Even if I have talked with my boss and listened to my many guarantees, the boss is relieved slowly. But, it makes her feel strange that a good college student can not walk on the bright road, but even learn to mix with the society and come to the bar to see the field. Because she feels that it is very powerful for me as a student. Once she has a good idea, she will be able to be a student. Once she has a good idea, she will be able to be a student In society, it is not prestige, but danger. If I am to make money, it also means the past, but I am not like making money. Therefore, she questioned my behavior.

In fact, I decided to take this road, but also forced helpless, who did not want to be stable and comfortable days, but fate does not allow you to do so, but now, I feel like such a day slowly, mixed, can show different life, daily life is a thrilling day, the most important is, can live their own value.

Of course, I do this for my own reasons. Facing the query of the boss, I just find a reason to perfunct her, saying that I like to do something that makes people hot and bloody. In college time, let my youth leave no regrets. The boss is stunned. She seems to understand our heart. The more we talk about, the more we talk about the same topic, The boss mother also completely accepted me, she told me that as long as I can solve the tattoo man incident, she promised to sign a contract with me.

I immediately assured her that she would solve this matter as soon as possible, so that she would have no worries from now on. After the guarantee was finished, the door of the office was opened again by force again. It was still the manager. He ran in breathlessly and said that a group of people came out, with his family in his hand.

Although the boss has confidence in me during the chat process, she gradually believes in my ability. After all, a woman is a woman. As soon as she hears this, she loses her face with a sudden scare and quickly lets me hide.

I said to her, "nothing. I'll go out and have a look!"

The boss mother just slowed down, knew that no matter what happened today, I could only put hope on me. So, I walked out of the office with her and came to the door of the bar.

A bar, I immediately saw a group of people standing outside holding the guy, the leader is Chen Haoran, each coming and violent, magnificent!

These people, including Chen Haoran, have a total of 61 people. Although they are still students, most of them are like Chen Haoran. The sports department has a strong body and developed muscles. At first glance, it is no better than those real mixed people. The only thing we are inferior to the underworld is lack of experience and no social polishing. But I believe that, when I will prove everything.

br > so, as our first venue, this bar is the stronghold of our gathering and our place to exercise ourselves. So, from the tattoo man and the arrival of my brothers, I will lead the brothers to enter the society, enter the journey of sword, sword, blood and rain.

Seeing the brothers in front of me, I smiled happily. The smile included appreciation for the brothers and the look into the future. However, the boss and mother were different. Her face was all blue. She didn't know that a large group of people in front of me were my brothers. Only seeing so many unexpected guests appeared outside the bar, they were frightened and panicked.

However, after the brothers saw me out, they shouted to me in a voice: "brother Xuan!"

Now, the boss mother came back to God from the panic, relieved, saw my brothers, and the boss mother's face also showed a satisfactory look.

Before seeing these people, the boss mother seemed to believe me any more, but in fact, she always had doubts, and she couldn't believe that our student Corps could fight with social forces. So, when she heard the manager say that a group of people came with the guys, her first reaction would make me hide.

At this time, she saw the 60 big men with their backs in their own eyes. She finally believed that what I said was not false words. My student Corps can also compete with the people in society in their momentum. Such troops are not the men with tattoos who kill Matt, which is not comparable to the mainstream.

In a moment, the attitude of the boss mother became very enthusiastic. She immediately welcomed my brothers into the bar and entertained my brother. The bar was small in scale, and reluctantly put us in. I only brought in 50 people, and the remaining ten brothers were left behind by me outside the bar, and I kept an eye on the situation at any time.

In the box of the bar, I was drinking wine, talking to my brothers about tonight, saying that the things about watching the field were basically settled. But today I must show my results to the boss and mother. That is, I will take care of the tattoo man. Then, I will talk about the contradiction between the tattoo man tonight and the brothers. I also emphasize that my sinful tattoo is a crime The man is not afraid. The key is his backstage. The boss said someone covered him. What we should do is the people behind him.

Listen to the boss's mother said that there are more than 30 people in a group, all of them are some bad young people in society. This means that our war is not only a little fight, but also we should prepare for the fight.

