I don't want to say too much about my girlfriend. We can't be together openly now. I'm helpless. Besides Shen Muchen and crab, other people don't know about it. This is also my original intention. For luoziyi, I have to get rid of the people in my way.

Now, although I have taken the territory of the Wang family, I have a foothold in the Eastern District, and I have my own place in the real sense, but I still have some difficulties in dealing with Xie Yu, because the person behind the scene has his own influence in the whole city. Now I can only temper slowly. Therefore, I want to be safe with Ziyi, and I have a long way to go We have to go.

In these days, I put all my energy on the development of the organization. At this moment, when Qiqi said this, I couldn't help but think of Luo Ziyi's figure. In sum, I haven't seen her for a long time. When I first came back, we were still together for several times, but since the establishment of the organization, we have hardly even called, Although Liu Qianxue told me that Ziyi was very good, but so long did not see her people, she really good?

In my recollection, Kiki said again, "what's the matter with you?"

I raised my eyes and looked at her and said in a trance: "nothing!"

Finish saying, I suddenly realized what, and then asked her: "how do you know about me and Luo Ziyi?"

I know in my heart, Qiqi is not like a gossip girl, she talked about my girlfriend, there must be some reason.

Hearing my question, Qiqi's expression was still indifferent. She looked at me with her clear eyes and said calmly, "in fact, I've heard of your experience, which makes me touch. That's why I regard you as a friend to help you. Of course, what you let me feel most is your love story. Although the ending of that person is somewhat bleak, many people like to talk about it in school It's just that I'm strange. What I see about you is different from what I've heard about you. Now you seem to focus on other things. All day long, you've been fighting and making noises. I haven't seen your girlfriend for once. What's the matter? "

Qiqi seems to be chatting with me on the surface. She seems to be asking me unintentionally, but I always feel that she has something in her words. She seems to really pay attention to me. What is the matter? I have nothing to do with her except helping her on the playground. There is no reason for her to remember me all the time. I'm not so narcissistic. I think this little girl will fall in love with me. After all, a big lady like her doesn't care about me, who knows how to fight and kill all day long. But I feel vaguely that things are not so simple. I even have a premonition that Qiqi's coming to this school may be related to me.

Thinking of this, my heart is more sudden and fierce, but I still keep calm on my face, I asked the waiter to give me a glass of wine, and then, I drank it down, calmed down the mood, said leisurely to Qiqi: "she is at home, I have something to deal with temporarily, so I didn't stay with her!"

My words are very simple. After all, my story is absurd and not a glorious thing. I don't mean to say it too clearly. But Qiqi is not generally smart, or in other words, she came to me, she had already guessed what, so, as soon as she heard my words, she suddenly became serious and seriously replied, "can I help you?"

A simple sentence shows everything. Obviously, she has inferred or known something. I didn't stay with Luo Ziyi because I was in trouble. So, she came to me today to help me?

I think it would be easy to deal with Xie Yu with Qiqi's mysterious background. But I don't know why. I don't want her to help. I don't want to owe her so much. The most important thing is that I want to deal with Xie Yu and her people behind her, so that they can look up to me. If this kind of thing needs a woman, I don't want her to help To help, I still have no face after all, will only let them more despise me.

Of course, the more important reason is that I feel more and more strange about this little girl, which makes me more and more strange to her. She seems to have no intention, but she seems to have understood everything about me, so she will offer to help me, but why does she do this? I just met her by chance. How could she pay so much attention to me?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the purpose of her coming to this school is not simple. Suddenly, I feel that she may be aiming at me, which makes me feel a little creepy. No matter whether she really helps me or has other purposes, I refuse directly and politely: "no, thank you for your kindness!"

For my refusal, Qiqi didn't care too much about it. She just laughed and said, "well, in fact, I came here to say goodbye to you today. I'm going to leave for a while."

Hearing this news, my heart can't help but leave? The school has just started for more than a month. She said she would leave. But it seems that she did not leave for a day or two. What makes me sad is that at present, I still rely on her to hold down thousands of people. How can I suddenly feel that it is not a taste?

I asked her, "where are you going?"

Qiqi quietly replied: "of course, it's home, but I don't know when to come back. I think you're on a dangerous road. You must be careful in the future."When Qiqi finished this sentence, she suddenly coughed. The cough was very severe, which made her pale face even more pale. I opened my mouth and wanted to say something. Suddenly, two people rushed into Qiqi from the door and directly said to Qiqi: "Miss, we should go!"

