Finish saying, I hang up the phone, and then, I directly said to Haoran: "I want to go to brilliant, you go to look after Wang Shubo, without my own command, no one is allowed to let him go!"

Chen Haoran looked at me and asked suspiciously, "elder brother, do you want to go alone?"

I nodded gently and said, "yes

Chen Haoran refused and said: "no, it's too dangerous. His son is in our hands. Why do you want to look for him? We give him a place to see him anywhere. It's too dangerous to go there."

I knew that Haoran was for my safety, and said meaningfully: "don't make so much trouble, Wang Shuzi, I have already taught a lesson, we have wounded so many people in the Wang family, and we have already revenged our hatred. I went to see him this time, not for fighting, but to talk about the contract. I want to go there with sincerity, just to take care of their court!"

Chen Haoran still stopped me and said, "that's not OK. You don't know what kind of person Wang Tieshan is. What should he do in case he ties you up?"

Other brothers also refused to let me go, but they didn't understand my good intentions. I looked at these brothers and said seriously, "you can rest assured. As long as Wang Shubo is in our hands, Wang Tieshan will not dare to mess around. Our plan is the last step to take their home. Because we are lack of territory now, and the Wang family has five large KTVs and three large bars. As long as we can get the right to care for the venue, then our organization will become famous and have a place in the eastern district. However, Wang Shubo is an old fox. He wants him to obey us willingly and sincerely without showing him my sincerity We are loyal, he can't cooperate with us, so I have to go alone this time! "

My tone is very firm, because I have already figured out how to deal with Wang Tieshan, an old fox. I can't be tough about cooperation. It will only make hatred accumulate deeper and deeper. After all, this cooperation is long-term. If it comes hard, even if he gives in at that time, when I release his son, he will turn back. So, the purpose of my trip is It is the most important thing for Wang Tieshan to completely convince me that he is willing to hand over the field to me.

If I get his territory, the organization will develop unprecedentedly. I must do my best. For today's action, revenge on Wang Shubo is only secondary, and winning their field is my main purpose. As long as I have Wang Shubo's card in my hand, I will definitely be undamaged. Therefore, no matter how my brothers advise me, I can't stop it Live in my determination.

After repeated arguments, the brothers had to compromise, so I took a taxi and drove to brilliant. This time, I went alone, but my mood was quite different from that of the last time. The last time I gave up my life to die, but today, I am so calm. I have the opportunity and have the confidence. There is no fear in my heart. What I have is firm confidence and a heart full of confidence.

About half an hour later, I reached the glory. This time, the company still put the sign of suspending business. However, I know that this is Wang Tieshan's helpless move, which has already been smashed by me. He has to suspend business. But this time, it is different from the last time. Only two people stood at the gate last time. This time, it is estimated that Wang Tieshan is afraid of my attack again As a result, many men in black were sent to guard the entrance of the bar to prevent being attacked.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help laughing, and then strode into the brilliant inside. As soon as I came to the door, someone stopped me immediately. It was Wang Tieshan's bodyguard, the dark glasses man A-wu, who saw me coming alone. He asked me, "are you alone?"

I nodded gently and said, "yes, take me to your boss."

Ah Wu looked behind me again and found that there was no suspicious movement. Then he looked at me again and went back to the bar for advice. In a minute or so, he came out. There was no unnecessary nonsense. He directly motioned me with his eyes. He turned and took me to the boss's office. The office is on the third floor. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Wang Tieshan. This old guy was too cautious. Even in this office, there were several bodyguards standing. These people gave me the same feeling as ah Wu, some strength. I don't think so However, my eyes only on the boss's table Wang Tieshan, went to his opposite chair, I sat down calmly, and then took out a cigarette, directly smoked, very leisurely look.

He looked at me for a long time. Suddenly, he stood up and yelled at me: "Ye Zixuan, how dare you tie my son and run to me alone. Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

I took a long smoke and casually replied, "as long as you don't care about the life and death of your son, if you want to kill or cut you, just do it!"

