Just as we were about to get to school, we suddenly heard the noise in front of us, vaguely floating into our ears. We felt that there were a lot of people. Vaguely, we could hear: "let's hurry up. We must rescue brother Xuan. It's too late to go."

"Yes, yes, I have to rescue my elder brother. He is also very kind to everyone. Some white eyed wolves are very arrogant in school every day. When they encounter something, they just like Sun Tzu, they push around, but we are the only ones who come here in the end."

"All right, all right, don't say, now we have to deal with not ordinary people, but the real underworld. It's normal that they dare not come if they can't do it well. I understand those who want to go back now, and never force them to do so!"

"Brother Haonan, what are you talking about? Since all of them have come out, there is no reason to go back. Brother Xuan dared to let everyone go back. He took on his own, which is enough to prove that brother Xuan is a man of righteousness. If he is like this, there is no reason for us to retreat!"

"Yes, yes, all of us are here. We will never leave. Let's run quickly and save big brother as soon as possible."

Accompanied by these fragmentary sounds, the crowd was surging in front of us. They were running towards us. Through the illumination of street lamps, I estimated that they were about 40 or 50 people, and each of them had a guy in his hand. These people were fierce and unstoppable, without fear.

At this moment, if I say that my heart is not touched, it is absolutely false. Even if I want to pretend calm again, my heart can't help but jump up. I feel that my whole body is surrounded by warmth, and at the same time, it is full of passion and blood. Their appearance, really, to tell the truth, is totally beyond my expectation.

Previously, I really wanted to let Chen Haoran and them leave. Their staying would only make our situation more dangerous. As the backbone, if something happened to them, it would hinder the future development. Moreover, after they left, I had the ability to protect myself completely. I did not think that they would come to save me. I did not let them go with such a purpose.

But I never thought that these brothers who were forced out by me would contact other brothers in the school. Even in such a short period of time, they came back to rescue me with such people. You know, they are facing a underworld with a machete. These brothers who can save me with their lives are definitely my real brothers 。

For a moment, I was immersed in the brotherhood that moved me and made my blood boil. My feet stopped unconsciously. In this way, Qiqi and I stood in the middle of the road, looking at these fierce brothers. They were eager to save me and passed us directly on the road.

For a moment, I suddenly came back to my mind and was about to stop and skip my brothers. But at this time, someone in the crowd suddenly noticed me standing in the same place. Suddenly, an excited scream rang out in the night sky: "look, isn't xuange here?"

The appearance of this voice, immediately, all the people stopped and turned their heads to look at me. Now, all the brothers were dumbfounded. After a few seconds, they all cried out with one voice: "brother Xuan!"

In an instant, the crowd was boiling. Then, Qiqi and I were surrounded. Dozens of pairs of eyes were on us and kept looking at me. The other brothers were OK. They didn't know the danger I was facing just now, but Chen Haoran who just left was not the same. They were very aware of the danger I just had, especially Chen Haoran, who knew the name of byg Knowing his way of doing things, he didn't believe that byg would let me go easily. I look very complicated.

When he saw me standing here safe and sound like a ghost, his face was unbelievable. He kept circling around me, touching here and there, but he didn't find that I was hurt at all. Finally, when he fully confirmed that I was not hurt, he finally stopped in front of me and looked at me with wide eyes and exclaimed in surprise“ My God, big brother, can you tell me how you came out of your bald hands

In fact, Qiqi is the greatest contributor to my retreat this time, but at this moment, my brothers completely ignore her, as if she does not exist as a weak girl, and their attention is completely focused on me. Perhaps, they never dreamed that the person who rescued me would be a girl!

I can't help but look at her eyes. In fact, her eyes are very indifferent, but there seems to be a special look in her indifference, which seems to indicate that I don't say anything. I know that this kind of young lady goes to our third class university to live an ordinary life. She must have ulterior motives. I understand.

Since she wanted to continue to hide, I was not easy to uncover, so I had to be brave enough to take all the things on my own head, boasting that I had bribed Pei Yongguang with ten times the property, which was right. The brothers did not doubt me. They all admired me and said that they would have a bright future.