At this time, Qiqi's body was empty. She nodded to the two men in suits, and then she tried to get up and said to me with all her strength: "goodbye by destiny!"

After that, she immediately left the bar with two suit men. I watched her go without saying a word. Unconsciously, I also stood up and walked out of the bar. At the door, I saw Qiqi sitting in a black Mercedes. The car did not stop at all, but flew away.

When the car completely disappeared in front of my eyes, I suddenly regained my mind. I didn't expect Qiqi to leave like this, which made me not prepared at all. I was just thinking about the purpose of her coming to school and whether there would be any intention. But I didn't think that she came to say goodbye to me this time, and asked me whether I needed her help before leaving Help, her heart, suddenly moved me, the heart suddenly gushed out a speechless taste.

The girl's identity is mysterious, but her mind is particularly smart, and her heart is very kind. Now she is a very special girl for me, but this special girl has become a passer-by in my life. I always feel a little sad, whether it is because of her special attention to me or because of her sudden departure, I always feel something wrong, with this silk complex Heart, I turned back to the bar.

Later, I asked my brothers to inquire about Qiqi's friend's information, that is, the fat woman's mobile phone number. After a while, my brother sent a message. I contacted her immediately. As soon as the phone was connected, the fat woman's voice came over: "who are you?"

The tone sounded very impatient. As soon as I heard her voice, I immediately replied, "I'm Ye Zixuan!"

As soon as I heard my name, the fat woman's tone suddenly changed. She called me politely and kept saying praising words. I was too lazy to say anything more. I interrupted her directly and said seriously, "do you know why Qiqi suddenly left school?"

Hearing this, the fat woman's tone changed again. She said to me with a little sadness: "Qiqi's illness is getting more and more serious, and her body seems to be about to bear it. Recently, she always vomites blood at school. She looks very serious. Her family specially sends someone to pick her up, saying that she wants to treat her."

This directly stabbed my heart like a needle. Originally, Qiqi is really sick. No wonder she looks weaker than usual tonight. Finally, she coughs and feels like she will fall down when the wind blows. Now I finally understand why she has to leave all night. It must be that she has been ill for a long time, but her condition has suddenly deteriorated today, which forced her home Cut it and take her away.

However, Qiqi didn't say a word to me about such a big thing. When she started chatting with me, she still seemed so normal and even cared about me. Even at the end, she still wanted to help me. Why is this? She herself is so sick, why still have the mind in my body, this is why in the end?

I can't think of it. I really can't think of it. But on the phone, there is a fat woman's voice saying something about Qiqi. It's all about Qiqi's advantages. In the end, the fat woman is a bit choked, saying that she has such a serious disease. It's said that it's still stubborn and hard to cure.

The more I listened, the more my heart hurt. At last, I closed my eyes heavily and said to the fat woman in pain: "thank you!"

With that, I just hung up.

Later, I fell into deep meditation, and Qiqi's weak figure always appeared in my mind. Although I didn't have much contact with her, I was deeply impressed each time. She helped me several times. As the saying goes, I also know that she is a good person and an excellent girl. For her leaving, I feel some regret and even say goodbye I didn't say it, and the only thing I could do about her illness was to hope that she would recover soon.

After pondering for a long time, I still solemnly got up and shook my head. Then, I put my energy into my own affairs. However, this evening, I no longer have a burning heart, and my efficiency is poor. My restlessness may be due to Qiqi's sudden departure, which makes me somewhat absent-minded and always think about her in the end Who is it? Why do you come to this school? Why do you care so much about me.

The more confused I thought, I announced the end of the meeting directly after returning to the meeting room. Then I went back to school in silence and went to bed without eating. This night, I didn't sleep well. I had a dream that Qiqi died. I woke up from my dream with a cold sweat when I woke up. My heart suddenly became uneasy and inexplicable All over my body, I worried about Qiqi's illness from the bottom of my heart. I also felt that Qiqi cared about me. Maybe she really had something to do with me.

I didn't sleep all night. The next day, I immediately asked my brother to give me Zha Qiqi's mobile phone number. I just wanted to sympathize with her condition. After finding out, I called directly.

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