After my words, the brothers carried the three men away without saying a word. In a few minutes, a farce was over, and the noisy box was quiet again. I looked at the scene in distress. Then I took out a cigarette and smoked it. I couldn't help feeling melancholy. Han Boyang is not a simple man. His appearance is definitely purposeful 。

And the person I hit is definitely not a good stubble. I don't regret it at all. To tell the truth, from the time I hit the man, I had a premonition that I had entered the conspiracy of Han Boyang. He had not started but stood on the sidelines. I knew that I could cause a big trouble this time. It was also a kind of setback for us It's inevitable on the way to grow up. This time, no matter how strong the other party is, it's time to test our organizational staff. What I need to do now is to prepare for response.

Although I know that I'm in trouble, I don't have to be someone else to fight. I may have a relationship with a layman. In that case, it's hard to do. But I know in my heart that the matter tonight is absolutely strange. I must know the specific situation. So, I dropped my cigarette butt and went back to the rest room, and asked my brother to give the beaten waitress to me Call, I'm going to ask her a few questions, because of her, I can only find her to ask clearly, that black short sleeve in the end is to find their own trouble, or other reasons.

But to my surprise, a brother gave me the answer that the bullied waiter had left the bar and was completely out of touch. All of a sudden, my head blew, and I felt more and more that the problem was big. She must not have been beaten before she left. If she had such a big temper, she should have left just now. Now I have cleaned up the black short sleeves and have been angry for her. She left without saying goodbye. Obviously, there is a ghost in her heart.

Immediately after that, I called the two brothers who were beaten and asked about their specific situation. The two brothers' reply to me was exactly the same as I expected, and had something to do with the missing waitress.

According to their original words, the reason why the two brothers were beaten was mainly encouraged by the part-time waitress. She made the matter very serious and made the two brothers have a bad attitude towards black short sleeves. Especially, I heard that he would be very arrogant when he opened his mouth and pointed to his name to see me. Therefore, the tone of the two brothers towards black short sleeve was inevitably a little bit blunt And they were beaten.

Knowing this situation, combined with the previous black short sleeve words, said that the waiter spilled wine and did not apologize, but also moved me out to deliberately press the other party in my name. This obviously provoked his dissatisfaction. Perhaps, at the beginning, as black short sleeve said, he came here only to have a look, and did not intend to make trouble. Therefore, all the contradictions were deliberately created by the waiter? But why did the waiter do this?

This girl is very honest at ordinary times. No matter how she is or how she works, she is very serious. She doesn't look like a person who deliberately makes trouble. If she is not such a person, she will deliberately cause trouble this time. Then, there is only one reason. When she came to the bar as a part-time job, she already had a certain purpose to create trouble for me It was Han Boyang who made trouble for me when they were there.

The person who can make use of a small part-time student to do such a thing, except the insidious Han Boyang, I can't think of a second person. All this, 100% is deliberately made by Han Boyang. Now even that part-time job is running away, does not it show that I can really offend people who can't afford to offend?

Thinking of this, I did not care about anything else. I immediately informed Chen Haoran and asked him to take all the brothers under him to come to the bar for support in case of any unexpected need.

All the brothers who can fight on the other side are in the taotiao group. There are 80 brothers who can fight there, and the rest of the fighting capacity is average. In the organization of more than 500 people, except for the peripheral members, the real elite is only the 120 people under Chen Haoran. The total number is not small. We are confident to deal with ordinary organizations, but if the other side is too strong We may be in danger.

However, no matter what difficulties we are facing next, we should have confidence and not let the morale of the brothers fall. Therefore, I told Chen Haoran to encourage the brothers and not to let them lose confidence in themselves and the organization. Chen Haoran heard this and moved my mind. After a short time, Chen Haoran rushed with all the staff.

I didn't talk nonsense. I told them the key points directly. I didn't know the strength of the other side. We didn't know what kind of revenge we would take at that time. But the only thing that we can be sure of is that they are not weak. But what makes me happy is that the brothers are not afraid of this news, but are full of expectation. I made all brothers ready to go all out My brother's strength was specially assigned to me ten times.

