Through the roadside light, I can clearly see his face, firm and cold. His age seems to be about 30 years old, but his eyes contain an infinite sense of vicissitudes. So mysterious and unpredictable, even his voice is cold to the bone, making people feel shivering.

But his strength is absolutely the first-class master in China, and his action is so fast that I can't be fooled. With just such a simple move, he flew out the imposing Yong Guang. This is not what ordinary strength can do, but this man can easily do it, and his face is still calm, as if this move for him, it is not easy to blow The power of ash.

He such a master, suddenly appeared here, and also called Qiqi miss, that is to say, he is Qiqi's bodyguard, which is really beyond my imagination.

At this moment, it suddenly dawned on me. No wonder Qiqi dared to block in front of me regardless of life and death. No wonder she was not afraid of the angry tattooed man, even the machete he chopped down so quickly. It turned out that she was not impulsive to die, she was deliberately protecting me.

When I was distracted, Qiqi's calm voice suddenly floated in the night sky: "you are willing to show up at last. I thought you were asleep!"

Her tone is very gentle, a few separate joking appearance, but listen carefully, Qiqi angry.

But in front of the bodyguard listened to Qiqi's words, his face still did not have the slightest expression, only the lip gently moved under, said in a cold voice: "my task is to protect the safety of Miss, only miss's life is in danger, I will come out!"

What he said was very insipid, without any emotion, as if it was a robot, a robot who did things according to the rules. This also made me understand why Qiqi didn't need to help me in other ways, so she had to stop in front of me. It turned out that all this was on her purpose. Her purpose was to lead out the cold-blooded bodyguard. It was really unexpected and seemed like it The weak little girl had such a mind and courage, and seemed to have a very extraordinary life experience. She listened to the cold man's words and didn't say much. She just turned to look at me and whispered, "let's go!"

Her tone is very relaxed, as if we have been liberated at this moment, but in the current situation, only the leader, Pei Yongguang, has been kicked away. The other 20 or so big men still carry bright machetes and are covetous at us. Even if the strength of cold-blooded bodyguards is high, it is impossible to single out so many savages with swords?

Anyway, at this moment, I'm in a mess. Qiqi really subverts my ordinary view again and again. I can't imagine how she can be so confident and so calm. It seems that with this excellent bodyguard here, she is not afraid of anything.

I frown, and then stare at Qiqi. Under the light, her face is so white. At this moment, I suddenly feel that Qiqi's skin is so unusual. Maybe it's not pure white skin, but it may be that she has a serious illness, which makes her face pale and bloodless.

Think of this, I am more and more confused, such a seemingly delicate little girl, what kind of girl is it? How big is her background? Why can there be a cold man such a master in the side, everything, I want to so hope to get the answer.

However, when my eyes touched her clear eyes, I completely felt unusual. I also believed that with this bodyguard here, everything could be solved. So, I nodded at Qiqi, and then left with her calmly.

However, as soon as we took a few steps, those big men with knives responded. After all, they were people on the road, not decorated vases. Just now they were just like me. They were shocked by the sudden appearance of cold bodyguards. They didn't come to their senses for a moment. Now they saw that Qiqi and I were going to leave. Of course, they didn't want to A horse stood in our way and ordered us to stop

Before he finished his words, the cold bodyguard quickly flashed to his side and kicked him. The tall men didn't even react. Just like their boss, they were kicked to fly. This time, we all saw his move. He was like a ghost in the dark, quick and vicious.

However, after all, they are social people who have experienced big storms and waves. They are not timid. On the contrary, they are more and more brave. When they see the tall man being kicked and flying, they immediately rush towards the cold man with a knife. At this time, the voice of Pei Yongguang suddenly rings through the night sky, shouting: "stop it all!"

I don't know when, byg has already got up from the ground. He is worthy of being the boss of these people. Seeing people and seeing things is really deeper. Obviously, he stopped his subordinates at the critical time because he saw the extraordinary cold man.

