The car is speeding along the road. I have no time to see the scenery on the road. My mind is full of Chen Haoran's shadow. There are too many disputes with him, so many of them are rooted in my heart. Since he turned to me, he has always been silent to do things for me. What I said to him is just like the imperial edict, and he has never disobeyed it. To me, it is absolutely hard to bear hardships. Such a person, I don't want to lose, nor can I lose it. The more I think about the faith in my heart, the more firm I will be. Even if what is waiting for me is a sea of mountains and rivers, I will also go to make a journey.

For me, from stepping into the society, starting from the establishment of the other shore flower, my future road must be numerous, but in the face of any risk, I can't flinch lightly. In any case, I have to work hard. Thinking of this, my eyes no longer seem to be fuzzy, and I can clearly see the road ahead. I told the master to speed up and run towards the destination.

After half an hour of intense driving, I finally arrived at this famous splendid KTV, which is a place of entertainment where bars and KTVs blend together. At this time point, it should be the peak here. Usually, business is booming and noisy. You can hear the music coming from inside outside. But today, there is no movement here. There is no sound inside. The silence is frightening.

When I got out of the car, I didn't hesitate. I strode inside and came to the front door of the club. I saw a sign that said business was suspended. At the door, there were two big men standing. When they saw me walking in, they immediately reached out and stopped me.

I disdained to glance at them, and then roared: "Laozi Ye Zixuan is coming!"

My voice, sonorous and powerful, full of courage, I feel that I am not alone, but with thousands of troops to come to the meeting, the big man at the door listened, looked me up and down, and then said coldly: "go in!"

I immediately walked into this high-level club. When I entered, I saw a very wide hall. It was just a hall, which was much larger than our whole bar. In the middle of the hall, there was a dance floor. However, there were no young people dancing on the dance floor. Instead, there was a bald man sitting on the dance floor.

The bald man looked like he was forty or fifty years old, but he had a pair of deep eyes. He seemed to be able to see through everything in the world, just like a man with deep city government. Don't think about it. He must be Wang Tieshan, Wang Shubo's father. Beside him, there is a man in a black suit. He seems to be an expert. He seems to be Wang Tieshan's bodyguard.

On both sides of the dance floor, there were many men in suits. The whole scene was like the emperor's court, but I didn't care. After I swept around, I didn't see Chen Haoran's shadow. So I immediately went to the center of the dance floor and looked at the bald man above and asked, "where's my brother?"

Since I came in, the bald man's eyes have been fixed on me. Up to now, he has seen that my face has not changed, and his eyes are gradually changing. When I ask questions, he finally appears a little smile on his deep face. He looks at me, claps his hands and says with deep meaning: "good, good, courageous, courageous, no wonder you can get it A group of students are convinced. They are really capable of it! "

For his praise, I just feel hypocritical, he let the prosperous bar suspend business for a day, the loss is immeasurable, so, he must be to let me look good tonight, now he gave me this one, I know, behind the smile do not know how much malicious thinking, so, I continue to indifferently ask: "I said, where is my brother?"

Then, the bald man waved his hand. Immediately, I saw that Chen Haoran, who was wounded all over the body, was taken out. His face was miserable, but his eyes were bright. As soon as he came out, he saw me. When he found out that I really came alone, his eyes were red. He cried to me eagerly: "brother Xuan, what are you doing, I'm not Don't you mind me

Although Chen Haoran's words have made him unable to give up, he still has the courage to admit defeat. I can see that he is not afraid of these people at all. I also know in my heart that Chen Haoran has always been a person who is not afraid of death, but is also a person who values righteousness. He certainly does not want to because he has implicated me, but he can think so for me, and I must think so for him Looking at him, he said with a smile: "what else can I do? Of course, it's to save you out!"

After listening to my words, Chen Haoran immediately choked. His eyes were full of feelings. I took a deep look at him. Then, I fixed my eyes on the bald man and solemnly said, "since I'm here, can you release my brother?"

It never occurred to me that the bald man didn't talk about morality and morality in the world. He shook his head directly and said to me in a gloomy way: "let him go, but I'll see your performance first."

The insidiousness of a bald man directly infuriates the fiery Chen Haoran. Even if he is injured, he ignores his pain. He raises his voice and scolds the bald man angrily: "you're a damn bald donkey. You're really mean. If you want to do this, you'll kill me. If you have the seed, you'll kill Lao Tzu With blinking eyes

Chen Haoran's words seemed to be deliberately provoking the bald man, drawing hatred on himself, so as to give me a chance to escape. In fact, he really angered the bald man. The angry bald man didn't show his anger on his face. Instead, he continued to look gloomy and winked at the big man who was holding Chen Haoran. At once, the big man hit Chen Haoran's back head with a steel pipe mercilessly, which made Chen Haoran dizzy.I wanted to stop it, but it was too late. Seeing Chen Haoran fall down, my anger exploded in my body, but I couldn't directly rush up. I have this ability, but I can't break through the iron wall around him. Moreover, reckless action will only make the situation of Chen Haoran and me more dangerous. Even if I am more angry, I will suppress my heart I clenched my teeth and stared at the bald man in front of me.

On the contrary, when I was young, I was very angry with my brother. How about you and me when I was young

It turns out that this old guy is still making such an abacus on me, trying to take over my flowers on the other side without any effort. This silly B seems to be dreaming. Without thinking about it, I directly refused: "no, it's impossible"

when the bald man saw me refuse, his smile suddenly became a little stiff, and his face also showed an unpleasant expression, and said to me, "why What? What's wrong with eating hot and spicy food with me

His tone made me sick, let alone let me follow him. What's more, what I dislike most is being manipulated. So, I said forcefully: "thank you, bald uncle, I don't lack money!"

