Shen Muchen didn't trust me at first. He planned to come with me, but I refused politely. If people from all over the world came to me for trouble, I could easily get out of it. Shen Muchen also knew my skills. He felt that what I said was reasonable. If something like yesterday happened, he would become a burden to me, so he went back to school to wait for my news.

As soon as I got to the bar, the kind-hearted waitress immediately gave me a warm reception. Without saying a word, I directly explained my intention to her. Only then did she know that I didn't come to drink, so she coldly took me to the boss's office.

The office is in the innermost room on the second floor. When I open the door, I see the owner of the bar. It seems that she is a young woman in her thirties. According to the information given to me by Shen Muchen, she seems to be a widow. Her husband died in the third year of marriage. It is not easy to open a small bar. Maybe she has gone through years of tempering and her temperament is more charming, The main thing is that people are good at talking. At noon on the phone, I made an agreement with her. The fee I charged was not high, but it could guarantee the safety of her field.

This bar has always been a troublemaker. The boss's wife has been in a lot of trouble. But she is a woman after all, and it is difficult to solve these problems. She also wants to pay for the people to see the venue, but she can't find them. Her bar is not very prosperous. Her income is not high. She can't make any profit. No one wants to come here. It's almost as good as two security guards It doesn't work.

However, I am willing to take on the job that no one is willing to take. Moreover, I can watch the venue for her as long as she has 10% of her net profit. This is indeed a happy event for her. According to the rules of this industry, generally, those who watch the shop should get 20% to 30% of the net profit. In some large bars, more than 30% is needed, but I only need to Only 10%, so, the landlady readily agreed to talk with me after meeting.

On the phone, we all had a good chat. When we met, the boss's wife could see that I didn't come to make a fool of myself. I came with sincerity. However, she doubted my ability because I looked a little white faced. I was mature in mind but immature in appearance. Unlike the bully who could live in the house, my name was strange to her Yes, the landlady also has doubts about me.

Therefore, the landlady can only continue to ask, to see my ability, to ask how many people I have under my hand. When I say that there are more than 100 people under my command, the boss's wife's face immediately glows with glory, and she asks me what I do and how can I have so many brothers.

However, when I said that I was a college student nearby, and my brother was also a student Corps I had carefully selected, the boss's face was suddenly covered with luster, her face immediately changed, and she became very ugly. She felt that I was coming to tease her. She directly patted the desk and called out coldly to me: "go, you go quickly!"

A woman's face turned faster than a book. Her attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, which made me speechless. I stood in front of her and asked seriously, "why, I'm serious!"

The boss's wife saw me clinging to me and became more angry. She said to me with a straight face: "classmate, I'm very busy now. Please don't joke with me and don't play the game of underworld here. You should go back to study hard!"

What she meant was that our group of students could not get into her eyes at all. In her eyes, students were just reading books, not fighting. Even visiting her pub was not qualified.

I'm a little speechless, but this bar is the best place I think. Anyway, I won't give up. So, I don't care about the boss's disdain. Looking at her, she said seriously, "boss, I really didn't joke with you. I came here with sincerity. Last night I brought my brother here and stepped on it a little. Don't underestimate our group of students and have me If you have a hundred hearts, I can make people dare not make trouble here

However, even though I was too determined and my tone was tough, the landlady was still too lazy to look at me more. She couldn't feel my momentum. Instead, she was amused by my words. She sneered at me and said, "little classmate, I'll tell you straight. I won't invite you. I don't care about this money. I'm afraid that after inviting you, it's easy to say anything in the field if you and me Your classmate has been beaten, and I will take the responsibility at that time. If your parents come to make trouble again, I will be in more trouble. I don't want to cause more troubles like this. If you can understand people's words, you can go quickly! "

Her voice was helpless and angry. I finally knew why she didn't invite me. She thought I was a primary school student. She would be beaten and called her parents when she was beaten. I was also a little embarrassed when she heard the answer. However, even if she was tough, I still didn't give up. I was about to talk again, but I didn't open my mouth, He opened his leg and was interrupted by a knock on the door.

The boss's wife said casually: "enter!"

