Hearing what I said, Xie Yu didn't even look at me. She just kept looking at my office and observed it for a while. Then she said, "do you think boss Wang is sick? How can you give the place to a little boy to take care of it?"

Her tone is full of irony, still very despise me, in her eyes, I always seem to be a mole ant, no matter what I do, she despises me, she despises me, Xie Yu's words make me very unhappy, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with her again, and write to her sternly again! "Tell me quickly, what's the matter with me? I'm very busy, I don't have time to spend with you here!"

Xie Yu saw that I was angry, and then straightened up, looked at me, a serious face said: "you said that you are a child so big, sister and no malice, just very strange how you suddenly mixed up in society, in the school mixed well on line, you a student, wandering into the society is so dangerous, a careless will lose your life!"

Her words seemed to be a threat, but I didn't care whether she meant it or not. She retorted immediately and said, "this is my business. I don't need to worry about it. You can take care of your own business. What I do doesn't need you to watch!"

Speaking of this, I can't control my anger. I hate being watched and managed by others. Even my strict father let me go and let me develop. As a result, this bitch not only interferes with my love, but also interferes with my social life. It's really too much.

When Xie Yu heard my reply, her face became serious and said to me, "it should be related to me. If you suddenly mix up with society, you will not have no reason. Do you want to revenge me?

When I heard this, my heart pounded. Sure enough, Xie Yu was still afraid that I would grow up and seek revenge from her or her backers. That's why she took the initiative to find me today. I looked at her carefully and found that her eyes were obviously not good. So, I was not polite and answered without any hesitation: "yes, you are right, but what I think is my own business, It's none of your business. You can take care of your own business! "

What I said was very confident. It was my main purpose. I was too lazy to hide anything from her, so I admitted it directly. After listening, Xie Yu's face changed. She said in a displeased voice, "you mean to fight against me!"

I snorted and did not speak.

Xie Yu continued to talk to himself: "little fart boy, for your good, I am to advise you, don't think of resistance, you can't fight us with your ability. Do you think that you can really have a foothold in society with a group of students? Don't fantasize. The water on that road is deeper than you think. You don't know how to die. Listen to me. Don't go astray. Now it's time to repent. How good it is to take your student party to play in school slowly! "

She said this kind of painstaking words, people do not know that she is really good for me, afraid that I mix the road accident, in fact, she is threatening me, want me to disband the organization, how can I be threatened by her, I stepped into this road is to deal with Xie Yu, overthrow Xie Yu behind the scenes, this organization I have gathered all the efforts, I can not explain Besides, I think the reason why Xie Yu said this was because they were afraid that my organization would grow stronger and destroy them in the future.

I directly refused to reply: "dream!"

Seeing that I was so determined, Xie Yu immediately turned over her face and said, "Suluo, don't be ignorant. You don't think that we can rely on the forces formed by several students. I'll tell you the truth. Today I'm here to deliver a message to you. She asked me to tell you that your organization will be broken up within a week, otherwise, she will make you unable to stay here!"

Xie Yu's Fox Tail finally came out. She was clearly threatening me. However, she thought I was too weak. The purpose of Laozi's organization was to deal with her behind the scenes. How could I be intimidated by her? I couldn't care about her threat. I stood up directly, looked down at her, and said fiercely, "OK, I'm waiting for you, but Yes, before that, have you ever thought about whether you can walk out of here safely? "

Xie Yu was angry when she saw me talking like this. She stood up abruptly and said scornfully, "hum, you can try my mother. I promise that your bar will not open normally tonight."

Her voice was extremely arrogant, as if she had been ready for everything when she came to me. I also know that since Xie Yu has the courage to go here alone, she can't have not prepared her own way. Moreover, I know in my heart that she is just a microphone, and it's useless for me to pay her. In order to fight for this breath, she destroyed the territory I finally fought down unworthy!

What I really want to deal with is the person behind her, the mysterious person who doesn't dare to show up. Thinking of this, I immediately showed a trace of playful smile and sneered at her and said: "don't worry, I don't move. You're not afraid of you. I'm afraid of losing face when dealing with you. However, don't threaten me. I've long ignored life and death, you I'll wait for you to trouble me

My words made Xie Yu's face red with anger. She didn't expect that after a few months' absence, I would become so bold. She held out her finger at me and said three good words in succession. Then, she left in an atmosphere.Looking at Xie Yu's angry back, my heart felt happy. However, when Xie Yu left completely and I was left alone in the huge office, it was quiet around. Even my heart beat could be heard clearly. A melancholy came quietly. I could not help but sit down, took out a cigarette and smoked and thought, saying that I didn't worry that it was fake. I was in Xie just now In front of Yu, I just don't want to be overwhelmed by her momentum, and I don't want her to think that I'm really vulnerable, so I can say those words. But I know that there is still a big gap between me and Xie Yu's behind the scenes. After all, people are very powerful in this city. How can I, a young boy, fight against her.

