After listening to what I said, Wang Tieshan's eyes became very fierce. He stared at me angrily and said in a loud voice: "if it's a big deal, we'll break the net. You're going to hurt my son. Your life is here today. Moreover, I'll ask your brothers to pay for their lives. You should believe that I have this ability. Since you are so loyal, you should not care about the life and death of your brothers? "

The fox is really a fox. He knows that he has caught my weakness. In fact, the safety of my brothers is really my concern. So I will take the initiative to find him this time, because I know that if I really kill Wang Shubo, it doesn't matter if I get hurt. After all, if I really kill Wang Shubo, Wang Tieshan, who loves his son, will surely die Crazy, when the time comes, our organization will definitely be severely damaged. This is not what I want. I just want to get his place to improve his reputation. I don't want to make a real killing.

Thinking of this, I said to Wang Tieshan: "you are so sure that you can deal with me. I also said before that you did not move my strength. Please don't make such a mess. At that time, it will not be as simple as losing a son. You should know that even thousands of people dare not touch me. Don't you think there is something wrong with this? I also tell me the truth, they are afraid of a little girl, she has a lot of background, so, Wan Jia's business is over.

People from all over the world take you as the executioner and let you retaliate against me. I want to tell you one thing. I think you have heard of mandala with your experience. "

Hearing this, Wang Tieshan's face suddenly became dignified and said softly, "if I remember correctly, he should be a killer, but what's the relationship with me? Do you want to kill me?"

I ignored him and continued: "the girl who came to save me that day is Mandala. He is my good friend. If you offend me, you will face the destruction of the whole Wang family. What I said is true. Believe it or not.". Of course, as long as we cooperate, I guarantee that you are safe and stable in the eastern district. No one can move you. You are still your big boss. Isn't that better? "

In fact, I don't want to tell Liu Qianxue's identity, but in order to suppress his spirit, I have to say that since Wang Tieshan doesn't eat hard and soft, I have to come here. I know that with my identity as a student, I can't bluff him. But to move Liu Qianxue out is different. At least, her name is prominent in the world. I just want him to weigh himself Have you moved my capital.

Sure enough, my words, directly let Wang Tieshan into dementia, he was staring at me for a long time, and I also kept Taishan collapsed in front of the color of the state, in this way, we two fell into a long silence, a few seconds later, Wang Tieshan's voice rang, he finally compromised and said: "OK, I promise you!"

When I heard this news, my nervous tension was relieved. This time, I really gambled with my life. Who knows if a bald man will have a sudden brain tease and mess with me. Even if the risk is great, I will bet, because I know that if I want to get a foothold in society, I can't be timid. Fortunately, these are not in vain. In the process of game, I have achieved After the victory, seeing Wang Tieshan's decadent face, I also knew that he was sincere in his promise.

Therefore, I also sincerely said to him: "boss Wang, you can rest assured that our gratitude and resentment from today on, we shake hands and make peace, I will definitely try my best to manage your field, will not let you down!"

Said, I stretched out the hand of friendship, and Wang Tieshan did not directly hold me together, again meaningful looked at me, said to me: "do you know why I promised you?"

Listening to his meaning, it seemed that there was something in it. I immediately asked, "why?"

Wang Tieshan sighed: "I'm not because of the mandala. I haven't seen any big waves in these years. I promise you, the main thing is that I like you. You really have the courage that young people don't have. I admire your mind and courage. I see a distinctive temperament from you. I think you will definitely have brilliant future Life, I am also old, do not want to fight with you young people, so I accept it

What he said made me tremble. What does this old guy mean by saying this to me? In fact, in my opinion, he promised me either because he was afraid of Qiqi's backstage or Liu Qianxue's identity, or his son's safety. How could it be because he liked me so much?

However, no matter what, the purpose of my coming here is achieved. Wang Tieshan also left the venue to me for management. I can see from his expression that he did not play any more tricks. As for whether his words are true or not, I will not guess. But if it is true, I am proud of myself and feel that I have found a new direction, which makes me more aware White, if you want to achieve great things, it is far from enough to rely on force.