When I was talking, I didn't look at Wang Tieshan at all, because I knew that such a person was just talking about it. He cared about his son, so I was not afraid of him at all. Seeing me so calm, Wang Tieshan still had no confidence. He looked at me anxiously and asked, "what have you done to my son?"

His tone seems to be weak. The momentum of beating the table just now disappeared. I took a look at him and slowly said, "don't worry, he's ok now. As long as I leave here safely, your son can come back safe and sound, so you have to cooperate with me!"As soon as I finished speaking, Wang Tieshan's eyes suddenly showed vigilance. He understood that the purpose of my coming was not simple, so he slowly sat back to his original position and asked me in a calm voice: "say it, what's the matter with you coming to me?"

I said casually, "I don't want outsiders here!"

My words are simple and clear, but my tone is very solemn, there is no room for discussion.

Wang Tieshan understood what I meant, but he obviously didn't dare to face me alone. Therefore, he was very careful and asked, "if you have anything, just say it directly. These are my close friends, and they are not in the way."

Seeing that Wang Tieshan was so cowardly, I was a little speechless. I chuckled, stood up directly, went to Wang Tieshan, and said to him, "Wang Tieshan, tell me the truth with you. If I want to kill you, you people can't protect you. But you can rest assured. I'm here to talk to you. If I really want to deal with you, you will have been killed If you say that, can you still sit in the office and talk to me now? "

Wang Tieshan was suddenly stunned when I said this. His deep and bottomless eyes were staring at me for a long time. Finally, he moved his eyes and looked at the bodyguards. He said, "you go out!"

Ah Wu took orders and immediately took several other bodyguards out of the office. However, they did not go far away, but stood outside the door.

As soon as the door of the office was closed, Wang Tieshan immediately opened his mouth and said, "go ahead, what's the matter?"

I smoked the remaining half of the cigarette, and then said seriously to Wang Tieshan: "I hope to give you five KTVs and three bars to my management. I only need 20% of your turnover. What do you think?"

I went straight to the theme and hit the nail on the head, but Wang Tieshan immediately turned his face after listening to it and said, "absolutely not!"

I asked, "why?"

Wang Tieshan suddenly stood up and yelled at me: "Ye Zixuan, I warn you not to go too far. You have tied my son, which has touched my bottom line. I can sit down and negotiate with you, which is to give you face. Even if you want money, as long as you say a number, I can give you, but you have to see my field, is it because the people who dislike me are too poor to protect the field Son, I'm still old. I'm going to ask a group of students to show me the place. If I want to talk about it, how can I get a foothold in the river and lake? "

After listening to his words, I weakly replied: "so it is. It seems that face is more important than your son!"

As soon as he heard his son, Wang Tieshan's eyes flashed a little hesitation. He looked at me closely and said, "it's not a matter of face. I absolutely don't allow a young boy to ride on my head. I can't bear it. Wang Tieshan has been fighting in society for so many years. Although I have retired from the world, my name still has a deterrent Li De, is it possible for anyone to kidnap my son? I'll follow it. Then I have to change people to watch the scene every day

Wang Tieshan's words were obviously afraid that I would mess with his son, but he didn't want to give the court to me at the same time, so he carefully drew out this truth. Indeed, for him, our students are just a group of little farts. If he wants to invite him, I must think it is a shame. He is afraid that people in the society will laugh at him.

However, I was determined to come today, no matter what he said, I could not give in, so I looked at him very seriously and said solemnly, "I come with sincerity, not to joke with you!"

I know this can't move Wang Tieshan. He also looked at me seriously and said without any doubt: "it's useless for you to say anything. I'll tell you honestly. In recent years, I've used my own old people to watch the court. In addition, my private bodyguard team, the total consumption is even worse than asking a group of people to watch the game. But I still like my own people. I don't want to give the field to others, let alone a group of student party. I don't think you have the ability! "

His tone is very firm, do not give me any room to discuss, I also stand up and look at him, evil said: "but, your son is in my hand!"

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