My voice is very flat, but my tone is very rampant, especially the last sentence, said very domineering, as if Lao Tzu is the first in the world. However strong my momentum is, it is just a joke in the eyes of the leader. He couldn't help but Snort and said scornfully: "I thought you had much ability. Damn it, TM is a group of students, no wonder they dare not So arrogant, so many of you are stuck here, do you really want to compete with me? "

As soon as the leader said this, his group of younger brothers also echoed, saying that we are looking for death, not obediently reading, and dare to run here to fight against Mingge. It seems that in the eyes of these people, our students are funny and have no deterrent effect on them. In fact, I also know that if we do not show some ability to suppress them, they will always think of me We are weak and incompetent students, and my organization will not be famous.

Since tonight is our famous battle, we should not only win, but also win beautifully and brilliantly. So, I was too lazy to talk to them. I coughed gently and said in a sharp voice: "I don't care how capable you are, but this will be my final warning. If you know what you are, get out of the way. Don't stop at the door of my bar and affect my business. If you don't roll, I want you all to lie down and leave!"

As soon as my voice fell, all the brothers behind me immediately pointed at each other with the guy, and kept shouting with one voice to get out. The scene suddenly became hot.

This time, even if Mingge had patience, he could not tolerate it. His anger was ignited in an instant, and he directly scolded me: "looking for death!"

After that, he ordered again: "brothers, go on, give me a hard beating, let them know what society is!"

After shouting, he immediately rushed to us with his non mainstream subordinates. Mingge is the first to rush to the front. The other two with swords are following him. Obviously, these three are the main characters. They are some capable masters in the colorful group.

Seeing them rush to me, my passion immediately surged into my heart. In school, I had no less fights, and the scene was much bigger than this. However, the school fight was totally different from this one. Here, we are not just playing games or playing prestige in front of girls. This is a real fight. It's not fatal. I also yelled: "brothers, here you are I'll kill them

After that, I took the lead to rush down the steps and tangled with Mingge. Chen Haoran and Xiao Tianyi got involved with two other swordsmen. Other brothers joined the battle group one after another, and the fire of the war was finally completely ignited.

A real battle started like this. I was excited and nervous. Facing Mingge's real sword, I was not afraid at all. On the contrary, my blood was surging. I kept in mind that this was the first war, the first war for me to enter the society. Mingge was the first fire that I had just arrived at. I would step on him, make a name in this area, and let people know about us Group student organization.

Therefore, when I confronted him, I didn't leave a hand at all. Although Mingge didn't know martial arts, he was not inferior to him in fighting. After all, his experience and combat experience were polished for a long time. However, even though he fought fiercely, he still could not defeat me. Just as he was shaking his spirits, the steel pipe in my hand hit his face in an instant, making him dizzy My head turned. Then, I almost did not stop. I kicked him several times. He fell to the ground and his knife fell off. When he tried to get up, I picked up his machete and put it on his body.

This time, Mingge lost his fighting power. His face was covered with dark clouds. He was very ugly. I gave him a slight smile. Suddenly, a cold light appeared in my eyes. This Mingge's strength is really not weak. The main reason is that he has brute force. Just now I had to hang a lottery because I was quick and sharp, so I didn't have to be cut by him. This guy was too cruel Now, it's totally a frivolous way of playing. I can't be affectionate to him. So, I moved the knife tip directly, moved it to his thigh, and then inserted it without hesitation.

After a while, Mingo's howl was heard in the night sky. The sound reached the ears of each of his brothers, which made them even more flustered. Originally, my brothers were much more than them. Mingo fell for less than a moment. His brothers were either scared away or knocked down. There were few on the scene.

In spite of this, my brothers also suffered a lot of injuries, but they were not very serious. The only serious one was that Xiao Tianyi was too much. He was stabbed in the chest and shed a lot of blood. However, this boy was really bloody. He stayed up to the end without saying a word and knocked the other party down.

In the first battle, we won simply and completely. However, I didn't want to stop. Even if they fell to the ground, I didn't let my brothers stop, and then I yelled: "keep fighting!"

