The dozens of people who broke in in instantly, just like me, all wore masks and showed fierce light. This group of people was brought by Haoran. When they came, they immediately took my momentum to the top. People present know that we are a group when we look at our clothes. Now, Wang Shubo, who is arrogant and domineering, is stunned in a moment. He looks at us pale and says, "who are you?"

I was too lazy to pay attention to him. I pointed to Wang Shubo and called to my brothers: "tie him up, hurry up!"

In an instant, the brothers rushed forward to catch Wang Shubo. However, he was escorted by someone. Several of them immediately stepped forward to stop him and wanted to say some threatening words. However, they overestimated their ability and underestimated the strength of my brothers. Before they finished speaking, they were directly knocked down by my brothers.

This group of tiger and wolf teachers are simple and crude, which makes many people in the box dumbfounded. Many girls even cry. Even some young men are trembling and dare not move. They are afraid that they can solve the problem together. Wang Shubo himself was very fragile. At first, he wanted to struggle twice, but he was knocked unconscious by my people. Then the brothers put the sack on him and carried him away.

As soon as Wang Shubo was taken away, I immediately ordered all the brothers to withdraw in batches according to the original plan. At that time, all the brothers left here in an orderly manner. We moved very fast and astonishing. Such a kidnapping happened in the king's own territory in front of so many childish brothers. It was so frightening that the men and women in the box were stupefied and regarded us as demons.

However, after my brothers evacuated, I did not leave. Instead, I fixed my eyes on Han Boyang. He was cunning and cruel. I don't know if he saw anything. Anyway, he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, as if all these things had nothing to do with him. He didn't care about Wang Shubo being tied up. Similarly, I also understand that Wang Shubo is a chess piece to him, and he doesn't care at all.

Originally, I didn't plan to deal with him for the time being, but today I met him here, and my anger was completely suppressed. Seeing him staying with you wang Shubo, I felt that I was plotting something. He would certainly not let me be smart. Maybe he was thinking about how to use Wang Shubo to discipline me. No matter what, Han Boyang is a villain, I will not let go, Take advantage of this opportunity today to give him some color, revenge later.

Thinking of this, I immediately went to him. Han Boyang's mind was really deep. Just now, he had been calm and self-conscious, and felt that it was none of his business. But when I approached him, he immediately found something wrong and looked at me with a puzzled eye. I had no nonsense. When he was at a loss, I immediately picked up a bottle of wine and smashed it at Han Boyang's head Down, back to hand, I quickly picked up a bottle, with the same give up hit song Qingfeng's head.

Suddenly, there were screams in the box, and Han Boyang's head was bleeding because he couldn't prevent it. Now, Han Boyang resisted, but song Qingfeng couldn't help shouting. While they were howling, I turned around and grabbed Han Boyang's hair and bumped hard against the table top. For me, song Qingfeng is a small minion, and Han Boyang is a cruel character. His head is full of conspiracy. Maybe I am too strong. After a few moments, Han Boyang was knocked unconscious by me. This violent scene completely scared Luo Ziyi to be silly. She could not think that I would attack Han Boyang.

When she saw Han Boyang lying on the table, Lin Shihan was relieved. She immediately became angry. She was not afraid of me, a violent element. She got up and pushed me away. She screamed, "why do you want to beat my boyfriend and my cousin? They have no injustice or hatred with you. What do you want?"

No matter when, no matter what the situation, she does not hesitate to protect Han Boyang. It can be seen that she really has deep feelings for Han Boyang. If I put it in the past, I would look at her face and not move her boyfriend. But now, she has disgusted me. I hate her clear and high face, which makes me feel sick from the bottom of my heart.

When her voice dropped, I directly reached out and grabbed her neck. Then, my body slowly leaned forward, staring at her with my vicious eyes, looking at the goddess that I thought could not be reached, and said in a deep voice: "I never beat women, otherwise you will be useless!"

My tone is very sharp, without a trace of emotion. The voice is squeezed out of my throat and spread through the mask in the box. It looks very strange. Lin Shihan's face is white, and his eyes are full of horror. At this moment, I know that she is not so delicate and can even let me take it at will. I have no love for her any more The feeling of admiration, also don't bother to argue with her again, when she was afraid, I let go of her, then calmly disappeared in the eyes of the whole audience.

As soon as I went out, I didn't dare to have a moment's delay. I ran out of the bar and arrived at the place where my van was staying. I found that Haoran's brothers were waiting here. The other brothers had already withdrawn as planned. This battle, we fight very beautiful, I did not have time to celebrate, quickly took a van, the car immediately sped away.

As soon as we got on the bus, we took off our masks. Everyone in the car was smiling with victory. My heart was also rippling. I really didn't expect that the battle was so smooth that our organization got off to a good start. Everything was carried out according to my plan perfectly. We won the biggest victory with the least casualties.Of course, this is only the first step of my revenge. My goal is to win all the venues in Wang Tieshan's name. So the road I have to face is not smooth. I can't take it lightly. The car is speeding along the road, and finally, the car stops in the abandoned square behind the school.

As soon as we got out of the car, we saw that other brothers had arrived here early, and we carried the comatose Wang Shubo to the red house in the abandoned square. A lot of things happened here. I also want to regard this place as our rising place. Of course, we come here for the convenience of Tibetans.

