After separating from Shen Muchen, I went directly to the bar. At this time, it was just getting dark, and the bar was not open. We went straight to a rest room specially vacated by the boss's wife, which was also our office location. Here, Chen Haoran and I had an emergency meeting.

I have explained to you a few problems from my talk with Shen Muchen. My brothers don't care too much about money. They think they have a good future with me, so they don't covet the immediate interests. Of course, I can only guarantee that if we get along well in the future, we will not treat you badly.

I have also told you that there should be no accident. I believe that as long as we have settled the director's son, many things will be easy to handle. As long as we don't make too much trouble, there will be no problem.

Of course, none of these problems can be solved with money. At present, I'm still worried about the safety problems. I'm afraid that my brothers will have an accident. After all, I'm afraid that there will be no casualties in the war yesterday. If there is a big fight in the future, it will be hard to say. Therefore, I have repeatedly stressed with all the brothers that there are people who are fighting back and are afraid of death I support it now.

But to my surprise, no one was moved by my words. Maybe after the first world war yesterday, the brothers not only did not fear mixing the society, on the contrary, they became more expectant. They like this exciting life, like the life of licking blood on the edge of the knife. Even if I emphasized the risk again, none of them quit.

Seeing everyone's determination, I can't help but pour out a warm current. I don't want to say much if I am moved. I only promise them that their benefits will not be lost in the future, and there are 120 other elites in the organization. They are the first members of the organization. No matter how big I develop, I will not forget the first batch of old people who follow me.

At present, the number of betrayal organizations is not allowed to appear, but I do not believe that many rules will be allowed to appear at the moment.

After all the things were discussed, our organization was short of one thing. It was to give the organization a name. I had no inspiration for the name. Immediately, I drank a cup of wine, then stood up and said to the brothers, "then our organization is called the other shore flower, which means that people who know this name will face death!"

Hearing my simple explanation, all the brothers almost said with one voice: "good!"

No ceremony, no grand celebration, an organization named "the other shore flower" was set up, and it was formed in this ordinary bar, which was not allowed in the ordinary bar, and was formed in the loud talk of a group of students. At that time, none of us thought that the name that was later said would become an organization that made the underworld in state Z scared. Of course, this is a later word.

They know that they have a bright future with me. Although it is impossible to glorify their ancestors and make history in history, those things are too far away for them. At present, they are only students. Once they graduate, they still have to step into the society and struggle constantly for life. Therefore, if we join my organization today, we will enter the society ahead of time, find a job ahead of time, and put ourselves in a good position My future life has been settled down. Although it is risky to live in the dark, I am not frivolous when I am young. Should I wait until I am old to lament the wasted youth.

Of course, the most important brothers are willing to join my organization, not blindly for the sake of blood, they are for their own future, because they believe that there is no limit to the future with me, and they all know it deeply. I am from a most incompetent waste to today's campus overlord, this is a real counter attack, everyone has a dream of counter attack, they believe that in the future under my hands, they are likely to have a dream come true.

I'm glad to see that everyone has such a firm determination. In the expectation of everyone, I began to assign positions to my brothers. My identity undoubtedly became the leader of the flower on the other side. Next, according to the level, I set up a hall.

Because of our small number and small territory, only one Tangkou has been set up for the time being. The Tangkou is named after the ancient god beast. The first one is named Taohe, Chen Haoran is the leader and Xiao Tianyi is the vice leader. All 120 brothers under Chen Haoran are assigned to Chen Haoran's subordinates. These are the selected elites and the first batch of brothers in the organization Everyone is a core member. No matter who they are, they are likely to be promoted to a higher position. Of course, these should be divided according to their merits. No one has any opinion on this point.

As for Shen Muchen's Gang, he led them all by himself and did not join Chen Haoran. As for the 50 people who were set up in Tangkou later and sent to training secretly by me, they belong to the dark hall and are not on the organization list. They are also the most elite forces of the other shore flowers. They are only allocated by me, and others can not be dispatched.

The organization has just been established. In short, it is poor. In addition to my willingness to put money into it, Chen Haoran and Xiao Tianyi, who are the backbone, are also willing to give money to work. Although other brothers don't give money, they don't need to ask for money from the organization for the time being.

However, I have also assured you that in the near future, I will set up a financial department to strengthen the funds in the league. By then, all members of the organization will receive corresponding benefits according to their grades and contributions.Brothers also understand that everyone's face is full of excitement. A meeting ended in the excitement of everyone. As soon as the meeting was over, I took the army out of the bar and went to the high-class hotel. I wrapped up the first floor of the second floor to celebrate the birth of flowers on the other side of the river. Here, we drink freely and each brother is very happy.

In fact, for this group of student party members who have just reached adulthood, it seems that it is a kind of honor to join a social organization as an elder. Because the matter that I want to establish an organization has been spread in the school for a long time. Many students have already known that the overlord of my school is to select elites from all the students. Therefore, the person who can join in is me The selected elites must not be compared with the peripheral members.

Of course, my principle is the same as the rules of the organization. Bullying is not allowed. My brothers also know that they will not bully others. No one dares to disobey the rules I have set, and none of them are bullies. This is why I chose them.

On the wine table, my brothers kept toasting me and saying some impassioned words to celebrate the birth of today. I am also proud of such a day. Although all this is what I want to do, they don't know the original intention of setting up the other shore flower. That is to avoid being bullied and have the ability to protect the people around me. I don't care about the supreme power Li doesn't care about money. However, I didn't disclose these ideas to my brothers. What I do now is to give the brothers fighting spirit, give them hope, drink with them heartily, let's drink to the flowers on the other side and cheer for the future of flowers on the other side!

After that day, the news of the establishment of our organization spread among the major colleges and universities nearby. In particular, with the force of the student army, I killed the bullies in the surrounding area and entered a bar to watch. This is a matter that people like to talk about. My fame soared not only in the school, but also in the nearby urban area. Many students came to join me. Even students from other schools nearby came here to join us.

In fact, most of these people who want to join in are just joining the fun. If they want to join the other side of the river, they can make a big show in the school. However, there are also some people who sincerely come to join us. Therefore, I still spent time and carefully selected them. Of course, we do not have enough territory and funds to support too many people. I can only choose the elite among the elite Mainly, I have selected some rich second generation. These people are just what I need because they can provide funds. Even if they have no combat effectiveness, they can become members of the organization and enjoy the protection of the organization. No matter you are the second generation rich or the second generation of officials, you should bear in mind that you can not bully the weak, otherwise you will be kicked.

After four days, our organization has grown from 120 at the beginning to more than 400. It was enough. I didn't plan to recruit any more people in the near future, because I had to sift among these new people. But this afternoon, little sister came to me and said that she would join in.

Of course, I am against her request. From the beginning to the end, I have never thought of recruiting girls. I think that they are all weak elements. It's useless to join them, and it's hard to deal with an accident.

But little sister seems to have come prepared. She even convinced me that if the organization wants to develop in the future, it must be related to the white road. Many things can't be solved by force, but we must rely on stratagem. For example, she is an expert in this field. She can also provide me with a lot of help There are a lot of good sisters. They are good-looking and brave. I'm sure I can use them in the future.

Her words really moved me, so after several times of thinking, I decided to accept little sister Tai and set up a special women's hall entrance, the charm group. Little sister was appointed as the leader of the hall. As for her sisters, she was assigned by herself.

Unknowingly, the fame and power of the other shore flower is gradually growing. Of course, these are limited to all colleges and universities. However, in the society, we are still a group of children whose hair has not grown up. In the unknown society, we will be met with unpredictable danger.

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