At the moment of dialing the phone, my heart is still very excited, but a moment of disappointment fell on my head, the phone is the voice of your call is empty number, I hold the trace of hope, in an instant, Qiqi just like the evaporation of the world, disappeared in my world, my heart suddenly has a kind of speechless The feeling of coming.

Qiqi's leaving makes my safety can't be guaranteed. People from all over the world will surely retaliate against me crazily. However, I'm not afraid of these things. Although Qiqi is just a passer-by in my life, I can keep me safe by her side. However, after she leaves, will I live with fear, of course not. How can I be a man of seven feet Succumbed to difficulties.

After Qiqi's incident, I have strengthened my determination. I can't let Ziyi wait for me any more. I must speed up the pace of rising. I must knock down the person behind the scenes in a short period of time, and then greet Luo Ziyi with wind, scenery and light. I want to let people all over the world know that I and Luo Ziyi will never be separated.

Thinking of this, my passion came back. At once, I raised my dispirited mood and put my energy into the affairs of the organization.

Now I have a territory and a reputation, but I still feel a little lacking in the number of people. In the next two days, I have been expanding the staff, and I have added a few fresh blood to the school. In addition, in Shen Muchen's Normal University, more than ten militant elements have been recruited. All these people have joined my organization without hesitation Mu Chen recommends to come over, have absolute strength, also be a few trustworthy person.

All of a sudden, the number of fighters under Chen Haoran has soared to 130. There are 520 elites and peripheral members in the organization. Although there are only 130 people who can fight, although the number is not large, there should be no problem in managing eight farms without making trouble.

For me, the more members of the organization are not the better. The main thing is the essence. I will never want waste in my hands. This is our consistent principle. Therefore, all brothers who join in, even if they are free at ordinary times, will exercise frequently, so that they can't hold back the people in the organization.

So far, all members of my staff are students. Although the organization has emerged in the society and some people from the community have come to take refuge in it, I have confiscated it. The main reason is that after joining the society, the expenses will be high. These people join in mainly to look at money. What's more, what's more, what's more, I think it's very difficult for social people to rely on Trust is not reliable to use.

Therefore, I still focus on training my student army. As for recruiting other social figures, I will wait until I have stabilized Wang Tieshan's field.

In order to celebrate the gradual growth of our territory, and the organization has been on the right track, I invited the senior staff of the organization and Shen Muchen and his group to set up two tables in the hotel. The atmosphere on the table was very lively. The brothers praised me and said that it was right to follow me. Even Shen Muchen praised me a lot, even he didn't think that I could So easy to take boss Wang's court, he can't help but admire me.

In the face of the praise of my brothers, I am not proud. On the contrary, I feel that it is not enough, because now I can't wait to do Xie Yu. I think the development is still slow, so I will redouble my efforts.

We had almost finished a meal. After everyone had a good drink, we left one after another. However, after a group of us walked out of the hotel box, we were attracted by a group of people outside. It seemed that someone was making trouble. Originally, I didn't care about this kind of thing. However, when I saw that the protagonist of the scene was Han Boyang, and he stood beside Lin Shihan Time, my steps will not consciously stop.

I immediately scanned the scene. It didn't matter. I was more and more surprised because I saw two familiar people, the tattooed man who made trouble in the bar before, and his boss, Mingo!

I didn't expect that the two of them are here, and some of their younger brothers are with them. They are supposed to come here to eat. But now they don't have the appearance of eating. They are all in a mess. From their conversation, I can tell that it's the tattoo man's problem again. After drinking some wine, I just met him when I went to the toilet Lin Shihan even foolishly molested Lin Shihan. Lin Shihan sneered at him, and then tragedy happened, because the tattooed man violated Han Boyang's scale.

In this way, several of them were besieged. Han Boyang himself is not easy to use. In addition, the security personnel of the hotel also seem to help Han Boyang. Therefore, this situation is caused. Originally, this is a small matter that can't be smaller. It seems that Han Boyang has broken face here and wants to find face back. This is a small matter that has been gradually enlarged After listening to the voice, he had to chop off one hand of the tattooed man.

