All the feuds have passed, but it doesn't mean that I will forget. Now my identity is different. I can't be impulsive in the face of any kind of things. Even if I see the enemy in front of me and my brother is injured, I will try my best not to break out. My power has just started, and I can't fight with Han Boyang. It's only me who will suffer There is an uncle of the director!

Immediately, I asked people to help the two injured brothers up from the ground, and then looked at Han Boyang and asked coldly, "what's going on?"

Han Boyang chuckled, then picked up the glass and drank the wine. He looked as if he had nothing to do with himself. Next to him, a man with black short sleeves stood up, pointed to me and yelled, "you TM is Ye Zixuan?"

His tone was very dissatisfied, as if he had a lot of resentment against me. In fact, when I just looked at the whole audience, I could see that the man sitting in the middle of the room was a bit different from others. It's a bit of a playboy. It's not like an ordinary person. Maybe this talent is the main character of today. So, I can't underestimate this person, look at him very seriously, nod and say, "yes, it's me."

After hearing this, the man suddenly snorted coldly and said defiantly, "hum, I heard that you are crazy recently. You have been arrogant. Do you think that if you manage a small broken bar, you will not pay attention to anyone?"

When he said this, there was a spark in his eyes. He was so angry that he seemed to eat me. And his tone, anger also with endless arrogance, is very arrogant.

A brother next to me couldn't listen any more. He immediately called out to me, "big brother, they all started to beat people. What are they doing with him? Let's kill him directly. Let's see how arrogant he is!"

In my territory, I beat my brother, which is not to give me this face. Even if I was the king of heaven, I would not let go. But when I saw Han Boyang here, I didn't act rashly. I always felt that there was something strange about today's affairs, and there was a taste of bone conspiracy. Therefore, I motioned my brother to stop talking, and then slowly walked forward to the black short sleeve man, facing him indifferently Light said: "I would like to ask you, I Ye Zixuan what has offended you, let you start to my brother?"

My tone is also very cold, but the words are with due courtesy. After listening, the man glared at me again and said unhappily, "I'm also a lively person. Today I'm here to see what the hot date bar looks like. As a result, I'm greatly disappointed in this ghost place. Instead of asking a waiter to pour a glass of wine, he spilled it all over the place Ziyi, the incompetent waiters not only don't apologize, but also say that it's the place that brother Xuan watched, so that I can't make trouble. If I didn't directly abolish her, I would have given you face.

What's more, you two brothers who don't know how good they are. I asked them to ask you to come out and talk to me. They even said that I was not qualified. They also threatened me not to be arrogant. You said that your son of a bitch should not be beaten. Now, I can tell you clearly that I not only make trouble on your territory, but also beat your people. I want you to give me a statement! "

The more the man said, the more angry he was. This was the extreme dissatisfaction with me. After listening to his words, I was also shocked. I thought that I was arrogant and arrogant in my territory. I was also a little helpless. I quickly looked back at our new female service staff. The little girl touched my eyes and immediately scared tears came out and explained First of all, it was her man.

What she said seemed reasonable, but it was really her fault that she was unreasonable to the guests. However, no matter what the reason was, my brother was beaten. Even if the black short sleeve was reasonable, he shouldn't have hit people first. So, I looked at the tower with a cold face and said, "even if the waiter is wrong, you can call the manager to deal with it. You should not come up Just hit people, not even my brothers. I think you didn't mean to make trouble? "

This time, my suppressed anger has been gradually rising, because, I know in my heart, no matter whether they are prepared to come here and dare to act wild here, they always don't pay attention to me. In the final analysis, my reputation is not strong enough to deter people from riding on my head. If this is the case, then I can care about what I have to do with them 。

Sure enough, as soon as I said this, the black short sleeve became more angry. He didn't pay attention to me at all. He yelled at me directly: "I'll fight. I'm just looking for trouble. What can you do to me? Don't you dare to move me?"

His attitude is extremely arrogant. Since I came in, he has been challenging my bottom line, treating me as a person and deliberately finding fault. I wanted to solve the problem peacefully, but he humiliated me in every way. If I were a grandson in front of him, my prestige in the hearts of my brothers would be greatly damaged. What's more, I would let my brothers think that Jia Jia was a good man Joining the organization, there is no protection at all, only the aggrieved share.

So, I can't bear it now. No matter what his origin is, I directly picked up a wine bottle on the table and smashed it at his head in the light of calcium carbide.

