The whole hall on the second floor has long been haunted by the voice of the brothers' common hatred against the enemy. Everyone on the scene is full of determination and determination. All of them are ready to throw their heads and shed blood. At this moment, I would like to thank the Wang family and his son, who have completely condensed the hearts of my organization members.

Although we are all full of energy now, we are eager to defeat the king's father and son at once, but I deeply know that this kind of thing can't be urgent. They have occupied this city for many years. This battle can't be fought blindly. This is the first battle in the true sense of our organization. I absolutely can't allow any mistakes. We must make a detailed combat plan 。

Fame is really important for our new organization, and it also needs territory. Now, this small bar can no longer meet our needs, that is to say, we have to have other sites in order to make the organization develop rapidly. So, the industry of Wang family is the best choice.

Therefore, we should try our best to take care of the court from the Wang family. The Wang family is different from others. Their predecessor was black, and their people were all trained by themselves. Therefore, it is useless to deal with those desperate people if we want to get the court of the Wang family. We must deal with Wang Tieshan, the helmsman.

Thinking of this, I immediately discussed the countermeasures with my brothers and prepared for the combat deployment. It was not until very late that we left the hotel and went back to school.

the next day, I went to Shen Muchen and told him my ideas. He also agreed with my plan. We sat together and discussed specific details. After so many things, although Shen Muchen has not officially joined my organization, I have already regarded Shen Muchen as a military adviser subconsciously. I will discuss many problems with him.

Of course, Shen Muchen is worthy of the name of the military division, and has unique views on many issues. Compared with him, I am full of blood, but lack of shrewd mind. Therefore, after discussing with Shen Muchen, I also have unique opinions. A lot has been gained.

My plan is very simple, not only to give the Wang family a lesson in blood, but also to grasp Wang Tieshan's lifeline, Wang Shubo. From the last time the elder martial brother attacked Wang Shubo, I can see that Wang Tieshan is really a child protection maniac. He pays special attention to his precious son. If he wants to make Wang Tieshan yield, he has to start from Wang Shubo.

To deal with such insidious villains, we can't take any aboveboard means. We can only be more insidious than him, so we can completely convince them. But after all, the Wangs have power in the south of the city. If I want to move him, I have to figure out the way back. Therefore, what I discussed with Shen Muchen is how to make the plan more perfect. After discussing with him, I have mastered all the general details Yes, all that remains is preparation and waiting for the right time.

In the next two days, the whole organization was very busy. Some of them went to inquire about Wang Shubo's dynamic situation, some went to prepare weapons, and some went to check the terrain. Haoran and I jointly funded and bought three second-hand vans from the second-hand car market. Although they were dilapidated, they still gave us great convenience as the first car of our organization Let brothers feel the development and growth of the organization.

Of course, we do these things secretly, in order to avoid scaring the snake. Anyway, after the ponytail to save me, the Wangs? I guess I also felt something. I was depressed and didn't take the initiative to trouble me. However, in the eyes of Wang's father and son, our loyalty alliance may still be out of the stream. He didn't care at all. He still kept business as usual and lived their life as usual. It seemed that he didn't pay attention to my small role.

On the third day of our plan, we finally got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. One night, a little sister-in-law, who was lurking in the brilliant KTV, sent a message that Wang Shubo was having a party in his own bar tonight. Moreover, she also revealed that there were not many people watching in the bar, only about 20.

This is a great opportunity for me. First, I can smash the brilliant KTV to suppress the arrogance of the Wang family, so that they can know that I am not easy to provoke, and the other is to catch Wang Shubo. This is the day I am waiting for. As soon as I got the news, I immediately informed the upper echelons of the organization that the operation began.

This time, the brothers have been waiting for a long time. As soon as they get the order, they immediately begin to plan their actions. This time, we only sent out 40 people, the top elites. Because the enemy we faced was different, everyone was equipped with a machete. Forty of us, who had gone three times, were lurking around the glory.

After we all gathered, I was alone, and slowly entered the glory. At the moment, the glory was at its peak. People came in and out of the door from time to time, which showed that the business here is booming. Indeed, in the whole city, the glory is famous, and many rich children like to come here for recreation.

I can't help but think of my last time here. My anger rises unconsciously. With this uncontrollable anger, I directly send a short message to Haoran. The content of the message is only two words: "do it!"

After sending the text message, I immediately put on my prepared mask and swaggered toward the bar. The guard at the door saw that I was dressed differently, not like a consumer. He stopped me and said, "wait a minute!"I raised my head and glared at the security guard at the door. In an instant, I hit one of the guards in the face. While he was crying in pain, I added another foot to him and directly knocked him down. The other security guard was about to do it to me. But at this time, my brothers, who were ready to be sent, rushed forward and knocked him down.

This group of 15 brothers, each face like me, wearing black masks, I led this group of terrorists, rampage, from the front door into the brilliant bar.