To tell you the truth, at this moment, everyone is eager to try, but the organization has just started, the most lack of a war, the lack of fame in the society, this time, is to prove our strength, we are young and frivolous students, we all want to prove our value, everyone present is a brave man, we wait, is one Fight, then, let the bloodbath of tonight come fiercer!

But speechless is that we have been waiting for revenge like chicken blood, but after waiting for a long time, we still haven't waited for the black short sleeve people to come to revenge. This feeling is quite uncomfortable. The later the time is delayed, the more nervous we will be. It's not a kind of suffering for me.I put these brothers in the box of the bar, and a few people stayed outside to see the situation. The backbone members of the organization were sitting in the lounge, smoking and waiting anxiously. After a long time, Chen Haoran couldn't help but asked me: "brother Xuan, are you too thoughtful? I think the guy you just mentioned is a fake It's just a clown. I think it's probably because I've been taught to be honest, I don't dare to take revenge! "

After listening to Chen Haoran's words, other brothers also felt that they were very reasonable. They thought that maybe I had thought too much. If I wanted to revenge, they should have come long ago. How could they wait so long!

However, if the ordinary troublemakers are beaten by me, I will certainly not care much, but we are the one who is with Han Boyang. If he deals with me, how can he find an ordinary person to come to me for trouble? His purpose is not to ask me, or to destroy my organization. Therefore, I am 100% sure that black shirt is a powerful person, absolutely impossible It's not going to stop.

I glanced at the brothers, took a deep breath of smoke and said calmly, "wait and see!"

As a result, we waited until more than three o'clock in the morning, the bar was closing, and the passion of the brothers had dissipated. They were all listless. We still didn't wait for black short sleeve revenge. White preparation for a long time, but it was such an embarrassing result, which really made us speechless. Looking at the appearance of the brothers, I also figured out that what should come would come, and the big soldiers would come to block it. In the end, Lao Tzu did not wait. He closed the door and went home to sleep.

At this time, it was almost dawn, and the dormitories could not go back. So many people had to deal with it overnight in the bar. Due to the limited dormitory conditions provided by the bar, only a few people could live. The brothers pushed our backbone into the dormitory, and the rest of the people would sleep on the sofa and box in the bar. That's all our grudging attention.

The next day, under such conditions, we didn't have a good rest. We got up early in the morning. Last night, our brothers, who were full of enthusiasm and excitement, went back to school with dishevelled and lazy faces.

On the way, my brothers complained about me, saying that I was too sensitive and cautious. They also said that in the future, when dealing with troublemakers, we should be ruthless, and we would be afraid if we hit them, so as to save them from pretending to force them later.

, facing make complaints about the brothers, I just smiled awkwardly, telling them that in order to compensate for this tense atmosphere, I would like to invite you to have dinner while I have time. Although I look all right, I feel still uneasy. But when I feel uneasy, my mobile phone rings suddenly, and I can't hear my body and mind. Took out the mobile phone, found that Shen Muchen called, I quickly connected.

Immediately, the phone came to Shen Muchen anxious voice: "Arlo, you are in trouble!"

Since I saw Han Boyang last night, I had a premonition that something was going to happen. Later, I learned that the part-time waiters were the people who deliberately provoked trouble. I was more and more aware that something big was going to happen. Although people with black short sleeves didn't come to me in time for revenge, I was still upset until now. In this morning of the Qing Dynasty, Shen Muchen suddenly called to tell me that I was in trouble, and I was more aware of the seriousness of the matter. So I immediately got nervous and asked, "Muchen, what's the matter?"

Shen Muchen answers anxiously: "did you hurt Wang Shubo last night?"

Who is Wang Shubo? I haven't heard about it, but when I hear Shen Muchen's tone, it's obvious that the guy is not a small role. It is likely that he is the black short sleeve that I beat last night.

Thinking of this, I immediately said to Shen Muchen, "I don't know who the Wang Shubo you mentioned is. However, I did hurt a young man last night, who was with Han Boyang and song Qingfeng."

Shen Muchen said darkly: "that's right!"

It seems that my intuition is right. Since Shen Muchen said things were bad, I really got into a big trouble this time. I asked a little uneasily, "Muchen, is that guy you said very powerful?"

Shen Muchen said: "I can't tell you clearly on the phone. Let's talk about it when we meet."

Then, I directly and Shen Muchen about a place to meet, then hung up the phone.


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