Song Qingfeng is simply Han Boyang's cannon fodder, but the real thing to be on guard against is Han Boyang. To deal with such a villain like him, we should adopt the method of provocation. This incident will serve as a beginning to completely anger him, and then let him have a long memory, so that he does not dare to provoke me again.

In front of so many people, Han Boyang was beaten by me again and again, and his face was even more ugly. Besides, he could not fight me in all aspects except using the strength of his family. Seeing that he ate a shrunken appearance, my heart was also a burst of joy. I gave him and Lin Shihan a funny smile. Then, I turned and left, and Mingge also took his people with him He came out, and as he walked, he thanks me for saving him.

It can be seen that Mingge's thanks are full of sincerity, but I think it's just a little work, and I didn't say anything more. When I broke up from the hotel, I said to him: "I didn't say hello to you last time. Let your brother stop bullying men and women. Why do they still die?"

Mingge was listening to me. He sighed and said, "since the first world war with you, I have taught them a lesson severely. All the brothers have been scolded by me. The only ones left are now. But I didn't expect that they can't eat shit according to the dog!"

With that, he also kicked the tattooed man. The tattooed man complained about his wrongdoing and didn't dare to answer back. He lowered his head and chose to be silent.

After listening to Mingge's words, I can't help but be curious and ask: "in this case, why do you still have to fight to protect him, let him be abandoned, and then it will be long memory!"

As soon as my voice dropped, Mingge's face immediately showed a resolute color. He looked at me and said solemnly, "because at that time, they were still my brothers, and I, as their elder brother, had the responsibility and obligation to protect them!"

Mingge's words are sonorous and forceful. They are heroic and powerful. My heart can't help but be inspired. From him, I can see the faith that our organization adheres to and sees the real righteousness first. What's more, Mingge immediately turns back to the tattooed man and his group of people after saying this: "OK, since the storm is over Now you are not my brothers. What you are doing from now on has nothing to do with me. You really let me down. I don't have brothers like you! "

Tattooed men and their gang were frightened by Mingge's words, and they all started to shout: "Mingge!"

Obviously, these people still respect and have feelings for Mingge, but these crooked melons and split dates are really the mud that can't be supported. Anyone will lose confidence in them, especially Mingge, who regards righteousness as his belief. He hardly gives his subordinates any room to discuss, and says coldly: "go away!"

A word, deafening, but also expressed his determination, tattoo men, they are scared, affectionately forget a glance Mingge, then said with one voice: "Mingge, you should take care of yourself!"

After that, they all ran away in gray. Seeing their disappearing back, Mingo's eyes were red. However, at the moment, there were still two people standing beside him. I was a little familiar with these two people. In the last fight, both of them were obviously not the same level as those who killed Matt. Their momentum was stronger than others A lot more, maybe, only those who don't move are Mingo's real brothers.

When I saw this scene, to tell the truth, their affection really infected me. I had already seen brother Ming's emphasis on love and righteousness. He was a man of blood and responsibility, but I didn't expect that he was so bold. Such a talent is the talent I need. I attached great importance to him. After Mingge expelled his younger brothers, I couldn't help asking him:“ What's your name? "

Mingge originally intended to say hello to me and then left, but suddenly heard me this question, he was stunned. After a long pause, he began to reply: "Dong Zhiming!"

After hearing this, I nodded gently and said to him solemnly, "Dong Zhiming, I appreciate your loyalty and responsibility. You can mix with me and join my organization in the future."

Mingge a listen, eyes immediately flash out a touch of incredible light, he looked at me deeply, surprised asked: "you said is true?"

I see him, very firm answer way: "true!"

When I heard that I was so sure, Dong Zhiming suddenly stood up straight and directly called out to me: "boss!"

The voice is sonorous and powerful, without a trace of muddle and water. What I don't know is that under such a chance and coincidence, I accepted Dong Zhiming, the brother. No one expected that such a small figure would become the four famous God of war in the other shore flower in the future. Naturally, these are all later words.