The tattooed man was scared and begged for mercy. However, Mingge was very righteous. He swore to protect the tattooed man and cut off his hand if he wanted to cut it. Seeing him like this, I suddenly felt a touch in my heart. I couldn't help thinking of the time when I saved Chen Haoran, which was also the first one of righteousness. In fact, Mingo fought with him outside the bar for the first time. I was deeply impressed by him. Although we won in the end, his righteous action still moved me. I would let him go at that time.This time, his behavior made me look at him with a new look. So, seeing Han Boyang's aggressive appearance, I couldn't help but go to stop him. But I had just taken two steps, Shen Muchen suddenly stopped me and said seriously, "Arlo, don't worry about this matter, because this hotel belongs to song Qingfeng family!"

When I heard this news, I was stunned. Before I heard Shen Muchen say that song Qingfeng's family has an industry here and has a cooperative relationship with Wanjia. It is because of this that song Qingfeng knows many people, but I don't know that the hotel we often come to is also owned by Song family. It's a five-star hotel. No wonder the security guards of the hotel all help song Qingfeng How can they tolerate being teased by their cousins in their own homes.

It's really hard for me to get involved in it. But when I caught Wang Shubo last time, I beat them both by the way. I think his hatred for me has been maximized. So I don't care about more than one thing. Anyway, I can't get along with them peacefully. So I turned my head and looked at Shen Muchen firmly and said softly, "no It's a matter

Then, I strode to their point of incident, in Song Qingfeng arrogant to force people to death, I directly roared a voice: "stop!"

Then the gang all looked at me. When Han Boyang found out that it was me, he seemed to be able to spray fire in his eyes. He bit his teeth and said, "Ye Zixuan?"

I looked at Han Boyang and said with a smile, "ah, long time no see brother Han!"

When I spoke, my brothers also gathered behind me. I looked very domineering under the crowd. Song Qingfeng saw me in this posture, frowned tightly, staring at me tightly, and said in a cold voice, "what do you want?"

I licked my lower lip and looked at Mingge's group of people and said faintly: "what else can I do? These people are my brothers, of course, I took them away!"

When Mingge and his group heard this, they immediately showed a look of amazement in their eyes. Han Boyang didn't say anything. Song Qingfeng directly roared at me: "Ye Zixuan, I warn you, don't meddle in your business!"

I looked at them indifferently, and said in a frivolous tone: "I'm going to meddle in my business today. I'm taking them away. You can watch it!"

My voice is very cold, even now I am not afraid of them. The people I have brought are all capable people, and the number of them is larger than them. They will not be afraid of them at all. Moreover, my brothers are very cooperative with me. As soon as I finish my domineering words, they all show a ruthless look and a momentum of opening up at any time.

Song Qingfeng glanced at us, he was not a fool. Although he hated me, he understood that with the security of his hotel, he could not fight against my brothers. If Mingge joined us again, song Qingfeng had no chance of winning.

So, he stood there for a long time and looked back at Han Boyang. Although Han Boyang didn't speak on his mouth, he also indicated that he would let him go. Then, he put out his hand and touched the wound on his head that I had smashed with a bottle of wine. Then he gritted his teeth and said to me, "yexuan, I swear, you will pay the price!"

With that, he called directly to his people, "let go!"

I can hear how reluctant song Qingfeng is to let people go. It is obvious that he put the new hatred and old hatred together, ready to take revenge on me. But I am not afraid of him. I know that even if there is no today's incident, Han Boyang and song Qingfeng will deal with me, such as their insidious villains Play dirty. I hate those people who don't come openly and just play tricks secretly and take advantage of others to keep themselves out of business.

I disdained to look at a group of them, laughing and answering: "I remember what you said, I will wait for you!"

After that, I couldn't help glancing at Lin Shihan beside him, only to find that Lin Shihan looked at me differently. Her hatred for me was not hidden at all. I estimated that my attack on her that night was not light. She must hate me very much. However, she is worthless to me now. I don't care what she thinks of me.

When the security guard released Mingge and his gang, I once again issued a warning to the silent Han Boyang: "Han Boyang, I know that all the things before are you who are making trouble. You can revenge me, and I will accompany you at any time. But I hope you can be open and aboveboard. When you retaliate against me, you should be more open and aboveboard. Don't use despicable means, otherwise, I will use it More despicable ways to deal with you

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