With the appearance of my elder martial brother, Liu Qianxue no longer pretends to be innocent. She directly stood up and said to Wang Tieshan, "yes, ye Zixuan is my friend. I want to take him away!"

This sentence, in other people's eyes, is like mental illness, only two of them dare to be so arrogant, and Liu Qianxue's words directly aroused the indignation of many people, especially Wang Shubo, immediately roared: "you little bitches are too crazy, you two want to save people!"

His tone is still very crazy, but the resourceful Wang Tieshan is calm. He doesn't despise Liu Qianxue. He is afraid that there is an ambush outside, so he doesn't get angry. He just says coldly: "girl, I advise you to leave as you come. If you offend me, it won't do any good."

This is the threat of red fruits, but who is Liu Qianxue? That's the top three killers in the world. She has not seen any big waves before. Looking at Wang Tieshan, she sniffed: "it doesn't matter who you are, and I don't need to know. Now, I just want to take my friends away!"

After that, Liu Qianxue's eyes cast a glance at the elder martial brother. The elder martial brother seems to have noticed something, and then he strides forward. At this time, the elder martial brother's eyes are locked in a person, not me, but Wang Tieshan's only Miao, Wang Shubo.

Now, Wang Shubo seemed to feel the crisis. He immediately raised his knife and pointed to the elder brother and threatened: "don't move. If you move forward, I'll have you cut off!"

Of course, his threat in the eyes of the elder martial brother is like a joke. He has never heard of it. He is still firmly approaching Wang Shubo.

Maybe the elder martial brother's expression is too serious. Wang Shubo, who has always been arrogant and domineering, is a little scared now. But at this critical moment, a Wu, Wang Tieshan's bodyguard, suddenly rushed out and blocked Wang Shubo's body. Only he dared to meet with the elder martial brother for a while. Wang Tieshan probably realized this, and immediately sent ah Wu to protect his son.

A five block in front of Wang Shubo, he is close to the big brother roared: "stop!"

There was a sense of awe in his voice, which made the listeners tremble. However, his voice was so shocking that he still couldn't stop the elder martial brother's steps. Ah Wu was also annoyed. He took the lead and directly attacked the elder martial brother.

Compared with me, I don't know how many times the skill of the eldest martial brother is. When I was injured, I felt that ah Wu was really a strong master. Maybe I was weak. I thought that if I didn't get hurt, he should not be my right hand. So, when I saw him, my eyebrows wrinkled and I gazed at him Pace.

It can be seen that ah Wu still attaches great importance to the elder martial brother. As soon as he attacks, he doesn't spare any effort, so he goes towards the elder martial brother. The elder martial brother's eyes are all disdain for him. When he sees ah Wu's hand, he doesn't hesitate to fight back.

These two people interweave with each other. I also know that ah Wu is not the opponent of the elder martial brother at all. It is only a matter of time to defeat him. However, when I saw the fight between ah Wu and the elder martial brother, I couldn't help but be surprised again, because when I thought ah Wu could resist for a while, without two moves, ah Wu, who thought that his strength was sad, was defeated Yes.

In less than half a minute, ah Wu was hit hard, and then kicked off by the elder martial brother. His kung fu went up to a higher level. His moves, his strength, his speed and his agility have all opened my eyes. Now I feel that the elder martial brother is so much better than me. I can't believe that he is stronger than my elder martial brother Completely different.

The elder martial brother is only 28 years old, and he has such strength. How did he train after I left? I remember that in the beginning, my elder martial brother and I had the highest influence. We are equal to each other. Now, I am far behind him.

Other people on the scene were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. After all, for them, ah Wuke has always been invincible. However, such an invincible person, who had less than two or three moves in the hands of the eldest martial brother, was directly defeated and fell to the ground. The strength of the elder martial brother shocked everyone in the audience.

Wang Shubo, who had thought that ah Wu had helped him block a robbery, now saw his life-saving straw. Ah Wu was beaten away. He was scared. His face was pale and his feet were shaking. He could not run even if he wanted to run. He could only watch the master brother approaching him step by step.

Even Wang Tieshan, who was very deep in the city hall, was flustered at this time. He immediately yelled at the elder martial brother: "I warn you not to move. If you want to take another step, I will immediately kill Ye Zixuan!"

As soon as Wang Tieshan opened his mouth, the big man in black with the knife on my neck immediately understood the meaning, and at the same time he called out, "stop, or I will really start!"