When we entered the bar hall, there was already a riot. I know that it was Yi Haoran and his brother who killed him through the back door. This is our plan. It will definitely make it difficult for Wang Shubo to get in.

Of course, the scene of killing the innocent people in the bar is more and more frightening to our guests.

After solving the small minions on the first floor, we went directly to the second floor and surrounded them. Our momentum was quite strong and the speed was very fast. We had a clear calculation in our mind. We must complete the battle before the people from other fields of the Wang family or the police came. Our principle is that we should make a quick decision without any delay.

When we rushed to the second floor, many men in black had rushed over with machetes, but they were obviously flustered. In addition, the number of people was not large, and they had no confidence at all. When we saw this group of violent maniacs, they also asked in doubt: "who are you? Do you dare to make trouble here? Do you know whose court this is?"

I didn't have time to talk nonsense with them. I waved my hand indifferently. Immediately, my enthusiastic brothers started to fight with these men in black without saying a word. Although they had knives in their hands, we all used knives here. What's more, we had the advantage in number and completely crushed them in momentum. This is the first battle of our organization, everyone With endless momentum. The more we fight, the more powerful we are. This fight is reckless and merciless. We regard these men in black as enemies of killing their father.

However, in terms of personal strength, the Wangs are better than others. After all, they have been living in society for too long, so even if they are at a disadvantage, several brothers in our side have been injured. In particular, there is a middle-aged man in a suit who takes the lead in this group of men in black. Obviously, he is the manager of the field. They fight fiercely, Jane Straight can not be more fierce, a row injured two people.

Seeing my brother injured, I took a Sharp Machete from a brother's hand, and went straight to the suit man to attack. I was in a violent state, and with a strong momentum, I hacked at him. And the man in suit also felt my momentum and waved the knife to block him. However, my strength was too strong and my hand was fierce, which directly drove him back and forth. When the man in suit didn't stand firm, I shot at him one after another, and I didn't leave any leeway for each knife.

Even though the man in suit is fierce, he still has insufficient energy. In the face of my fierce attack, he can only retreat. Finally, he can't bear the burden. I slashed him on the shoulder and screamed with pain. Besides his pain, I kicked him away.

At the same time, all the other men in black were killed by my ferocious brothers. Seeing the defeat, the man in suit didn't want to resist any more. He looked at me coldly and said bitterly, "you should know boss Wang's means. No matter what your background is, you will pay for what you have done today."

At this juncture, the man in suit still moved out of Wang Tieshan to frighten me. However, what he didn't know was that I was trying to deal with the father and son today. I didn't want to explain anything to him. I took the bloody knife and went to him. At the moment when he was staring at me in panic, I squeezed the hand of the knife handle and slashed him heavily again Two knives, merciless, chopped suit man paralyzed on the ground, speechless, I just stop.

My ruthlessness and strength awed all the brothers, and at the same time drove their emotions. Everyone couldn't help crying. Their morale was high. Seeing them like this, I laughed with pride, and then returned the knife to my brother. Then I went straight to the largest presidential suite in the bar. According to the information of little sister, Wang Shubo was in the luxurious box on the second floor.

Maybe we made too much noise. When I got to the presidential suite, a man suddenly came out of the box. It seemed that he was checking the situation. Seeing that I was wearing a mask with blood on my body, he immediately realized that something was wrong and immediately asked me, "what do you do?"

I glared at him, and without saying a word, I kicked him heavily. This man was kicked away by me, and the door of the private room was opened. Until this guy fell into the box, the noisy room finally quieted down. The boys in the room realized the seriousness of the problem and turned their eyes to the door one after another The second generation of attention, calmly into this luxurious presidential suite.

At the moment, I have endless momentum, all the people inside me are stupefied to see me, and I do not change color, with a cruel look at this group of people, soon, in the crowd, I swept my enemy, Wang Shubo.At the moment, he was holding two beautiful women in his arms. Not far away from him, he actually sat two old acquaintances of mine, Han Boyang and Lin Shihan, and her cousin, song Qingfeng.

It's no coincidence that a book can't be written. At such a moment, I can also meet this big conspirator. As soon as I see these faces, my burning anger becomes more and more vigorous, my eyes are already red, and the fierce light in my eyes can kill people. However, even though my momentum is strong, I haven't scared them. He may not know that the people outside him have been solved by us So, relying on this is his territory, he is still arrogant. Seeing that I hit him so recklessly and broke into his box, Wang Shubo directly slapped the table, stood up, and swore at me: "where the hell are you grandson? Do you dare to make trouble in my house? Don't you want to live?"

As soon as Wang Shubo's words were finished, his brothers who would fight also stood up immediately, with a look of covetous eyes. However, his arrogance had not been arrogant for a few seconds. Suddenly, a large number of people with machetes swarmed into the luxury suite.

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