Black short sleeve seems tall and powerful, but its combat effectiveness is not high, and his head is not hard. I hit him with a bottle, and his head was broken and bleeding. In an instant, the despotic black short sleeve was confused. He touched his head with his hand unconsciously. When he saw the blood on his hand, he immediately widened his eyes and screamed, and his voice was extremely miserable.Seeing this, the two men beside him did not hesitate to shoot at me. And I have noticed for a long time that among these people, those who are capable of overthrowing my brother must be them. Therefore, I have already prevented them when I just started to do so. Now I am not polite to see them. Holding half a bottle of wine, I insert it into one person's abdomen. While he was hiding, I immediately gave him one Side kick, and he was knocked back.

In a flash, I hit another man again. These two men are not students at all. They are very experienced in fighting. It seems that I don't know how to do some Kung Fu. When I was entangled with him, my brothers all came to join in the struggle.

Soon, these three people were knocked over by us, all fell to the ground and kept wailing. Seeing them like this, I didn't stop. Instead, I ordered to say again: "fight, give me a hard fight!"

My voice is violent and ferocious. At this time, I don't want to stand up. I just want to let everyone understand that those who offend us have no good end. Anyway, the beam has been finished, so I don't need to keep my hand. I must let them learn the lesson and let them know that this is the end of the trouble in my territory.

Of course, for Han Boyang, I didn't do it even if they had a grudge. Lin Shihan was a girl after all, and she was scared to see the bloody scene. I know that since they didn't do it, they showed their position. It has nothing to do with this matter. I can't take Han Boyang as an example. I only went to Hanbai who was gloating with anger In front of Yang, he looked at him mercilessly and said in a cold voice, "Han Boyang, I hope today's things have nothing to do with you, otherwise, our new feuds and old debts will be counted together!"

However, Han Boyang didn't seem to care about my threat, nor was he angry. He just laughed mysteriously and didn't say anything. But his expression was really disgusting. I couldn't help but have an impulse to kill him. I really didn't want to look at him any more, otherwise I could not help but fight against him. So, I didn't want to look at him again and looked at him directly Lin Shihan, looking at the goddess I changed because of her.

Time is really a butcher's knife. The Lin Shihan in front of me has changed. She is no longer the simple girl at the beginning. She has more mature charm in her temperament. But I think that what she has changed is her heart. I don't know her any more. For her now, I really don't like her.

Not only she, but also I have changed. I am no longer a waste that was slaughtered by others. I also have ambition and ambition. I am climbing up step by step. I do not want to be on the top of human beings, but I don't want to be trampled on. This is my perception of life.

For my change, Lin Shihan is estimated to be very difficult to understand. Her eyes at me are very different, meaningful and unpredictable, but I can feel that there is no good intention.

So, I said to her, very impolitely: "you go!"

A cold word is my attitude towards her and a tough driving order. However, to my surprise, Lin Shihan was dissatisfied with my driving order. She finally said to me the first sentence since I changed my face: "are you the boss? If not, there is no reason to drive us away!"

She has become really make me do not know, even the voice of her voice is so justifiable. At the beginning, I still worshipped her as a goddess and silently defended her behind her. I really hate her, and I think it's not worth kneeling down for her and being beaten for her before. I couldn't talk to her calmly any more. My anger soared. I yelled at her directly: "if I ask you to get out of here, get out of here, or don't blame me for being rude to you!"

My voice was very severe, which made Lin Shihan shake down. It seemed that she was still a little afraid of me. As soon as I finished yelling, several of my brothers came to me and put on an expression that you would be beaten if you didn't leave.

Hearing this, Lin Shihan's eyes were red, and her eyes were full of anger. However, she still tried not to attack. Han Boyang, beside her, didn't show up for her as before. Instead, seeing Lin Shihan like this, he politely took Lin Shihan's hand and said, "Shihan, let's go!"

It's even more strange to see Han Boyang like this, but I haven't come and think about it yet. The people who didn't get beaten in their line all left in dismay, while the black short sleeves on the ground and the two people who helped him fight stayed in the same place. It's hard to connect. If you're beaten and soft on the ground, don't say go away.

Looking at them as if they were dead dogs, I had no feelings in my eyes. I said to my brothers in a cold voice: "brothers, throw these dead dogs out to me!"

Tone, cold and overbearing!

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