If byg can make a living on the road like a fish in water, he must have his own shrewdness. Let alone whether they can cut down the cruel man, even if they can deal with him, they should also consider the consequences. Will a family that can send out such a powerful bodyguard be a general family? Therefore, although he suffered a loss this time, he did not dare to act rashly. When all his men stopped, he covered his chest and walked forward a few steps, and came to the cold man.Then, with that pair of sharp eyes, BAE Yongguang looked at the cold man for a long time, and then he asked seriously: "I said this brother, can you give me a name?"

At this time, his tone is no longer arrogant, he and the cold man when talking, are particularly polite.

Seeing his attitude, the cold hearted man did not take any more moves. He just walked forward calmly and stopped in front of byg. It seemed that he was saying something, but I didn't hear clearly. But at this moment, I saw clearly the serious face of Pei Yongguang, and suddenly his face turned pale. Looking at his appearance, he seemed not to want to stay here for another moment, and immediately ordered to say "Retreat!"

After that, he did not hesitate and unwilling to lead those big men with swords directly and left in dismay.

After BAE Yongguang was scared off, the cold man suddenly disappeared in the night without even calling out to Qiqi. However, Qiqi seemed to be used to such a bodyguard and didn't care whether he followed him or not, so she walked forward. Her expression was calm, as if it was a scene just hanging on the line, just a small can't No matter how small.

But even if Qiqi has nothing to do, my heart can't be calm for a long time. To be honest, I've seen many big scenes, and I've experienced life and death. Now I can face anything calmly. Even if I'm besieged today, I can be fearless in the face of danger. But what makes me unable to calm for a long time is not Pei Yongguang, but Qiqi's identity and the strength of a cold man Are deeply engraved in my heart, let me a little bit can not accept.

It wasn't until Kiki went out for a long time that I suddenly regained consciousness and caught up.

At the moment, I feel that my mood has changed greatly when I walk with Qiqi. Before, when I left the bar, I still wanted to escort her back to school, so as to save her a little girl from being safe outside. But at this moment, I feel funny. It's not that I protect her. Obviously, she protects me. It's embarrassing to think about such a result It's embarrassing.

At this moment, I really don't know what to say with Qiqi. She completely subverts my imagination, but I know that there are some secrets in everyone's heart, and our relationship is not familiar. She can't tell me her life experience with me. I fully understand these.

So, we both walked a little way in silence, I still broke the silence of the night, sincerely said a word to Qiqi beside me? Thank you

Qiqi looked at me with a slight smile and said, "it's OK. Didn't you help me too? This time we're even!"

She said this, the smile on her face suddenly disappeared, and then, she showed a serious face and solemnly said to me: "can you promise me not to say today's things, just as nothing happened, OK?"

In an instant, I was dumb by this question. Although the mysterious Qiqi, on the surface, is a weak girl, I can feel it. Her courage is very strong and her head is very smart. It is estimated that she knows that I want to inquire about her situation, so she takes the lead to open her mouth, which is to tell me not to ask more questions, just as nothing is seen.

Sure enough, her idea is the same as I predicted. I also understand that since she doesn't want to say it, I can't get to the bottom of the matter. Besides, I have no reason to know too much. So I nodded and replied, "well, I know it!"

The simple dialogue, explained all she didn't want to say, we two continued to walk soundlessly in the dark, not in a hurry.

Although the two of us also talked, after a few words, the atmosphere fell into embarrassment again. Qiqi herself is a girl who doesn't talk much. Although I am not a talker, I will treat her as a normal person before the incident, and I will find a topic to solve the embarrassing environment.

But now, this feeling is not the same, for me, Qiqi changed mysterious and strange, I still don't ask for trouble, maybe, in her eyes, I'm just a little rascal, I don't need to have anything to do with such a big girl.

So, in the next journey, we walked quietly towards the school.

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