Whatever he said, anyway, my goal was achieved. Immediately, Wang Tieshan's hand was also with me. I signed the contract with him immediately. As soon as the contract was signed, his son was on his way back. This evening, in the name of organization, I took over all the venues under Wang Tieshan.Then, as soon as the contract was signed, Wang Tieshan and I shook hands solemnly once again, indicating that the former gratitude and resentment had been cancelled from now on, and the friendly cooperative relationship would follow. Then, I left brilliant KTV.

Go outside, feel the air is incomparably fresh, this fire successfully achieved the goal I want, also achieved the sense of victory, tonight, for me, is destined to be a sleepless night.

The next day, I won boss Wang's business, which directly shocked the whole eastern district. My fame on the other side of the flower finally came to the fore in the society. And I convinced boss Wang with my own efforts, and my prestige in front of my brothers was upgraded to a higher level, which was convincing to everyone.

In the joy and excitement of my brothers, I put on a banquet for all of us. This time, we not only raised our eyebrows and puffed our heads, but also established the reputation of the organization. Some people in the society came to join me.

Of course, although we have reached an agreement with Wang Tieshan, the specific handover matters still need to be dealt with in a few days. Therefore, during the days when I started my name, I recruited talents from abroad to expand the number of people in the organization. Many defectors also came. However, I became a shopkeeper and gave all these matters to Haoran. I took a lazy time to have a rest.

After a few days' rest, I held a meeting with my brothers in the lounge of the bar to discuss the allocation of personnel and the improvement of the organizational system. Now we have become a small Gang. The state-owned Legalists have family rules. Therefore, we must have a set of perfect standards on the rules. So this evening, I was discussing these matters with the backbone of the organization.

When I was fully involved in it, the bartender knocked on the door and came in and said to me, "brother Xuan, there is someone outside who wants to see you by name!"

I was busy with the meeting and had no time to deal with other small matters, so I replied coldly: "tell him I'm not free now. Let him wait first."

However, the waiter hesitated not to leave, and weakly said, "brother Xuan, I told him you were in a meeting, but she said you would meet her!"

Who on earth is this? He named me and said I would call him. Although I can't get away from him now, the person who dares to say this inevitably makes me curious. Therefore, I said to my brothers: "you can discuss it first, I'll go out and have a look, and I'll be back soon."

After that, I left the meeting room and went into the hall. I immediately saw a person sitting in the corner of the hall. She was delicate and beautiful, and she was very attractive. This person was Qiqi. I immediately realized who the person named to see me was, but what did she come to me for?

With full of doubts, I went to Qiqi opposite, slowly sat down, and then asked him: "you want me?"

Qiqi saw me coming, just put down the cup in her hand and looked at me straight. Her eyes were very clear, without a trace of impurities, and her expression was also very indifferent. After looking at me for a few seconds, she said to me softly: "it seems that you are very busy recently, haven't seen you and your girlfriend together for a long time?"

Although I have dealt with Qiqi several times, we are still not familiar with each other. Last time her bodyguard rescued me, I was very surprised. Later, she also learned that I disclosed her story to Shen Muchen. I thought she would blame me for this, but she didn't blame me, but she didn't expect that she would take the initiative to find me today, and even asked my girlfriend That makes me a little confused.

Although it's not a secret that I have a girlfriend, Qiqi has never seen Ziyi. What does she mean by that? I was stupefied for a long time, then inexplicably asked: "what do you mean?"

Until this moment, I feel more and more that I can't understand this girl. It's really the first time that I feel that a girl will be so unpredictable, can't see through, really can't see through.

See me show such a reaction, Qiqi is still indifferent, she just gently sip a sip of wine, and then the tone of light reply: "it's not interesting, it's just curious, you don't have a school girl friend, why I haven't seen it once?"

After that, she blinked at me for two times, as if she was really curious about this matter, which made me a little speechless. Did she come to me specially today to gossip about my business?

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