Originally, I thought that I still had a lot of time to develop and strengthen myself, and then to destroy her. But now it seems that I am still too naive, and the other party is not a fool. If I am not wiped out in the cradle, I will certainly surpass her in a short time. Therefore, she will not allow me to develop in this way, and will come to Wei on the first day when I officially enter into glory Coerce me, this is to force me to the end of the road, do not give me the room to resist.

The more I want to be more irritable, I really have a wolf in front of me and a tiger behind me. Qiqi is gone, and thousands of families will come to me for revenge. Han Boyang and song Qingfeng are still covetous for me. I haven't solved them. Now Xie Yu suddenly comes out again and gives me a red fruit warning. I'll bear the pressure from all directions, which makes me all under great pressure!

At the beginning, I knew that this road was difficult to walk, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult. I just started to prepare for the setback of destroying the heaven and earth. Xie Yu meant to give me a week, which means that after a week, my organization will no longer exist in any case. Only seven days, even if I have the ability to know the whole world, it is impossible for me to develop rapidly, It seems that my organization is going to suffer the most severe crisis this time. Although I don't want my brothers to accompany me to bleed and die, it is obviously impossible for me to disband it.

After thinking about it, there is only one way, that is to use the number my father gave me to contact that person. I can only place my hope on him for the time being. I didn't think I had to find this person. I wanted to live on my own efforts. I didn't want to rely on my father. But I found that this is a man eating society. If you are not careful, you will I can't deal with so many evil tigers and jackals on my own. It's not easy for my organization to develop into this situation. Therefore, I can't let it be destroyed like this.

Thinking of this, I took out my mobile phone directly and found the number that had been kept in the phone book for a long time. My first reaction was to call in the past, but I felt that it was a bit abrupt to make a call. After thinking about it, I still edited a text message and sent it.

The content of the message is also very simple: "Hello, I am Su Qiyao's son, my father asked me to find you, when do you have time, we will meet!"

I don't know if this person is a mobile phone operator. Anyway, I received a reply shortly after the text message was sent out. The content was very simple. I was given the time and address, and asked me to go there to look for him. There was nothing else. But between the lines, it revealed that he was extraordinary, and the address he gave was a nightclub.

I've heard of this nightclub. It's said that the consumption there is very high in the city center. I can't help but think about it. This person should be a little bit dignified, and all the places we've arranged for are of high quality. At the beginning, I still wanted to meet me as a small person, and I was also in a small place. However, people chose this high place to meet me, which made me think highly of me No, I should respect my father. Since I ask for help from others, I will go there!

At the moment, I didn't care too much. After looking at the time, I almost could have passed. I immediately called Chen Haoran and asked him and his brothers to watch the scene. After hanging up the phone, I left. For the sake of safety, I dressed myself up very tightly to avoid being seen by others. Outside, I stopped a taxi and rushed to the address he gave me.

For me, it is at a critical moment. Even if Xie Yu doesn't act, Wanjia or Han Boyang will always stare at me. If I want to leave my territory, I will be attacked easily. In such a tense situation, I don't want to make any mistakes, so I disguise myself.

About an hour later, I arrived at the scene and looked at the time. It was still a little early before the appointed time. I was not in a hurry. I wandered into this luxurious nightclub and experienced the feeling of rich people by the way,.

As soon as we got inside, there was a sense of shock. Sure enough, the environment here is really different from ours. Even if we are in luxury, it's far worse than here. Even if people who watch the venue dress in uniform, it's a real underworld.

This nightclub is really big. I wandered in it and felt lost. After a while, I found that the appointed time had arrived, but the person had not contacted me. So I took out my mobile phone and was just about to call that person to ask about the situation. But at the moment I took out my mobile phone, a person suddenly appeared in my sight. I even saw a box door in front of me opened, and a familiar figure came out of the box.

At this time, she seemed to have drunk some wine. She walked slightly, her face was red, her eyes were red and swollen, and her appearance was very aggrieved. This familiar figure was not someone else, it was my girlfriend, Luo Ziyi!

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