

With the distance pulled in, the big man blocked me in the dead end. I squatted in the corner of the wall, gasped for breath, waiting for the arrival of the big man. Seeing that I didn't move, the big man slowed down his pace, full of provocation and said, "run, why don't you run!"

I replied to the big man, "I don't want to say anything anymore. I know it's useless to say anything now."

The big man was more proud when he heard my answer, and said with a smile: "boy, since you are so self-conscious, I will try my best to make you less painful, ha ha ha!"

Big man stood in front of me, arrogantly said: "boy, suffer death!" A hand was stretched out. When his hand was only one centimeter away from me, I moved at this moment, grabbed the soil on the ground and scattered it on his face.

Then he heard the big man Scream: "ah! My eyes

As soon as his voice fell, I used my own thin body and agile skills to drill out along his crotch.

From the second I drilled out, I knew that I had won the bet. Just when I was hiding from him, I imagined whether this was a dead end. In case I was also thinking of a way to deal with it. I squatted on the ground panting just to attract his attention. My main purpose was the earth on the ground.

Big man is still standing in place to wipe his eyes, I was quickly ran to the girl's side, picked up her scattered things on the ground, this time, the small man actually woke up, just about to get up, I was kicked unconscious, I just remembered he still had the girl's money in his pocket, I quickly took out.

Turning around and quickly came to the girl, I put on my clothes for her, and called out to her who was still distracted: "follow me quickly!" Before she could react, I took her hand and ran out of the alley.

I've been running with the girl, running all the time. I didn't stop until I felt tired. All of a sudden, the girl's voice came from my ear: "well, can I let go of my hand?"

This time, I noticed that I was holding hands all the way, and the girl's face was also slightly red. I felt embarrassed and quickly let go. It seemed that the girl's state at this time recovered.

I said to her with a critical tone: "I told you not to listen to me, now regret it!"

The girl was a little embarrassed and lowered her head. She said weakly, "I'm sorry, I went away for the first time. My mother told me not to believe the words of strangers outside. So I just

Looking at her appearance, she should also be a person with clothes to stretch out her hand and open her mouth. When she first went out, she met such a thing. Her mood was inevitably a little low. I changed the topic and said, "where are you going now?"

The girl replied, "I'm traveling in H City, and I don't know where to go next."

I felt speechless and asked her, "do you have any relatives in this city? If so, I'll take you there."

The girl thought for a moment and said, "I have an aunt here. I can go to her."

So the girl took out the phone and called her aunt. After a while, she gave her the address. I was worried about her appearance. I just wanted to be nice and escort her to the end!

When waiting for the bus on the road, the girl sorted out her embarrassed appearance by the way. After waiting for a while, she finally stopped a taxi. When she got on the bus, the driver asked, "where are you going?"

The girl looked at the address given on her mobile phone and said, "go to Zijin City!"

Suddenly, the driver looked at us in the eyes full of doubt, and asked again: "where are you going?"

The girl was a little bored and said, "Zijin City!"

So the driver didn't say anything more and drove away.

It suddenly occurred to me that, if I remember correctly, Zijin City is a well-known rich district in H city. The people who live there are either local tyrants or nouveau riche. Anyway, it is not a place where ordinary people can live. It seems that her aunt is not simple! Our current location is in the South Commercial Street, 30 minutes to the West.

When the taxi drove into Zijin City, we could see a golden gate, which was blocked all around. The residential area was closed, and there were security patrols around the gate 24 hours a day.

After getting off the bus, we were stopped by the security guard when we were ready to knock on the door, saying that strangers were not allowed to enter. Helpless, the girl had to call her aunt to come to pick her up, aunt told her to let her wait a moment.

I quietly accompanied her to wait for her aunt's arrival. After about five minutes, a red Lamborghini with license plate number of 8888 came from the outside. After stopping at the door, the security guard opened the door directly. At this time, the driver didn't go in but got out of the car.The one who got off the bus was actually a woman. It seemed that she was about 30 years old. The security guard saw her and called out: "Miss Xia!"

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