Immediately, the manager who gave me the number yesterday came in and said to the landlady that there was something wrong outside. The landlady's eyebrows suddenly tightened. She immediately got up from her seat and walked out of the office to the door. She suddenly turned to me and said, "come out, classmate, I'm going to lock the door!"I went out without hesitation. However, I did not leave. Instead, I followed the landlady behind me, waiting to go with her to see the situation in the manager's mouth. The landlady didn't care about me now. She locked the door and hurried to the bar hall. I was not in a hurry. I followed her. When I got to the hall, I found that the so-called situation was that there was a naked man at a table The tattoo leakage hooligan is making trouble with two young brothers who kill Matt. He is deliberately trying to find fault. His spirit is very strong, and the two waiters nearby are afraid to get close to him. Some casual visitors around him are afraid to get in trouble and even dare not to get close to him. They all stay away from the crowd.

When I heard the noise of the tattooed man, I scanned the scene again. I saw the little girl who was bullied and cried by Huang Mao. I immediately analyzed it. It must be that the tattooed man drank too much. Seeing that the girl was kind, I made a fuss, so I made a noise. But the landlady seems to know this man. As soon as she goes up, she says nice words to the tattooed man politely. When she calls the tattooed man, she says "brother" one by one. Her attitude is just like the one she just treated me.

From what she said, I can also see that the tattooed man often makes trouble here. It is estimated that the owner's wife is a widow who is easy to bully, and most of the guests in the bar are student girls, who are easy to tease. Therefore, she dares to do whatever she likes.

This time, I don't know whether the tattooed man really drank too much, or it really hurt his face. Anyway, he was very angry and didn't give the landlady face at all. Even if the owner's wife said that he would be free, he would not like to, and continued to shout loudly.

Seeing the tattoo man's anger, all the people on the scene were silent. No one dared to say anything, and no one dared to stop it. However, there was some light in my eyes. I couldn't help but feel happy and said that the opportunity was coming.

So, I strode straight forward and yelled at the tattooed man, "that's enough, stop it!"

My voice was sonorous and forceful, and my voice was very strict. All the guests around me were shocked to see me when I came out. Especially the girl who was bullied didn't know which school she was from. She immediately looked at me like a savior. However, when she saw that I was the only one coming out, her eyes suddenly showed disappointment Color.

But the landlady saw me suddenly ran to make a fool of herself, her face became more and more irritable, she was not happy to shout at me: "why do you come here, there's no business for you, go quickly!"

I ignored the owner's wife and directly looked at the tattooed man. I yelled again: "do you hear me? Don't make trouble here. Get out of here!"

Hearing my abusive voice, the tattooed man was immediately dumbfounded. After a long time, he suddenly stood up, pointed at me and said, "who the hell are you? Give me directions here, is it TMD that doesn't want to live?"

I ha ha smile, carelessly said a sentence: "Ye Zixuan!"

This is not a school. No one has heard of my name. All the people present think I'm a psychopath. They take me as a joke. The tattoo man's hair is all up because of my name. He yells at me blatantly: "where the son of a bitch, dare to take care of my grandfather's affairs, do you know Who is grandfather Tao

I looked at the tattooed man, gently shook his head and said calmly, "I don't need to know your name, and I have no interest in knowing it. However, you have to know my name, because from now on, I'm covering it. I don't allow anyone to make trouble here. So, please get out of here!"

After these words, I stare at the tattooed man, and then take out a cigarette from my pocket, hold it in my mouth, light it, and smoke leisurely, with a very elegant look.

At this moment, the whole audience was dumbfounded. They stared at me inexplicably with different expressions, and the tattooed man was even more incredible. He glared at the boss's wife, who was also at a loss. Seeing the tattooed man staring at her, she immediately shook her head at the tattooed man, saying that she denied my statement.

Seeing the boss's veto, the tattooed man immediately became furious. He turned his head and stared at me. His face was full of anger. He swore at me and said, "I'm my God, how can a stupid B dare to die in front of Laozi!"

At the same time, he quickly picked up a wine bottle from the table and smashed it directly on my head. With a bang, the glass wine bottle split into pieces on my head in an instant. The water in the bottle said that the top of my head flowed down and the cigarette end in my mouth was put out. I threw away the remaining cigarette and gently pointed at the tattooed man "If you like, you can continue!" he said

All the people present did not expect that my mouth blurted out this sentence. With the end of my sentence, in a flash, the whole audience screamed more than

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