But their threat to the elder martial brother obviously did not play a role, he was very indifferent to say: "kill, he has nothing to do with me, I do not know him!"

He made it clear that he didn't care about my life and death. Of course, only by pretending that he didn't know me, could they have some scruples. Now the elder martial brother is a machine that carries out orders. He doesn't care about anyone's life and death. As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly attacked Wang Shubo. In the blink of an eye, he gave Wang Shubo, who was in a daze The sword in Wang Shubo's hand was in the hands of the elder martial brother, and it was on his neck. At this time, the elder martial brother's eyes were cold to the extreme, as if the other side moved, he would really kill people.Wang Tieshan was frightened by this move. He called out in a trembling voice: "hero, I beg you, don't mess around. That's my son, my only son!"

He said as if the elder martial brother didn't know Wang Shubo's identity. The despicable Wang Tieshan saw that his son was threatened, as if his IQ had become lower, and he had no more momentum than before.

The elder martial brother didn't pay any attention to Wang Tieshan. He just stood there, motionless, and his eyes were still cold. Wang Shubo, who was under his uniform, was almost scared to cry. His body kept shaking and crying: "Dad, help me, help me!"

At the critical moment of life and death, the childe thought of his father. Maybe, for him, his father can settle everything for him. Without his father, he is nothing. Seeing their father and son show such a side, Liu Qianxue also stood up and walked towards me. Obviously, he got serious and restored the state of the past. Jiaosheng said: "now you can let go Is Ye Zixuan here? "

At this time, I understood everything. In fact, Liu Qianxue saw the situation clearly as soon as she entered the door. She pretended to ignore everyone. In fact, everyone was in her eyes. She knew that even though she and her elder martial brother were fierce, they would easily cause me injury in such a mixed scene. Therefore, she locked Wang Shubo with gauze on her head. She knew that this boy was the protagonist today, so she directly let her master brother live Wang Shubo.

In this plan, Liu Qianxue is playing the role of a weak rich lady, while the elder martial brother is playing the role of a cold-blooded bodyguard. At this time, even if Wang Tieshan is stupid, he has already felt Liu Qianxue's extraordinary. His sons are in danger of life, where they dare to ask for a price. So, he immediately replied, "let go, let me go!"

It can be seen that Wang Shubo is the lifeblood of him. He did not dare to take his son's life at any risk, and immediately let me be released. But at this time, weak I suddenly looked at lying on the ground unconscious Chen Haoran, whispered: "and he!"

At this time, in the face of any demands, Wang Tieshan completely compromised, without hesitation, and directly ordered: "all of them have been released!"

As soon as his words came out, the men in black who were surrounded by Chen Haoran also immediately dispersed. At this time, Wang Tieshan asked Liu Qianxue in a trembling voice: "can I release my son now?"

At this moment, Wang Tieshan began to murmur to Liu Qianxue. However, Liu Qianxue ignored him and walked out of the brilliant KTV. As soon as her back disappeared, in a short time, two people rushed into the entrance. They were Shen Muchen and crab with anxious faces.

No matter when and where, Shen Muchen is always so beautiful, a white dress makes him look so bohemian, and the crab is always so black, a black suit makes him black more thoroughly. The two of them stand together. It's like black and white.

I didn't inform Shen Muchen about today's affairs, because I knew him very well. He would never watch me go to the meeting alone. I didn't have time to discuss countermeasures with him. I could only come alone. But I didn't think that Shen Muchen and crab could still come.

If the appearance of Liu Qianxue and the elder martial brother made me see the hope in despair, then the appearance of Shen Muchen and crab immediately made me wrapped up by a strong sense of security, and the whole person's nerves were completely relaxed. I could no longer pretend to be strong. I lost too much blood and exhausted my energy. Finally, I was weak and my trembling legs had been supported I can't hold up my heavy body.

When Shen Muchen and crabs saw me covered with blood, they called out my name anxiously. When they ran to me, I looked at them and showed a happy smile. Then, my eyes closed, my head sank, and fell heavily on the ground.

I was in a coma, forgot my situation, and went to sleep peacefully. When I woke up, the familiar faces immediately came into my eyes. Shen Muchen, crab, Chen Haoran, Xiao Tianyi, and all the brothers in the organization were almost all here. They surrounded the hospital bed, and the whole room was full of people. I woke up, Everyone showed the most brilliant smile, the brothers kept shouting: "brother Xuan!"

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