Through this incident, my status in the hearts of my brothers has been promoted to a higher level. At the beginning, I let my brothers stay away and face the danger by myself. This is my righteousness and my purpose. However, the sudden appearance of Qiqi's bodyguard made me escape from life without exposing means, so that my brothers could be convinced of me from the heart.I also vaguely remember the faces of these brothers in front of me, and I drew a label for them in my heart. After chatting with these brothers, we went back to school together. When we got to the school gate, I saw that the fat woman was waiting here. As soon as Qiqi appeared, she immediately came over and worried Pulling her to ask East and West, we can see that although the fat woman is a little bit timid, she has a good heart and is also very concerned about Qiqi.

Then, we separated, brothers also went back to their own bedroom, and as soon as I got back to my bedroom, I called Luo Ziyi, chatted for a while, then went to simple washing, and then went to bed to think quietly.

Today, it was a surprise, but it gained some intangible benefits. On the one hand, I won the love and respect of my brothers. On the other hand, I didn't expose my skills too early. I remember all the brothers who came to rescue the scene today. I also understand the people who didn't come. After all, they are facing a real underworld, Fugitives, it's normal not to come. I don't blame them, but those people have been omitted from my list.

Starting from tomorrow, I will again choose the replacement of those who have not come as the backbone among the brothers who appear tonight, so that the white eyed wolves will lose their luster in the school. And I again decide that it is time for me to screen out the elites selected on that day. I have said very righteous words, but made a slap in the face. I am very disappointed with them.

Thinking about it, I fell asleep unconsciously.

The next day, I put the things I thought last night in progress one by one. Those backbones who didn't come gave me all sorts of reasons. Looking at their false faces, I was even more disappointed. If I pointed to them to fight for me, I didn't even know how I died. Of course, I replaced some small leaders of various classes, and I also changed other brothers They are members of the periphery. They are not forced to ask for anything.

Later, I called together the qualified brothers in my heart. They were very interested in the establishment of the organization proposed by me. They thought that they had no future of reading, but they hoped to have a bright future. Youth should have no regrets and exciting. Of course, there are some things that can't be achieved by a single cavity of enthusiasm. The interests are very big. Therefore, as a member of the organization in the future, there are advantages and disadvantages. No matter what the advantages and disadvantages are, I will tell you very clearly, and the details are also clear.

After a long chat, I finally re elected 30 backbone members, and the elite changed to 80. These 110 people, as long as each person gives them a knife, they are a hero in the river and lake. They are absolutely not afraid of big things. As long as you give an order, they will point out where to fight. There is no doubt about this. They are 110 people who will become me The vanguard.

Although the number of members of the organization is small, they are all top elites. It's ok if they are less loyal. I don't worry about the number of people. The key is the venue. The bar I visited yesterday is a perfect venue. I have already taken a fancy to it and decided to make it my development place. So, at noon today, I contacted the owner of the bar and made an appointment for an hour I'm ready to meet.

During the day, I was busy at school for a day, and finally solved all the problems. In the evening, I made an appointment with Shen Muchen to find a place to eat together.

During the meal, Shen Muchen and I talked about my being surrounded by byy last night, which was very breathtaking. Shen Muchen pinched a sweat for me. However, Shen Muchen paid more attention to Qiqi. He said that this girl should not be underestimated. There must be some problems, but he should not do me any harm. Even so, it is better to contact less.

, actually, I was very curious about this girl. I wondered very much about what kind of person she was and why she was studying in this school. So when Shen Mu Chen decided to spy on her for me, I agreed directly without hesitation.

Of course, both of us don't think Qiqi will harm me. From her coming out to rescue me, to the whispers of cold bodyguard and byg, we can see that she did not save me once last night, but gave a warning to Pei Yongguang and all the families behind him. If they want to deal with me in the future, they should consider the consequences, so, because of her I'm safe for the time being. However, I still need to be more careful in case of retaliation. I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. As a local villain, Wanjia can't do anything unexpected to you.

Therefore, Shen Muchen and I both think that even if Qiqi has problems, she can't be enemies. At least, it can't hurt me. To inquire about her background, the main thing is to let ourselves have an idea of whether to continue to contact with Qiqi in the future. After a meal, Shen Muchen and I talked about a lot of things, and the time was almost the same I said goodbye to Shen Muchen and quietly went to the bar for an appointment.

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