The bald man's smile suddenly disappeared. He said to me with a gloomy face: "give you another chance. If you refuse me, you can't stand out of the bar. In that case, you will become disabled, and you can't mix if you want to mix!"

His words are full of threats, but I don't think so. Although I can't fight hard today, I won't compromise. Therefore, I strongly replied: "it's useless to threaten me. You can't die of this heart!"

This time, the bald man's eyes directly jumped out of the cold light, he cold staring at me, said: "you are really rare, really let me all look at you, but, you should never, should not just not hurt my son!"

As soon as he said this, he suddenly raised his hand. After a while, a man came out from the back of the dance floor. This man was Wang Shubo. At the moment, his head was still wrapped with gauze. It seemed that I had beaten him vaguely that day. As soon as he came out, he first called out to the bald man: "Dad!"

The bald man immediately pointed to me and said to him, "son, I'll bring you people. What do you want to do? You can watch the whole thing yourself."

As soon as Wang Shubo listened, his eyes lit up and said, "I know, Dad!"

After that, he immediately came to my side, followed by four men in black with machetes in their hands. Their posture seemed to chop me into meat paste. Wang Shubo in particular, my eyes are full of anger, but also mixed with extreme arrogance.

As soon as he came to me, he looked at me jokingly and said, "Ye Zixuan, you're going to continue to give me a piece of crap. You don't pay attention to anyone just because he's the mother of a broken bar. Even Laozi dares to beat me. Do you really think that the boss of a school is heaven!"

In the end, Wang Shubo was gnashing his teeth, but I was not afraid of him. On the contrary, I was more and more disgusted with him. People like him rely on his father to boost their arrogance, rely on his father's power to be arrogant and arrogant, and they are nothing. This makes me feel disgusted. If it is not for Chen Haoran, I really want to beat him up, but in the end, I will Or choose silence.

Seeing that I ignored him, Wang Shubo became more and more angry. He suddenly ran to the table beside him, took a bottle of unopened wine, came to me and scolded: "Damn it, dare to hit me with a bottle, then I'll let you try the taste of being smashed!"

With that, he smashed down my head without any politeness. The bottle broke and the wine spilled all over me, but I was safe and sound. This scene was deeply looked in the eyes of all the people present. Suddenly, Wang Shubo, who was holding half a bottle of wine, was dumbfounded. Even Wang Tieshan, who was sitting in the middle of the dance floor, looked surprised.

Wang shuboben expected that I would be the same as him. He would burst his head and bleed and howl in pain. But the fact let him down. He was not satisfied and took a bottle of wine. He scolded fiercely, "I'll see when you can survive!"

With that, he hit me with another bottle. In an instant, the wine bottle broke into pieces, and the wine spilled all over me, but I still didn't move. This time, Wang Shubo was even more angry, as if I didn't bleed or fall down, which would hurt his face. In his impatience, he took a bottle of wine and hit me heavily. With a bang, the bottle broke again, and my clothes were soaked with wine. However, this time, I finally couldn't carry it. After all, I didn't have iron head skills. What's more, I had to face them one after another What's more, Wang Shubo smashed all the bottles in the same place, so the blood still slipped over my forehead and my face.

However, I still clenched my fist and clenched my teeth so that I didn't fall down. I had been trying to bear it. I just hope that Wang Shubo can quickly calm down and let Chen Haoran and I can leave quickly. Therefore, no matter how much damage I have been hurt, I can only bite my teeth.Wang Tieshan stood up with my spirit of indomitable defeat. He was shocked in his eyes. The more he beat me, the more he was, he wanted to see me kneeling to beg for mercy. But I would not do that. I saw my head broken and he didn't say anything. He was more angry and took a machete from a bodyguard beside him. He was angry I scolded: "grass nm, at this time in front of me to force, really think that I can bear it, I cut you, see you can not fall!"

After that, he broke me with the knife. Originally, I had made up my mind. As long as Wang Shubo was not too much, I would have been holding back how he was angry with me. I came here to prepare for the abuse. My purpose was simple, that is to keep Chen Haoran safe.

Now, the crafty Wang Tieshan sees me here and doesn't let Chen Haoran go. My behavior is greatly bound. I am not hurt a little. I am afraid I am injured or not saved. I am still tired of him. We are here together. That will be really over.

So, I have been suppressing my anger all the time. I am afraid my recklessness will not only cause me more harm, but also be implicated in Chen Haoran. Even if Wang Shubo is doing me no doubt, I think my forbearance will be replaced by their forgiveness. But now I find that I am wrong, and Wang Shubo is not good at all Heart can say, is completely relying on his father here, arrogance to the extreme, completely do not look at me as a person..

When the knife in his hand was about to split into me, my long suppressed anger broke out, and it erupted completely in my body. I couldn't bear it. In this moment, I had no other ideas in my mind, and I only knew that even if I died, I could never be killed by such a waste. I would not pull him down A back cushion, dead also worth.

In the moment that Wang Shubo's knife was about to split me, I roared wildly. At the same time, my whole man stepped forward quickly, one hand hit quickly, grabbed wangshubo's wrist with the knife, while the other hand, turning his palm into a fist, made every effort to hit Wang Shubo's chest.

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