The next day, the handover between me and Wang Tieshan was finally completed. I successfully took over all the venues of Wang Tieshan. After my last disturbance, his brilliant KTV has been renovated and transformed into a large nightclub, including a bar and KTV. I have to marvel at Wang Tieshan's wealth. This evening, it began to open normally. It may be to celebrate my joining. Wang Tieshan gave me a lot of face. The opening ceremony was very grand, with gongs and drums blaring, firecrackers blaring. There were many activities. The drinks were 20% off. It was just like a new business.Wang Tieshan's doing this has made my organization famous. Many people on the road have come to congratulate me. Of course, there are some people who have bad intentions. However, no matter what, our student party has finally got a place on the road. For me and all the brothers in the organization, this is a matter worthy of celebration.

Especially for me, I was so full of spring breeze and high spirited tonight that I finally realized a real elder brother's demeanor. Even if I met many old people on the road, I could still calm down and keep my king's demeanor. For everyone who came to congratulate me, I was warmly welcome.

However, just as I was full of spring breeze and excited in my heart, I met a very special guest at the entrance of the bar on the first floor. Xie Yu was wearing a black motorcycle jacket on her upper body, a pair of jeans on her lower body, and a pair of Martin boots on her feet. The whole person looked like a western cowboy. She walked up to me coolly In front of me, staring at me, charming said to me: "Congratulations, ye Zixuan children!"

In retrospect, the last time I saw Xie Yu or I was with Luo Ziyi, but since that time, I haven't seen her again, but her appearance has always been deeply imprinted in my mind, I can't forget her appearance. In the three months since I came home, Xie Yu has always been the driving force of my training. It's her obstruction to me that urges me to keep moving forward.

After I came back to school, I have been fighting constantly, the purpose is to step down on her, let her and her behind the scenes no longer look down on me, hinder me everywhere. Although I have power in my hands, I have not bothered her, because I know that the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and I can't provoke her for the time being. But what I didn't expect was that she took the initiative to find me. It seems that she really pays attention to me all the time. Knowing that today is a big day for me, does she deliberately come to make trouble?

I glanced at her and saw that she didn't look like a troublemaker, but from her expression, I could see that she didn't really want to congratulate me. So I asked with a straight face, "what are you doing here?"

When Xie Yu saw me saying this, she couldn't help but shrunk her mouth and said: "how can you do this? It's really heartless. Isn't your sister seeing you have a promising future? Why don't you welcome my sister

Her appearance is very pretentious. Although she is acting, she is not as calm and calm as Qiqi, and her acting skills are too bad. She makes me feel sick. But I know that in today's situation, I can't make trouble because this is the first day I watch the theater. It's not very good to make noise. It has a great impact on my reputation. So, I'm only strong Endure oneself not to let oneself attack, said to her indifferently: "Welcome!"

Two words, I said very reluctantly, but for the self familiar Xie Yulai said, this is quite a welcome speech, she charming smile, then, slowly walked in. Looking at her back, I immediately arranged for Haoran to meet the guests here, while I was chasing Xie Yu. As soon as she got to the bar hall, she pushed away a little girl with a seat and made it by herself.

I quickly sat opposite her and asked in a sharp voice, "say it quickly, what do you want me to do?"

I don't think Xie Yu would be so leisurely. He came here all the way to drink. But Xie Yu was pretending to be stupid and didn't hear him. He yelled loudly: "xiaoxuanxuan, what did you say? I didn't hear it. Can you say it again?"

The music in the bar is not noisy. The distance between us is also very close. My voice is sonorous and forceful. She is obviously intentional. I understand her meaning. So, I directly stand up and say to her in a loud voice: "come on, talk to me in the meeting room!"

In this renovated nightclub, I have an office of my own. On the sixth floor, in addition to my office, there is a row of rooms on this floor, equivalent to a hotel. It is a rest room for brothers. The rooms are full of daily necessities.

Listening to Xie Yu's meaning, she deliberately said that she couldn't hear me in the hall. She just wanted to see me alone. Sure enough, when I was with her, the girl in red gave me an expression that was interesting to you. Then she drank the wine in the glass and followed me to my office. In the huge lounge, Xie Yu and I were alone. At this time, she sat at my desk Face, looking at her, I still indifferent attitude said: "say it, you look for me in the end what to do!"

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