The place is set in a coffee shop outside the school. After hanging up the phone, I rushed to the place. When I arrived, Shen Muchen was already waiting for me, and the crabs were coming. I sat opposite them. Immediately, Shen Muchen asked me directly: "how did you still provoke Wang Shubo?"

I didn't conceal Shen Muchen's question, and told him everything last night. After hearing this, Shen Muchen's face became a little ugly, and the hot tempered crab was even more furious after listening to it. He directly patted the table and cursed: "these despicable people, CTM must kill them if they have a chance!"

I know in my heart that it's too late to say anything, so I inquired with Shen Muchen about Wang Shubo in his mouth.

Shen Muchen told me that Wang Shubo is also from their normal university. He belongs to song Qingfeng circle. He likes to pretend to be forced, but he doesn't mix up. His father's property is in the East District. It can be said that the KTV in the east of the city belongs to his family, and there are several large bars It belongs to his family. All the people who play in that bar are the childe of the city, so their family circle is quite large.

Of course, money goes back to money. His father Wang Tieshan is more advanced. It is said that he used to be a capable underworld, but later gradually became white. Even in this way, no one dares to play roughshod in front of them. There are nearly a thousand people watching the court under their hands. They are different from our student army. They are all old people in the old world, and even have colluded in killing people.

Speaking of this, Shen Muchen also told me that he made several lives in his bar last time, but it was not settled afterwards. It can be seen that Wang Tieshan can't be underestimated, and this man is extremely protective. Therefore, I injured Wang Shubo. Wang Tieshan will certainly not let me off this unique seedling of his family.

After listening to Shen Muchen's narration, my heart can't be calmed down for a long time. I know that he has caused real trouble. I've heard about Wang Tieshan. His brilliant KTV is not only famous in the Eastern District, but also famous in the whole city. It's really a disaster for me to offend such people. Shen Muchen is helpless for this matter I can't think of a good way. He said that boss Wang is a famous protector. Now, no matter whether it's money or compensation, it's estimated that it's useless. We can only use soldiers to cover up the water.

However, if there is a real war, compared with them, my present force is not so poor. Moreover, they are called real fugitives. My student Corps is not comparable at all.

It's too risky to fight hard. I told Shen Muchen that this was instigated by Han Boyang. I want to expose his conspiracy and put everything on his head. But Shen Muchen said that it's useless to expose Han Boyang's plot. Besides, we can't even find his figure. If I didn't call Wang Shubo, it's easy to say, but people have been beaten by me, and they're in the hospital. It's too late to say anything. What's more, Han Boyang, an old fox beaver, can do such a thing. He must have a comprehensive plan. With my one-sided words, no one I will believe me. I will not only suffer from the suppression of the Wang family, but also lose face. The gain is not worth the loss.

Shen Muchen is right. If I shift the responsibility to others in order to survive, this is recognition and counseling. No matter what, this is the first crisis that my organization has faced since its establishment. I will bow to the crisis. In the future, it will encounter similar situations. Therefore, no matter what, we should keep the masculine side and let the brothers have confidence in me The former vows to death cannot be bent.

Although I didn't find a good solution, my conversation with Shen Muchen strengthened my belief that in the face of a strong enemy, we should not be afraid to kill or humiliate our soldiers. Although Shen Muchen can not help me solve this crisis, he will try his best to help me. Once something goes wrong, he can contact him, and he will take all his subordinates to support me.

For this matter, crab is the most active, fighting belongs to his business hobby, but always fight with students, never with people in the society, so, this time, he was eager to try, told me to have something to contact, to ensure rapid arrival, looking at these two brothers who have lived and died with me many times, my heart emerged a trace of sadness and moved, I solemnly After thanking them, I parted with them.

When I got back to school, I immediately gathered all the elite members to talk about Wang Shubo's affairs and his family situation, and discussed the countermeasures with everyone.

For this matter, little sister was the first to stand up and said that she could only rely on her sisters to sacrifice their looks and win over the people of the Wang family. I didn't even think about it. This plan was directly rejected by me and said, "it's useless. Now they don't eat it at all!"