For this group of ruffians, they will not be afraid. I just want them to suffer and learn a lesson. I want to make others know that although Ye Zixuan is a wet student, I also have strength,! It's not easy to make trouble. It's not everyone can come to make trouble in this meeting bar. So, I took this opportunity to show my violent side.But Mingge, who was under my feet, did not beg for mercy from me. However, seeing a group of his brothers constantly being beaten and some of them were almost unconscious, he could not help it any longer. He begged for mercy directly from me and asked me to release his brother and deal with him alone. It seems that Mingge is very righteous. No wonder such ruffians can bow to him.

In fact, from the beginning, I only care about this man named Mingge. He was cruel to me, and I was cruel to him. But it is undeniable that he has a force of desperation in his fight, which is what I appreciate. At the moment, seeing his strong sense of righteousness, I can't help but look at him with another eye. He is totally different from those who bully the soft and the hard of tattooed men. Therefore, I It also gave him a face, let the brothers stop.

Then, I looked at Mingge and said sharply: "remember, let your people stay away from this bar. Don't make trouble here. Also, don't do some bullying things. Otherwise, if I see you, I will never show mercy."

Hearing my words, Mingo clenched his teeth and didn't contradict me.

Looking at him like this, I yelled at him: "go away!"

This war, also announced the end of this war, although the time is very short, but this is also a real battle, we all fight excited, win happily, even if the boy Xiao Tianyi was stabbed, his face also showed excitement, the light in his eyes can not be concealed.

In fact, we should have a good celebration after the end, but I don't know which meddler called the police. Just as we were about to finish the scene, the police came and took all the leaders to the police station for questioning. Fortunately, we were famous for our work. We were members of the bar, and Mingge and their troublemakers were the troublemakers. The landlady testified for us, So, at the end of the day, we got out of the police station safely.

But through this incident, we also know that if we look at the scene, we can't avoid fighting or even use knives. Therefore, we must have a good relationship with the police, or we will be invited to drink tea in two or three days. Although Chen Haoran and his family are related, it is their own relationship, which is not of great use. What I need is my own relationship Net.

My father gave me the number, but I know that it must be a figure on the road. I don't want to look for it until I have to. What I need is someone who can help me solve the problem of white road. I don't feel worried about it.

The next day after the fight, I signed a contract with the owner's wife of the bar, and then I went to Shen Muchen alone and asked him to help me figure out the future road. Shen Muchen was indeed a visionary man. He began to think about this matter since I told him to mix up. He said that this kind of relationship between human beings and human beings did not need to be done by me. He had ready-made ones The son of the director of the police station in this area, and his son is currently in the same school with Shen Muchen, or Shen Muchen's class.

This man has a good relationship with Shen Muchen. He also likes to muddle along. He has encountered several difficulties, which were solved by Shen Muchen. Therefore, Shen Muchen is also preparing to introduce him to me. With this figure around, all my worries can be basically put aside.

This is really a good thing for me. Of course, what I pay more attention to is the establishment of an organization. Now, both the venue and the people have it, and the rest is the organization. This is also the main purpose of my visit to Shen Muchen.

I don't allow Shen Muchen to join in for the time being, but there are many things I still need to find him. He is more thoughtful than I am. He told me that no matter what kind of organization is set up, it needs to recruit talents from all walks of life. The most important thing is that money can't be spent on any kind of consumption in school, but it will be different once I enter the society. It is needed in many places To spend money, especially gangsters, more money is needed, because at that time, there would be frequent fights, and if not, people would die. All these need money to appease.

Now that I'm ready to help and establish a faction, on the one hand, I have to reach out to those related families who are the same as the director's son. On the other hand, I will bring the rich people from the school into the organization, so as to reduce the financial pressure on my organization. Of course, these are all needed in the previous period. After that, the organization will have its own way to make money You don't have to worry.

Through what Shen Muchen told me, I also understood that although I was not short of money at all, my fund was also limited. I could not go to my father for money because of the organization. Since I wanted to mix up, I had to earn my own money. At that time, I also had a clear conscience about how to spend money. It seems that it is inevitable to attract rich people from schools.

Today, I learned a lot from my conversation with Shen Muchen. I know that my road has just begun, and there are many unknown things waiting for me in front of me. Since I can't foresee it, I can only be careful and cross all the gullies.

After chatting with Shen Muchen, I immediately went back to school, gathered all the backbones and went to the meeting bar together.

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