In this case, it may be that the Wan family, forced by the forces behind Qi Qi Qi, did not dare to directly deal with me. Therefore, the Wang family used the sword to kill people. The Wang family was the executioner of the thousands of families. Then, the matchmaker who promoted all this must be the villain song Qingfeng. He had a good relationship with Wan Long and played with Wang Shubo, which can be said to be the finger of Han Boyang Under the guidance, song Qingfeng used Wang Shubo to stir up the conflict with me, and at the same time, let the Wangs solve the hatred of thousands of families. Everything is directed by song Qingfeng and Han Boyang. He is really too damned..

Even so, I don't care about my own safety now, but my good brother Chen Haoran. Everything has nothing to do with him. He just obeys my orders. He is innocent. So, at the moment when the man in black takes a knife to move Chen Haoran, I exert my last strength and shout to Wang Tieshan: "please, don't touch my brother, I beat your son, and I abandoned wanhu. What's the matter, I'll take it on my own, and it has nothing to do with them! "

But my words were obviously useless, and Wang Shubo was not satisfied. He kicked me on the ground and scolded, "you can't even manage yourself, you can't even care about others!"

I didn't pay attention to him, and continued to say a sentence in the tone of begging for mercy to Wang Tieshan: "boss Wang, I beg you. I can't abolish my brother. He is innocent. You can do what you want me, as long as you don't move him!"

In my heart, I know that in the face of Wang Tieshan, such a dark person, a tough attitude will only backfire. I have to lower my attitude and ask him to get the last glimmer of hope. But unexpectedly, he had already calculated everything. He flatly refused my request and said, "I'm sorry, we just talked about the rules. If you lose, you will have to bear the consequences. In the future, you should also remember that your brother was abolished because you lost yourself. It has nothing to do with me!"

His words were so reasonable that I was almost angry. I yelled at him with red eyes: "Wang, you despicable person. As long as I can get out alive, you can prepare the coffin!"

My body is too weak, roared not two words to keep coughing up. Wang Tieshan didn't care about my threat. A cold light appeared in his eyes again and said, "let's wait for you to go out alive. The premise is that this may not be there. Let's do it!"

In the last two words, he said very forcefully. There was no room for discussion at all. My heart fell into the abyss. I really didn't expect that things would happen to this extent. I really didn't think there were such despicable people in the world. I was not willing to die here. I stare at Wang Tieshan with red eyes. I try my best to get up from the ground and fight with them. But as soon as I got up, I was kicked off by a-5. Then, several men in black directly pushed me to the ground, making me unable to move.

At the moment, Wang Shubo came to me with a machete and said to me: "I will let you taste the taste of being abandoned."

With that, he waved a knife and cut it off at my arm. At the same time, the man in black beside Chen Haoran also raised the knife, ready to start with him. This moment, I was silent, I put all unwilling to hold in my heart, my heart was completely desperate, but my eyes, but still so firm, my eyes straight staring at Wang Shubo, without blinking, if the eyes can kill people, Wang Shubo now has died thousands of times. But the fact is that my eyes can't kill people. Chen Haoran and I will be abandoned here. My heart seems to stop beating at this moment.

But what shocked me was that Wang Shubo's knife had not been cut down for a long time, and the time seemed to be still. All the people on the scene did not move, as if they had been ordered. However, all the people's eyes were all on the door of the KTV.

Suddenly, my heart was revived. I was dazed to see the hope of living. So, I immediately moved my eyes from Wang Shubo, turned my head and looked at the KTV gate. A girl with long hair over the shoulder stood at the door. Her skin was very white and she looked like a person in the second dimension. Her sudden appearance attracted the attention of all the people in the audience It's Liu Qianxue.

I have a question in my head. If she doesn't accompany Luo Ziyi well, how can she appear here? And she is so punctual. It's a coincidence. That's a trick. I can't ask about it. I can only watch her perform and act according to circumstances.