Little sister did not say anything at once, and other people were also heavy. After all, this incident was a big challenge for all members. Although the brothers didn't say anything, I could feel that many people were still a little uneasy in the face of this crisis, because the people we provoked were a bit big.

However, even in danger, the brothers present are always bloody men, no one choose to retreat, they all threaten to accompany me forward bravely. This is the most gratifying for me. Therefore, in the next few days, we all played up the spirit of 12 points, did not dare to be slighted, all the time, were ready to go all out. The number of brothers on duty in the bar increased from 20 to 50. In order to prevent accidents, I personally stayed at the bar every day.But strangely, for several days, we had no trouble with each other. Except for our own heart, everything around us was very peaceful, as if nothing had happened. And the people of the Wang family never bothered me. Even Shen Muchen couldn't find out about the Wang family. It was as if I had never beaten Wang Shubo.

My brothers and I lived in this way for three days. To tell you the truth, this kind of life is very uncomfortable. We are nervous and almost collapse. When we see a stranger, we get nervous. We think it's the people who come to attack and the fear the Wang family brings us! Fear, is really too big, people feel afraid from the heart.

In fact, I understand that in the final analysis, we are too fragile. We feel vulnerable to the society. Therefore, when we offend the Wang family, we will be like street mice. I don't know whether the people of the Wang family are playing psychological tactics on us and why they don't do it. This makes me unable to calm down. I have already lost in my heart at the first step If he directly sent someone to fight in a fair and aboveboard way, I would accept even if I lost. But now I am so worried by him that everyone is worried. It is really the most painful thing that people can't sleep well, eat not well, and be nervous every day.

On the fifth day, the people of the Wang family were still quiet. The brothers directly relaxed themselves and thought that the Wangs would not retaliate. Even I thought that the Wangs might think I was just a little mole ant, and there was no value in dealing with me. Therefore, they gave up the idea of dealing with me.

But when we relaxed a little bit, the situation came. Today is Xiao Tianyi on duty. That night, as usual, I watched the court with him in the bar. During this time, I suddenly received a strange phone call. This call made my calm heart again. An invisible fear hit my heart. My sixth sense told me that trouble was coming.

I went outside, a call, sure enough, the phone immediately came to a cold voice: "Ye Zixuan?"

When I heard others call my name again, I knew that what should come could not be avoided. I immediately became serious and asked, "yes, I am. Are you?"

The person on the phone had no extra courtesy and said to me directly in the tone of command: "I limit you to come to brilliant KTV within an hour. Remember, come alone!"

Looking forward to going, the people of the Wang family still came to me. After a while, my tight nerve string was loosened. Although I had to face great danger, I was lucky not to live in fear. Confrontation was what I wanted. However, he said that if he asked me to go alone, I must go alone. Of course, I can't listen to other people's orders, and I'm not polite "No time, if you want to find me, just come to the bar and I'm waiting for you."

My tone is very overbearing, no fear at all, but what I didn't expect was that the other side said mercilessly: "it's OK not to come. I have a little friend named Chen Haoran. If you don't see your people within an hour, or you bring people here, then I can't guarantee that your little brother is a disabled person or a dead man!"

As soon as his words were finished, two painful howls came from the phone immediately. Then, Chen Haoran's trembling voice rang at the other end of the phone: "brother Xuan, you don't care about me. They don't have many people here. You bring people to dry them!"

All of a sudden, the phone hung up. Chen Haoran's painful voice kept ringing in my ears. My heart was completely cold. I really didn't expect that the Wang family, whose power itself was a big disaster than us, didn't even do a fight with us openly, but secretly made such a despicable thing. It's no wonder that they haven't moved these days. It turns out that they haven't moved They are looking for a chance to catch us. What's more, they are also catching a hall leader, who is second only to me. They really beat the snake seven inches.

While I was gnashing my teeth, the brothers around me saw that I was not in a good mood and asked me what was wrong. I closed my eyes and said, "Haoran was arrested. It was the people of TM Wang family who did it!"