After entering the abandoned house, the brothers immediately put Wang Shubo out of the sack. Then, I took out his mobile phone from him, found the number of his father Wang Tieshan from the phone book, and dialed it directly.

As soon as the phone was connected, Wang Tieshan's anxious voice rang out immediately, saying, "son, how are you? Are you ok?"

When I heard Wang Tieshan's voice, I answered coldly: "your son is still OK for the time being, but I won't know if there will be anything later."

My tone was extremely cold, but I didn't hide it. I used my original voice. Maybe Wang Tieshan was so impressed with me that he immediately recognized it was my voice. He said in panic, "Ye Zixuan, it's you who tied my son!"

It seems that Wang Tieshan's reaction is a little slow. I didn't expect that I had just raided his territory, and I didn't think I would dare to kidnap his son. I didn't hide it and said frankly, "yes, it's me."

Hearing this, Wang Tieshan seemed to be really flustered. His breath became very heavy. But he was still calm and threatened me and said, "I advise you to release my son as soon as possible. I can treat it as if nothing has happened. If you move my son, I promise you will die. I will not investigate your responsibility while the matter is not big And I'll hold down today's business for you, so that the police can't find you! "

Wang Tieshan is estimated to be Alzheimer's disease. He thought I was playing with him. I couldn't help but snort, and said scornfully, "listen to me, Lao Wang Badan. If you want your son to live, you can immediately stop your actions and let the police stop searching. You sit quietly and wait for glory, and I will find you. Otherwise, if you let me Knowing that you still have action in the dark, I promise to let your son die in the street! "

After that, I hung up the phone without waiting for him to reply. I was too clear that Wang Shubo was his life. As long as his son was in my hands, I believed that he could solve all the problems for me. Of course, I also wanted to have a better way. If Wang Tieshan didn't cooperate, I could also use the relationship between the director's son and I would bribe him to be light Loose put this matter down. After all, as long as no human life was killed, the matter would be solved very well. I am not worried about what Wang Tieshan can do to me, but I am very sure that he will not dare to mess with me. He will listen to me 100% of the time.

Just after I hung up the phone, Wang Shubo's mobile phone rang again. This time, I didn't answer it. I threw the mobile phone aside. Then, I took a bottle of mineral water and poured it directly on Wang's head. Immediately, Wang Shubo woke up from his coma. His eyes were illuminated by the light, and he was still a little unable to open. He was mentally confused.

I slowly squat down the body, staring at him, said: "Wang Shubo, remember me!"

My voice floated in the abandoned mine. Hearing my name, Wang Shubo's body couldn't help shaking. He immediately opened his eyes and looked at me in horror. When he confirmed that it was me who bound him, he said to me in a trembling voice: "I tell you ye Zixuan, you can't move me, otherwise my father will kill you!"

His voice seems to have no confidence, perhaps he also knows my ruthlessness, even threatening my words have become so fragile, let people feel very funny, I listen to after can't help but smile, disdain to him said: "I think you should know, Wanlong is my waste, then you still think I will be afraid of your father?"

As soon as I said this, Wang Shubo was stunned. He was so scared that he didn't dare to say any more threatening words to me. He just squirmed his lips and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. He looked extremely miserable. Only under his father's wings can he dare to be domineering and do whatever he wants. Once he is separated from his father, when it comes to life and death, he will become a counsellor.

I was too lazy to say anything to him. I took a hollow baseball bat directly from Haoran's hand, and then said to him in a sharp voice: "whether your father is worthy of me or not, I will teach you a lesson today, because you owe me this!"

With that, I took the bat mercilessly and swung it on Wang Shubo's body. I played very hard, and his begging strength was gone.

After a few minutes of beating, he passed out again, and I didn't vent enough on him. Let him spare him first, so let two brothers watch him here. Then, I took Wang Shubo's mobile phone, left here, and went back to school with Haoran.

When I got to the school, I immediately contacted the person in charge of intelligence in the organization. I got the news that Wang Tieshan really listened to my words and didn't dare to send people to search for me. Even the police didn't intervene in the fight and kidnapping incident. It seems that Wang Tieshan is quite obedient and does what I say, which makes me more convinced that he is willing to do anything for his son.I can be completely sure. Now it is only one step away from my planned goal. So, I dialed Wang Tieshan's phone again with Wang Shubo's mobile phone. Immediately, Wang Tieshan's anxious voice came from the phone, saying, "Ye Zixuan, I've done as you asked. What else do you want? I beg you. Let my son go. What else do you want I can satisfy all your demands

At this moment, Wang Tieshan, the old fox, was really flustered. Perhaps, he also understood that I was not a good stubble. As long as I was worried, I would dare to do anything. He was afraid that I would really abolish his only son.

Seeing him like this, I couldn't help but show a strange smile on the corner of my mouth. With this smile, I asked the other end of the phone: "where are you now?"

Wang Tieshan immediately replied: "I have been in brilliant KTV according to your instructions!"

I am satisfied to say: "you stay there don't go, I am looking for you now!"

Hearing this, Wang Tieshan was suddenly silent. After a long time, his cautious and suspicious voice came from the phone: "what are you looking for me for?"

When Wang Tieshan asked this, his voice was full of caution. I was afraid that I would treat him. In the face of his caution, I just said two words: "negotiation!"

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