As soon as I inform them to come, we will know that something must happen. Moreover, it is not a big matter. Since we come out and mix up, we can't avoid fighting with the social people. When I hear that they are going to fight with them, my brothers are both excited and excited.To tell you the truth, I was a little excited when I saw them eager to try, because this battle is too important for us. It is not only related to whether I can maintain this bar well, but also the first battle for me to set the banner and enter the society as a student.

We want to be famous through this war. Therefore, in this war, we can only win, not lose. In order to boost the morale, I told my brothers a lot of impassioned words. The brothers listened and their blood was boiling. Everyone understood how much the battle meant to their lives. It was their battle for fame. Everyone was in high spirits, drinking wine and patting the table. I promised that we would go all out to let everyone know that our students are not easy to be provoked 。

When my brothers were excited by what I said, my brother who was guarding outside came in and reported that there were many people outside. After listening, all the brothers in the box immediately put down their glasses and took up their own guys. I was more passionate about burning the blood of my body, making every cell of the body roar. I stood with a powerful momentum Get up and yell at the brothers: "brothers, go!"

With that, I immediately took the lead out of the box, and my brothers followed me together. I led the people, stormed into the hall, and the landlady also came to the hall. When she saw me coming out, she immediately told me to say, "Ye Zixuan, it's important to be harmonious. If you can't do it, try not to do it!"

The proprietress's meaning is that she hopes to make peace with others, but she doesn't know that the more you give in, the more people will ride on your head to bully others. For some people, you can take a step back and be magnanimous. However, you can't be soft to those who bully the soft and afraid of the hard. If they are cruel, you have to be more ruthless than him, so that he can fear you and never provoke you again.

I only promised her on the surface, let her comfort the guests, leave the outside matter to me, I will not let those people into the bar half a step, then, I and my brothers together out of the bar.

As soon as we went outside, we saw a group of people standing on the road in front of the bar. They were all non mainstream, with various hair styles and colorful colors. Some of them were not afraid of the cold. They were bareheaded and deliberately tattooed. Everyone was just like the tattoo man, full of ruffian.

The only thing that makes me feel powerful is the person in front of them. Half of his face is blocked by a tattoo of wolf pattern, which makes him look particularly ferocious. It is estimated that he has lived a life of licking blood on the edge of a knife. It's not a good stubble at first sight, but he is holding a bright knife in his hand, as if he would not stop cutting people to death.

Seeing me and my brother out of the bar, the man with tattoo on his face immediately showed contempt for me and looked at us with disdain, while I stood on the steps at the door of the bar and looked down at him from above.

To tell you the truth, I'm not afraid of such a group of people of all walks of life. If you count them in detail, they are no more than 35 people. In terms of combat effectiveness, two of them are not better than one of us. The only thing that worries me is that three of them, including the leading sheep, are armed with knives, but our brothers take them The guys who came here are all steel pipe flail sticks and so on. They don't have a knife. Although I have a self-defense dagger, it's for close combat. It's not suitable for group warfare.

However, in the face of such a thing, I don't care. I have a steel pipe to deal with the leader. I'm afraid that my brothers will be hurt. So, as soon as I come out, I directly tell Chen Haoran and Xiao Tianyi that they should deal with the two guys with knives over there, and I will tell the elder brother who takes the lead. They understand what I mean, and we are ready to act.

At this time, a person suddenly squeezed out of the other party's crowd, that tattooed man who was beaten by me. As soon as he came out, he saw me and immediately pointed to me and complained to his elder brother: "big brother, big brother, that boy beat me!"

The leader sheep's elder brother immediately pointed his eyes at me and showed a fierce look in his eyes. After staring at me for a few seconds, he stepped forward and took two steps. He stood in front of me and said in a cruel voice: "boy, who are you mixing with?"

I can see that this big brother is not as brainless as a tattooed man. Even if he is a brother, he is calm and calm. Before fighting, he still knows how to know me.

I looked at him with a smile and said weakly, "I'm a student. I'm ready to take a foothold in this area soon after I leave school. Therefore, I hope you don't make trouble here in the future. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what kind of price you will pay!"

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