On hearing this, all the brothers around me were angry. Everyone threatened to do them and go with me to save people. Anyone who heard this would be angry. We are waiting for him to retaliate. But they are playing in the dark. It seems that I have too little experience in the river and can't compete with the old fox of wangtieshan.

I opened my eyes, looked at these indignant brothers, said coldly: "you can't go, the other side only asked me to go alone!"

Hearing this, Xiao Tianyi strongly opposed it. All the brothers didn't agree with me to go to the meeting alone. They said that if I went there, it was tantamount to looking for death. All of them were not afraid of death and were willing to accompany me to mount daoshan. I understand the hearts of my brothers. Seeing that they attach great importance to love and righteousness, I am more and more excited. I swear silently that I will give Chen Haoran safe and sound, even if it is my life.

After a pause, I opened my eyes, glanced at the brothers, and said seriously again, "listen to me, this time I can only go alone, otherwise they will kill Haoran. They are people who don't care about their feelings. Do what they say, you know!"

After a long pause, someone began to say, "brother, we are not afraid. Let's go together. We can't watch you die by yourself."This brother's words represent the opinions of the vast majority of people. They want to have a big fight with me, and they don't want me to go to the meeting alone. However, I have made up my mind that I can't let my brothers go to death with me. The people of the Wang family will definitely do what they say. Killing a person is like killing a chicken. I know that this is a severe test for me. What they catch is not others, but my master. If I can't keep my own master, how can I stay in society How to establish prestige among brothers and let more people join my organization.

What's more, Chen Haoran is too important to me. Although he was my biggest enemy before, he has devoted himself to protecting me since he was subordinated to me. If I didn't have him around, he would never get along with me. After the establishment of the organization, he worked hard and never complained about my arrangement. He didn't disobey me once and mixed up with me wholeheartedly. Therefore, I don't Can lose such a brother, for his sake, I go to the meeting alone, worth!

I looked at all the brothers and said categorically: "we don't have to persuade me. This time, no matter what is waiting for me, I will go. The only person the Wang family has to deal with is I, ye Zixuan. I can't implicate you, let alone let Haoran pay a heavy price for me. You have to understand that Chen Haoran is the leader of our flower on the other side. If I ignore his life and death and lead you to disobey that person, Haoran will be humiliated. This is not only to chill the heart of brothers, but also a shame to the whole organization.

My eyes turned red when I said these stirring words. Although I said boldly, I had too much pain in my heart, because I knew that only going to the meeting alone was the only way for me to go, and only in this way would I not let more brothers get hurt. Therefore, I had to do this. I didn't even have time to think about other plans, Even Shen Muchen I have no contact, I do not want to let him worry, also do not want to drag him into this muddy water.

At this moment, what I want is to do my best to protect Chen Haoran. He beat me, scolded me, and hurt my favorite person. But in the end, he went through fire and water for me and followed me faithfully. I absolutely can't let him suffer any harm because of me, can't, absolutely can't.

Xiao Tianyi and their eyes turned red when they heard what I said. They looked at me with deep eyes and tried to dissuade them, but they didn't know what to say. Of course, I didn't give them a chance to speak. They said to them again: "listen to me, brothers. After I left, the big and small things in the organization are temporarily represented by Tianyi. Remember that you can't act rashly, If you recognize me as the boss, you should follow my advice. I promise you that Haoran and I will be safe and sound and come back completely? "

After that, I didn't look at these brothers any more. I turned around and left. At this time, my eyes were full of tears. I just didn't want them to see the side of my tears. I took a taxi on the side of the road and was about to leave. At this time, Xiao Tianyi rushed out again with all the brothers in the bar and yelled at me: "brother, let's go together! We can't watch you die alone

The actions of the brothers touched my heart again. I was both moved and angry. I had a thousand kinds of emotions rolling in my heart. I turned my back to them and yelled: "no one is allowed to follow. Let me have a good look at the court here. This is an order. If anyone dares to disobey again, I will deal with it according to the rules of betrayal."

After this sentence was finished, the brothers were silent, there was no sound in the room. All we could hear was the breathing voice of brothers. Then, I got on the car and left quickly.

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