Liu Qianxue's eyes did not aim at any one of the people present. She ignored the embarrassing scene in front of her eyes and the bloody and cruel scene, as if all the people present were air. She quietly walked to a scattered table in the corner and sat down leisurely. Then, in the silent bar hall, Liu Qianxue's magnetic voice sounded: "where are the waiters ? Give me a drink

Liu Qianxue's tone is very indifferent, her expression is more ordinary, as if she is really an ordinary girl who comes to the bar to drink. There was no difference in her eyes. In such an environment, her performance was so calm. How could it not surprise all the people on the scene? Everyone could see that the more calm the girl was, the more special she was. She is not blind. She can't miss the bloody scene in the hall. What's more, there are two big men standing at the door of the bar. They will never allow outsiders to enter. Liu Qianxue comes in so quietly. I know her identity. I don't care about these things, but others are quite puzzled about her appearance.At the scene, Wang Tieshan, who had rich experience, was the first to react. He stood up and looked at Liu Qianxue in the corner and asked in a deep voice, "how did you get in? Didn't you see the sign at the door that it was closed? "

Liu Qianxue is an international killer. How can they know each other? Since she comes, it means that I am going to be safe. Now that I don't worry about the safety of myself and Chen Haoran, I gradually begin to worry about Wang Tieshan and his son. The appearance of Liu Qianxue has relaxed my nervous tension. At this moment, I am completely relaxed.

But I didn't expect that Liu Qianxue would appear here at such a critical moment. Her appearance was like a fairy coming down from the earth, so that everyone's eyes were focused on her. Liu Qianxue, who was attracted by the whole audience, stared at Wang Tieshan and replied in a delicate voice: "there is nothing at the door, I don't see anything at all, so I walked in like this!"

I have to say, a killer's acting skills are so first-class, facing everything so natural, her words are very straightforward, the tone is so naive, people can't help but believe her words, but the crafty Wang Tieshan can't be so easily fooled, he suddenly turned his head and winked at one of the men in black.

Zhang Ma ran out of the door and then ran out of the door

Immediately, the atmosphere of the whole hall became strange. It was obvious that things were not simple. Wang Tieshan hurriedly took two steps forward and pointed to Liu Qianxue and asked, "who are you?"

This is in Wang Tieshan's own territory, so he has a strong sense of security. Even if he guesses that Liu Qianxue is not simple, he is still full of confidence. However, in the face of Wang Tieshan's question, Liu Qianxue doesn't care at all, and still calmly replies, "I'm just a customer who comes to consume!"

If it had not been for the accident at the door, many people would have believed that the little girl who came out of the second dimension was really an innocent person. She didn't look like acting at all. Even I admire her acting skills a little. Only Liu Qianxue can control such a role in the end.

Although the black willow man approached the black willow clothes, she was not as stubborn as the black willow snow.

When he came to Liu Qianxue, the two men in black stopped immediately and cried out: "tell me, who are you?"

Liu Qianxue didn't pay any attention to the two people. He turned his eyes to Wang Tieshan and said discontentedly, "are you still doing business or not? Aren't the guests God?"

Seeing Liu Qianxue still pretending to be stupid, Wang Tieshan was also angry, and immediately ordered: "do it!"

After listening, the two men in black cut off the knife like Liu Qianxue. Seeing this, I didn't feel nervous at all, because I knew that if they could hurt Liu Qianxue, her name would be in vain. But contrary to what I imagined, as soon as the man in black made a move, there was a figure outside the bar, and he went straight to Liu Qianxue When he ran to the middle of the two men in black, he took a man in black and threw it hard. Suddenly, two men in black slammed down on the table.

In this scene, I was stunned by all the people present. Many people didn't even respond to what happened. But I saw clearly that the figure that came in was actually my senior brother Xing Chen. After flying two men in black, he sat down directly beside Liu Qianxue.

The elder martial brother alone exudes the momentum of thousands of troops. He is extremely strong. He has not seen him for more than a year. He feels that he is much stronger than before. With both of them, all the difficulties are not difficulties. The elder martial brother is really in charge of all things.

At this time, Wang Tieshan suddenly woke up. Maybe he understood what was going on. So, he ordered in a hurry: "hurry, quickly subdue Ye Zixuan!"

After a while, I was clamped up from the ground by the men in black. Then, a sharp knife was put on my neck, which made me unable to move. These men in black also blocked my body, making it impossible for people to break. Obviously, Wang Tieshan had seen the intention of the two men and knew that they were coming for me. So, after I was completely subdued, Wang Tieshan Iron mountain then two eyes a cold, cold voice said: "you are to save Ye Zixuan?"

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